ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(107) 9月10日(火) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(107)
9月10日(火) Let's hav fun with today's lesson, ready?

Let's do our best today, okay?

  • We need to handle this matter with care.
Akira, we have a problem. What's wrong, Estella?
We've lost contact with Omega 3.
Megan is on that ship. 
I know we're doing everything we can.
Maybe there was some accident up in space.
Let's not jump to any conclusions.
When did you lose contact?
It happened suddenly about an hour ago. We need to handle this matter with care. Don't say anything about this to anyone yet, Akira.
Alright. I hope they're okay.
  • We've lost contact with Omega 3.
  • Let's not jump to any conclusions.
    *Let's not ...
    *jump to condlusions
  • We need to handle this matter with care.
I went there by bus.
I went there by train.
I went there by car.
Do it as I told you.
Keep it as it is.
Fold your papler the way I showed you.
Fold your papler the way I did.
Fold your paper the same way.

Okay everyone, today again, we'll practice adding extra information to the end of the sentence. I'm sure you've got used to it by now. So, let's jump right in!


  • Drive with caution. We're entering a school zone.
  • I prefer to travel by bus. It's much more relaxing than driving.
  • Do your hair the way you used to. I like the old style better.
    * do one's hair 髪を整える
Hey, shall I do my hair the way I used to?
I don't think your hairstyle has changed in the last 10, 15 years...

in? と思ったが、in でも with でもOkらしい。
You look good in any hairstyle...

You look good with any hairstyle.

Any hairstyle looks good on you.

any hairstyle と単数形がくるのが一般的のよう。any だけど...

英会話タイムトライアル「9月DAY6」 9月9日(月)



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(106)

Don't make me started. I've got mixed feeling baout it, guys.


  • Don't get me wrong.
Hey Bill, aren't you happy that Derek is coming back to the band?
Uh, I've got mixed feeling about it.
Well, Derek's the one who decided to leave in the frist place. Now he changes his mind.
The fans are happy about it.
That's fine. Don't get me wrong. Dereck is a great bass player. We just disagree on a lot of things. 
Such as?
Don't get me started.
You guys will work it out as time goes by. I'm sure of it.
Yeah, probably.

  • Aren't you happy that Derek is coming back to the band?
  • Don't get me started.


  • Don't get me wrong.

*verb + adverb


He runs so fast.

He sepaks so fast.

He learns so fast.

He eats so fast.


I told you repeatedly.

You guys will do fine.

Think different.

Come quick.


Okay guys, are you ready to practice? In today's practice, let's continue adding extra explanations after the verb. All right, let's jump right in.


  • Listen carefully, we will only read the test questions once.
  • I thought long and hard, but I couldn't solve the probrem. It was too hard for me.
    * a long and hard effort 
  • Treat him kindly. He's a guest and we want him to feel welcome.

I'm thinking long and hard. -Thinking about what? -Why people treat me kindly. -Please don't get me long, but that's incorrect. -Rosa, treat him kindly. He's our Sensei and we want him to feel welcome. -Of course, you have to do so...




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(101)-(105) 

tacky 悪趣味
Lacking style or good taste; tawdry


a growth spurt

-a period when a child's height rapidly increases.


The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction.

 a rapid series of physiological changes, known as the adolescent growth spurt



tacky 悪趣味
Lacking style or good taste; tawdry

-> tawdry けばけばしい,
Gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance.

-> gaudy けばけばしい,
Showy in a tasteless or vulgar way.
-> garish けばけばしい,
Overly bright or ornamented, especially in a vulgar or tasteless way; gaudy.
  • I can't focus with you looking at me.
  • * with your arm in a cast ギブスをして
  • There's such a cute couple.
  • *when I arrive 着いたら



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(105)


Who will Seiichiro probably talk to?

A man from Germany.

A person who is in the elevator.

A man who works for the shop.


play them all

play on a few



Where Doug and Shiho first meet?

In high school.

In New York.

In University.


studied abroad

found the job locally

have a long distance relationship



What will Aoi and Renji do?

Solve the puzzle and then have a lesson.

Have a lesson before solving the puzzle.

Learn how to solve the puzzle together.


one of these puzzles

the first few steps are easy.

be going to too fast

voila [ˌvˈlɑ]

Here you go.

teach me how to do it



Which of the following is true?

Many staff will go to London with Roxy.

Roxy will meet Grandpa soon.
Roxy bought a second house.


has a lot of stuff to bring with her



Welcome! Come on in!

-Wow, whose is the red car in the driveway? That's the one I've been wanting to get for a long time. If it's yours, can I see the inside?


What's up?

-Don't leave with documents containing personal information exposed on your desk. It's very risky. Make sure they are in a locked drawer before you leave.


Is the new car red? - It's not red but it is a very nice color and I like it a lot. 

Does it have that new car smell? -Thankfully not. -Whaaat.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(104)
9月5日(木) You're never alone..

  • She's in her bedroom packing her suitcase for her big trip tomorrow.


Hony, where's Roxy?

She's in her bedroom packing her suitcase for her big trip tomorrow.

Great. She's finally doing it.

Yeah, she has a lot of stuff to bring with her.

I called Grandpa today. He's going to meet Roxy at the airport in London.

I'm sure both he and grandma are excited.

They are. Granpa spent the whole day cleaning up the house.

That's sweet of him. 

It is Roxy's second home. I can't believe she's leaving tomorrow.


  • She has a lot of stuff to bring with her.
  • That's sweet of him.  
    *A of B 
  • She's in her bedroom packing her suitcase for her big trip tomorrow. 
    Holding his breath, he watched the plane taking off.

He's on the phone talking to his mother.

We're in the living room watching a movie.


Okay, let's keep up the pattern of adding extra information after the main idea.

As usually repeat after us.


  • We're at Big West burgers having lunch. Care to join us?
  • I'm in the car heading to the airport. I'll call you back when I arrive.
    *when I arrive 着いたら
  • Nikki and Yuji are walking in the garden holding hands. There's such a cute couple.

    *There is + such で「あそこに、なんてかわいいカップルがいるの!」そのカップルの可愛らしさに感動したり、注目したりしている様子を表す、より生きた表現ととらえられる。らしい・・・。
Hey guys, I was cooking watching TV and I cut myself

Oh, that's a big No-No. Are you okay?
Yeah, no probrem. 
Well, maybe from now on you should cook and cook instead of watching TV.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(103)

I think that's one puzzle we may never solve.


  • I can do it with my eyes closed.


Aoi, have you seen one of these puzzles before.

Of course, it's a Big West Cube.

Can you solve it?

Sure. I can do it with my eyes closed.

No way. It's so hard. I haven't figured it out yet.

Here, give it to me.

The first few steps are easy.

Whoa.. slow down. You're going too fast.

And voila. Here you go, Renji. Solved.

That was fast. You have to teach me how to do it.
I'll show you after today's math lesson.



  • Have you seen one of these puzzles before.
  • No way.


  • I can do it with my eyes closed.
She sat with her cat next to her.
We did the work with one person missing.
Don't leave your desk with your computer unlocked.
Alright, everyone, let's continue with our theme of additional information comes after. Not only  "I can do it ", but "with my eyes closed." Put it after. Okay, let's go.


  • I can't focus with you looking at me. Could you give me some space?
  • He always sits with his legs crossed. Maybe he's more confortable that way.
  • Can you type with your arm in a cast? Maybe we should find other tasks for you.
    * with your arm in a cast ギブスをして
I've broken my arm before and it was so hard to write.
I've had the same thing happen. I had to learn to write with my left hand.
How did you break your arm? 

I just fell off an iron bar.  -On the playground? - Oh yeah.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(102)

Now you got me hungry for steak.


  • We first met at an international high school in Tokyo.


Doug, how did you and Shiho meet?

Oh, it's a long story. We first met at an international high school in Tokyo.

You went to the same high school?

Yeah, but then Shiho wanted to study in New York.

Oh, so she studied abroad.

Right. She was at Colombia University for a while and I visited her once.
You stayed in Japan?

That's right. I found the job locally. I kept working at my company in Tokyo while she was in America. We had a long distance relationship.


  • Shiho wanted to study in New York.
  • I kept working at my company in Tokyo while she was in America.


  • We first met at an international high school in Tokyo.
We had lunch at the mall.
We had lunch in the food court.
We had lunch on the second floor.

I work out in the morning.

I work out on weekdays.

I work out for an hour.


I went skydiving in Hawai last year.


Okay, let's continue practicng today with the 説明ルール. Remember the explanation comes after. So let's focus on that and practice together.


  • I saw Stuart at a fan event. He was wearing a really tacky shirt.
    *tacky 見苦しい, 悪趣味
  • We broke up ages ago. We don't keep in contact at all anymore.
    *keep in contact
  • This TV shows were very popular in Japan for many years. Was it shown in America too?
    * in Japan + for many years
tacky 悪趣味
Lacking style or good taste; tawdry

-> tawdry けばけばしい,
Gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance.

-> gaudy けばけばしい,
Showy in a tasteless or vulgar way.
-> garish けばけばしい,
Overly bright or ornamented, especially in a vulgar or tasteless way; gaudy.
Are you going through a growth spurt? -What? 


a growth spurt

-a period when a child's height rapidly increases.


The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction.

 a rapid series of physiological changes, known as the adolescent growth spurt



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(101)

Wow, look at all this English. I'm so excited for today's lesson.
Ooh, I'm excited for this golden rule. Let's go!


  • The man in the brown jacket standing in front of the elevator works here.


Wow, Mr. Stravinsky, look at all these pianos. I want to play them all.

I don't think you can withoug asking.

There are so many from other contries like Germany.

Ah, yes, those are very expensive.

I'd like to play on a few. Can we ask the staff?

Sure. The man in the brown jacket standing in front of the elevator works here.

Thanks. You know, it's my dream to buy a grand piano.

Someday .. Seiichiro. Someday.

* play on ... -> on the piano の上で

  • 具体的なものをイメージ: 「on」を入れる
  • 漠然と「いくつか」遊びたいという場合: 「on」を省略する


  • I don't think you can without asking.
  • It's my dream to buy a grand piano.


  • The man in the brown jacket standing in front of the elevator works here.


  • The logo on your shirt is very cool.
  • The shop next to the post office sells Taiyaki.
  • I want something to drink.
Alright everyone, it's time for today's practice. We'll focus today on giving extra information. Remember in English, we put extra information after the main word. So, the logo on your shirt. Just like that. Alright. Let's practice.
Okay guys. Repeat aftert us.


  • The car in our driveway belongs to my wife. It's the latest model EV.
  • My job befor this one was in marketing. It had its ups and downs.
Hey David, can you play the piano?
-Uh, you know I took piano lessons when I was a little kid. But after that... no.
How about you?
-Me? Never.
-Rosa, can you?
-Same here. I learned when I was a kid but not anymore.