うおづグルメフェスタ肉まつり | Annaのブログ


現在をありのままに記録して、後世に伝えるのが第一の目的です 言葉も現代語を使います この時代が、どんなものだったのか理解されるためにです


One day, Anya us was drinking tea. Also I decided to go out in the roar of the one to bring it up.
 Everyone headed to the venue. The amusement park is located along the coast, which is lined with shops. I ate for the table and side by side in the fried-croquette jumbo rose skewers, noodles, water dumplings, such as that sold booth to get your favorite dish. When finished eating was admiring the scenery from the sky riding a Ferris wheel or visit the pig and chicken roast show.
 Or riding on the playground equipment, also it went past the time while you are or adding to buy a menu. Everyone, went on his way home.
 Anya I arrived at the house, I went to bed brush your teeth and put on the belly of the roast chicken that I bought a while ago as a side dish to the time of the dinner.
 Spent a whole day in the park of the fishing village, it was Anya feel the autumn.