ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(94) 9月24日(火) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(94)

ABC bank is the proud winner of the syndicated loan house of the year award. Shoko stepping onto the stage to receive the trophy delivers a brief speech.


How long has ABC bank been doing business in India?

-For over the three decades.


Thank you all, thank you. We're truly honored and humbled to accept this prestigious award on behal of our bank. Over the past three decades, we've proudly been part of India's journey. We've expanded and stregthend our operations here by infusing large capital and hiring local talent. We regard this award as a testament to our unwavering dedication to this vibrant country. I want to take a moment to acknowledge that the success of syndicated loans is a collaborative effort. It's the collective diligence and dedication of managers and participants alike that have made this achievement possible. Together, through both competition and collaboration, let us continue to drive innovation and growth in the Indian loan market. Thank you all.

-An impressive speech, shoko. Your efforts have borne fruit in the end.










bear bruit
*bear bore borne 

  • Your efforts have borne fruit in the end.
  • Education is an investment in the future that may take time to bear fruit.
  • Our innovative ideas are begining to bear furit.

Ultimately, your endevors have paid off.

Finally, your hard work has been rewarded.


An inpressive speak, Shyoko.


  • Great speach, Shyoko. Our hard work really paied off. I like how you gave credit to everyone involved. It shows we're all in this together.
  • Nice one, Shoko. It's awesome to see our efforts recognized like this. Your shout out to teamwork was spot on. Let's keep things rolling and push innovation to the next level.

shout out:称賛、注目
be spot on:的を射ている、ぴったり「正確だ」「完璧だ」

  • Hey Shoko, solid speech. Feels good to see our work acknowledged, huh? Your mention of competition and collaboration hit home, shows how dynamic our field is.

hit home「心に響く」「実感として理解される」


Today was a scene of an award acceptance speech. What do you think is important when giving a speech at such an occasion?

-Well, in addition to expressing gratitude to those who involved I think it's important to use it as an opportunity to share your thoughts with the participants. Shoko cleary made an impresson on the audience. If I had been a the award ceremony and heard Shoko's speech in the audience, I would have wanted to collaorate with ABC bank.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(93)


ABC bank continuing its wining streak after the loan for BIndi has been nominated for the Syndicated loan house of the year award by the Indian Loan Association. Annick and Syoko are attending the awards dinner. Nataline Kidman, director at the loan association, announces the winner.


What are the factors that drive funding needs among corporations?

-Growing economy and foreign direct investment.


Hello everyone. I trust many of you would agree that syndicated loans have become an integral part of corporate finacing in India. The growth is underpinned by the increase in both supply and demand. Banks in India have stronger capital and liquidity positions and corporations have stronger funding needs than before due to the grwoing economy and foreign direct invetment. This wouldn't have been possible without the tireless efforts of the managers and participants striving to make this syndicated loan market attractive for investment. Taking this opportunity, I'd like thank all of you here. Now, I'm truly honored to present the syndicated loan house of the year award. The shortlisted nominees are New York Bank, Bank of Frankfurt and ABC bank. And the award goes to ABC banck. Congraturations to ABC.



underpinned by < underpine  支持する, 確証する


tireless たゆまぬ



be underpinned by ...

  • The growth is underpinned by the increase in both supply and demand.
    *supply and demand
  • The success of the project is underpinned by a solid foundation of teamwork.
  • The region's economy is underpinned by robust foreign direct investments.

The growth is supported by rising supply as well as demand.


The growth is sustained by the uptick in supply and demand.


Hey everyone. Syndicated loans have become a big deal in corporate finance here in India. 

And you know why? It's all about supply and demand ramping up. Banks in India are packing capital and liquidity and companies are hungry for funding, escpecially with the economy booming and all that foreign investment pouring in.  

But let's not forget the real MVPs here. The managers and participants putting in serious effort to make this syndicated loan scene a hot spot for investment. So big thanks to all of you rockstars out there.




the Syndicated loan house of the year award

金融機関の象徴: 金融機関は、顧客の資産を預かり、融資を行い、様々な金融サービスを提供する場所です。この機能を、家族が生活する「家」に例えることで、金融機関が顧客にとって重要な存在であることを強調しています。
一体感の表現: シンジケートローンは、複数の金融機関が共同で融資を行うもので、一つのチームのように協力して一つの目標を達成します。このチームワークや一体感を、「家」という概念で表現することで、より分かりやすく説明することができます。





ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(89)-(92)(3-7) 9月20日(金)


ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-7)

What does a good presentation or pitch start with?

-It starts with an understanding of the cusotmer or the sudience.


I imagine that you must have made and still make many sales pitches in presentations. So what do you think makes a good sales pitch, what to investors of potential customers look for in a good presentation?

-This is such a great qustion and it has a number of really fun answers to it. So, I've certainly had some very memorable sales pitches, uh, both good and bad and I think the key thing is that I try to learn from each of them all the time. I think any good presentation or pitch, it starts with an understanding of the customer or the audience and you have to work back from there. So whether it's the radio show that we're producing for right now, we have to understand what the audience might be interested in and we have to try to provide some compelling content for that sudience so that they are interested in what we're doing. And so in every presentation, we think about the audience and we think about their values and we think about what they care about and so my style is to try to build some story telling into the presentation. So rather than just answer questions or present facts very dryly, I try to present them in such a way that we use a story together so that it keeps the audience interested in, hopefully. And I also like to make it a little bit more engaging with some back and forth discussion. And then, lastly, I'd like to include some humor. Maybe some jokes, or something like this. You can imagine that this style may have been a little surprising to the first Japanese engineers that I met when I first visited Japan. -Really? -Yeah. I think they were quite surprised but I do find that if a presenter is simply reading words off of a presentation, they may not be able to keep the interest of the audience and so there's some certain things that you can build in, but for anyone, that will be making a presentaion I would redommend starting off with understanding the audience first, clearly deciding on a couple of key messages that you want to convey during your presentaion. And then telling a story or several stories that help bring those messages to life and bring them to the audience in a very compelling manner. Of course, this is easier said than done. But if you're successful, you know, it is really compelling afterwords

-That's very valuable advice for listners, too.


sales pitch

A sales pitch is a speech, presentation or way of talking for the purpose of persuading someone to buy something, what you say to try to get someone to buy your service or product. There are different types of sales pitches that can reign from fromal presentations to the quick and informal elevator pitch, which is a brief sales pitch given in about the time it would take if a person were getting off on the next floor if you were riding in an elevator together.


work back from 遡って~~取り組む

To work backwards. 



逆行分析《他社製品の設計思想・原理・構造などを調べること; ソフトウェア製品についてはそのプログラムを解析することも含む》.


reverse engineer

To know the answer or a goal and look back to see how to proceed to that answer or goal. To start at the end in order to figure out where to go from the begining. 


compelling 人を引きつける・説得力のある

In this case, compelling means engaging, exciting or something that demants our attention. If something is compelling, it sparks interest and is able to keep hold of our interest or focus. You can't seem to get enough of it or it may inspire you. In example would be This was such a compelling book. I stayed up all night and could't put it down. Compelling as an adjective can also mean convincing, decisive or you feel you have no choie but to go along with it as in compelling evidence, which is evidence that is persuasive because it's strongly supported by facts and logic. 


dryly 淡々と

If something is dry, it's matter of fact. It only sticks to the facts without emotion or creativity. Brett said rather than just answer questions, or present facts very dryly, meaning buluntly or perhaps in a boring way. I tried to present them in such a way that we use a story together so that it keeps the audience interesed. Be careful with context because dryly can also refer to how something is said by someone who has a dry sense of humore. This means that the person seems to display a lack of emotion while saying something funny. Usually something sarcastic. 


Back and forth discussion

Taking turns. In a back and forth discuttion, person A speaks, then person B speaks, and so on.  


start off with

To begin by doing something. To do something at the start. 


relatable 共感できる・親しみやすい

Incorporate stories or real life examples to make your points memorable and relatable.


overcrowd 過度に混雑させる

Keep slides simple and avoid overcrowding them with text.


consistant 一貫した

Use a consistent and professional design theme throughout the slides.


*set a tone 流れを作る

Grab the audiences attention and set the tone for your presentaion in the first three minutes.


for anyone, that will be making a presentaion I would redommend starting off with understanding the audience first.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(92)

Subject:How are things going?

Hi Mia,
I've observed that there have been some missed deadlines for the Singapore project. If there's anything that's been preventing you from focusing, I'm here to listen and offer assistance in any way prossible. Please know that I'm committed to finding a solution with you. I'll be by your side every step of the way as we're all in this together




There have been .. <> You've been missing some deadlines 相手を責めている

A mistake has occured <> You made a mistake


  • The workload is becoming too much for me to handle.
    *仕事量 workload / * for me to handle
  • I'm finding it increasingly difficult to manage the workload.



Thank you for your concern. I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm motivated to work and I'm optimistic about the project. However, the worlkload is becoming too much for me to handle. Would you be available sometime this week to discuss it?

Many thanks,



Subject: Checking in

Hi Sylvia,

I noticed that you've seemed a little less energetic than usual over the past few days. Is there anything on your mind about work or your relatonship with your colleagues? Or perhaps there's something happening outside of work that you need time to address? I don't meen to get too personal, but your well-being is important to me. In any case, please don't hesitate to let me know. Just remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.




  • I don't meen to get too personal, but your well-being is important to me.

What was your impression of the last senttence, after in any case?

In any case, please don't hesitate to let me know. Just remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.

-I think it sounds warm and encourage the other person to open up.



  • We were able to clear up the misunderstanding between us.
  • We managed to sort out the misunderstanding between us.
Hi Takeru-san,
Thank you for your sensitive and heartwarming words. You always look out for your subordinates. Last week, I had an argument with a colleagure about work distribution. This morning, I got the chancce to talk to him again. We were able to clear up the misunderstanding between us. So I'm good to go now.
Thank you for your concern. It means a lot to me. 
  • It's okay to make mistakes. We're only human after all. So cheer up.
  • Forget the past and make a fresh start. Things will get better.
  • Tomorrow, you're chairing a seminar. You've got this. Keep your chin up!


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(91)

The syndicated loan for Bindi has successfully raised funds exceeding the original target amount. Following the signing ceremony between Bindi and the banks the reception begins. Mr. Patel from Bindi company will lead the toast.


What is Mr. Patel's comment on the deal being oversubscribed?

-He says it was a great confidence boost for them.
*be subscribed => be oversubscribed


Now that the serious part, the signing ceremony is over, we'd like to move on to the fun part, the reception. Before the toast, I'd like Mr. Patel to say a few words. Mr. Patel?

-Thank you, Suzutani-san. Good afternoon, everyone. On be half of Bindi, I'd like to thank Mr. Jindal and Miss. Suzutani of ABC bank, the lead manager for their bold commitment to the five-year financing. I'm truly greatful for their determination, and to all the professionals that participating banks here, thank you for your support in this financing. It's a great confidence boost for us that the deal was oversubscribed. I look forward to talking to each of you today. So, here's to your health and to our long-term relationship. Cheers.





confidence boost



be greatful for ..

  • I'm truly greatful for their determination.
  • We're truly geatful that we can join hands to push forward this policy agenda.
  • We're greatful to have you on board with us.

I'm deeply thankful for their determination.

I'm really appreciate their determination.


To the remarkable teamwork that made this deal possible. May this toast mark the begining of many more fruitful ventures together. Cheers.
*May ...  ~しますように

Thank you all for your dedication and support in making this financing a success. Let's raise our glasses to the exciting journey ahead and to the continued prosperity of our partnership. Cheers.


In today's scene, Mr. Patel gave the toast. Jenny, do you have any memorable episodes about toasts?

-I was at a formal event and everyone got quiet because we were getting ready for a simple toast from the boss. Instead, he stood up and did a dramatic reading of a grocery list and it was quite attention breaker.
-I can imagine.
- After that, he gave a real toast with all of us much more relaxed and in good spirits. How about you?
-Well, the most memorable moment for me was the toast after the signing ceremony on the syndicated loan for the Czech Republic. Looking down at the magnificent view of the historical city center from Prag Castle, the finance minister expressed his gratitude in a quiet and thoughtful way. Hearing such an elegant toast made me realize how beautiful a dignified toast can be.

Wow, it sounds like a dream. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(90)

have yet to ... 
-> have to + yet =まだ確立していない haven't established yet


Annick, Shoko and Henry are cheking which banks are participating while tallyin the total amount at the current stage. 

To reckon or count. -> tallied up the bill.
v.intr. :To be alike; correspond or agree -> tally with you


Why is it taking some time for Middle Eastern banks to do a credit review?

-Because they  have yet to establish a relationship with Bindi.


Shoko, could you update us on Japanese and Korean banks? 

-Sure. Three Japanese and two Korean banks have confirmed their paraticipation. 

-How about you, Henrry?

-Singapore bank and bank of Hong Kong have joined us with co-lead manager status and sizable amounts. We will see participation from three out of four Taiwanese banks too though with smaller amounts in comparison.

-Thank you. Both of you. Some Middle Eastern banks have yet to establish a relationship with Bindi. So it's taking some time for our credit review. But they are very keen to participate.

-I see. Our total stands at 140 million dollars so far leaving us with 60 million dollars to reach our target.

-We shouldn't be too optimistic but it seems the deal is shaping up quite well.


sizable かなり大きな・かなり多い

credit review 与信審査

shape up 順調に進む

have yet to establish 
have to + yet => しなければならない+まだ
=> 「まだ確立していない」

=> 「haven't established yet」


shape up
To develop, take form, or become structured.
To reform or improve one's actions or behavior.

  • It seems the deal is shaping up quite well.
  • Our performance need to shape up to attract more investors.
    *need to shape up 改善する必要がある
  • Our plans to enter the Australian market have shaped up nicely.
    *have shaped up nicely 順調に進んでいる
The deal seems to be coming together smoothly.
*come together まとまる
The deal appears to be on track for a favorable outcome.
* be on track 


It seems the deal is shaping up quite well.


We still have a substantial amount to raise. Take heart in the momentum we've built so far. Let's keep pushing forward.

take heart 
To have one's confidence, courage, or happiness bolstered (by something).


It's clear we have some ground to cover but let's not lose sight of the strides we've made. We can bridge the remaining gap. Stay motivated everyone.


We're making progress. We have a significant amout left to secure, but let's remain focused and proactive. Every step forward brings us closer to our goal.


Mr. Shibata, do you have any experience with syndicated loans?

-Yes, uh, when I worked in Frankfurt, arranging syndicate loans was one of my responsibilities. In case of a lead manager status, waiting for responses from other banks after inviting them to participate was quite nerve-racking because it was not just about gathering the amount, but also about forming  a well-balanced syndicate. 

神経をいらいらさせる, はらはらさせる

Intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(89)



The Mumbai branch of ABC bank has secured the lead manager positon from Bindi. Annick and Shoko promptly begin working on forming the syndicate group. 


Why does Shoko say the real battle lies ahead?

-Because they need to form a syndicate worth 200 million dollars together.


I can't believe we got a mandate form Bindi. Shoko, you are amazing. You've achieved an unpresidented feat

-No, no. I simply presented what we had discussed here. It's all thanks to your ideas. 

-No need to be humble as all you Japanese are. In india, you should take the credit when you can

-Okay.. okay. I nailed it with my presentation. But the real battle lies ahead. The total of 500 million dollars means we need to form a syndicate worth 200 million dollars together.

-Indeed. I'll handle the Middle Eastern banks while you reach out to Japanese and Korean ones. I'll also assign Henry to contact banks in Hokg Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

-Alright. Let's make sure we have a solid consortium in place.


mandate 委任された権限・主幹事 We got a mandate.



humble >> in my humble opinion

nail => To perform successfully or have noteworthy success in 

consortium 連合体



nail down
To discover or establish conclusively

To win

To specify or fix: 

*make sure... を確実にする

  • Let's make sure we have a solid consortium in place.
    *have ... + in place 準備が整っている
  • Let's make sure to check the schedule to avoid any conflicts.
  • Let's make sure we've packed everything we need.
Let's ensure our consortium is robust.
*robust  強固な, 健全な


Let's confirm that our consortium is firmly enstablished.



  • You've achieved an unpresidented feat

Absolutely, Annick. I presented our long-term vision with confidnece. Your input was pivotal in shaping our approach. 


You're right, Annick. I confidently conveyed our strenghth. It's your brilliant ideas that made it possible.  


Of course, Annick. I showcased our team's collaborative effort without hesitation. Your invaluable ideas played a significant role. 


You bet, Annick. I presented our discussion with conviction. It's thanks to your invaluable input that we're in this position.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85) - Int(88) erview(3-6)


ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-6)

What's the downside of remote work?

-It can be very difficult to build relationships and trust with your colleagues.


Now with the advance of techonlogy, remote working seems to have become the norm. Could you please tell us about your company's working environment and the pros and cons of remote working management?

- Thechnology is amazing. Today we are maybe 10,000 kilometers away from each other, and we're having a conversation like we're in the next room. And for me I've mostly worked from a home office since 1999. And I've almost always been remote from the sales teams that I've worked with. Because they were always inevitably in different countries. And so, in some ways I was always remote and back in the early days, it was phone calls and emails and things like that. Um, there are definitely good things and bad things about remote working. One of the really geat aspects for me is that I find it quite easy to concentrate when I'm at home by myself and if I'm working in a quiet environment on a tough project, having some time where I can just sit and focus is absolutely critical to me working through that. Since my team is all around the world, I might have calls at all hours of the day. So for instance this week, I had a board of directors meeting on Wednesday morning at 4 a.m.  and then now here we are at about 8:30 p.m. my time on Tursday night. So you can see it's quite variable and having my work environment in my home makes us very convenient for me. Um.. the downsides of it are that it can be very difficult to buit relationsihps. And therefore it can be very difficult to buid trust with your colleagues. And so, this takes a lot of extra effort and attention. And it also means that you have to spend some extra time. At codacift we've got over 250 people in 13 countries around the world and we cover nine different time zones. And so online technology, like we're using today has certainly made this a lot easier for us of course it's not perfect, right? With online meetings and remomte work, we lose informal conversations, we lose the water cooler topic or the coffee machine topic. We don't have lunch together and so these can be challenges, but I do know this that if you're able to find geat people, regardless of where they are around the world and you can build a really good team you can make remote working possile and that's something that I greatly value


become the norm

A norm is something that we as a society caosider normal or standard in accepted way of doing something. If something becomes the norm, it means that it has become normalized. It's not surprising anymore and is generally thought of as the normal way of doing something. Mr. Shibata mentioned that working remortely has become the norm, meaning that more and more people have accepted this and it's no longer rare or unusual. 


pros and cons

Comparing the good and bad. Pluses and minuses. Mr. Shibata asked about the pros and cons of remote working management, meaning what are the good points and what's difficult regarding remote work management? 


work through

In this case, to work through something means to tackle a compliated set of tasks in a systematic way. To work hard while something else is going on or while there are distructions. To work on difficult tasks step by step. Brett mentioned that having time where he can just sit and focus is critical when he's working through a tough project or working his way through a tough project. 


  • working through: プロジェクトを進めるという一般的な行為
  • working his way through: プロジェクトの困難さを強調し、苦労しながら進んでいる様子


variable < vary

Is sometihng is variable, it could change or is likely to change. Possible multiple times. Brett menitioned that he takes calls at all hours of the day. So his schedule is variable or it varies or changes from one day to another or even one hour to another. 



The downside is the negative part or parts of a situation that's generally viewed as neutral or positive, the cons. Brett had mostly good things to say about remote work, but mentioned the downsides, meaing the disadvanteges, challenges or drawbacks when it comes to remote work. The opposite is the upside or the more optimistic, the bright side.


water cooler topic 雑談

Imagine people from work gathered around a water cooler or water dispensor. Perhaps, they're discussing the news or current events, office gossip or anything else not related to their jobs. Those would be water cooler topic. Brett mentioned that his co-workers have lost those water cooler topick due to not being able to have informal conversations in person. He als update water cooler to coffee machine topics


establish a routine 日課とする

Structured office hours can help people establish a routine and maintain work life balance



Guidance form managers is more readily available in an office setting.

* in an office setting オフィス環境 <> remotework 


reduce the likelihood

Face to face communication reduces the likelyhood of misunderstanding that can occur in remote communication.


  • It's easier to arrange spontaneous brainstorming sessions in an office.
    *in an office -> in an office setting

If you're able to find great people, reardless of where they are around the wourld and you can build a really good team, you can make romote working possible.