英会話タイムトライアル「9月DAY1」 9月2日(月) | amnn1のブログ




And starting this month, we're going to Scotland!


Welcome to Scotland. I'm your conversation partner, Nora. 

On Friday, let's go to a famous lake in Scotland.

The autumn leaves are beautiful. But we need to dress warmly. See you then.

A famous lake in Scotland.

In this fall season, that souds beautiful.




Dress for success in Scotland.



We need warm clothes.


I only have ski clothes.

*wear -> verb 
*衣服 => clothes


Did you bring a jacket?

-No, but I brought a sweater.


Did you bring a scarf?


*マフラー = a scarf



I think so. I'll check.


Did you bring an umbrella?




Foldable umbrella

Compact umbrella


I brought an foldable umbrella.



rain poncho

rain coat / rain jacket


We bought a rain ponch at the baseball game.


We're talking about warm clothes, and you'll have warm feelings if you practice hard with Jenny and I.













Taiwa-Karaoke around the Atlantic

So, Nora, where in Wales are we going?

If you go to Wales, you got to go to a castle. Wales has so many castle to see

That's sounds fun, Nora.


Today, you and I are going to a wonderful little known castle in Wales.

I recommend going up to the top of the castle.
Let climb the old castle stairs together.

And, we get a great view of the countryside. Green rolling hills all around.


Can you picture the situation? So try to have a seven-turn conversation as you and I explore a castle in Wales.


-A few more steps to the top of the castle. I'm almost out of breath. Are you feeling okay

-Yeah, it's a long stairway. Are you feeling okay?

-Well, just a sec. Let's take a breather, okay?
-Sure. Take your time.

-This castle is so quiet. Does it feel scary?

-No. But I'm a little scared of height. *height

-Okay, off we go

-Wow! We made it to the top! Look at that view, spectacular, isn't it?

-It feels like a movie scene.

-Do you feel like taking a picture?

-I don't feel like taking a picture yet. I just feel life taking in this scenery.

-Whoops, my phone is ringing. So sorry to spoil the mood.

-No problem. I don't mind at all.

-I got a notification. Japan's baseball team won the championship. Congraturations!

-Really? I'm so happy to hear that. That must be a huge news story in Japan.



We are travering in Europe together. ... Beautiful old castles.
I've been to Europe and I love the castles there. 
Do you have any memories of the castles in Europe? 

-I have so many momories of castles in Europe. I love history. So I find castles really interesting

-What do you like about castles?

-Well, the thing is, it's not just about the building, it's the gardens and the grounds and the history. There are so many stories with every castle.


We're going to Scotland!





..and we'll get you ready for actual conversations.




It feels like fall today.

The breeze feels good. * breeze

Do you feel like going out tonight?

Yeah, but I don't feel like staying out too late.

Same here.

Let's have an early dinner.

The restaurant has a nice atmosphere.




Let's think of someone who is moody and make a sentence.

It could be a person or a pet, a dog or cat. It's up to you.


It's your turn to make one more. This time you can create a new sentence.


... is moody.

My sister is moody.

My English teacher is moody.



So, think of a situation maybe someone is asking you to do something. And you use the phrase, I don't feel like.


I don't feel like ...

I don't feel like cooking tonight. -Did you make the same one?

I don't feel like working today.


This could be a new situation or it can be linked to the phrase with "I don't feel like".

Jenny, what do you like doing?


I feel like...

I feel like going out for sushi.

I feel like staying home today.


That's a great one and it's linked to the other sentence.
Can you say those together?


I don't feel like cooking tonight.

I feel like going out for sushi.

That's a good set.




Are you feeling okay?

-Well, I'm almost out of breath. Are you feeling okay?


Imagine this... 

Let's take a breather, okay?

-Okay, that's a good idea.


take a breather
To take a short pause or hiatus (from something).


Just imagine the phone rings and someone apologizes to you, like this,

So sorry to spoil the mood.

-No problem. Go ahead and check your phone. I don't mind.



Tomorrow you'll go to an old castle in Europe. We're in Wales and there are some beautiful castles with beautiful scenery.

Are you ready to visit castles?





feel like




I feel like going out.


*go out


Do you feel like going out tongiht?


-Yes, but I don't feel like staying out too late.

- I don't want to ...

-Same here.


* stay out + too late


Let's have an early dinner.



* have an early dinner


It feels like fall today.


When you talk about the weather, the subject 主語 is usually "It".


*fall -> autumn


I went in an castle. It felt like a movie scene.

-> It felt like a scene from a movie.


*go in + a castle

*feel -> felt


Do you feel like ...?
Do you feel like taking a picture?


I don't feel like...

I don't feel like taking a picture yet.




Same here.

Let's enjoy the scenery.


This scenery is amazing.


Today we mastered the phrase, feel like. 
Are we done today already? It feels like we just got started.

It does. It feels like we just got started.


*It feels like + sentence







The breeze feels good.




... feels good

... feels great


This AC feels great.

->It's a good sentence for summer.


To say, エアコン in English, you can usually use AC. AC is short for Air Conditioning. But in some Asian countries, like Singapore, People use Air Con in English. It's up to you.



Does the water feel good?

-The water feels great.


I'm a little scared of heights.

be scared of heights



afraid -> scared is more common expression.


Are you feeling sick?

-I'm feeing a little dissy.

-I feel fine. Thanks for asking.



Thanks for asking.

Thanks for offering.


Let's take a breather.

take a breather 

-> take five

Let's take a breather is for when you're exercising or climbming a moutain.


Are you gonna be okay?


gonna be okay


I'm gonna be okay.


Everything’s gonna be okay.





Welcome back, everyone. It's Nora here. Wales has so many castles. Let's go to an old castle on Friday. The view from the top is spectacular.

  • mood
  • atmosphere


He is moody.



Everyone is a little moody sometimes.




The mood is contagious.


contagious-> 伝染・感染
But for mood, you'll often hear the mood is contagious.



Let's not spoil the mood.

Sorry to spoil the mood, but I gotta go now.



read the room


It's important to read the room  when you give a presentation.


talk about politics

Read the room. No one wants to talk about politics here.





The restaurant has a nice atmosphere.


The food is great, but there is no atmosphere. 


There's no atmosphere. Just tables and chairs.




英会話タイムトライアル ディズニー名曲を英語で歌おう(1)

When You Wish Upon A Star (星に願いを)


It's a long time, right?

You've been on the stage, you've been singing these songs. 

Yes, so I love Disney as well.


can  world magic


It's more than just a pronounciation. He has the feeling with it.

Just listening to this phrase brings you to that iconic scene, doesn't it?



Fantastic. You took us to a whole new world. 


Wonderful! It's a new world in this studio.


Well, it's an honor siging with you, Shirota-san. 






Here's our conversation partner around the Atlantic.

Hi everyone. I'm Nora Kennedy. Let's go to Wales this month. 

Taiwa-karaoke around the Atlantic.

Do you remember this month's theme? Ups and downs in Wales.

Here's today's scene.


ups and downs

Alternating periods of good and bad fortune or spirits.


Imagine this...

Let's go to a big park in Wales today. There's an exciting race today. It's a public viewing event. Everyone in the park will see the race live on big screen. The race has runners from different countries. Japan, Wales, Jamaica... I'll ask you about the runners befor the race start. There is a lot of excitment when the race starts and finishes. So, join in the fun.


Did you picture the situation?

Try to have a six turn conversation as you share your feelings while we watch the race.


The park is not too crowded. Can you see the public viewing screen?

-Yeah, how about you?

-I can see it pretty well. The Wales runner is in lane number five. What lane is the Japanese runner in?

-Lene number two. She's the world record holder.

-Are you a fan of that Japanese runner?

-Yeah, I'm a huge fan. She's シュンパツリツコ. Go Ritsuko!

-Wow, I'm not really a fan of any one athlete. Are you a big fan of any sport teams?

-I'm a fan of the ETT rugby team more or less. But I'm not a huge sports fan.

-Oh look, the race has started. Even I feel nervous. How about you? How do you feel?

-Same here. I feel a little nervous, too. The mood is contagious.

-Oh, it's neck and neck. The winner is the Weles runner. A new world record? Oh, there are people shouting from all the buildings around the town. 

-All of Wales is celebrating at this very moment. Can you believe it? It's incredible.


How many times did you reply?

Nora, what kind of sports do you enjoy watching?

-I really love to watch runners. 

-Is that right?

-Yeah. I think it's so amazing to see the determination on their faces. 



So listen carefully to how Steve replies. It's a good example.


That was an exciting race. 


We are going to a beautiful castle in Wales. I'm really looking forward to it.

Wales has a lot of castles. And you'll experience it together with Nora.







How do you feel now?

I feel great.

I'm a huge fan of yours. * fan <> fun

It's an honor to meet you. * an honor

This is the best hotel in Wales. <> not the worst

You nailed it!




I feel ...

I feel on top of the world.

I feel fantastic.


I'm a big fan of ...

I'm a big fan of the Beatles.

-Great one. I'm also a big fan of the Beatles.


This is not the worst .. in ... 

This is not the worst restaurant in this city.

He is not the worst person in the class.


-> It you're at a restaurant and it's not perfect, you might want to say, ましな方, This is not the worst restaurant in this city.



Can you see the public viewing screen?

- Yeah, I can see pretty well. How about you?


a public viewing screen

-> a public display
a large screen to display presentations or advertisements


Are you a fan of that Japanese runner?

-Yeah, I'm a huge fan. She's Syunpatsu Ritsuko. Go, Ritsuko.

-Yeah, I'm a big fan of her.


Are you a big fan of any sports teams?

-I'm a fan of the Giants more or less. But I'm not a huge sports fan.

more or less

-Mostly or basically. / Approximately or nearly.








I'm a big fan of yours.


a frined of mine <> my friend

This is a frined of mine.


fan of ..

I'm a huge fan of yours.


It's an honor to meet you.

I'm so glad to see you.


I went your concert in London. It was amazing.


I'm a big fan of this show.


I've been a big fan of this show for a long time.

I've been living here for a long time.


Are you a fan of any sports teams?


I'm a big fan of the Tigers. 
-> I'm a fan of the TIgers more or less.

I'm not really a fan of any one team.


I like all kinds of sports.



Well, I'm a big fan of our listners, Steve.







She feels bad.


feel bad



I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I feel bad.
Don't feel bad.

Don't worry about it.


I'm sorry I broke your mirror. I feel terrible.


You're lucky. 


-> envy <> I'm jealous / You are lucky.


You're lucky (that) you live near the train station.


You were lucky the hotel had availability.


This is the best hotel in Walse.


This is not the worst hotel in Las Vegas.



It's not bad.






Hellow everyone, it's Nora here. Your conversation partner. This Friday, we go to a big park in Wales. We'll see an exciting race together. Let's have fun. 

Thanks Nora. An exciting race. 





How do you feel now?

-I feel relieved.

-I feel a little blue.

-I feel a little down.

-I feel a little depressed.

-I feel a little sad


-I feel great.
-I feel amazing.

-I feel wonderful. 

-I feel awesome.

-> Amazing, wonderful, awesome, terrific, incredible, stellar


-outstanding or immense


-I feel a little nervous.


-I'm excited.



It's my turn. Okay, here we go.


You got this! You got this!

-> You can do it.




You nailed it.




Great job!




Good game!


You did well.