ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 防衛省 200人以上を処分 8月1日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 トランプ氏 共和党が大統領候補に正式指名

In today's lesson, let's check in on the U.S. Republian party.



We start this hour in the United States. Donald Trump has made his first public appearance since an assassination attempt over the weekend. He's attending the Republican Party's four-day national convention after securing the party's nomination.
The former president waved and smiled at his supporters as the event kicked off in Wisconsin. A bandage could be seen on his injured right ear.
Trump's nomination wasn't the only thing confirmed at the event. Ohio Senator J.D. Vance was also nominated as his running mate, and the party also approved its platform for the November presidential election. It strongly reflects Trump's policy agenda and calls for stronger measures on immigration and foreign imports.




  • 動詞secureは「守る、安全にする」->「確保する、確実にする」
  • ここでのplatformは政党の土台となる「政策綱領、公約」

 He is attending the Republican Party's four-day national convention after securing the party's nomination.


He is attending 

the Republican Party's four-day national convention 

after securing the party's nomination.



He is attending
the Republican Party's four-day national convention
after securing the party's nomination.
A bandage could be seen on his injured right ear.






He is attending the Republican Party's four-day national convention after securing the party's nomination.



-After studying hard, she passed the exam.



-After spending hours cooking, she finally sat down for a meal with her family.



・afterは「後」の期間が日本語の感覚よりも広い 日本語で「~のあとに~する」と言うと、そのことに続いてすぐ行うニュアンスであることが多いと思いま、それ自体に「直後に」というニュアンスはありません。


I'll see you in two weeks.


I'll see you after two weeks. 




Today's take aways was really nice. It remainds me of something my mother told me. After hardships comes happiness. Even if things are hard or unlucky now, happiness will eventually come. I think it's best to stay positive.

-After hardships comes happiness.





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 道後温泉本館 全館で営業を再開

Today let's look into the long-awaiting reopening of a well-known Onsen.




Hot spring enthusiasts are enjoying the reopening of a famous onsen in western Japan.
The Dogo Onsen bathhouse in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, fully reopened to the public on Thursday after five and a half years of repairs and conservation work.
The Honkan, or main building of the bathhouse, is designated as a national important cultural property and is a popular tourist site. Part of the hot spring facility had been closed since 2019 as the renovations, including quake-resistance work, took place.

“The hot water was nice, and the bath is spacious with a high ceiling, so I felt very refreshed.”

(Sugimura Yukinori / Matsuyama City Dogo Onsen office)
“Our customers have had a long wait. Many things have happened over the past five years, including the pandemic. We would like to create a new history together with everyone in Dogo.”



  • feel refreshed「気分がすっきりする、リフレッシュする」
  • have + a long wait「長い間待つこと」
The hot water was nice, and the bath is spacious with a high ceiling.
The hot water was nice, 
and the bath is spacious 
with a high ceiling.
The hot water was nice, and the bath is spacious with a high ceiling,
so I felt very refreshed.


the Indo-Pacific region



Wow, that is very perceptive of you.

I don't think many people especially a high school student would ask such an intelligent and interesting question.


the Indo-Pacific regionは「インド洋と太平洋の地域」

Indo-は、Indian Ocean「インド洋」




the Indo-Pacific regionが正式な言い方とされています。




(1) It's ábsolutely amazing.

(2) Yes, absolútely!

      I trust her absolútely.「私は彼女を『絶対的に!』




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 国連 “世界人口は今世紀中に減少”


The United Nations says the number of people on the planet will continue to grow for the next 60 years before declining toward the end of the century. The world's population is forecast to peak at about 10.3 billion by the mid-2080s.
The UN released its report, “World Population Prospects 2024,” on Thursday, which it calls World Population Day. Global population stood at 8.2 billion this year, and the forecast is for 60 more years of increase. The number of people by the end of the century is expected to be about 10.2 billion.
The report also says population increases are likely to end earlier than previously forecast as birthrates continue to drop globally. It says populations had already peaked before this year in 63 countries and areas, including Russia and China.
The report projects India's population will continue growing to nearly 1.7 billion in 2054, while China's will fall to about 1.2 billion that year and down to 600 million in 2100.


  • 10.3 billion
    billion「10億」×10.3 -> 「103億」
  • Global population stood at 8.2 billion this year, and the forecast is for 60 more years of increase.
    standは「(ある数値を)示す」stand at X「Xの値を示す、Xの値である」
    8.2 billion
    the forecast is for 60 more years of increase.「見通しは~です
  • Sales are forecast (expected / projected / anticipated) to reach a record high.
  • birthrateは「出生率」
    「少子化」falling birthrateやdeclining birthrate「下がり続ける出生率」
    「日本の少子化」なら、Japan's falling birthrate
  • fall down to …「~まで減少する」
  • 600 million -> million「100万」×600->「6億」
  • The world's population is forecast to peak at about 10.3 billion by the mid-2080s.
    *10.3 billion -> 103
    Global population stood at 8.2 billion this year, and the forecast is for 60 more years of increase.
    *8.2 billion 82億人
    The report projects India's population will continue growing to nearly 1.7 billion in 2054,
    *1.7 billion 17
    , while China's will fall to about 1.2 billion that year and down to 600 million in 2100.
    1.2 billion 12億
    600 million -> 6億 
    <--million「100万」・10 million「1000万」・100 million「1億」





    “Forecast” and “project” mean essentially the same thing, but “expect” has a much broader meaning. Whereas “forecast” and “project” are often used for specific estimates of things, we use “expect” for basically anything we think is likely to happen.
    There was another similar word in today's story: “prospect.” “Prospect” comes from a Latin word meaning “look out” or “forward.” The first part, pro-, means forward, and the end means “look at.” There are many words with that root, like “respect” and “expect.”
    And one place you'll often hear the word “prospect” is in the world of professional sports. Normally, “prospectimplies the chance of a positive or successful thing happening in the future. So in sports, “prospect” means a young player who many people think has a decent chance of being a good player.


The ealier and lower peak is a hopeful sign. This could mean reduced environmental pressures from human impacts due to lower aggregate consumption.
  • billion「10億」
    10 million「1000万」
    100 million「1億」
    hopeful sign「良い兆候」
    aggregate consumption「総消費量」

Well, we talked a lot today about the populations of the world and some specific countries like China and India. If you're interested in the forecast for Japan, here you go. Anaylist project that by 2050, the population of Japan will drop to about 104 million and populations will fall from their 2020 levels in every prefecture but Tokyo.

*104 million  1億400万人





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 防衛省 200人以上を処分


Japan's Defense Ministry has reprimanded 218 civilian and uniformed staff of the ministry and the Self-Defense Forces for misconduct. The punishment on Friday of so many people at once is very unusual.
The ministry identified four inappropriate actions. One concerns national security and the handling of specially designated secrets. The others involve fraud with allowances for diving training and duty, free meals for unqualified personnel, and power harassment.
The ministry identified 58 cases related to the handling of confidential information. These include unqualified personnel having access to the information on 38 Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels.
Defense Minister Kihara Minoru said the Defense Ministry and the SDF will work together to take thorough measures to prevent a recurrence and regain the people's trust.



  • reprimandは、職務上の事柄で「叱責する、懲戒処分する、戒告する」
  • allowanceは「手当、支給額」
  • Power harassment is not a common phrase in English, but this news story is about Japan. If someone's familiar with that Japanese context, it'll probably make sense.
  • recurrenceは「再び起こること、再発」
  • Japan's Defense Ministry has reprimanded 218 civilian and uniformed staff of the ministry and the Self-Defense Forces for misconduct.

Defense Ministry「防衛省」
Self-Defense Forces「自衛隊」
civilian staff「文官」
uniformed staff「制服を着た職員、制服組」


  • One concerns national security and the handling of specially designated secrets.

specially designated secret「特定秘密」
national security「安全保障」


It's major blow to Japanese diplomacy.

The planned number of SDF recruits.
Those who were actually recruited 2000 people short.


Competitors have to wait until May 14th to find out if they won or are toast.


-> This is a really tough sentence to understand because the verbs in the if section have different tneses. From my point of view, the reaosn has to do with the order of things. May 14th is the day of the announcement of winners. If you think about it, the organizers decide the winners before May 14th. That means on May 14th, the winners have already won. So it's in the past tense. 

On the other hand, are toast explains a state. People who are toast are in the state of being finished. They have lost that states when the winners are chosen and just continues from there. Thay's why it stays in the present tense matching the rest of the sentnece.

Tenses can be really hard to get right even for native speakers.

Here's a simpler example of a sentence with mixed tenses inside and if part. It might help you understand. 

I'm going to ask Bob if he found a now job or is still looking







Speaking of uniformed staff, I think I'll take this chance to talk a little about the names of the Self-Defense Forces, the U.S. military branches, and the names for some top uniformed officers. There are three branches of Japan's Self-Defense Forces: the Ground Self-Defense Force, the Maritime Self-Defense Force, and the Air Self-Defense Force. Those are pretty straightforward names. In the U.S., however, things are a little different. You probably know these, but here they are. The American ground forces are called the “Army.” Then there's the maritime branch, the “Navy.” Finally, the air branch of the military is the “Air Force.” Those are the three main branches. Finally, the branches have different names for ranks. For example, in peacetime, the top-ranking position in the Army and Air Force is “general,” but in the Navy, it’s “admiral.”










Restoration work has begun in Okinawa to place tiles on the roof of the main hall at Shuri Castle. The building in the southern Japanese prefecture was destroyed by fire in 2019 and is now being rebuilt.
The site is surrounded by scaffolding and a temporary roof to protect it from wind and rain. The frame of the structure was completed last December.
In May, a ceremony to pray for safety during the reconstruction was held after part of the roof was finished. Craftspeople have now started laying tiles.
They're made from mudstone and red clay sourced from the prefecture.

(Hachiman Noboru / Okinawa Prefecture Red Roof Tiles Cooperative Association)
“People in the prefecture have special feelings about Shuri Castle. The craftspeople are full of passion for placing each tile. We're all working together to rebuild the castle quickly.”

The reconstruction of the main hall is scheduled to be completed by autumn of 2026.







the United Kingdom「連合王国」
constitutional monarchy「立憲君主制」
Magna Carta「マグナ・カルタ」


Monarchs reign but they do not rule.「君主は君臨すれど統治せず」


In America, we learn about the UK in histry class especially the colonization of America. It's been a long time since I learned about it. So today was a great review.




  • 旧優生保護法(now-defunct Eugenic Protection Law)
  • now-defunct「旧~、現存しない、今はなき~」
  • surgical sterilizationは「外科手術的に不妊にすること」->「不妊手術」
    sterilization 不妊にすること
  • be subject to 「~を受ける、~にさらされる」
  • abolishは「(法律や制度を)撤廃する、無効にする」


I feel like English is always changing and rapidly. for example, popular expressions meaning cool or かっこいい are constantly changing. In the 1930s people used the word swell. In the 1960s you would say groovy or far out. In the 1980s it was gnarly or awesome. Nowadays, young people say, lit or fire. 10 years ago I never heard someone tell me your outfit is fire, but now that's a nice compliment.



  • the prized marine resource「その貴重な海洋資源」
    prized possession「貴重な所有物、宝物」


There's a clear connection between “prize” and “prized.” The noun “prize” is basically something special or valuable. “Prized,” an adjective, is used for things that are considered special or highly valued. When people talk about their “prized possession,” for example, they're talking about something they attach strong emotional value to.



  • maritimeは海に関する「人間の活動」
    -> 例えば、「海洋生物」は自然のものなのでmarine lifeとなりますが、「海上自衛隊」は人間の活動なのでMaritime Self-Defense Force
  • rearは「育てる、飼育する、養育する」
    child rearingなら「子育て」
    rear … to maturityは「~が成熟するまで飼育する」
  • fry ここでは集合的に稚魚」-> 「(揚げ物の)フライ」
    ・Rather than go after small fry, the police decided to focus on the crime boss.
    ・His rivals considered him small fry.
  • glass eelは「シラスウナギ」で、ウナギの稚魚
  • designate「指定する、認定する
    -> be designated as ...

    ->> And for all you baseball fans out there, the abbriviation DH stands for designated hitter.
  • rear「育てる、飼育する、養育する」
    I think most Americans would probably say raise in that situation, but rear isn't necessarily unusual. Child rearing is a relatively common word.
  • maturity「成熟、十分な成長」
  • mature「成熟した」


  • commercialization「商業化、商用化、実用化」
  • commercial「商業の、商用の」

Today, I want to talk about the pronunciation of words that end in “T-I-O-N.” like commercialization.

There were four of those words in today's story. Here they are. Just pay attention to how they sound: cultivation, conservation, commercialization, production

The accent goes on the syllable before the T-I-O-N part.
CultiVAtion, ConserVAtion, CommercialiZAtion, ProDUCtion.
It's a pretty easy rule to remember: when you want to say a word ending in T-I-O-N, accent the part right before the last “tion.”




Like this, for example:
“The group is pursuing an initiative to improve working conditions for delivery drivers.”



  • turnoverは「離職率、離職者数」という意味です。他にも、「転覆、転倒、どんでん返し、取引高」
  • in-houseには副詞の用法 ->We create advertisements in-house.
  • improviseは「即興でやる、アドリブで行う」
    I left my lesson plans at home, so I had to improvise.
    improvise a speech/improvise crutches
  • awardは「賞」動詞 ->The prize was awarded to a Vietnamese scientist.
  • ->employees (who are) key to running the stores
  • privately-runなら「民間で運営されている、民営の」
  • gain ground「前進する、勢いを得る、優勢になる」
  • Applicants take a written exam on what they know about noodle-making.
    exam=> examination「試験
    written examは「筆記試験」
    「口頭試験」oral exam
    take an examは「試験を受ける」
  • (be) tested on …は「~に関して試される、試験される」
  • the job turnover among certified staff is only about one-tenth the rate for those without certification


There's a sentence I want to take a closer look at too. I'll say it again.
The aim is to make employees key to running the stores feel more motivated.
So the tricky part here is to make employees key to running the stores more motivated. It's hard to tell what's what in this  block becouse two functional words have been omitted.
-> The aim is to make employees who are key to running the stores feel more motivated.
  • improvise「即興で行う、アドリブで行う」
This year, selected workers from outlets across the country competed to show how well they can improvise to serve customers using appropriate language.
This word comes up in lots of different situations. You might hear about a musician who's “good at improvising.” If you're making dinner and you realize you're out of an important ingredient, you might say “I guess I'll have to improvise.”
  • language「ことばづかい」