




I think all three of my kids may have the Type B Flu. My oldest, Mia, came down with a fever on Tuesday. She stayed in bed for three days. Interestingly, she had a huge appetite the whole time, bigger than usual. She was finally back to her old self yesterday. So she can go back to school tomorrow, with her classmates, who were all sent home last Tuesday to try to stop the spread of the flu. But yesterday, my youngest two spiked a fever. We took Abby to the doctor, but I guess it was too soon because the test came back negative. But it is probably the flu. Or strep throat. Maybe we go to the ER today if she still feels bad. 




Emmy was totally fine until late afternoon yesterday. She was talking our heads off about the pajama party she was going to that evening with her friends, an event she had been awaiting with excitement for two weeks. In the afternoon, I noticed that she was coughing a bit, but she had no fever and seemed fine, so I didn't think much of it. I took her to Daiso to buy stuff for the party. But as we were in the car driving to her friends house, she got a 37.5 degree fever. Seriously? What crappy timing. I called her friend's mom, and took home my sobbing youngest daughter. I showed her her favorite video, but she couldn't be consoled. I guess we may take her to the ER tomorrow, too.




This week is crazy for me. And really important. I have final exams at the university, and this Saturday is my presentation at TEDxFukuoka. I have been working hard and preparing for that day for the past two months. So, I just cannot get sick. Seriously. I had Type A Flu over the New Years holiday, so I have no desire to get B, too. So we are strictly quarantining the kids. And I am wearing a mask, something that I absolutely hate. By the way, how on earth do you breathe in those things? I always feel like I am going to suffocate to death. My students wear them every day, all winter long without a sign of distress. I make them take them off during presentations, because I can't understand a word of what they are saying. Maybe that should be my goal this year--learning how to breathe properly while wearing a mask.




Anyway, I am having zero contact with my kids. I put their food outside the door to their room like they are a prisoner in jail or something. Last week, Mia started crying, saying, "I miss you, Mommy! I want to hug you!" It was hard to bear. I can't comfort them. I always hug them and hold them when they are sad or sick, but I can't this time. If I do, I may get sick, too. To be honest, I feel guilty. Am I putting work and my TED talk above my kids? It is a mother's job to take care of her crying and hurting kids, but this time I am not doing it. I am only saying, "I love you!" and "I am praying for you!" from afar. But I am not giving them the hug they so desperately want.




I can't tell you how much I respect moms who pretty much raise their kids alone because their husbands are busy with work--especially when the kids are sick. They know they may get sick themselves, but they lovingly take care of their kids anyway. Rock star moms, they are. 




I know that I am a good mom, and that I love my kids. I believe it. This time, my rock star husband is playing the roles of both Mommy and Daddy. I am so thankful for him, and that he has a job that allows him to be such a help. I am a blessed woman to be sure. But if he gets the flu, what a mess! So I am always screaming obnoxiously at him, "Wear a mask!" "Wash your hands!" "Don't sleep with the kids!" He replies, "I am strong. I will be the last man standing."






インフルエンザ The Flu. Influenzaの真ん中の部分からきた。インフルエンザは英語圏で通じるけど、医療用語っぽい。


症状 symptoms


学級閉鎖 アメリカに、この制度がないから、単語はないかも。一番いいのは、Send the whole class home for three daysかな。バリ長かろう?


高熱 high fever


吐き気 nausea


吐く throw up; vomit; puke (スラング)


吐きそう I feel like I am gonna throw up.


寒気 chills


寝込む stay in bed


食欲がない I have no appetite.


インフルエンザにかかる catch the flu/get the flu


他の人に移るよ! You will give the flu to someone else!


隔離する quarantine


熱を計る take your temperature


鼻づまり stuffy nose


鼻水 runny nose


インフルエンザの予防接種 Flu shot


様子を見る Wait and see; play it by ear


うがい gargle (こういう習慣は、アメリカに全くない。)


喉が痛い I have a sore throat.


頭が痛い。I have a headache/My head hurts


だるい feel weak; listless


水分補給 drink lots of liquids


下痢 diarrhea


溶連菌 strep throat


インフルエンザが流行っている The flu is going around. バリ流行ってる時に、The flu is epidemicという。




So I ended up not catching the flu, and have a rocking presentation at TEDxFukuoka. I am really thankful to all the people who support me!