Black Swan! | Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

Black Swan!

I went to go see the movie: BLACK SWAN

with my friend Tiare the other day.

We were pretty much screaming,

covering our eyes and wondering

what was really going on throughout

the entire movie. ショック!

My shoulders were super tensed up!

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

Natalie Portman did a great job

(she's such a terrific actress) and the movie

was brilliant! クラッカー

You gotta go check it out! グッド!

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba


映画、BLACK SWANを観に行きました。





この映画は、まさに芸術です! クラッカー

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

絶対に観に行った方が良いですよ! グッド!