ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(79) 8月28日(水) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(79)


The lunch is nearing its end. Michio is trying to gather information about the CEO from Emma in advance. 


In what sense is Sam a typical American?

-He's willing to take risks, push boundaries and seek out new opportunities.


By the way, do you have any useful info on the new CEO? I know Smuel's profile, but I've never met him before. It'd be nice to have some prior knowledge.

-Well, I can't give away information for free

-Oh, come on, Emma.

-I'm only joking. I'd say Sam is a typical American business man. He's willing to take risks, push boundaries and seek out new opportunities. So show your passion and ambition. He'll appreciate that. Honestly, I think you are fine just the way you are

-Thank you, Emma. It helps a lot. Well, we'd better get going. Thanks for bringing me to such a wonderful place.

-The pleasure is mine. Let's explore how to put our ideas into action.


prior knowledge

give away

push boundaries 可能性を広げる

seek out <- more active than just seek

get going

put into action


put ... into action

  • Let's explore how to put our ideas into action.
  • It's time to put the plan into action and see how it performs in the real world.
  • We're ready to put our customer's suggestions into action.
  • Let's investigate how we can execute our ideas.
  • Let's see how we can roll out our concept.


  • That's valuable information. So, whatever he asks me, I'll assure him that I can do it.
  • I can't just take such valuable information for free. Can I? Next time you come to Tokyo, I'll treat you to a delicious Japanese meal.
  • Maybe I'll change my name to Passion Ambition, then.

Jenny, if you were in ..'s position, how would you react to Emma's humoor?

-If Emma were joking to me that she would need something in exchange for information, I might say something like
Oh, so how much info will this lucky paper clip get me
or You drive a hard bargein. Bye... and pretend to walk away.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(78)

Emma informs Michio about the career aspirations of local employees leaving Michio a little surprised by her frankness.


In which countries do career driven individuals tend to prefor to work?

-They tend to favor the US or other European countries. 


The situation here in London might differ a bit from Asia. Of course, everyone wants to go to Tokyo and enjoy Japanese food and so on. So temporary training opportunities are a plus, but when it comes to living and working in Japan, some of the more career drivin individuals tend to favor the US or other European countries. 

-Wow, that's rather unexpected, but thanks for being honest.

-I'm glad you understand. Sorry, I didn't want to dampen the mood, but I thought it was important to be honest.

-Not a problem.

-I've never tasted such a delicious apple crumble. How's yours?

-This tiramisu melts in my mouth. I'm really into Italian desserts lately.


dessert <> desart



be a plus

career driven -> environment driven/ family driven


dampen the mood


be into


dampen the mood

  • I didn't want to dampen the mood.
  • The supporters' yelling dampened the mood of the football match.
  • The news dampened the mood of the stock market.
  • I didn't want spoil the mood.
  • We didn't intend to sour the mood.


Is the reason for choosing the West over Tokyo simply a career related issue? Are there concerns such as languages or cultural differences at work?


If children's education is a concern, we could provide more information on things like international schools. What do you think?


If career-minded business people intend to go to Asia, would their preference be for Hong Kong or Singapore rather than Tokyo?






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(77)

Michio and Emma's conversation turns to the career aspirations of local employees in the UK. Michio is surprised by Emma's unexpected statement. 


What additional offerings does the head office provide for overseas employees aside from training?

-They provide opportunities to work in Tokyo.


Emotional connection. That's that. What about their career development?

- The training in Tokyo plays an important role in motivating our staff. It help them understand the organization and activities at the head office.

-That's great to here. We'er planinng to expand training opportunities for overseas employees at HQ evern further, and we're actively offering  chances to work in Tokyo as wel.

-Regarding internal job offers for head office positions, the idea is appealing to certain individuals, but not to everyone. Honestly, for others, it may not be as enticing as those in Tokyo think.
-Are you suggesting that people in London aren't interested in working in Tokyo? Actually, we receive numerouns applications from our Asian base.


That's that. 

-> (and) that's that
That is final; the issue is settled or completed.


play a role

HQ -> headquarters

enticing-> enticing smell of fresh bread.




play an important role

  • The training in Tokyo plays an important role in motivation our staff.
  • Financial planning plays an important role in securing a stable future.
  • Renewable energy plays an important role in tackling climate change.
  • Training in Tokyo is instrumental in motivating our staff.
    *be instrumental in に重要な役割を果たしている

-serving as a means or influence; helpful


  • Training in Tokyo is vital in fostering motivation among our staff.
    *vital -> crucial / istrumental -> extreamely importnat


  • It may not be enticing as thoes as in Tokyo think.


The training consisted more of listening to lectures than of being interactive. Ans some of the participants may have felt that their opinions weren't listened to very well.


consist of (something)
To be made up of (something).

<> consist in (something)
To have something be the sole, primary, or most important element or aspect.


*more of ... than of ...


Surprisingly, the board members also showed up at the welcome reception, but they were only in the venue for the first five minutes and left before the participants realized it. The participants said it would have been better if they had had the opportunity to speak to them directly.





ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-3)
8月23日(金)Brett Cline


What issues is likely to arise in many countries with the spred of AI?

-The issue will be about how much power the computers use.



-AI semiconductors are recently a hot topic. Brett-san, how will AI affect the semiconductor industry? What are the challenges that the industry faces?


-Thank you for this quesion. You know, artificial intelligence's.. is certainly something that's going to change the game in nearly every market including the semiconductor industry. Uh, semiconductors and computar processors are absolutely critical for artificial intelligence. Some everyday examples of artifficial intelligence might be the digital assistance that are on your phone, the smart home device that helps you manage your themostat in your house or self-driving cars for instance. Each of these has a number of key concepts that's associated with it. So these artificially intelligent systems, we need to learn from large data sets to build them. They need to have pattern recognition and they need to be good at decision making and each one of these items requires an incredible amount of data processing capabilities. Um, so that means that there's processing power or computer processing power, which is what we do in accordance right now. So there's a number of big challenges that are associated as well. So these electronics that we build need to perform even faster to handle these large data sets. And I think in many countries around the world, there'll be a huge concern about how much power these computers are using. And so, fortunately, the technology that we're building with the computer processor, which is also often called the CPU. It's critical in each of these tasks and what we're trying to do for our customers is allow them to customize these computer processors to give them a big advantage on their products by improving the data processing performance, but also trying to help them with power reduction. So, the goal is to try to be very very efficient but allow these high capabilities in terms of the amount of data that can be processed quickly.

-I see. Could you give us an example what you mean by power reduction?

-Well, you know, if you put your smartphone in your pocket, you don't want it to be like a heater or you don't want it to melt. 


-So as it's doing incredible things, maybe it's processing your voice or maybe it's doing some camera work, you want to make sure that it does it very efficiently and doesn't use a lot of power in terms of heat, but that also when we all plug our car in at night or we plug our smartphone in, that is not drawing too much power off of the electrical grid, which also cause problems.



change the game

Change the game to change the way things are done in a big way. 



A thermostat is a device used to control and regulate temperature, especially in buildings with central heating and cooking. These types of thermostats are usually small devices that are attached to a wall, where you can view and adjust the temperature of the home.


be assosiated with


pattern recognition

In terms of engineering, pattern recognition or PR refers to the processes of detecting patterns or regularities in data and the ability to continue building upon those patterns. It can also classify that information into categories. Pattern recognition has many applications. An example is when you take a picture of someone with a smartphone and it uses pattern recognition to see if it matches any of the faces it knows.



In this case, incredible means a large amount of something or extrordinary. Brett talked about items that require an incredible amount of data processing capabilities. Meaning a huge amount of data processing capabilities at a level that may be difficult to believe or imagine. 



A CPU is a computer processor. It stand for central processing unit. It's the hardware that functions as the brain of the computer. 



If something melts, it changes from a solid into a liquid due to high heat. 


draw ... off of

To draw A off of B means to withdraw or to get A from B. Brett mentioned drawing power off of the electrical grid. This means taking power or removing power from the electrical grid. 


electrical grid 電力網

Grids in this case are conductors that distribute resources like electricity to consumers. An electrical grid is a network of electricity.



remain challenging -> reamin a challenge

AI has made significant progress in analyzing human emortions, but  empathy and cultural nuances remain challenging. 


personalize user experiences

It's amazing that AI driven recommendation systems have changed the way we shop online by personalizing user experiences. 


spark debate

The rise of AI has sparked debates about ethics, particularly regarding privacy.



  • Machine lerning algorithms have enabled computers to learn from data and make predictions.



Artificial intelligence is certainly something that's going to change the game in nearly every market including the semiconductor industry