ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 渋谷の中心地で盆踊り大会 8月27日(火) | amnn1のブログ




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 渋谷の中心地で盆踊り大会

Summer in Japan is very lively and full of events. So let's take a closer look at a particular festival in Shibuya and focus on a few interviews from the festival goers.



One last story before we go. People from both near and far gathered in a Tokyo street on Saturday to enjoy a summer dance festival.
A stage was set up and auto traffic was restricted around the Shibuya district's iconic “scramble crossing.” People in summer kimono known as yukata danced to traditional Japanese music.
Local shop owners started the event in 2017 to bring together residents and visitors.

(Tourist from Canada)
“It's amazing to see these people, even foreigners, dancing and getting used to the Japanese culture. So, I'm very happy to be a part of it.”

(Local resident)
“Many foreigners are coming to Shibuya nowadays. I think this festival is a good way to let them experience some Japanese culture.”



  • one last …は「最後の1つの~」
  • from both near and far
  • scramble crossing「スクランブル(式の)交差点」
  • danced to traditional Japanese music.
    dance to …は「~に合わせて踊る」
Well, in the news clip, it was fascinating to see the large tiered platform right on the busy streets. People were dancing on one level and playing dorums on another. It was amazing to see Japanese and foreigners all dancing together.
  • *tiered platform
  • bring together residents and visitors
  • get used to …ここでは「~に慣れ親しむ」というニュアンス/「~に慣れる」
  • nowadaysは「最近は、今日では、近頃」で、昔と比べた今
I still remember my first dance festival  in Japan. It was a fun and memorable introduction to Japanese culture. Its good point is that anyone can join in or just watch too.
It's amazing to see these people, even foreigners, dancing and getting used to the Japanese culture.
It's amazing 
to see these people, even foreigners, dancing 
and getting used to the Japanese culture.



It's amazing to see these people, even foreigners, dancing and getting used to the Japanese culture. So, I'm very happy to be a part of it.

the Shibuya district's iconic “scramble crossing


scrambled eggs「かき混ぜられた(複数の)卵」


-> pedestrian scramble「歩行者がごちゃ混ぜ(になる横断歩道)」


To me, scramle is mixing something with no planned order or end shape.

When I think of scramble crossing, I think of a crossing where everyone can go in any direction they want. 


organized chaos「秩序ある混沌」と形容されることがあります。


Yeah, seeing so many people corssing at once and so many directions is a stunning sight. It really is a little chaotic.


That's true. I think everyone that comes wants to hava a picture or video of the crossing. I know I have a few from my first trip. We have all way crossings in America, but nothing on the scale of Shibuya's scramble crossing. 


Wow, your dertermination is wonderful. I'm so pleased that our listners are putting in so much effort. I look forward to hearing more about all of study habits. 



 Why did the chicken cross the road?「なぜ、にわとりは道を横切ったの?」
→To get to the other side.「反対側に行くためさ。」


・Why did the chicken cross the Shibuya Scramble Crossing? → Because it wanted to experience the organized chaos! ・Why did the chicken get lost at the Shibuya Scramble Crossing? → Because it couldn't decide which direction to go! ・Why did the chicken love the Shibuya Scramble Crossing? →Because it felt like a superstar with all the cameras and tourists around! ・What did the chicken say when it saw Shibuya Scramble Crossing? →My kids are all mixed up! ・What did the chicken say as it crossed Shibuya Scramble Crossing? →Egg-scuse me!



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 バングラデシュ 暫定政権が発足

This thime, let's talk about what's hapening in Bangradesh, near India. Let's do our best to listen to some unfamiliar names and vocablary.





Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus has been sworn in as the head of the interim government of Bangladesh after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned following weeks of massive protests.
Yunus was named chief adviser of the interim government at a ceremony in the capital, Dhaka, on Thursday. He returned to the country from France earlier in the day.
The interim government is scheduled to preside over an election. He told reporters he would prioritize the restoration of law and order, saying violence and disorder are the biggest enemies of progress.
Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank, which extends small unsecured loans to underprivileged people. He and the bank won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.
Hasina resigned on Monday, after a police crackdown on student-led protests over civil service job quotas left scores of people dead or wounded.



  • 名詞laureateは「受賞者、名誉を受けた人」で、laurel「月桂樹」に由来
  • swear「誓う」は、swear-swore-sworn
  • preside over an election
  • prioritizeは「優先する、優先させる」
  • restorationは「取り戻すこと、復元、回復」
  • unsecuredは「無担保の」で、unsecured loanは「無担保融資」
  • underprivileged「下の、不十分な」
  • quota「割り当て、定員」
  • scores of …「多数の~」=> a lot of …やmany


The interim government is scheduled to preside over an election.


The interim government 

is scheduled to preside over 

an election.



The interim government is scheduled to preside over an election.
He told reporters he would prioritize the restoration of law and order.




interim government「暫定政府、暫定政権」
=> inter-はbetween


Did you know there are many other words that use inter for example,

international, intermediate or interdependence
Can our listners think of any others?


preside over an election「選挙を取りしきる」



=> president

Right. The president preside over the meeting. In this case, the president can be any type of leader, like a volunteer or club leader.


Back translation training and transformation training are really useful to burush up my speaking ability, especially transformation training is challenging because I can't answer it unless I keep concentrated and remember what was said in the news. Thank you very much for an exciting program. 

Transformation training doesn't air every tiem on the radio. So don't forget you can use it on the app and website anytime. Please take advantage of all the learning options!








Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus has been sworn in as the head of the interim government of Bangladesh after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned following weeks of massive protests.
Yunus was named chief adviser of the interim government at a ceremony in the capital, Dhaka, on Thursday. He returned to the country from France earlier in the day.
The interim government is scheduled to preside over an election. He told reporters he would prioritize the restoration of law and order, saying violence and disorder are the biggest enemies of progress.
Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank, which extends small unsecured loans to underprivileged people. He and the bank won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.
Hasina resigned on Monday, after a police crackdown on student-led protests over civil service job quotas left scores of people dead or wounded.





One last story before we go. People from both near and far gathered in a Tokyo street on Saturday to enjoy a summer dance festival.
A stage was set up and auto traffic was restricted around the Shibuya district's iconic “scramble crossing.” People in summer kimono known as yukata danced to traditional Japanese music.
Local shop owners started the event in 2017 to bring together residents and visitors.

(Tourist from Canada)
“It's amazing to see these people, even foreigners, dancing and getting used to the Japanese culture. So, I'm very happy to be a part of it.”

(Local resident)
“Many foreigners are coming to Shibuya nowadays. I think this festival is a good way to let them experience some Japanese culture.”





Some 380 people have been arrested in the past week as violent anti-immigrant protests spread across Britain. The unrest was triggered by a knife attack that killed three children and injured 10 others in Southport, England, last week.
On Sunday, far-right protesters in Rotherham, also in England, tried to break into a hotel housing asylum-seekers. At least 12 police officers were injured after bricks and other objects were thrown at them.
The unrest began last Tuesday, after misinformation about the suspect's background was shared online. False claims the teenager was a Muslim immigrant who arrived in the UK illegally sparked anti-immigrant violence. Protests have spread across the country, with demonstrators vandalizing mosques and other buildings.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has denounced the violence.

(Keir Starmer / British Prime Minister)
“The full force of the law will be visited on all those who are identified as having taken part in these activities.”






An intense heatwave in Japan is forcing the country's high school baseball federation to rethink the rules of the game to protect the players.
On Friday, the group decided to start discussions on changing the length of games from nine innings to seven.
An annual high school baseball tournament is set to begin Wednesday at Koshien Stadium in western Japan's Hyogo Prefecture. Temperatures in the region rose to nearly 40 degrees Celsius, and weather officials warn it's likely to last at least another month.
The federation has also decided that on some days the games will only be played in the mornings and evenings to counter peak temperatures.







Japan's sniffer dogs that detect illegal drugs at airports are set to be joined by canines trained to sniff out large amounts of cash in luggage.
Two dogs that went through a month of practice demonstrated their abilities to the media at Narita Airport near Tokyo. In a test, the dogs checked 14 pieces of luggage and stopped at a bag that was suspect. It took about 60 seconds.
Anyone entering or leaving Japan is required by law to declare cash or checks exceeding 1 million yen, or about 6,800 dollars. Japan Customs says it hopes the training of such dogs will improve detection of illegal activity at airports throughout Japan.

(Ueda Kenji / Tokyo Customs Enforcement Division)
“Currency detector dogs can easily move to different places and help inspectors check luggage on the spot. They have such mobility.”

Ueda says the number of people leaving Japan increases in the summer and the dogs can help improve border checks at such times.









ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 ロサンゼルス市 “大谷翔平の日”制定


  • designated
  • Los  Angeles
  •  Many looked excited to see him.
  • small plastic figures made to look like a certain person with an oversized head
  • once every 100 years
  • Ohtani has earned multiple distinctions since making his Major League debut in March 2018.
  • distinction-賞など「名誉、栄誉(の印)」







ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 合計特殊出生率 1.20で過去最低

  • some worrying figures
  • the country's total fertility rate has been on the decline
  • by various degrees








  • fan
  • bid farewell to a colorful icon of the tracks. 
    bid farewell to … 「~に別れを告げる」
    bid=> say


    <>fare [fɛr]
  • eye-catching seven-car vehicle
  • phase out
  • It's off-limits to ordinary passengers
  • Seeing it is said to bring happiness,
  • Central Japan Railway plans to retire theirs in January.
  • West Japan Railway will do the same in 
  • Going forward,
  • lower back pain
  • fuzzy
  • chances are I haven't.
  • can hardly contain my amazemant on my first ...
  • flipped around the seats
  • the lyrics from a famous song
  • You don't know what you've got till it's gone




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 中国の大学入試 出願最多

  • has hit a record high
  • That's an increase of 510,000 students from last year.
    -> That's up by ...
    five hundred and ten thousand
  • amid growing economic uncertainties
  • give them an edge in the job market after graduating.
    => give them an advantage in competition
  • Household expenditures on education
  • until they reach 17 years of age.
  • I had a blast





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 生成AI使った世論操作の危険性


  • generative artificial intelligence technologies
  • manipulate 
    in an attempt to manipulate public opinion.
  • China criticized Japan's release of treated and diluted water from 
  • were run by groups based in 
  • I wouldn't doubt it for a  second.
  • It's disturbingly natural, even.
  • can be a double-edged sword
  • AI is playing catch-up with humans










ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 去年の落とし物 過去最多 8月12日(月)

  • are also increasingly forgotten.
  • increased foot traffic post-pandemic is likely the cause.
  • as electronic devices get smaller, they're getting easier to misplace
  • Police still encourage people to file a report as soon as they realize something's been lost
  • one millionが「100万」-> 30 millionは「3,000万」
  • ear buds(earbuds)ear phones / earphones
  • Police say nearly 30 million lost items were turned in last year nationwide, (which is) a new record.
  • The National Police Agency says that's the most it's ever seen since data (keeping) began in 1971.
  • The agency says increased foot traffic (that occurred) post-pandemic is likely the cause.
  • physicist
  • we could have avoided the arms race and not been under the terrible danger that we are today from nuclear weapons.
  • reflected on the impact
  • nuclear warheads
  • is raising the alarm about nuclear weapons just as his grandfather did.


  • are making big inroads into
  •  a prototype of a microsurgery assistance robot
  •  laparoscopic keyhole surgeries 腹腔鏡検査の
  • is already in use
  • I'm always a little nervous about my comments being under the microscope,



  • teamed up with
  • the spray uses a fine mist to saturate the wings and bodies of mosquitoes to prevent them from flying.
  • It does this by using a solution in the spray with low surface tension that reduces the ability of the insect's body to repel water.
  • insecticides
  • hit a record high of more than 6.5 million.
  • join hands 「手を組む、手を取り合う」
    -> teamed up with
  • mosquito-borne infectious disease 「蚊が媒介する感染症」
  • I never rally saw mosquitoes as much of a threat




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 東京・恵比寿で36年ぶりビール醸造 8月16日(金)

  • brewery
  • distillery
  • winery
  • ceremony
  • siteは「場所、敷地、会場、ウェブサイト」
  • a firsthand look at
  • launch
  • were named after
  • firsthand account 「(現場にいた人の)目撃談、体験談」
  • sober curious 「ソバーキュリアス」
  • tap into ...
  • I understand your point, but I see things differently.
  • something being a short distance away
  • “The nearby train station.”
    you can use “close” and “near” — but almost never before a noun like “station.”
  • now low drinks