

I am the quintessential country girl. I flew on an airplane for the first time in my life after I graduated from college, which was just slightly after I ate rice for the first time in my life. I remember that flight well. I flew a discount carrier called ValuJet up to Boston to visit a graduate school I wanted to attend. The following week, a ValuJet plane crashed in the Florida Everglades, and that was the end of ValuJet. While that crash so soon after my first flight was scary, it didn't deter me from wanting to travel. I studied French for four years in high school, so I had that high school dream of one day going to Paris--but I never once thought about going to Asia. Speaking of French, I totally stink at it. Even though I took four years of classes, the only things I remember are the ABC song and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. I feel like I need to apologize to my French teacher mother, who tried hard to help her linguistically-challenged daughter. So, how did this country girl from the boonies of Virginia end up crazy about Japan? I'm sure you are dying to find out. In today's blog I want to write about the first half of my 20-year love story with the Land of the Rising Sun.




As soon as I graduated from college, I took my first trip abroad. I did a short-term missions trip to Hong Kong and China. I remember that my senses were assaulted with things I had never experienced before. The sounds, smells, people, scenery, air, and food were all new to me. I loved it there, but I just couldn't stomach Chinese food. It was so oily and greasy, so I ended up at McDonalds most every day. While I would never eat at McDonalds in the U.S., there was something comforting about the Golden Arches and the wafting smell of French fries. Despite my disdain for Chinese food, I fell in love with the Chinese people. I just knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life in China. (I am impulsive about pretty much everything in life.) I know it sounds ridiculous that I can decide the direction of my life in three weeks, but that is the kind of gal I am. So on my way home, I bought a Chinese textbook at the airport, and began my langauge prepartation for my soon-to-be new home. I also enrolled in a M.A. program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston.





Before leaving for Japan. Mysteriously, I'm pointing at Kyushu, even though we were going to Kobe....(1997)



Finally put a ring on it. 


 While I was in seminary, I attended this huge Christian conference in Illinois called Urbana. It was there that I met this totally hot Filipino-American guy named Riz. I mean, he was hot. So, since I am impulsive about pretty much everything I do, I proceeded to quickly fall in love with him. Only, I am a Christian, and I had this sneaking suspicison that it was God's plan to bring us together. The problem was, he didn't have the same conviction. Drat. I mean, he liked me and all, but he wasn't in a rush to get to the altar like I was. But that hesitation didn't last long. A mere five weeks after we started dating, Riz proposed to me. He had no ring, though, since he can be impulsive, too. He made up for that a couple weeks later, when he invited me to play catch. When it was his turn to toss the ball, he threw me a ring box instead. Score. Anyway, not only had we only been dating five weeks, but those five weeks were all long-distance. Riz lived a couple of hours away from Chicago, and I was in Boston, which was about a 14-hour drive away. Both our families and most of our friends were convinced we had gone crazy, but since we both knew that this was God's plan for us, we had a peace in our hearts.




Shortly after getting engaged


とにかく、結婚することを決めた。リズは大学でアジア研究を専門にしたから、日本に行きたくてたまらんかった。婚約してすぐ、リズはJET Programの先生として日本に行くことになった。JET Programは文科省が運営しているプログラマです。毎年、英語が母国語の人を何千人も採用して、全国の学校に派遣する。私はまだ中国に行く気満々やったけど、田舎ものだから、まあ、中国と日本はあまり変わらんくない?と思った。[よしっ!日本に行くぞ!] とまた衝動的に決めた。田舎もののアンちゃんはお母さんに、「ね、ママ。私は神学を休学して、日本に行くバイ!そして、結婚もする」と言った。お母さんはあまりにもビックリしすぎて超心配したけど、私の



Anyways, we had decided to get married and that was that. Riz majored in Asian studies at university, so he was dying to live and work in Japan. So, soon after we got engaged, he was hired by the JET Program to be an English teacher in a Japanese high school. I was still motivated to go to China, but since I am a redneck from the boonies, I figured that Japan was close enough. I mean, it couldn't be that much different, right? So, once again, impulsive Anne made an impulsive decision. Off to Japan I would go. So I went to my poor mom and said, "Hey Mom. I am going to take some time off from seminary and move to Japan. And, oh yeah. I am getting married, too." My mom was both worried and shocked, but she knows how strong-willed I am, so she soon resigned herself to my departure. So, I left on my Japan adventure in September 1997.  



My parents, who have always loved me despite my incredibly impulsive behavior.







Cheesy wedding picture.


Riz lived in the northern part of Kobe city, and I was staying with a Japanese host family in the city of Amagasaki, about an hour away. I really thought I was going to die during my first six months. What the heck is this mysterious place anyway? Why don't they say what they mean? Why are the houses so cold you could possibly die? Why does the food taste so bad? There were many foods I wouldn't eat, but seafood was the worst. I refused to eat anything that came out of the ocean--fish, sushi, shrimp, any kind of seaweed, and most rice balls. I survived mainly on cereal and McDonalds, so I quickly put on five kilos. My questions were endless, and my culture shock, severe.  I eventually found a job teaching English to kids at a school based in Osaka. We got married a year later, and started to live together--finally. Little by little, my Japanese started to improve, I started to like the food a little (I still wouldn't eat fishy stuff), and life in Japan became much more enjoyable. Riz's contract was up in the summer of 2000, so we headed back to the U.S. While we had both enjoyed our time in Japan, neither of us had any plans to ever return.


Check back tomorrow for the rest of the story.....


Some of my students in Kobe.