


This is a blog from five years ago. 



Yesterday, 19 kids and 2 teachers were mercilessly gunned down at their school in Texas. 



2022 is only half over, but there have already been 513 mass shootings.



Five years have passed but nothing has changed. 






I’d like to believe this time will be different. 



I’d like to believe that the agonies at 19 sets ofparents who suddenly lost their kids will reach the ears of this in Washington. 



But I doubt it. 



Until America’s leaders grow a backbone and take a stand, the pain and sadness will probably march on. And they’ll probably be another shooting someday soon, somewhere. 



19 precious lives lost. And the grieving families they have left behind. 



We pray they find peace. 





Last week, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history happened at a Country Music Festival in Las Vegas. A 64-old man fired on a crowd from a hotel window, killing 59 people and injuring 527. I am sure that many Japanese are wondering, why on earth doesn't America just outlaw guns? And, how come nothing changes, even though these shootings seem to happen on such a regular basis? In 2014, there were 33,599 gun deaths in the U.S., compared to only six in Japan. To be sure, if you look only at the data, America's love affair with guns is extremely hard to understand. But this problem goes deeper than the data. It is a seriously complicated and controversial issue, but I am going to do my best to simply explain it.




The following is a list of the ten deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.


1。10/1/2017. ラスベガスの「ハーベストミュージックフェスティバル。」死者は59人。怪我人は527人。容疑者は自殺した。


59 people were killed and 527 wounded at the Harvest Country Music Festival in Las Vegas. The suspect committed suicide.


2。6/12/2016. 「パールスナイトクラブ。」ゲイバーで49人は殺され、50人の負傷者。容疑者は警察に撃たれ死亡した。


49 people were killed, and 50 were seriously injured by a shooter at the Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The suspect committed suicide.


3。4/16/2007. 「バージニア工学大学」(アンちゃんの実家から1時間しか離れていないところ)23歳の学生が、2カ所で32人を銃で殺した。容疑者は自殺した。


A 23-year old student opened fire on Virginia Tech University, killing 32 people in two different locations. He then committed suicide.


4。12/14/2012. 「サンディーフック小学校」20歳の男が子供20人、大人6人を銃で殺した。容疑者は自殺した。


A 20-year old male killed 20 children and six teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. He then committed suicide.


5。10/16/1991. 「ルービス食堂。」35歳の男性がトラックでレストランに追突した後、銃で23人を殺した。容疑者は自殺した。


A 35-year old male crashed his truck into Luby's Cafeteria in Texas, then got out and started shooting people. He killed 23 people, then committed suicide.


6。7/18/1984. 「カリフォルニア州のマクドナルド」41歳の男性は、銃2挺で子供と大人合わせて21人を殺した。容疑者は警察に撃たれて死亡した。


A 41-year old male killed 21 adults and children with two guns at a McDonalds restaurant in California. He was killed by a police sniper.


7。8/1/1966. テキサス州立大学では、元軍隊にいた男子は16人を殺した。警察に撃たれて死亡した。


A former Marine opened fire at the University of Texas and killed 16 people. He was killed by the police.


8。12/2/2015. カリフォルニア州では、会社の集まりで、夫婦2人が14人を殺した。2人とも警察に撃たれて死亡した。


A married couple opened fire on employees at an office party in California. They killed 14 people before being shot dead by the police.


9。8/20/1986. オクラホマ州の郵便局では、郵便配達人が、けん銃3挺で14人の同僚を殺した。容疑者は自殺した。


At an Oklahoma post office, a former postal worker shot and killed 14 of his colleagues. He then committed suicide.


このような、郵便局での銃乱射事件が多いので、英語で go postal という表現が生まれた。postal は郵便局の post officeからきた。go postal の意味は「荒れ狂う」という意味だ。


Many years ago, shootings at post offices were disturbingly common. From incidents like this one, the English term "go postal" was born. It means to "go crazy and lose control of your emotions."




There have been six different instances of 13 people being killed in mass shootings, but probably the one most well-known in Japan is the 1999 mass shooting at Columbine High School. Two students went on a rampage and killed 12 students and one teacher. They then both committed suicide.




From that incident, many schools around the country enacted stricter security measures at schools. Schools in more dangerous areas placed metal detectors at the school entrance, and all students and staff who enter the school now have to pass through one before entering the school. Other measures include an ID check at the entrance, and locking the doors to the school. Even in my country town, the doors to the school are locked. The kids also undergo lockdown training to prepare them for what to do if there is a shooting at their school. 


このような事件はたびたび起こるのに、アメリカの政府は、銃に対しての法律をあまり変えようとはしない。何故?事件があった時はすぐ、大騒ぎになる。銃規制の擁護者は、「何かをせんといけん!大事な命が奪われている!法律を変えるべきだ!」と, しつこく、うるさく何週間も言う。SNSとニュースサイトのみんなも声をあげる。同じように、銃を愛している人は、「銃は人を殺さない。人が人を殺す。」と同じくらいうるさく言う。銃を管理するよりも、銃で人を殺しそうな人の精神的なケアをしっかりしないと。つまり、問題は銃じゃなくて、メンタルヘルスだ。私の意見は結構ネガティブ。アメリカは変わらないと思う。だって、23人の罪のない小学生が殺された後、何も変わらんかった。どんな事件があっても変わらんやろう?様々な理由があると思うけど、大きな理由は3つあると思う。


These shootings occur on a regular basis, and yet the regulations and laws regarding guns haven't really changed. Why is that? For about two weeks or so after every shooting, the gun control advocates make a huge ruckus that something must be done. They advocate for changing the laws. There is also a huge call for change that floods social networking sites and news outlets. At the same time, advocates for gun rights repeat the same mantra over and over again--"Guns don't kill people. People kill people." They say that more than gun control, we need to focus on improving mental health in the country, that the problem is not guns but the mental health of those who use them. I am pretty pessimistic about the whole thing. I don't think America is going to change anytime soon. I mean, if 23 innocent kids getting gunned down didn't move America to change, what will? There are many reasons for this lack of change, but I will talk about what I think are the three biggest ones here.




In the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, the right to keep and bear arms (guns) is protected by law. To patriotic Americans, this is the Holy Grail, the most important thing in the world. More than anything, patriots respect and value the U.S. Constitution. So whatever is written in the Constitution is unbreakable law, and the Constitution says that Americans have the right to own guns. When the Constitution was drafted, the only guns around were muskets. They were simple, and muzzle-loaded, so there was no way to kill a lot of people at once with those. Since there were no assualt rifles or machine guns, many say that the amendment doesn't really apply to modern America. Of course, there are lots of gun owners who do think that gun regulations should be stricter. But regulations on buying guns vary from state to state and city to city, so that is not something I want to get into here.




They are two things in particular I want you to remember. First, to those who love guns, the fact that the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution is more important than anything. By the way, how many Americans actually have a gun in their house? Maybe you think that almost everyone does, but that is nowhere near the case. In 2016, 36% of American households had a gun, down dramatically from 53% in 1994. The other thing I want you to remember is, that regulations regarding the purchase of guns vary from state to state, and the type of gun that is being sold. These regulations include mandatory background checks and waiting periods. But seriously, if you really want to get your hands on a gun, you can. If you are unable to buy one at a regular gun shop, you can buy one in other legal ways like at gun shows, or illegal ones like those sold on the street. In America, if you really want to murder a large number of people, it is not all that hard to get the weapon to do it. And it is pretty hard for the police to stop it.


2。NRA (全米ライフル協会)はすごく政治の影響力がバリバリある。いろんな活動をしているけど、1番主なのは、銃を所持する権利を守ることだ。今朝Yahoo!ニュースで読んだ記事の中には、このような文章が書いてあった。「全米ライフル協会の指示を受けるトランプさんは。。。。規則議論を加速する可能性は低い。」(4)  ええ?この世で一番力を持っている人は、全米ライフル協会の指示を受けるわけ?なんてパワーのある団体やろう?


The National Rifle Association (NRA) has an extraordinary amount of political power in the U.S. They are involved in many things, but their main objective is protecting the right to bear arms. This morning, as I was reading an article on Yahoo! Japan's website, it said that because President Trump does what the NRA tells him to do, there is little chance that any dicussion about changing gun control laws will happen anytime soon. Yep, that sounds right to me. The NRA wields enough power to influence the decision making of the most powerful man on the planet. 




The NRA was founded in 1871, and began lobbying activities in 1975. They now have more than 5000 members, and an immeasurable amount of political clout. Most presidents in the past 40 years have been influenced at least in part by the NRA. I think that as long as this organization has so much power, there is little chance there will be any change to American gun control laws. Americans are very divided on this issue, and there are many who are exasperated with the power of the NRA and the lack of change to existing gun laws. So while there are many supporting the NRA, there are just as many or more who long for change and an end to the killing. 




This is a really complicated problem. Before I came to Japan, I never really thought much about gun control, but seeing how crazy America looks from the Japanese perspective has really made me think. My country hometown in Virginia is crazy about guns, so it goes without saying that there are a lot of people there who own guns. They have several in their homes, and often go deer hunting. Deer hunting is really important to the people of my hometown. Going hunting together is one of the main ways that people bond, and a father teaching his son how to hunt is not only a rite of passage to adulthood, but an important aspect of father-son bonding. These hunters are responsible gun owners, and I understand why they are afraid that the right to own a gun will be taken away from them. They also want the right to protect themselves if someone were to invade their homes. And, lastly, many Americans want the goverment to stay out of their lives. They want to live in freedom with their guns, and they don't want the government telling them what to do.


3.  個人主義。何もしないと、この事件は永遠に続くに決まっている。何で、アメリカは小さい子供の命も、ハンターの権利も同時に守ることができないの?このまま続くと、人生の可能性が溢れている数百人は、近いうちに死んでしまう。可能性は無限にある子供も殺されてしまう。私は、専門家じゃないからどうしたらいいかわからない。けど、何かをしないといけないことって誰でもわかると思う。


If we don't do something, these shootings are just going to keep happening. Why can't America find a way to protect hunter's rights and innocent little kids at the same time? If things continue on like they are, countless lives with endless possiblities are going to be snuffed out. Children with limitless dreams and futures are going to continue to be killed. I am not a gun expert so I have no idea what to do about this problem, but I know we have to do something. Anyone can see that.




If we can just set aside the issue of the Constitution for a minute, I want to tell you what I think the main problem is--the basic self-centered tendencies of the American population. Namely, many people don't want to give up their individual rights for the good of the group. You see this regarding changing the national health care system, too. Instead of thinking about the millions of uninsured, many people just think about how reform willl impact their own lives, like worrying their monthly premiums may go up. How is it that every developed country on earth (except America) has figured out a way to provide reasonable health care for its citizens?  Gun control is the same. Many gun rights advocates lightly brush off mass shootings as a mental healthcare issue, and absolve the actual gun of all wrongdoing. If they would only give in a little, big change would come, but the self-centered tendencies of America make this unlikely to happen. 




Several years ago, every public servant in Fukuoka had his pay cut 8-10% for eight months to help pay for reconstruction in the tsunmai-devastated Tohoku region. While it hurt and no one was happy about it, everyone realized that it was for the good of the nation, so they accepted it. Salaries were returned to normal eight months later. I doubt a mandatory, across the board pay cut would fly in America. Japan's focus on the group at the expense of the individual can be detrimental at times, but in this case, I think it is awesome.




Of course, there are many selfless people in America, and I don't mean to put the entire country in a box. To be sure, the amount of money that Americans give to charity is something that I think the Japanese could learn from. But they want to choose what sacrifices to make, not have the government choose for them. They want to decide how to use their money and their time, and hate it when the government decides for them.



Those demanding change and stricter gun control are raising their voices louder than ever. Many, many Americans, including most the people I know, are in favor of stricter gun control. We can only hope that their voices reach the ears of those who can change things. 




I love America, but man, they have to do something about all the guns. To be honest, I am not hopeful and I am not expecting anything to change. These sorts of things have been going on for years, and hundreds of people have lost their lives, yet nothing has changed. I love America, but to be honest, I don't want to raise my kids in a country where they may be gunned down at school, and they are scarred by mandatory lockdown training. I love America, but to be honest, I am sad that the country of my birth is being destroyed by selfishness. I love America, but the only thing I can do to help her is to pray.


(1) http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-38365729



(2) http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/02/us/las-vegas-attack-deadliest-us-mass-shooting-trnd/index.html






(4) https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20171003-00000515-san-n_ame









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