
**このブログを、4年前に書いた。自分の一番好きなブログだ。毎年の今頃、[反省] [振り返ること] と [理解] の大事さを考える。



Seven years ago, there was a song called "Toire no kamisama," or God of the Toilet. Do you remember it? I remember it well. Today I wanna write both about this song, and what this song taught me. The only thing that I ask is that you read it to the end. You will probably be tempted to stop reading somewhere in the middle when you get mad at me for my cultural insensitivity. But if you read to the end, I am confident that you will see my heart and understand what I am trying to say.




Until recently, I used to watch Kohaku Utatagassen, the singing extravaganza put on by NHK every New Year's Eve, every year. I like J-Pop music and enjoyed seeing my favorite artists, but that is not the only reason I was watching it. I enjoyed seeing just how bad J-POP idols were going to sing, or just how outrageous Sachiko Kobayashi's costume was going to be that year. In other words, I enjoyed making fun of it. It seemed that just about everything was over the top, and that they spent way too much money on the lavish production. I would take pictures of the TV screen of something I thought was partiularly outrageous, then upload it to Facebook with some humorous comment. It is not that I disliked Japan entertainment culture.  It is just that I was looking at Japan through my American eyes, and my American eyes said it was cheesy and over the top.




In 2010, Kana Uemura came on Kohaku to sing her song, Toire no Kamisama. I remember that I started laughing when I heard the name of the song. "God of the Toilet? Are you serious? There is a god in the toilet, too?" I didn't even listen to the song; I decided merely by hearing the title that it was a silly song. I remember that I took a picture of the TV screen, uploaded it to Facebook, and made some sarcastic comment making fun the Toilet God, and the song that was written about it.




Like I say earlier, I didn't dislike Japan. I had no mean intent and didn't know that I was even making fun of it. I mean, I love Japan so much that I have been here 17 years. I love the language so much that I can now speak it fluently, and I love the culture so much, that I have written six books about it. I thought that I knew Japan and her culture, but in fact, I didn't know nearly as much as I thought I did. I was judging that song because in my worldview, there is no god of the toilet.  So why was I blinded to the real Japanese culture? I think it was because while I tried to learn the culture, I made little effort to understand the Japanese worldview. I knew that in native Japanese Shinto that gods are everywhere and in everything. I knew about the religion, but didn't understand the worldview which causes the Japanese to believe what they do and value what they do. I made fun of Japanese culture, but the real fool, was me.




But that started changing about a year ago. I started to better understand the Japanese heart because I dedicated myself to learning about things that matter to the Japanese people. Things that I thought were weird suddenly made sense to me. I am not saying that I agree with everything or believe everything the Japanese do. I don't. I am just saying that for the first time in my life, I made an effort to understand things I used to make fun of. For the first time in my life, I stopped judging Japan by American standards, and instead of laughing, I listened. 




Last week, my best friend came to me and said, "Hey Annechan! There is this song that I really want you to hear! This song expresses the Japanese heart perfectly. From this, you can really see the Japanese worldview." That song was Toire no Kamisama, the song that I had made fun of just seven years before. My friend had no idea that I had made fun of this song.  But I did, and I realized that this was the first time that I had actually heard it. The fact that I had made fun of this song without even listening to it is unbelievable to me now. I felt like I needed to apologize not just to Kana Uemura, but the entire country of Japan. For the first time in my life, I listened to that song from the beginning to the end. After it was over, I felt sick. I was filled with regret at the old me who made fun of this song all over Facebook. I realized that this song wasn't even really about the god of the toilet. It was about a girl's relationship with her grandmother and all the life lessons her grandmother had taught her. 




This song expressed the Japanese worldview and a little girl's relationship with her Grandma. I mean, my Grandmother taught me a lot, too. She taught me how great it is to sleep in freshly washed sheets. She didn't have some kind of weird sheet fetish. No, I think she was teaching me to find joy in the little things in life. How would I have felt if a Japanese person had made fun of all the stuff she taught me?




I didn't make fun of that song because I was a bad person. In fact, I loved Japan. I was just incredibly ignorant, and didn't understand the Japanese heart at all. Many people see the way they do things as the norm, and if anyone or any culture deviates from that norm, there is a tendency to look down on it. That was me.





After I finished listening to the song, I apologized to my friend who loved that song so much. But she wasn't mad at all. I asked her why she wasn't angry. She said, "Well, I just figured that you didn't understand Japanese culture at all. I know you didn't have any ill will towards Japan." Well, that was very nice of her, but I still couldn't stand that person I used to be. It is a bad idea to make fun of anybody's worldview or beliefs just because they are different from yours. I am not saying that you have to believe the same stuff that they do, or agree with them on everything. I am saying that you have to respect them regardless because they are humans of infinite value--just like you are. The Jesus I follow loved everyone deeply. I want to be like him. 

I hope to spend the rest of my life to learning the worldview and heart of the Japanese people who have so generously accepted me and let me live in their country. It may take until I die, but I won't give up. But I still think that many J-POP idols can't sing very well....