ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(93) 8月21日(水) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(93)

You didn't give it just a little lick? Just one tiny taste?

  • He should be back by noon. 


Oh, hi Jessica, where's Professor Peacock?

William! He said he needed to go home for a while.

Do you know when he will be back?

He should be back by noon. Did you have a question for hime?

Yes, I did. Perhaps, you know something about it.

About what?

The time capsule they found at school.

All I know is that is was buried in 1865.

I heard that they found something unsual inside it.



  • The time capsule they found at that school.
  • I heard that they found something unsual inside it.


  • He should be back by noon. 

She should be here already.

She must be here already.


There shouldn't be any problems.

You should see the exit to your left.


Alright. So for today's practice again,we'll use should. Shouls is a weaker version of must and has that feeling of ~のはず, so let's practice together and master. Repeat after us!


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • He should be in his room. Have you checked in there?
  • She shouldn't be able to open the door. It's locked from the inside.
  • There should be a red wire. Can you see it? Okay, cut it.
There should be a red wire. Can you see it? Okay, cut it.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(92)

  • You should get Derek back in the band.


Bill, I need to talk to you about something.

Sure, Stacy. What's up?

You should get Derek back in the band.

What? Why? We have a bass player, Paul.

I don't feel the passion in his performance lately. Our fans are saying that too.

I haven't heard that. Can they really tell the difference?

Also, Paul was saying he wants to quit.

What? Are you making this up? * make ... up でっち上げる

No! It's true.
Oh, man...


  • Can they really tell the difference?
  • Paul was saying he wants to quit. 


  • You should get Derek back in the band.

You should study harder.

You must study harder.


You shouldn't say things like that.


Why should I believe you?

How should I know?


Alright. Today's 助動詞 is should. Should is for advice and for giving direction pointing in the direction of a recommended action. Okay, let's practice and master the feeling together.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • You should call your family. They're probably worried about you.
  • You shouldn't underestimate his ability. He's the current champion.
  • Why should I listen to your advice? How do you know what's best for me?
Be sure to tune in next time! Keep doing your best and keep speaking all you can



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(91)

  • I'll give you a hint.


Why did you bring me here, Genie. I am not interested in art.

You need to expand your horizons, Frnankie.


Now, look at this picture. Can you guess who this person in the painting is?

I am not sure.

I'll give you a hint. You're standing next to her.


Who painted it?
Sally, my frined from art school.

It looks at home in this gallery.

I'll tell her you said that.


expand your horizon



  • Who painted it?
  • It looks at home in this gallery.


  • I'll give you a hint.

    will その場で決心<>be going to 計画されている
I'll tell her you said that.
I won't tell anybody your secret.
I will marry him no matter what.
Alright everyione, it's time for today's practice. Will has a couple of nunances, and we use our intonation to help distinguish between them. So let's practice different froms of that. Repeat us, guys.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • I'll call you back. I'm on the train right now.
  • I won't open that box, Otohime. I promiss. What's inside, though?
  • I will speak English fluently someday. It's just a matter of time.
sometime <> someday





Hey, David, you like urashima Taro, huh?

20 years ago, I had a home stay in Japan and before I went home, my home stay family gave me this, uh, puzzle box and told me rememver this trip but don't open the box. So I'm always reminded of this story. 

And what did you do? You opened it?

Of course. First thing. 





ラジオ英会話 英語のお悩み解決!夏休みスペシャル


it <> that


Let's start!

Let's get started!


something <> anything

I don't like some of your friends. 数人(あいまにに在る)

I don't like any of your freineds. すべての (なんでも・どれでも)


sometime いつか

anytime いつでも


Have you heard something from her?

Have you heard anything from her?
anything=> It's a very open question. Any information is okay. It's big open ears. Anything. 


something=> I have this idea. Maybe she said something. Maybe she said this thing. It's a little hatenabox in my mind. So I have an idea. So I ask have you heard something?





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(90)


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(90)

Okay, let's review this week's dialogues. Listen to the questions and pick wlhich one of the three options is the correct answer.

Lest's start with Monday's dialogue/dialog.


What does Paul want to do?

Become a legend.

Break up with Stacy.

Start a new band.


congratulations on 

your new positon with the band

It's a great hornor to be with ...

I'm not so sure. They may or may not be legends.

I'm seriously thinking of leaving


Let's go over the question one more time.


What does Rengi need to remember?

What his summer project topic is.

When the industrial revolution began.

How fast the world is changing


Do you know where it first begin?

the 18th century

that's what happens as time goes by

try not to ...



Which of the following is true?

Roxy started living with Masaru.

Roxy and Masaru are spending a lot of time together.

The man wants to meet Masaru.


I though you said there's nothing to worry about .

But now it feels different.

You must be having second thought.

I'm not srue I like this.


What happens in about a month?

Dr, Stein will walk again.

Frankie will get everything he wants.

Dr. Stein and the girl will grow plants inside the gazebo.


you've grown so much.

you've grown on the inside in your hearts.

I'm happy that you are happy.

on the inside 
-> on + ...side

on the bright side
on the upside / on the downside 


My medaka aren't doing so well.

-Well, taking care of medaka can be tricky. I'll let you know the secret. First, you must give them TLC. That means you should observe them carefully and understand their needs

  • secret 秘訣
  • give ... TLC -> tender loving care


Will Hiroshi pass the exam?

-I don't know. He may or may not pass. But he put all his effort into the preparation. That's the most important thing. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

  • preparation
  • keep one's fingers crossed

Did you see the illustration on the first page of this lesson? 

Yes, I was so taken aback how could they draw such a thing?

It was so adorable how you're so worried about your medaka. It looks just like you.

No. It doesn't look just like me.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(89)

ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(89)

  • Everything will be fine. 予測
Dr. Stein, do you remember this gazebo?
Of course, we watched the rain together here. It was several years ago.
It was a good day. Dr. Stein, when will you walk again?
In another month or so. Everything will be file.
That is good.
I'm pround of you and Frankie. You've grown so much. 
Grown? Our size hasn't changed.
I mean, you've grown on the inside, in your heart.
I am happy that you are happy, doctor.
gazebo 見晴らし台
-A freestanding, roofed, usually open-sided structure providing a shady resting place. / A belvedere.
-A roofed structure, especially a small pavilion or tower on top of a building, situated so as to command a wide view.

That is good.

Here, That is good. is used on purpose because it sounds more robotic. So usually in conversation you would say, That's good. 


  • You've grown so much. 
  • I am happy that you are happy.


  • Everything will be fine.

You'll feel lighter after this massage.

He won't stay angry for long.

Accidents will happen.

I would often go there.


Alright, for today's practice we'll use will, won't and would.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 
So let's get ready and jump right in. Repeat after us!
  • You'll feel better after a good night sleep. Trust me on this.
  • You won't have any trouble. The test is surprisingly easy.
  • I would always sit on the same spot in class. I learned better that way.


Hey guys. I'll turn 63 this year. That's a fact. But we still use will, right?

Yeah, it's inevitable.. 

At the end of the tonnel is 63 waiting


-Possible to avoid, avoidable. avertible



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(88)


*I'm not sure I like this.


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(88)

Today's lesson is full of love. Don't go having second thoughts. Let's get right to it.


  • You must be having second thoughts.


Good morning, dear. Where's Roxy today?

She already left the house. She's going hiking with Masasu.

Wow, Roxy's spending a lot of time with Masaru. She must be in love.

Well, I don't know about that. She obviously likes him though. 

Do you think she should be spending so much time with him?

I thought you said there's nothing to worry about.

Yeah, but now it feels different.

You must be having second thoughts.

Yeah, I'm not sure I like this.


  • I thought you said there's nothing to worry about.
    *thing/ one/ body + 説明 (to ...)
  • Yeah, but now it feels different.


  • You must be having second thoughts.
He must be happy.
He must be out of his mind.
He must be tired.
There must be some mistake. I didn't order any pasta.
It's labeled urgent. It must be important.
Alright everyone, it's time for today's practice. Normally must has the nuance of strong pressure. But in these examples, must has a feeling of no mistake or without a doubt. So let's get used to that feeling and practice today's sentences.
Remember to speak out loud!
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 
  • You must be looking for Martin. I'll show you to his office.
  • She must be a VIP. Look, she has a body gurd with her.
  • You're retired now, right? You must have a lot of free time.

There must be some mistake. I didn't order any pasta. But that's not problem. I can eat that too. -You must be wondering why you can't lose weight. Well, this is why. It might not be what you order, but it looks a little more delicious.




What you're saying doesn't make sense. We're going away from Earth. 

It's Earth, all right? No doubt about it. This is very strange.


*all right 間違いなく

*The time I wake up at needs to be consistent.



I'll just be checking my phone.


be 動詞の場合は通常 be + advだけど、

助動詞 + be の場合は、 助動詞 + adv + be ...



