ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(89) 9月16日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(89)

The Mumbai branch of ABC bank has secured the lead manager positon from BIndi. Annick and Shoko promptly begin working on froming the syndicate group. 


Why does Shoko say the real battle lies ahead?

-Because they need to form a syndicate worth 200 million dollars together.


I can't believe we got a mandate form Bindi. Shoko, you are amazing. You've achieved an unpresidented feat

-No, no. I simply presented what we had discussed here. It's all thanks to your ideas. 

-No need to be humble as all you Japanese are. In india, you should take the credit when you can. 

-Okay.. okay. I nailed it with my presentation. But the real battle lies ahead. The total of 500 million dollars means we need to form a syndicate worth 200 million dollars together.

-Indeed. I'll handle the Middle Eastern banks while you reach out to Japanese and Korean ones. I'll also assign Henry to contact banks in Hokg Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

-Alright. Let's make sure we have a solid consortium in place.


mandate 委任された権限・主幹事 We got a mandate.





consortium 連合体



*make sure... を確実にする

  • Let's make sure we have a solid consortium in place.
    *in place 準備が整っている
  • Let's make sure to check the schedule to avoid any conflicts.
  • Let's make sure we've packed everything we need.
Let's ensure our consortium is robust.
*robust  強固な, 健全な,


Let's confirm that our consortium i firmly enstablished.



  • You've achieved an unpresidented feat

Absolutely, Annick. I presented our long-term vision with confidnece. Your input was pivotal in shaping our approach. 


You're right, Annick. I confidently conveyed our strenghth. It's your brilliant ideas that made it possible.  


Of course, Annick. I showcased our team's collaborative effort without hesitation. Your invaluable ideas played a significant role. 


You bet, Annick. I presented our discussion with conviction. It's thanks to your invaluable input tha we're in this position.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85) - Int(88) erview(3-6)


ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-6)

What's the downside of remote work?

-It can be very difficult to build relationships and trust with your colleagues.


Now with the advance of techonlogy, remote working seems to have become the norm. Could you please tell us about your company's working environment and the pros and cons of remote working management?

- Thechnology is amazing. Today we are maybe 10,000 kilometers away from each other, and we're having a conversation like we're in the next room. And for me I've mostly worked from a home office since 1999. And I've almost always been remote from the sales teams that I've worked with. Because they were always inevitably in different countries. And so, in some ways I was always remote and back in the early days, it was phone calls and emails and things like that. Um, there are definitely good things and bad things about remote working. One of the really geat aspects for me is that I find it quite easy to concentrate when I'm at home by myself and if I'm working in a quiet environment on a tough project, having some time where I can just sit and focus is absolutely critical to me working through that. Since my team is all around the world, I might have calls at all hours of the day. So for instance this week, I had a board of directors meeting on Wednesday morning at 4 a.m.  and then now here we are at about 8:30 p.m. my time on Tursday night. So you can see it's quite variable and having my work environment in my home makes us very convenient for me. Um.. the downsides of it are that it can be very difficult to buit relationsihps. And therefore it can be very difficult to buid trust with your colleagues. And so, this takes a lot of extra effort and attention. And it also means that you have to spend some extra time. At codacift we've got over 250 people in 13 countries around the world and we cover nine different time zones. And so online technology, like we're using today has certainly made this a lot easier for us of course it's not perfect, right? With online meetings and remomte work, we lose informal conversations, we lose the water cooler topic or the coffee machine topic. We don't have lunch together and so these can be challenges, but I do know this that if you're able to find geat people, regardless of where they are around the world and you can build a really good team you can make remote working possile and that's something that I greatly value


become the norm

A norm is something that we as a society caosider normal or standard in accepted way of doing something. If something becomes the norm, it means that it has become normalized. It's not surprising anymore and is generally thought of as the normal way of doing something. Mr. Shibata mentioned that working remortely has become the norm, meaning that more and more people have accepted this and it's no longer rare or unusual. 


pros and cons

Comparing the good and bad. Pluses and minuses. Mr. Shibata asked about the pros and cons of remote working management, meaning what are the good points and what's difficult regarding remote work management? 


work through

In this case, to work through something means to tackle a compliated set of tasks in a systematic way. To work hard while something else is going on or while there are distructions. To work on difficult tasks step by step. Brett mentioned that having time where he can just sit and focus is critical when he's working through a tough project or working his way through a tough project. 


  • working through: プロジェクトを進めるという一般的な行為
  • working his way through: プロジェクトの困難さを強調し、苦労しながら進んでいる様子


variable < vary

Is sometihng is variable, it could change or is likely to change. Possible multiple times. Brett menitioned that he takes calls at all hours of the day. So his schedule is variable or it varies or changes from one day to another or even one hour to another. 



The downside is the negative part or parts of a situation that's generally viewed as neutral or positive, the cons. Brett had mostly good things to say about remote work, but mentioned the downsides, meaing the disadvanteges, challenges or drawbacks when it comes to remote work. The opposite is the upside or the more optimistic, the bright side.


water cooler topic 雑談

Imagine people from work gathered around a water cooler or water dispensor. Perhaps, they're discussing the news or current events, office gossip or anything else not related to their jobs. Those would be water cooler topic. Brett mentioned that his co-workers have lost those water cooler topick due to not being able to have informal conversations in person. He als update water cooler to coffee machine topics


establish a routine 日課とする

Structured office hours can help people establish a routine and maintain work life balance



Guidance form managers is more readily available in an office setting.

* in an office setting オフィス環境 <> remotework 


reduce the likelihood

Face to face communication reduces the likelyhood of misunderstanding that can occur in remote communication.


  • It's easier to arrange spontaneous brainstorming sessions in an office.
    *in an office -> in an office setting

If you're able to find great people, reardless of where they are around the wourld and you can build a really good team, you can make romote working possible.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(88)

Subject: Your continued support needed.

Hi everyone, We've welcomed double-digit new clients this year. A testament to your dedication and initiative. Your efforts are driving our growth. I know that progress has created a bigger administrative burden. We're planning to hire additional staff to cope with this, though, it may take some time. Your hard work doen't go unnoticed. Keep it up. 
In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me if you need any assistance.

Many thanks.



  • Could you consider hiring temporary staff to cover administrative work?
    *temporary >> temporarily
  • Would you be open to hiring temporary staff to handle administrative tasks?


Hi Takeru-san,

Thank you for your consideration.

I understand you have plans to hire additonal staff, but I'm concerned about its timeline. Could you consider hiring temporary staff to cover administrative work? We're doing our best but it's becoming increasingly difficult to respond promptly to customer requests.


* respond promptly to ...


Despite your daily efforts, Q3 sales were tough coming in at 70 percent of the target. We get it. The last few months have been tough with the economic downturn. Let's make Q4 count. Every sale, every chat, every opportunity matters. Together, we've got this.



For chat like expressions in this message, we have, We get it. And also Q3. Q3 means the third quarter.

  • Let's make Q4 count. Every sale, every chat, every opportunity matters. Together, we've got this.
  • I'm confident we can turn it around in Q4. 
  • I've convinced that we can improve our performance in Q4.
    *turn it around => improve

Takeru, Thanks for the update. While Q3 posed its challenges, I'm confident we can turn it around in Q4. Let's rally together and make every opportunity count. Appreciate you positivity and encouragement.



*appreciate ... = I appreciate

make ... count
Make it count.「数えられるようにしろ」


  • You are an integral part of our company.
  • I'm sure this positive attitude will take you far in your career.
    *take ...far = ... (will be ) success


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(87)

The meeting between Mr. Patel and Shoko is nearing its end. Toward the condlusion, Mr. Patel posed a challenging question. 


What would Shyoko do if her bank secured the lead manager position?

-She would encourage Japanese banks to reassess their credit policies toward Indian companies.


I understand your strength in the loan market and your potential in trade finance and M&A. But why should we choose a Japanese bank as a lead manager when there isn't much participation from Japanese banks? 

-That's a valid question. We're looking beyound just this immediate opportunity. If we're fortunate enough to secure the lead manager position this time, we'd be able to encourage Japanese banks to reassess their credit policies toward Indian companies. That would pave the way for Japanese lenders to extend their credit lines to five years and beyoud

-I see. Now, we understand your long-term view. Thanks for coming, Miss Susutani. We'll let you know the results of the tender next week.
-Thank you, Mr. Patel. I look forward to hearing the good news. 


valid ->> Well grounded; just / having some force or cogency

be fortunate enough to


pave the way for

credit line 信用与信枠 >> credit card

tender 入札 =bid /bidding

credit line 

-A line of copy acknowledging the source or origin of a news dispatch, published article, or other work.
->The maximum amount of credit to be extended to a customer. =line of credit.


look beyound

  • We're looking beyound just this immediate opportunity.
  • We should look beyoud the surface and cosider all possible solutions.
  • Let look beyound conventional thinking and explore new ideas.
    *conventional thinking 既成概念

Our perspective extends beyound this immediate opportunity.
*extend beyound


We're exploring options beyound this immediate opportunity.

*explor options beyound を超えた選択肢を模索する


I look forward to hearing the good news. 

  • Thank you, Mr. Parel. I'm eager to receive the updates next week.
  • Thank you for your time, Mr. Patel. I await the outcome with anticipation.
  • Thank you, Mr. Parel. I'm excited about our long-term relationship ahead.
  • Thank you for considering our perspective, Mr. Parel. I'm hopeful for a positive outcome.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to discuss our vision, Mr. Parel. I'm excited to see how things unfold.
Which comment did you find most passionate and why?
-The last example left the best impression on me
The speaker thanks Mr. Patel for something specific, the opportunity to discuss the vision. Talking about it in terms of a vision, rather than a plan sounds much more exciting. And the line, I'm excited to see how things unfold shows optimism, trust and that the person has a genuine interest in their job.
-I see.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(86)

Following discussions on borrowing conditions, Shoko explains her thought on this syndicate group to Mr. Patel.


What's the maximum loan period of Japanese regional banks for Indian borrowers?

-They tipically don't go beyound three years.



In terms of  forming a sydicate group, the biggest issue may be the period of the loan. Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese and the banks in the Middle East should be able to take the five-year risk. You'll find the specific candidates listed for your consideration. Given our strong relationships with these institutions, we're confident in their ability to accomodate a five-year loan. 

-What about Japanese regional banks? They should be active in participating in sydicated loans.

-That's true, but they typically don't go beyound three years for Indian borrowers. We believe some banks are keen to expand their engagement with esteemed companies like yours. So we've added two Japanese regional banks to the list.


for your consideration ご検討いただくために

given ...


keen to 


esteemed > esteemed companies like yours 御社


for your consideration ご検討いただくために

  • You'll find the specific candidates listed for your consideration.
  • For your consideration, I've outlined several alternative solutions for tackling the issue.
  • I've prepared a detailed analysis of the market trends for your consideration.

*for your consideration >>

  • I've lised the specific candidates for your review.
  • The specific candidates are provided here for your assesment.


-What about Japanese regional banks? They should be active in participating in sydicated loans.


While Japanese regional banks are indeed a consideration, let me comment on the banks I mentioned earlier from East Asia and the Middle East.
*be a consideration 検討の価値がある


Our bank has long-standing business relationships with banks in East Asia. As for the Middle East, we have good relations with banks accoss the region. Partly becasue there is no country in the area is in political conflict with Japan.
*be in political conflict with


They are more inclined to take on long-term risks compared to Japanese banks. And they view this loan as a great opportunity to establish relationships with you.
*be inclined to
*take on ...



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85)

Shoko who has been entrusted with negotiating with Bindi attends a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Patel, her counterpart.


What are Bindy's criteria for selecting a lead manager?

-Ensuring the success of the deal and offering other means of finance.
*criteria for ...


Firstly we sincerly appreciate the opportunity to participate in the bidding process

-The pleasure is ours, Miss Suzutani. We've extended invitations to five banks this time. American, European, Chinese, Indian and Japanese, which is your bank. These institutions including yours are not merely lender to us. We view them as valued partners in our business growth. 

-It's a great honor for us to be considered one of your partners.

-Great. We'd like to select a lead manager who can ensure the success of this deal, but also offer us other means of finance. 

-That aligns perfectly with my presentation today. We regard this loan as a stepping stone to expanding our business relationship to other areas such as trade finace and M&A. 


institution -> financial institution


align with

stepping stone

trade finance 貿易金融

M&A -> Mergers and Acquisitions


It's a great honor ... (for .. to ...) / (that...)
It's a great privilege ..

  • It's a great honor for us to be considered one of your partners.
  • It's a great honor for us to be involved in such an iconic project in this country.
  • It's a great honor that our activities have been recognized by the local community.
    *be recognized by .. に認められる

We feel privileged to be seen as one of your partners.

*.. feel privileged to ...


It means a lot to us to be seen as one of your partners.

*it means a lot


It's a great honor for us to be considered one of your partners.


I'm really looking forward to presenting our proposal on bringing significant value to your esteemed company through the loan.

esteemed company
-> esteemed
Your company is esteemed for its innovative products and services.


I must say I'm thrilled about the opportunity to represent Japanese banks. We'd be fully commited to delivering excellence if we were given a mandate.

*mandate 委任


I'm afraid  Annick.. couldn't be with us today, but if he were, he'd be even more enthusiastic about arranging the loan.



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-5)
9月6日(金)Brett Cline


What's one of the benefits of working with companies and customers around the world?

-You hear about new technology areas before you might see them otherwise.
=> otherwise >> If you were not working with companies and ustomers aroud the world,


So, what factors are important to you when joining a new company or project?

-I think the answer for me is quite easy. Uh, the single most important thing for me is absolutely the people that I work with. I believe in the strength of a team, and I believe great teams are made up with.. of people that treat the team first. And a great team isn't necessarily made up of the smartest people or the hardest working people or maybe even the most clever people. It's a team of people that trust each other and they're willing to work hard to support the team. And this means, if you get this group together, you can accomplish great things. We see it in sports all the time that some team may have the absolute super star, but there's another teams that has maybe not so many superstars, but they're able to win a championship because they work as the best team and I really like that. So this means my peers that I work with the people that may be on my team or of course the CEO of the company. And I believe you have to work for a leader that you believe in. And you also have to be a leader that others can believe in. And these things are tricky. But of couse the technology is important and I try to stick to areas where I have some interests. And even if that means I don't have specific experience with the technologies, I like to make this something that I'm passionate to wake up and work on. Um, and you know, one of the benefits of working, uh, with companies around the world and customer around the world is that quite often I'll hear about new technology areas before I might see them otherwise. So if I meet some customer in Akihabara, he might tell me about some interesting technology that I had never heard of before as they're building it into theirs. And, for instance, one of the previous startup company that I was at was maybe four years ago, I had heard about these risk five computer processors. And I actually had heard about this company called codacip that I didn't know anything about and from there I was able to do some research on the internet and talk to some of the people in my network and then ultimately understand how customers might benefit from this technology and so that made it pretty exciting for me. 


To achieve, to be successful or complete something successfully. Brett said that by getting people to work together as a team, they can accomplish great things. Meaning to achieve big and wonderful things or feats or be successful on a large scale. At a job interview, you may often hear something like what would you like to accomplish? In example answer is, I'd like to tell you about three main goals I'd like to accomplish.


work as .. 

If a group of people work as something, it means they perform in a certain way or act in a certain manner. Brett said they were able to win a dampionship because they work as the best team. This means they do the job as the best team. They function as the best team. Another example is I worked as an accountant before decided to change careers now. Now I work as an architect.



Your peers are people who have a mimilar rank, status or are in a similar age group. People who have a similar level of abitity, knowledge or skill. Your equals.

In scientiffic fields, like medicine, peer reviews are evaluations done in order to maintain standards and prove the theory is true or false. These peer reviews are done by other professionals in the field who have similar levels of expertise. 


stick to 

To stay with something familiar or something you're good at. To gravitate to a certain way of doing something. At work, you may hear something like, Stick to the plan. This means stay the course with the plan or keep going with the plan. A harsher alternative is Stay in your lane, which mean stick to your job or stick to what you know without interfering. For example, I don't wont to get involved in this argument. I'm staying in my lane. Meaning I'll stick to minding my own business. 


stay in one's lane


build into

To build A into B means to combine A into B to make a permanent part of B. An example would be, We need to build a marketing plan into the project meaning tha they need to combine a marketing plan into the project to make it better or stronger. Be careful with A built into B, which means that A is already a part of B. For example, wireless capabilities are buit into our products, which meass wireless capabilities are already a feature of the products. 



In the end after a long time, at last or finally. Brett mentioned I was able to do some reserch on the internet and talk to some of the people in my network and then ultimately understand or come to an understanding after a long or complicated process how customers might benefit from this technology.


bring to the table

Each pearson brings something valuable to the table, whether it's creativity, analytical skills, or leadership.


*bring ideas to the table


pool one's expertise

Collaboration is key among us as we pool our expertise to tacckle challenges


*pool one's money (one's => our / their)


tensions arise

Occasionally tensions arise but we address conflicts openly and respectfully.


bond over ... がきっかけで絆を深める

  • We bond over shared interests outside of work.
bond : verb
To join (two or more individuals) in a relationship, as by shared belief or experience: 

I believe in the strength of a team and I believe great teams are made up of people that treat the team first.