ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(89) 8月8日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(89)

  • Everything will be fine.
Dr. Stein, do you remember this gazebo?
Of course, we watched the rain together here. It was several years ago.
It was a good day. Dr. Stein, when will you walk again?
In another month or so. Everything will be file.
That is good.
I'm pround of you and Frankie. You've grown so much. 
Grown? Our size hasn't changed.
I mean, you've grown on the inside, in your heart.
I am happy that you are happy, doctor.
-A freestanding, roofed, usually open-sided structure providing a shady resting place. / A belvedere.
-A roofed structure, especially a small pavilion or tower on top of a building, situated so as to command a wide view.

That is good.

Here, That is good. is used on purpose because it sounds more robotic. So usually in conversation you would say, That's good. 


  • You've grown so much. 
  • I am happy that you are happy.


  • Everything will be fine.

You'll feel lighter after this massage.

He won't stay angry for long.

Accidents will happen.

I would often go there.


Alright, for today's practice we'll use will, won't and would.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. So let's get ready and jump right in. Repeat after us!
  • You'll feel better after a good night sleep. Trust me on this.
  • You won't have any trouble. The test is surprisingly easy.
  • I would always sit on the same spot in class. I learned better that way.


Hey guys. I'll turn 63 this year. That's a fact. But we still use will, right?

Yeah, it's inevitable.. 

At the end of the tonnel is 63 waiting


-Possible to avoid, avoidable. avertible



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(88)

Today's lesson is full of love. Don't go having second thoughts. Let's get right to it.


  • You must be having second thoughts.


Good morning, dear. Where's Roxy today?

She already left the house. She's going hiking with Masasu.

Wow, Roxy's spending a lot of time with Masaru. She must be in love.

Well, I don't know about that. She obviously likes him though. 

Do you think she should be spending so much time with him?

I thought you said there's nothing to worry about.

Yeah, but now it feels different.

You must be having second thoughts.

Yeah, I'm sure I like this.


  • I thought you said there's nothing to worry about.
    *thing one body + 説明 (to ...)
  • Yeah, but now it feels different.


  • You must be having second thoughts.
He must be happy.
He must be out of his mind.
He must be tired.
There must be some mistake. I didn't order any pasta.
It's labeled urgent. It must be important.
Alright everyone, it's time for today's practice. Normally must has the nuance of strong pressure. But in these examples, must has a feeling of no mistake or without a doubt. So let's get used to that feeling and practice today's sentences.
Remember to speak out loud!
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 
  • You must be looking for Martin. I'll show you to his office.
  • She must be a VIP. Look, she has a body gurd with her.
  • You're retired now, right? You must have a lot of free time.

There must be some mistake. I didn't order any pasta. But that's not problem. I can eat that too. -You must be wondering why you can't lose weight. Well, this is why. It might not be what you order, but it looks a little more delicious.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(87)

  • You must remember that.


Renji, have you decided your summer research project topic?

I was thinking about the Industrial Revolution

Oh, that's a good one. Do you know where it first began?

Of course, in Briten.

That's right. And in which century did it begin?

The 17th century? The 18th century, Renji. You must remember that.

Okay, I'll try not to forget.

The whole world chaged then

The world is changing rapidly now too, you know.

Yes, that 's what happens as times goes by.


  • Do you know where it first began?
  • That 's what happens as times goes by.


  • You must remember that.
You must be patient. *patient
You must practice hard.
You must stay calm. *calm
You musn't somoke here. 絶対だめ
You may not smoke here. 公的な禁止
You must try this apple pie.
Okay everyone it's practice time. The word of the day is must. Must is a high pressure word, it has a heavy wight. So it's natural to stress this word in the sentence. Let's practice. Repeat after us.
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 
  • You must forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes now and then.
  • You must not let your gurad now. Anything could happen.
  • You must stay for dinner. We're having roast beef and I know how mush you like it.
Hey guys, when you were students, what did you do for the science fair?
Oh, I my projet was on the water cycle. Yeah we had this big bottle and had a miniature landscape and you could see the water evaporate and condensate and precipitate. It was fantastic.





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(86)

  • They may or may not be legends.


Congraturations on your new posistion with the band, Stacy.

Thanks Paul. It's a great honor to be with the Desperate Rats.

I suppose it is. 

Some people think they're legends of rock.

Don't you think so?

I'm not so sure. They may or may not be legned. 

Why do you say they? You're in the band.

Yeah, but not for long. I'm seriously thinking of leaving .


I want to start my own band. I don't belong here.

I see. 


  • It's a great honor to be with the Desperate Rats.
  • Some people think they're legends of rock.
    *people 複数 <> person



  • They may or may not be legends.
may -> 推量 50% 
He may be late.
He may like you.
He may quit.
She may be shy.
She can be shy. 
*可能性 -> may よくわかっていない <> can 潜在的なかの失せ
Rick may not like it.
Rick may not have time.
Rick may not be able to go.

Alright it's time for the pracitice section. Continuing from last week, we'll use may. So let's get to it. Repeat us guys.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • I may or may not go. It depends on how tired I am.
  • She may prefer to just be friends. I'm not sure she is looking for romance.
  • He may not have any friends yet. He only moved here a week ago .



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(85)

Let's get to it.


What are the two things needed to succeed?

A good teacher and a plan.

Long lessons and advice.

A plan and lots of time.


Beethoven piece

can't play ... well at all

What was their advice?


Why did Adam's wife and daughter stop by?

To drop off Adam.

To say hi to Maki.

To see the cherry blossoms.


can you move your head a little to the left?

They dropped by to say hello.

That's nice of them.

Roxy is coming to be quite a lovely young lady.

She's really blossoming.

we're done.

can I pay by credit card?



Which of the following is true?

Anton cound't contact Houston control.

It's morning in New Yourk.

The two people want to listen to music on the radio.


How can that be Earth?

I've been trying commander, I can't get through.

I'm not getting any radio signal.

Can New Yourk be dark at night?

setting a course


And last stop is ...dialogue.

What kind of handbag dose the clerk recommend?

One witha removable strap.

A light brown one.

One for this Autumn.


the stap is coming apart here.

time for new one then

What color did you have in mind?

I may have just the thing for you

This came in today




And I said to her, it's over.

-You can't be serious. you told your partner that you were leaving her just because she forgot your birthday. You should call her and apologize before it's too late.


apologize verb



I'll get the bill.

-I appreciate the gesture, but let's split it. Can I use my credit card? I don't have any cash at the moment. Give me half the bill in cash. Okay?





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(84)

  • How may I help you?


Hi there. How are you doing today?

Fine. Thanks. And you?

I'm doing great. How may I help you?

I'm looking for a handbag for summer.

Happy to help. I like the one you've got. It's very nice.

It's okay, but look, the strap is coming apart.

Ah.. time for new one then. What color did you have in mind?

Hmm... light brown might be nice.

Oh, I may have just the thing for you.

This came in today. 

Oh, it's nice. 


  • I like the one you've got.
  • What color did you have in mind?
    *did -> past tense => 丁寧

    what/who +
    How old
    whose phone
    where in Tokyo


  • How may I help you?
May I join you? よろしいでしょうか?(許可を得る)
Can I join you? していい?
You may use a calculater.
You may not bring pets inside.
May your dreams come true.
Okay everyone. It's August, but today we'll practice May. May is used for permission. So let's practice together. Repeat after us.
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • May I ask a question? I'm afraid I don't understand completely.
  • You may bring food or drinks, however, alcohol is not allowed.
  • You may not check your notes. This is a closed book exam.



I don't belong here...



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(83)
7月31日(水) That's pretty funny...

  • Can New York be dark at night?
Anton, how can that be Earth? We are supposed to be going toward Mars.
It is definitely Earth. I can see Africa in Europe.
Have you contacted Houston control?
I've been trying commander. I can't get through.
What's the problem?
I don't understand. I'm not getting any radio signal.
That's impossible. 

It's night time in New York, but I don't see any lights.

Can New York be dark at night? Let's go down to the surface.

Setting a course, commander.


  • Have you contacted Houston control?
  • I've been trying commander. I can't get through.


  • Can New York be dark at night?
  • My husband can be selfish.
  • Osaka can be very humid in summer.
  • You can't be serious.
  • That can't be.
    That can't be right.
    That can't be true.
    That can't be possible.
  • Can that be right?
    Can that be true?
    Can that be possible?
    How can that be Earth?
Hmm.. what's on the menu today? Oh, can? sounds great. Okay everyone, let's practice. You can just repeat after us!
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • He can be cranky in the morning. It's nothing personal.
  • That can't be right. There must be some mistake. Check again.
    check again
    There must be ...
  • Can that be true? I've never heard of that happeing before.
Hey, can you do this?
Whoa, that can't be. I've never seen such a thing before. 



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(82)

Okay.. E L B ... What's that? Okay everyone, let's begin!


  • Can I pay by credit card?


Adam, can you move your head a little to the left?

Like this?

That's great.Thanks.

Oh, I saw your wife and daughter the other day.

Did you?

They drop by to say hello.

That's nice of them. 

Roxy's coming to be qite a lovely young lady.

Thanks. I agree. She's rally blossoming. *大人っぽくなっている

She really is. Okay, we're done. 

Thanks. Maki. Oh, I don't have any cash today. Can I pay by credit card?

Of course.


*blossom 魅力的になる
-to develop or come to a promising stage


  • They drop by to say hello.
    *drop by 立ち寄る
  • Can I pay by credit card?
    *by の方法で-> by credit card -> by + 不可算名詞: 手段


  • Can I pay by credit card?
  • Can I have a look?
  • Can I see that?
  • Can I try a bite?


  • You can ask questions.
  • You can leave at anytime.
  • You can borrow my car.
  • You can't leave early.
  • You can't use AI tools.
  • You can take a hike
Alright, today's practice again, we'll use the 助動詞 can. Can has a couple of different meanings and toay we'll zoom in on one, permission. Use it casually and master it with us.
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • Can I have a sip of your coffee? I've never tried that blend before.
    *(have )a sip of .. 飲み物について一口の
  • You can stay at my home. I have an extra bedroom you can use.
  • You can't fly drones here. You need a permit to do that. 





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(81)
7月29日(月) 助動詞

Welcome back to today's lesson. Are you excited? I know you can do it!

You can do it. You must do it. You will do it.


  • I know you can do it.


Mr. Vinsky, I can't play this Beethoven piece well at all.

I know you can do it, Seichiro.

But it's taking so much time

I have some adovice for you. My teacher told me this a long time ago. 

Your piano teacher?

Yes, many years ago when I was very young. 

What was their advice? -> *their 性別不明なので

In order to scceed you need two things. One is a plan. 

Oh, okay. So what's the other thing?

Time.. lots of time..


  • I can't play this Beethoven piece well at all.
    *not at all
  • So what's the other thing?


  • I know you can do it.

Can you do that?

Can you lend me some money?

He can't speak English.

We can take a break after this.


Okay everyone, it's time to get into today's practice. The 助動詞 of the day is can. Are you ready? Let's go!


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • I know you can do it. You have to believe in yourself.
    *believe in ...
  • Can you hold my bag? My shoelace just came untied.
  • We can't / cannot stay here any longer. Publish parks close at susnset.




get loose; come untied [undone] 


Hey guys, can you do this?

Whoa... how are you doing that? That's amazing. Wow, I can't believe it.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(80)


Welcome to Friday's review. Let's have a great time. That's right. It's review time. Let's have a reat time.


Okay, let's review this week's dialogues. Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

Let's start with Monday's dialog.


*dialog -> = dialogue


What will the two people probably do?

A pick Goya and make dinner.

Have dinner and see the Milky Way.

Start dooking and drink some milk.


bitter melon called goya

I wanted you to try it

go see the Milky Way in the sky



Which of the following it true?

The man says the job is pretty easy.

The man will start a big business.

Stacy always wanted to be the manager of the band.


have mede a decision

turn into a nightmare

there's a lot you'll have to do


Whose portrait did Sally paint?

Her own.

Her friends.

A fashion model.


haven't finished it yet

wear nice clothes to class all the time


And last but not least, here's Thursday's dialg.


What will Alexis do?

Meet frineds with dinner.

Feed French food to Umi.

Pick up dry and wet cat food.


got all dressed up for


make sure it's a...

a picky eater

take after you



last but not least
last in order of mention or occurrence but not of importance.


Milky Way

The galaxy containing the sun, solar system, and all of the individually visible stars in the night sky, along with various nebulae, star clusters, and dust clouds, thought to have a super-massive black hole at its center of mass.


What are you going to do after retiring?

-Well, I have tons of things on my bucket list. For starters, I want to live in L.A for a year or two. Do you remember I spent a while at the L.A branch when I was a recruit? All my friends there are waiting for me.




Hey, what's up?

-Hi. My boss asked me to work overtime today. I'll be home very late today. So, don't wait up for me. Oh, and remember to lock up before you go to bed, okay?


*work over time

*wait up for 寝ないで〔人を〕待つ

*lock up


What... Ito Asako-san...? 



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(79)

Let's close with a good one.

  • Remember to feed Umi tonight.

Wow, Alexis. You got all dressed up for your friends tonight.

Of course.

I've never get dressed up for just my frineds.

We're going to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks.

Sounds elegant. French food?

Something like that.

Cusper. Remember to feed Umi tonight.

Yeah, of course.

And make sure it's a mixture of dry and wet food.

Umi likes eating both together.

I know. She's a picky eater.

Right. She takes after you.


  • We're going to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks.
  • Make sure it's a mixture of dry and wet food.


  • Remember to feed Umi tonight.
    => I remember talking to her.
Don't forget to lock the door.
I'll never forget going to Australia.
I'll try to wake up earlier.
I tried taking deep breaths.
Alright everyone, it's time to proctic. As Sensei explained there are important differences between to infinitives and ing. But understanding is only one step. Using them will help you become more comfortable and with being comfortable comes being more confident. Let's begin.
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • Remember (Don't forget) to bring extra socks. Nothing is worth than not having a clean socks.
  • I tried making gnocchi at home. It turned out great. I brought some for you.



turn out to be ...


Remember guys, you don't have to be perfect. You just have to use the English, you know.
That's right. Remember 
That's right. Remember to do your best.


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(78)

  • I enjoy talking with her.


Wow, Sally. This is another great portrait.

Thanks, but I haven't finished it yet. Do you know who this is?

Isn't it Genie, the android girl?

Yes, I'm glad it looks like her.

It really does.

It's good to see you're friends with Genie.

She's really nice. I enjoy talking with her.

What do you ladies talk about?

She likes talking about fashion.

She doese wear very nice clothes to class all the time.


  • What do you ladies talk about?
  • She doese wear very nice clothes to class all the time.


  • I enjoy talking with her.

    + ..ing 
    stop, finish, give up, consider, imagine, suggest, 


We finished eating.

Please stop talking.

I suggest waiting a bit.

Please consider using an eco bag.


Just as some verbs, only pair with to infinitives, these verbs only pair with ..ing. The nature of these actions demands ... ing. So let's practice them together. Let's begin.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 



  • We enjoy taking walks together. We usually go after dinner.
    *take a walk -> take walks
  • I finished packing an hour ago. I'm ready when you are.
  • You shoud consider making a reservation. There's a chance the restaurant will be busy.
    * make a reservation
    * There is a chance + the restaurant will be busy.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(77)

I'm sure this is a deram job for all three of us.


  • I want to do a lot of new things with you guys.


Stacy, we've made a decision. We'd like to offer you the job.


Really. The band all said you were the best person. Congraturations.

I'm so happy. I promise to work hard every day.

I'm sure you will. We're going to be pretty busy soon.

It was my dream to be the manager of the Desperate Rats.

Well, I hope your dream  doesn't turn into a nightmare. There's a lot you have to do. 

I want  to do a lot of new things with you guys.


  • We'd like to offer you the job.
  • I hope your dream  doesn't turn into a nightmare.


  • I want to do a lot of new things with you guys.
    want / promise / decide / plan / agree / + to .... これからする
  • I promise to work hard every day.
  • We decided to buy a house.
  • I plan to leave soon.
  • We agree to split the bill.
Alrihgt. Some verbs pair only with to infinitives. These are some of them. They point to actions that will start after. Let's practic and master them together. Okay guys, reapeat after us.
Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • Samantha want to start a business. I think she'll be successful.
  • I decided to leaver the party early. I didn't know enyone and I wasn't having fun.
  • I'm planing to visit my mother this summer. She'll turn 74 in August.
It all fits togethere now...

ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(76)

Wow something smells really good. Oh, it's my new cologne?

I thought something smelled good. It smells like freshly baked cookies.


  • I like to look at stars at night.
Wow something smells really good.
Shiho is making goya champuru for dinner.
What's that?
It's tofu, pork and bitter melon called goya.
Sounds interesting.
Shiho doens't like it actually, but it's my favorite, so I wanted you to try it.
She must like cooking.
Yes, she does. Oh and after dinner let's go see the Milky Way in the sky. 
We can see it? I like to look at the stars at night.
You'll be amazed. 


  • I wanted you to try it.
  • She must like cooking.


  • I like to look at stars at night.


I like to sew.

I love to sew.

I hate to sew.


I like writing letters.

I love writing letters.

I hate writing leteers.


To skydiveing is thrilling.

My role is collecting information.


Alright everyone. Let's practice using to species, to infinitive and ing-form in the object position for our first two and then we'll review some other forms. Alright, hwere we go. Repeat after us.





Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work. 


  • I hate to see friends fight. I hope you tow solve your differences.
  • Oh. I love dancing. Come on! Let's join the others on the dance floor.
  • My husband started taking yoga classes. He's try to get in better shape.



What you're saying doesn't make sense. We're going away from Earth. 

It's Earth, all right? No doubt about it. This is very strange.


*all right 間違いなく

*The time I wake up at needs to be consistent.
