熊野筆紀行 | Annaのブログ


現在をありのままに記録して、後世に伝えるのが第一の目的です 言葉も現代語を使います この時代が、どんなものだったのか理解されるためにです


One day, Anya us was drinking tea. Also I decided to go out in the roar of the one to bring it up. If everyone is Kumano-cho, cored, and headed to the brush of the village workshop. There is a brush of the museum, it is also exhibited large brush. Everybody, or visit the demonstration of brush making, spent time in or to experience the hotel's planning. Align by bundling several types of hair, align the fur in the comb. Anya who was wreck boggling work of the gas. In the end, views and writing brush, brush, makeup brushes, which are arranged in a shop, I bought. Everyone, entered the okonomiyaki shop out there, went home and eat okonomiyaki. Anya arrived at the house, went to bed brush your teeth and eat dinner. Always look at the picture drawn by the actor to see on television at the museum, it was Anya surprised on the surprising talent of the author.