ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-8) 7月26日(金) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-8)
7月26日(金) Kailene Falls

The conversation with Kailene was really thought-provoking for me. Listening to her journey I fest it was evident she faced quite a few challenges. Especially when she first arrived in Japan. What stands out to you most about her experiences?

-I'd say Kailine's perseverance. It's surprising that despite the initial setbacks, she didn't give up and eventually found a job. I can't imagine the frustration of constantly hearing it isn't the hiring season and feeling like there's no way in.

-It's incredible how Kailene just kept pushing, isn't it? It must have taken a lot of soul searching to recognize her own artistic inclinations and capitalize on them to carve out unique space for herself in the industry. 

What strikes you about her approach to her career shift? 

-Two things. First, its's the way she found her niche in food illustration by combining her love for drawing with her fascination for Japanese cuisine. Second, it's her transition from digital to traditional art. It's not easy to break away from a skill set you've mastered and start something new, especially in the creative field.

-I agree. Kailene recognized the importance of finding her unique style and was willing to take that leap. It's a testament to the importance of pursuing work that not only pave the bills but also brings joy and sataisfaction. By the way, what do you think of her advice on combining hobbies with language study?

-Well, I wish I had received that kind of advice when coming to Japan. I sometimes feel like language learning can be tedious, but when you tie it to something you're passionate about, it becomes much more enjoyable and sustainable

-Absolutely, I believe Kaylene'd advice would resonate with the listners of this program as well. Her story serves as a reminder that with passion and perseverance. You can turn what you love into your job. 


Thought-provoking 考えさせられる

Something that makes you think mentally stimulating. Mr. Shibata said that he found the conversation with Kailene thoguht-provoking. This means that the conversation was food for thought, or generated new ideas and considerations. 


Soul serching

Thinking deeply about something or self-examining the conscience. Introspection. Reexamining, tightly held beliefs. Here's an example, Members of the community did some soul searching after the tragedy in order to prevent another one. This means that the community members were reflecting on what happened and looked for answers or solutions. Even if they were difficul to accept.



A tnedency towards something. A disposition. An urge or leaning. Mr. Shibata mentioned Kailene's artistic inclinations or what she usually does artistically. Another example would be, I have no inclination to become an athlete. We can imagine that based on this person's lifestyle and preferences, they have not desire to become an athlete. 


carve out 経歴などを作り上げる・道を切り開く

To carve is to cuto into something to make a shape or space such as carving a wooden statue. Using this image to ccarve out, meants to make space for something. To work hard to establish something like a career.

To forge, or create. Mr. Shibata tallked about Kailene carving out space for herself in the industry. This means she had to work hard to make a place for herslef in the industry.



In this case to strike means to leave an impression. Mr. Shibata asked me, what strikes you about her approach to her career shift? He's asking about what stands out to me about her approach or what impressions I have about her approach. 


break away from

To stop using or doing something. To separate from something that is not beneficial. I mentioned that it's not easy to break away from something you've mastered and start doing something new. This means that it's hard to transition away form something you've mastered and start something new. Another ecample would be, My doctor says I need to break away form drinking alcohol. This person will have to give up alcohol because it's not for them even though they enjoy it. 



A testament is something tha serves as proof of something or shows that something is a fact. It can also be a sign of something. An example would be, sales of this products are on the rise. It's atestament to its popularity and usefulness. This means that rising sales serves as proof, make ti clear or signify that the product is popular and useful. 


Pave the bills 生活費を生み出す

If something like a job paves the bills, it provides enough money to cover basic living expenses such as rent or mortgate water power, gas and so on. Mr. Shibata talked about pursuing work that not only pave the bills but also brings joy and satisfaction. This means work that provides enough money to get by, enough money to live on or provides enough money for basic expenses in addition to bringing joy and satisfaction. 


tedious 面倒な

Something you don't want to do and find boring or dull. Something that takes a long time and isn't enjoyable at all. For example, the child doesn't want to do his homework because he thinks it's tedious. He doesn't like doing the same kinds of math problems over and over.



Listening to her journey, I felt it was evident she faced quite a few challenges especially when she first arrived in Japan.-> What stands out to you most about her experiences?


It must have taken a lot of soul searching to recognize her own artistic inclinations and capitalize on them to carve out unique space for herself in the industry. -> What strikes you about her approach to her career shift? 


By the way, what do you think of her advice on combining hobbies with language study?

-Well, I wish I had received that kind of advice when coming to Japan.



Our office environment survey suggests that many feel background music could enhance the office atmosphere. The workspace is currently very quiet and voices carry easily making people reluctant to communicate. -> What do you think about the survey results?

-There seem to be many things to consider. Regarding background music, we could experiment with it for trial period. We need to create an environment suitable for smooth communication. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(64)

What is Ken's explanation for the cause?


Subject: Delayed payment

Dear Mr. Ferguson. I sincerely apology for the delay and payment for your IT services. We made a wire transfer around 10 this morning. The funds should be credited to your designated account within the next three hours. Please know that this delay was not intentional. It was a clerical error on our side.

Thank you for your understanding and patience


Shimada Ken


  • clerical error
  • be credited to 
  • sincerely
  • Thank you for your quick action.
  • Thank you for acting promptly
    Thank you for your prompt action.
Dear Mr. Shimada,
We cofirm receipt of your payment. Thank you for your quick action. We understand that clerical errors can happen, but we'd appreciate it if you could take preventive measures to avoid the same mistake in the future.
Many thanks,
Paul Gerguson
Hi Ken, 
Deposit confirmed. However, our remittance fee has been deducted and we're 23 dollars short. The agreement was that the sender would cover the transfer fee, right? Could you send us the shortfall?



  • we're 23 dollars short.
    We're ... dollars long.
  • remittance 
  • The remittance fee is on us.
  • We'll handle the transfer fee.
    -> in additing to "handle," "cover" can also be used to express this.
    We'll cover the transfer fee.
Sorry about that. Yes, the remittance fee is on us. We'll send the missing amont asap.
Jenny,  ASAP can be used in conversation or in emails, but what about in polite emails?
-I think as soon as possible is better in polite emails. NOt ASAP. In general, it's considered better not to use abbreviations too often. It is because you don't know whether the other party can understand the meaning.
  • We apologize for our mistake in the billing numbers.
  • We've noticed a missed payment on your end. 御社サイドで
  • We're sorry for the oversight that led to the missed payment on our end.
  • We've received your payment but the invoice number doesn't match our record.
  • There is a dely in the transfer of funds. Can you provide us eith an update?
Today's topic was payments. Could you share some stories about payments from when you woulked at the bank?
-Payments, well... if the payment doesn't go smoothly, it tends to lead to troubles or complaints. In the case of crossbar transactions, delaying processing payments or clerical errors are not commong. 
-Sensitivity to time, accuracy can vary depending on the contry or region, rght?
-Yes, that's true. Ultimately, it depends on individual clients. It was sometimes nerve-wracking.
-I can imagine. I'd be nervous, just handling large sums of money.
crossbar transactions?
cross-border transaction?


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(63)

Two days after the visit to the Taiwanese company, Arun invites Malay to his office in Bangkok durying Malay and Arun's meeting. A small surprise occurs.


What does Malay think about the length of the contract?

-She thinks the three-year contract is  a bit too long.


Sorry to interupt, but would you mind if I join you?

-Mr. Naka. What a surprise. I thought you'd already left Thailand.

-Malay, how could I leave Bangkok knowing that you're here. So what's your impression of our service?

-Now I understand what one stop solutions really mean. 

-I take that is a compliment. How about our pricing?

-It's reasonable. But the three-year contract is a bit too long and we can't guarantee the volume of goods you requested. 

-As Arun probably explained, our competitive pricing is based on a long-term contract on a bulk trade, which I'm afraid we can't compromise on

-Understood. We'll review the details and get back to you.

-Thank you. It would be a great honor for us to do business with you.


one stop solution



bulk trade

compromise (+ on...)




providing a range of goods and services, so that you do not have to go to different places or ask different people

Relating to or providing a comprehensive selection of goods or services at a single location


  • Would you mind if I join you?
  • Would you mind if I open the window to let in some fresh air?
  • Would you mind if I ask a few questions about your project?
Would it be if ...?
Would it be if I join you?


Could I possibly ..?

Could I possibly join you?


I'm afraid we can't compromise on.


Well, our standard practice is to offer a three-year contract. We can proceed with a two-year contract while maintaining the volume of transactions. I believe this adjustments strikes a balance between our respetive needs and moves our relashionship forward.


We can't adjust the contracts duration. We're willing to accommodate your request by reducing the volume of transactions by 10 percent. This adjustment allow us to address your needs to some extet.



Mr. Shibata, do you have any memorable projects from your time as a banker?

-Yes, when I worked in London, we arranged new finacing scheme for Japanese clients. The hardest part of launching a new product is determing (to derterm) whethere it will sell. We visited Europian and Asian investors to sound them out. The investor response was not bad. But we were not convieced that it would sell. So, we were released when it sold out on the launch date. 

-I see. So the launch date must have been nerve-wracking.

-Oh, yes.


Intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves.


soud ... out


To try to ascertain or gauge someone's knowledge or opinion about something. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(62)

Malay beging to talk aboiut logistical challenges. In response, Mr. Naka and Arun make a proposal. 


What is a way to address the document related issues?

-It's to visualize and analyze the entire process.



What are the issues if any in the logistics process?

-Well, there are document related issues like delays in customs declarations and permits. These impact production lines and sales processes. 

-Mmm, that must be frustrating for you. One way to address the problems would be to visualize and analyze the entire process. Why don't you visit our Bangkok office and our warehouse? If you look at our operation and compare them with yours,  you'll have a better idea of what we can offer.

-That's not a bad idea. I'm interested in understanding what Japanese style services.

-Great. Well, thank you for your time today. It's been a pleasure talking to you. Arun will follow up on your visit.

-Okay, thank you for coming all the way here.




  • if any -> What are the issues if any in the logistics process?
    -> If there's any issues
  • customes declarations
  • procustion line
  • frustrating
  • visualize
  • follow up
follow up
  •  Arun will follow up on your visit.
  • Could you follow up on the additional information Isabella requested?
  • I will follow up with the client after the meeting.


get back to ...

Arun will get back to you regarding your visit.


reach out

Arum will reach out about your visit.



Thank you, but honestly, I'm not interested. Changing a logistics process would be a significant administrative burden

-In the short time, maybe yes, but considering the long-term perspective, it would ultimately simplify your workflow. By observing our operations. You'll understand the benefits of working with us and in turn, we'll have a better understanding of your needs.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(61)

Mr. Naka and a Rune from the Bangkok office are visiting the Thai local subsidiary of the Taiwanese company and having a meeting with Mallai the person in charge. After Naka's presentation, they delve into specific discussions.


Where does a major portion of the parts as Mallai's company come from?

-A major portion comes from China.


Thank you for the overview of your company. I'm impressed by your customer-centric logistics servieces.

-Thank you. Our customer satisfaction rate is indeed very hight. Now, we'd love to explore potential ways we can streamline your operations. Could you tell us about your logistics need?

-Sure. Here in Thailand, we manufacture PCBs, printed circuit boards and laptop computers at three locations. We import parts from various countries in Asia with a major portion coming from China.

-What does the logistics process look like for importing from China?

-We are using two Chinese firms and one Thai logistics firms. They collect parts from different companies and transport them to different warehouses in places like Guagzhou and Shenzhen. The parts are then shipped directly from these warehouses to our production site in Thailand. 


customer-centiric -> custmer oriented / customer driven


PCB printed circuit board

laptop computer -> laptop <> desktop computer





be impressed by...

  • I'm impressed by your customer-centric logistics services.
  • I was impressed by the level of creativity in the artwork.
  • We were impressed by the quality of service at the restaurant.


Your customer-driven logistics services are remarkable.


Your custmoer focused logistics services have caught my attention.



  • I'm impressed by your customer-centric logistics services.

Your customer-centric logistics servieces seem promissing, but I was hoping for something more innovative or tailored to our specific needs.

-Thank you for sharing that. It's great to hear your thoughts. We're always loking for warys to optimize processes and enhance efficiency. Are there any pain points or areas where you feel there's room for improvement?


*tailored to ..

*pain points where you fees there's room for improvement



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-7)

Kailene Falls


What is Kainene's second piece of advice?

-It is to throw out your embarassment.



My final question is about languages.


And what advice wouild you offer to our listners here if you were a presenter of this program?

-Whatever I talk to preople who are studying a foreigh language, there's two tips I always give. One is if possible, your ultimate goal shouldn't be just learning the language. Becaue unless you are somebody that is a absolute language nerd, you are going to lose your passion for it and if you're self-studying in particular, it would be hard to stay motivated. So I would highly recommend somebody finding their own hobbies and finding a way to combine that hobby with their language learning. Because it will give you another reason to study. Now a simple one which I think a lot of people use is international media, so whether they like, you know, foreign films and foreign movies, foreign TV dramas. That's a very easy one. But again, things like ares, things like cooking, there is a lot of information online specifically in English that you cannot get in Japanese. And so, having a goal to better yourself in your hobby and your interests in addition to learning the language gives you another motivation to study because motivation I think is a really difficult aspect of language study. My second one is to throw out your embarrasment. I think that's very difficult for Japanese people and it was difficult for me at first. Because I kind of consider myself somebody that probably has a little bit too much pride and I did not want to look like I was making mistakes in front of my office mate. So the first year or so I was in Japan, I was a very quitet person because I didn't want to make any mistakes and yet somewhere along the line I realized it's less imprtant to be perfet than it is to communicate your idea. And onece you're able to make that realization in you head, your language abilities will grow much more rapidly because you need to use it to get better. And so if you're too focused on the perfection aspect of it, you won't be using it. So find a way to get rid of your embarrassment.

-Great piece of advice. Well, Kailene Falls, thank you for joining our program. I'm very much look forward to how your career as a bilingualist will unfold in the futre.

- I am too, I'm very excited I've lived 10 years in Japan now, and I'm looking forward to the next 10 as well.




The word, nerd on its own descrives someone who is highly intellectual but it has a negative connotation. Attaching nerd to an iterest or a school subject such as a lunguage nerd, simply means that the person is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about languages. Other examples are computer nerds, math nerds, book nerds, theater nerds, and so on. There is also a hint of social awkwardness implied in these cases, but it's generally considered cute or endearing


  • combine with


better oneself 自分を磨く

To improve. To try to be the best that you can be. To learn and grow. To work to be more successful. To sharpen your skills. Kailene suggested using language to better yourself or improve yourself when it comes to hobbies and interests. 


  • throw out
  • embarrassment


somewhere along the line

At some point. Something that happened or changed at a particular moment during a process, but we don't know exactly when. Here's an example. He worked as a software engineer for 10 years, but somewhere along the line he decided he wanted  to become a designer. This means that at some point during those 10 years, he decided he wanted to become a designer. 


Get rid of

Discard.  Throw something in the garbage. Similar to throw out. To not use or keep something because it's unhelpful. To remove something that doesn't suit you or something that causes trouble. Kailene's advice for language learning is to get rid of your embarrasment. This means remove embarassment becuase the learner is better without it. Another example would be, I got rid of all my old books from university that I wasn't using. I have so much more space now.




To maintain consistency in my study routine, I listen to NHK radio programs every day as a benchmark.


in real life situations

I joined online cominities to compensate for limited opportunities to use English in real life situations.


game changer

Incorporating my hobby of traveling with language, learning has been a game changer for me.



By watching  Japanese films with English subtitiles, I've become able to express my thougts more quickly in English.



I would highly recommend somebody finding their own hobbies and finding a way to combine that hobby with their language learning.




Kill two birds with one stone.




ラジオビジネス英語 Interview

Kailene Falls