Sashimi night! | Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

Sashimi night!

Fifth day.. Sashimi night! にひひ

I dove all day today! うお座

I'm just a beginner at free diving so

everything was new and exciting to me!

On this boat trip, there were a few surfers

who were also experts at free diving.

Thanks to them, we got to eat fresh delicious sashimi tonight.

Anyhow, first I got to see millions of tiny jellyfish in the water.

They were so tiny and had many beautiful colors,

just like the rainbow!

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Next, there were barracudas! 目

There were so many of them that I forgot to breathe.

I honestly thought this Indonesia aqua blue water world

was better than an aquarium!

But then I thought, of course nothing can really beat

nature and seeing things in their natural environment.

After the barracudas, we all found what many experienced

free divers dream of catching: Dog Tooth Tuna!!

The Dog Tooth is a type of tuna that

can get to about 50 pounds in size!! ショック!

When we spotted them, I could immediately sense

the tension of the other divers go up.

This fish is so powerful that it can break your speargun

or even pull you down underwater.

Kekoa shot one first, but he was having a hard time

bringing it up to the surface.

Kirby had to help and finally they got it.

After that, Kirby got one too.

They were about 20 pounds each.

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5日目 晴れ



ダイバーもいるので美味しい新鮮なお魚が食べられる! べーっだ!






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そして、今回の旅のお目当てのDog Toothも現れました~!うお座

Dog TooshとはTunaの種類の一つでとっても大きくなるので




Dog Toothが現れたら、ダイバーの勢いが最大になり、


この日は、KirbyとKekoaが12kgぐらいの小振りのDog Toothをキャッチ。


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Later that night, we got to eat them both,

prepared sashimi-style! クラッカー

Thanks so much to Mihoko who cut the fish for us!

We were so lucky to have divers and a chef on board.

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シェフ、ミホコ~!! クラッカー

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I actually tried to cut some fish for the first time in my life,

but it was so hard...especially since the boat was rocking.

Now I can better appreciate the sashimi I eat because

I know how hard it is to cut it nicely.

Ahh, nothing beats fresh sashimi! I loved it!! キスマーク

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Poke style!! ポキスタイルでも頂きました。





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Thank you, Kirby and Kekoa for catching some ono fish!

Thank you for our meal, Dog tooth.

Thank you Kyle for the amazing pictures!

And finally,

thank you for mother nature for providing us with this amazing meal...かお

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