【医療保険】2020年のペナルティについて | アメリカ人事®︎ | 保険と労務 | アメリカの社労士的存在。

アメリカ人事®︎ | 保険と労務 | アメリカの社労士的存在。

アメリカ人事 | アメリカはめまぐるしく法律が変わり、訴訟も多く、人事の問題はかっこよく解決というわけにもいかないことが沢山。






医療保険を提供していても政府の補助を受けて医療保険に加入している従業員がいた場合、1名あたり$3,750の罰金。この$3,750の罰金を逃れるためには従業員1名あたりの自己負担額を$101.79以下にすることによってSafe Harborと言って「従業員の負担が大きすぎることによる$3,750のペナルティ」からは必ず免除されるようにすることが出来ます。下記の2020 FPL Safe Harborの金額を御確認下さい。



2020 ACA Penalties

Employers should expect higher penalties for ACA violations, advised Basic HR Compliance & Technology, an ACA compliance software and services firm. The IRS has begun "aggressive enforcement of the ACA," sending out Letter 226J penalty notices for noncompliance with the employer shared responsibility payment provision, the firm noted.

The Department of Health and Human Services issued the 2020 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters final rule in April 2019, and based on the inflation-adjustment factor in the final rule, compliance advisers project that the ACA 2020 penalty amounts, adjusted annually from the initial penalties set in 2014, will be as follows:

  • The Section 4980H(a) penalty is expected to increase from $2,320 per employee to $2,500 per employee. This penalty is imposed on employers who fail to offer full-time employees and their dependent children the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage sponsored by the employer if at least one full-time employee obtains a premium tax credit for insurance purchased through an ACA marketplace exchange.
  • The Section 4980H(b) penalty is expected to increase from $3,480 per employee to $3,750 per employee. This penalty is imposed on employers whose plan fails to meet the affordability and minimum value requirements.

Other ACA penalties, including failure to file Form 1095 with the IRS and failure-to-furnish forms to employees, are expected to increase from $260 to $270 per return.



2020 FPL Safe Harbor

Plan Calendar Year Prior Year's Federal Poverty Level
(One-Person Household)
Affordability Percentage Maximum Monthly Contribution
2020 $12,490 9.78% $101.79