Japanese Oyado, Morigen! | Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

Japanese Oyado, Morigen!

When I travel throughout Japan, I usually stay

in a more traditional-style of Japanese hotel

called oyado. べーっだ!

These tend to be closer to inns than hotels, and

there are many, but especially so in the countryside.

Whenever I stay in one, I feel a little closer to the

culture of Japan which is why I tend to pick them

and various minshuku over the larger hotel chains.

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日本に来たら、ホテルよりもお宿が良いですよね! もみじ



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Anyhow, I stayed at this very cute oyado

in Tango, Kyoto called Morigen.

This is a very old and traditional yado and

felt very Japanese, if you know what I mean.

Older Japanese houses tend to have a yard

in the middle, called a nakaniwa -- something

I really like because it feels like you are outside,

even though you are inside your house! 霧

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Kyoto is also famous for their crab,

which is superbly onolicious. クラッカー

Of course I had to have some...

or maybe I had a lot...haha. にひひ

I actually ended up eating crab all night long!

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蟹ずくし!!! にひひ


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There is also great tofu here, too.

Look at this pot made specifically for tofu

and the accompanying sauce.

It totally keeps the sauce hot!

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これなんてgood idea! ひらめき電球





朝食を毎日たべた~い!!! しっぽフリフリ

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Something else I missed about Japan was the ofuro,

or traditional Japanese-style bath. 温泉

Sitting in the deep tub really warms your body

from the inside and totally relieves all your stress.

I usually soak in one for an hour every day.

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お風呂大好きの私にはハワイのタブは、浅すぎ!! えっ




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These are just a few of the things you can experience

while staying at an oyado in Japan and it really allows

you to experience Japan as it was.

If you're ever down in Kyoto,

please check out Tango, Amino-cho.

Although it is quite a ways away from the station,

it is definitely a peaceful place.

You can also see the Sea of Japan 波,

which is quite the experience.

Whether you love to eat or surf or do both,

this is truly an amazing place.

Check out their website! You may very well fall in love! ラブラブ!


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私が住もうか悩んだ町、網野町に来てみたらいかがですか? もみじ

