
I wrote this blog about my Dad six years ago on his birthday. It made his day. 


Four years ago on March 25, my Dad suddenly passed away. Although the cause of death wasn’t the coronavirus, due to the pandemic I was unable to return to America. To make it worse, my brothers were also trapped in their houses, unable to go and be with my Mom. 


We were finally able to have the funeral two years late in September 2022.

アメリカに戻れないこと、そして、お父ちゃんに[さようなら] を言えないことは、言葉に表すことができないぐらい辛かった。

Not being about to return the the States and say goodbye to my Dad was so hard. 


But he is living in my heart. That is something COVID couldn’t take away from me. 


My hope is that through reading this blog, you’ll get just a glimpse of what an amazing guy he was. There’s no better tribute than that. 


Thanks, Dad. Love you. 




My dad is the reason I love words so much. 




I think he loves them even more than I do. He’s a retired sociology prof with a Ph.D. He reads books so much, I wonder if maybe he’s read every book in the world. But he’s a simple guy who never buys them. He’s best friends with the library. If he has even one free second, you will find him reading. 

From the time I was born till I went off to college, he was always teaching me something. It brought him great joy to increase my general knowledge of the world. On most days after dinner, my family would watch this quiz show called Jeopardy! and face off against each other. Dad won 90% of the time. I would think, “Why does my Dad know all this random stuff?” African insects? Russian food? Of course, the answer was books. Books. Books. Books.
ちなみに、たまに、私はお父さんに勝った。拗ねているお父さんが、[まあ、うちらはあなたを上手に育てたからさ] と言った。可愛すぎる。
By the way, on the rare occasion when I pulled off a victory, my sulking Dad would say, “Well, it’s just because we raised you right!” 
He also loved increasing my vocabulary by teaching me hard words. 
Malinger (仮病を使う) やubiquitous (至る所に存在する) みたいなバリ難しい単語が知っていた中学生は、私だけだったかも。調子が悪い時、ABG is malingering again! とニコニコ笑いながらから
I was probably the only junior high schooler who knew the words “malinger” and “ubiquitous.” When I was feeling under the weather, Dad would laugh and say, “ABG is malingering again!” 
ちなみに、私の家族中の愛称は、ABGだ。Annie Baby Girl の略。今はベビーじゃないけど、それでしか呼ばれていない。
By the way, my family calls me ABG, short for Annie Baby Girl. I’m not a baby anymore, but that’s still the only thing they call me. 
My Dad loves to write as much as I do, too. Although he was a sociology prof, he loved Shakespeare and writing plays. He has written and self-published twelve books. 
Thanks to my Dad, I love to write.
Thanks to my Dad, I love to read.
Thanks to my Dad, I became a university professor.
Thanks to my Dad, I also self-published twelve books. 
Thanks to my Dad, I became a writer.
No doubt. 
Today, I will have my first-ever book signing. I wonder what my Dad thinks of that. I’m sure he’s proud of me. 
Today is also my Dad’s 78th birthday.
Happy birthday, Dad, and thank you. 
It’s thanks to you that I’m on my way to my first book signing!
One of my Dad’s books.

My article in last week’s paper. 

Farewell on Zoom
