このブログの前半、[PTAを辞めたワケ#1] をまだ読んでいない方、先に読んでね。

Last March, I agreed to serve on the PTA council of the local junior high. 

So, I took some time off from the PTA council in October because the stress was killing me. 

[忙しい] から休んだわけじゃない。
I didn’t take time off because I was busy. 

休んだ理由は、本部のトップの方が、私は[忙しい] であることをわかってくれなかったらからだ。
But because the people at the top didn’t cut me any slack even though I was busy.

As long as those around you try to work with you, even busy people can serve on the PTA council. 
During the period of my leave of absence, the LINE attacks continued unabated. I got sick of it, so I left the group. 
But the attacks followed me to my private LINE account. 
Harrassment. Anger. Discriminatory language. It was all in there. 

“Why are you making us Japanese look stupid?”
「自己中心のあなたと付き合って場合じゃありません。] などなど。
“I don’t want to have anything to do with someone as self-absorbed as you are.”
So I blocked him.
I was losing my remaining energy to fight the fight. 
On November 20, we had a General PTA meeting. I attended not as a member of the PTA council, but as a parent. 
Our school PTA had a lot of issues to discuss, so this unplanned meeting was necessary. 
And there many parents, including myself, spoke their mind. 
When the meeting was over, I was summoned. 
As a council we needed to discuss where to go from here, I was told, and my attendance was needed. 
First of all, since I was officially on leave from the council I didn’t want to go. 
But more than that, the atmosphere was just awful. You could cut the tension with a knife. It was so bad we could barely look at each other. 
If I go, I’ll just get preached to again.
No way. There’s no way I’m going. 
But one council member, whom I respect, pleaded with me to stay and attend the meeting, so I did. 

I went out of respect for her because she was always helping me out. 

What happened at that meeting was not pretty. Just thinking about it now makes me want to throw up.
actually wasn’t planning on quitting. But while I was in that final meeting, I realized many things that convinced me there was no reason to continue. 
First, I had no allies. Well, maybe I did, but nobody said anything so I guess I’ll never know. 
I was harassed and bullied, but nobody stood up for me, or rebuked the people bullying me. I felt like nobody had my back, and the feeling that I was alone, an outcast, was overwhelming. 
also realized that nothing would change. Unless someone made an effort to end the craziness, there was no reason to stay. 
I finally solved the mystery of the PTA.
The PTA has been stressing out parents for more than 50 years. Most of the people around me don’t want to do it, and they feel there’s something wrong about the way things are done, but no one really knows why or what to do about it. 
By the thing is, in order to make changes in the PTA, you need an extraordinary amount of time and energy. 
And busy, exhausted Japanese moms have neither. 
Of course, there are PTAs who have a great time
serving and everyone gets along. I’m so jealous of PTAs like this. Unfortunately, there are also many with little to no understanding of its members life or work situations. 
So those involved in PTAs like this, both those unlucky enough to draw the short straw and those deceived into volunteering like me, spend an entire year going to often unnecessary meetings and put up with endless harrassment.
Totally sucks, but it’s much easier than trying to change things. 

And if you quit in the middle of your term, you will cause unimaginable trouble to others. And that is something as a Japanese you try to avoid at all costs.

Meiwaku. Gaman. Two words that guide behavior in Japanese culture. 

In order to avoid causing trouble for others, many endure a whole lot of crap. 

So it’s not easy to quit. 

The work of the council differs greatly from school to school. The amount of work required by my PTA
was massive.

I was the representive for moms. which meant that I had to meet other moms with the same
job at other schools once a month. Actually, I didn’t have to, I wanted too. The council totally stressed me out, but those moms were awesome. 

Unfortunately, those meetings happened on weekdays during the day, and I could only go once. 

There were main council meetings, endless meetings to prepare for the cultural festival, class rep meetings, workshops, and numerous parties. I couldn’t help but wonder why there were so many meetings all the time. 

And so many different names for those different meetings!!

In addition, we on the council were assigned several school events each that we had to plan and carry out. One of the ones I was in charge of was the school lunch tasting for parents. I planned it, and was the MC. It made me way more nervous than being on TV. 

I clam up and get super shy at these Mommy events. Definitely not my cup of tea. 

Then we had to have a reflection meeting about the school lunch tasting. Another meetings? Is all this getting together seriously necessary? I mean, most moms were extremely satisfied based on the results of the questionnaire we administered, so do we really need to reflect?

I was also in charge of coming up with a slogan and challenge for the kids to try for a week, something like no cell phones, or trying to eat breakfast everyday. I had absolutely no time to do this job,  and even thinking about it made me think I may break out in a rash. 

And, it was also my job to be the school rep at the Fukuoka Prefecture PTA meeting, but I couldn’t go to that, either. 

In addition, we were also told we had to show up to events we weren’t even in charge of, to support the others. 

The massive amount expected of me was overwhelming. I spoke out about it, and while others weren’t happy about it, they didn’t say much. 

I realized a lot of people don’t often say much. 
And because nobody can change things, the cycle of misery continues into the following year and repeats itself. My school will surely be the same.
It’s just too much trouble to talk back, so they just do the things they are told. 
I wanted to change things, but like everyone else, I had neither the time or energy. 
Maybe if there had been a like-minded person I could have done something. 
But I was all alone. 
I also didn’t have the energy to endure the harassment like everyone else. 
I mean, there was no reason to. 
There was no way I was going to sacrifice my work and family for a volunteer organization. 

I realized a lot. 
So I quit right there after having it out with those at the top. 
It wasn’t pretty. 
I felt like throwing up when I got home. 
There was no reason for it to get that bad...
It’s been four months since that day. 
I don’t regret my decision to be on the PTA council. I lot of good came into my life through it. 
Here are my impressions gained from those seven months.
1. PTAは、基本悪い組織じゃない。色んな勇気がある人は、素敵な改革をしている。
PTA is not a bad organization. There are a lot of courageous people making wonderful changes.
But there are also a lot of people like me who are suffering from PTA-induced stress. Since there are still a lot of unhappy, suffering people, more changes still need to be made. I have no doubt many of those reading this blog can identify with what I’ve been through. 
2. PTAは、良いことをやっている。交通安全や運動会など。。けど、無駄も多い。その無駄をなくして、必要なことだけを残したら、みんなPTAをやりたくなるかも。あのわけわからないくじは必要じゃなくなるかも。
There’s a lot is good the PTA is doing like helping with traffic safety and Sports Day. But there is also a lot of waste and unnecessary events and meetings. Maybe if that waste is eliminated, more people would be willing to take up the challenge of being on the PTA council. And that bizarre practice of drawing straws would disappear.
3. PTAは、あくまで、任意団体。会員も役員にも、ならなくても良い。PTA発祥地のアメリカでは、親は20%しか会員にはなっていない。
No matter how you look at it, the PTA is a volunteer organization. You are neither required to be a PTA member or serve on the council. Even in America, the birthplace of the PTA, only 20% of parents are members. 

 4. 私を含めて、私の中学校本部のみんなは、子供に謝らないといけないと思う。子供の前でこんなに争うなんてことは、ありえない。
Every member of my PTA council, including myself, need to apologize to our kids for our embarrassing behavior. Going at it like that in front of our kids is unforgivable.
 I’m greatly embarrassed that we are not being the model to our kids that are are called to be, and I hope they will forgive us. 
5. 私は、本部の母親代表兼副会長の仕事は、間違いなく完璧にはやってない。その失敗は認める。そして、謝ります。
I didn’t do the required work as my job as Vice President of the council. I own up to that and apologize. 
6. でも、いじめ、外国人であるがゆえの差別用語、怒り、などは許せないことだ。
But no matter how bad of a job I did, bullying, derogatory language, and anger are unacceptable responses. 
If parents are bullying each other, we have absolutely no right to tell our kids not to bully.
7. 保護者は、他の保護者に真夜中に電話をしたらダメだ。
Parents should never call each other in the middle of the night.
8. PTAが設立された時、殆どのお母さんたちは、専業主婦だった。今、殆どのお母さんたちは働いている。PTAの組織は、現在の日本社会には合わない。
When the PTA was formed in Japan, most moms stayed at home. Now, most of them work. The PTA doesn’t fit current Japanese society. 
9. PTAは、子供のために、と言ってる人が多い。けど、PTAの仕事で子供との時間が少なくなる役員さんがたくさんいる。多くの子供は、PTA行事よりも親との時間を欲しがってると思う。
Everyone says the PTA is “for the kids,” but I’m not so sure. There are many parents who see their kids less because of endless PTA meetings and events. I think most kids would much rather spend time with their parents than at events their parents plan.
10. 必要ない行事、必要ない会議をなくすべきだ。みんな、バリ忙しいけんさ。
Unnecessary events and meetings should be scrapped. People are just too busy.

I learned a lot. 
More than anything we must try harder to understand each other. 
People have different opinions and thoughts about the PTA. 
I think that’s just fine. 
But we have to learn how to talk to each other calmly and respectfully in spite of those differences. 
We as a council didn’t do that. 
That’s why it turned into such a mess.
If there is understanding, anything is possible. 
They may dislike me, but I don’t harbor any hard feelings towards my fellow council members. There were only two I really butted heads with. The other three were bullied just like me. 
We really butted heads, but at the same time, I respect them. Although focus was lost along the way, I know they were working for the kids. 
I hope that one day I can talk to them again. Now is not that time, but I believe I’ll have that chance someday.
I’m glad I was on the PTA council. I learned a lot about Japanese society and about myself.

And thanks to the PTA, I met many amazing people. I’m sure those relationships will continue even though my time on the PTA is done. 
There are many people who were there for me and listened to me. I am so thankful to them. 
But it also greatly traumatized me. I’ve completely gotten over it, but there are many who haven’t. 
I pray that one day the PTA will turn into an organization in which not even one person experiences the trauma I did. 
Let’s do what we can to make that happen.