Big waves!! | Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

Big waves!!

The waves were huge on the north shore today. 波

It's 40ft!!!! I can't even imagine how big that is! 目

When the north shore is that big,

the west side gets wrap around waves so I went to surf on the west side today.

I've never seen it this big on the west side.

There was white wash everywhere! You can feel the energy from the road just driving.

Like a monster! ドクロ

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

今日は、ノースショアがとっても大きくてなんと40ft!! 波




ウェストサイドも今まで見た事の無い程の大きさ! 目



I surfed at this secret point with my friends. 波

It was about 4ft, nice and fun waves. 虹

We were so lucky because the waves were good and not only that,

there were only 5 guys out!

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

ウェストサイドのシークレットポイントでサーフィンしました。 波



ラッキーーーー!! しっぽフリフリ

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba

Maki san gave me this sweet waffle covered chocolate after we surfed..

mmmm... so good!!! ラブラブ!

I love having some thing sweet after I surf. ラブラブ

Thank you Maki san. 音譜

Angela Maki's official blog Powered by Ameba


とっても美味しかった~~~! キスマーク


サーフィンの後の甘いものって最高ですね!! ニコニコ