英会話タイムトライアル「7月DAY15」 7月19日(金) | amnn1のブログ





Imagine this..

Today, you'll visit an exhibition on the cruise ship. You'll enjoy art from Tahiti. And then someone starts a conversation with me. And we talk about some special art from the artist Paul Gauguin

And let's introduce ourselves to each other for practice.


So have a seven turn conversation as you meet someone new at the art exhibition.


-This is a fun party and exhibition, isn't it?

-Yeah, it really is.

-Which painting do you like the best?

-I haven't made up my mind yet. How about you?

-I haven't made up my mind either.

So where do you call  home? 

-Home for me is Yokohama, Japan

-Japan. I see. 

-How about you? Where do you call home?

-Home for me is Hamilton, New Zealand. Paul Gauguin is pretty well known in New Zealand. How well known is he in Japan?

-Pretty well known. I have a Gauguin print in my living room in Japan. It's called the Siesta.

-Actually, I've been to Japan once.

-Which part of Japan did you see?

-Tokyo and Kyoto. I missed the cherry blossoms season, though. Where do you like to see the cherry blossoms?

-I like a place called Yoshino. It located in Wentern Japan. I love seeing the cherry blossoms in the mountains. I'll show you a picture. 



Steve will show you one way to reply. Listen carefully.


Catherine, where do you like to see the cherry bulossoms?

-I have to say that Yoyogi park is my favorite place to see.

-In Yoyogi park? Right across the street from the studio.

-Right over there. What about you, Steve?

-All of the beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan are iside my heart.


Oh, I can't believe my trip is already over. It was so fun to have conversations with you around the Paciffic.


We're going to travel in the Atlantic.




Fun party, isn't it?

Yeah, it really is.

Which country would you like to go to this summer?

I haven't made up my mind yet.

How popular is Japanese food in Tahiti?



Next, we'll use three phrases to make original senteces in English.

Just create your own senteces in your own words.



, isn't it?


Alright, it's Jenny's turn to make a sentece with ", isn't it?"


Good coffee, isn't it?

It's hot today, isn't it?


Which part of ... do you call home?

-> So, think of a country to put in that phrase.


Which part of Japan do you call home?

Which part of Tokyo do you call home?



How well known is ... in ...?


How well known is mochi in Europe?

How well known is Japan in the world?


-> Good one. Mochi is becoming more well known. Right, Jenny?

-Yeah, I see it in the states when I go back to visit. -I see.




Use your imagination...

You are visiting an exhibition and asked which painting you like the best.


Which painting do you like the best?

I haven't made up mind yet. How about you?


How well know is Paul Gauguin in Japan?

-He's pretty well known.

-I'm not sure, but he is quite famous, I think.


Where do you like to see the cherry blossoms?

-I like a place called Yoshino. I really like the cherry blossoms in the mountains. I'll show you a picture. 

-I like a place ...


-Oh it's hard to find one good spot. So, Jenny said, I like a place called Yoshino. There are some beautiful cherry blossoms there and other places.


And now you're ready for a conversation.





I went to Japan.



How did you like Japan?

-> It's a natural way to ask someone's impression.


Which part of Japan did you see?


Where did you stay?


When you were in Japan, did you see the cherry blossoms?


the cherry blossoms


I hope you can see the cherry blossoms in my hometown someday.

-> Someday I hope...


How popular is Japanese food in Tahiti?

How popular is Gauguin in New Zealand?


Gauguin is pretty well known in Japan.


   pretty well known


How well known is Kurosawa Akira in the UK?


How well known are Japanese TV shows in France?


How well known are Japan's cherry blossoms in the 


How well known is/are ...?







Which painting do you like the best?


I'm not sure yet.

-> You can also say, I don't know. But it's a little too strong.


->Here's another useful phrase.

I'm still thinking about it.


Which country would you like to go this summer?


I haven't made up my mind yet.

-> You can also say, I haven't decided yet. Both are okay. But 


-I haven't made up my mind yet, either.

->It's almost the same. At the end of the sentence, you put in "either."


Excuse me for a minute.


->Excuse me for a moment. / Excuse me for a second.



I'll be right back.


Actually, I need to go now.



Nice talking to you.

-Nice talking to you, too.






Hi everyone, Catherine here. On Friday, you go to a fun party and art exhibition on the cruise ship. I'll see you Friday! Bye for now!



So let's manster them together.


Long line, isn't it?

You can say,

It's a long line, isn't it?

-> But taking out the subject in the verb makes it a little more warm.


Yeah, it is. 


-> This is the easiest reply and you emphasize "is". Yeah it is.


Fun party, isn't it?

-Yeah, it really is.



Nice exhibition, isn't it?

-Yeah, it's better than I expected.

You might say,

It's better than I thought. but more natural way to say is I expected.




Do you live around here or are you visiting?

-> Using "visiting" is better than to use traveing.


I'm visiting. How about you?


Where do you call home?

->The point is not starting with " Where are you from?" It might make them feel isolated or feel alienated.

Where do you call home. That's a nice wy of asking.


Whchi part of the UK do you call home?



Home form me is Tokyo, Japan.






And here's our conversation partner sournd the Paciffic.

Hi everyone. I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.


We are in Tahiti.

I'll be your conversation partner as you practice saying no. 

But, say no gently. - That's right.


Imagine this...

You are walking around and one person and then another person suddenly talks to you. First, you'll be offered postcards, then another person, a painter, offers to paint a portrait for you. But you don't want them .


Just say no gently and politely. But don't only say no. 

Have a quick back and forth. すこしやりとりをする


--- at a market


Postcards! Would you like some Tahitian postcards today?

-No thanks. Not today.

-Okay. Have a wonderful day!

-Thanks. You too! Have a wonderful day!

-Excuse me. 


-Bonjour. Oh do you speak French?

-Unfortunately, I don't speak French at all. Bonjour is the only French

-What's your native language if I may ask?

-Sure. My native language is Japanese. I was born and raised in Japan. I'm visiting Tahiti.

-Well, welcome to Tahiti. Shall I draw a portrait of you?

-Your portraits look fantastic, but maybe some other time.

-Okay, enjoy your day.

-Thanks. You too.


Did you understand our conversation?

I said no politely and gently. 


Back and forth 


No thanks. (more gentl way to say No thank you.)

Not today. Maybe some other day.


You did much better the second time. Good on you!

We did two things at a market this month.

First, we got a nice pineapple smoothie. You remember?

And then today, we practices the technique of saying no. Do you often say no or do you usually say yes? I'm a yes kind of a person.

I am too. It's not easy to say no.


We will go to an art exhibition. It's a perfect ending to this Tahitian Journey.




So, try to repeat each phrase after me!


Do you speak French?

The only Rrench that I know is bonjour.

Bonjour. May I have a strawberry crepe?

Excuse me.

Nothing. Never moind.

Shall I take a picture for you?

No thanks. But thanks anyway.



Unfortunately, I don't speak ..

Unfortunately, I don't speak Vietnamese.

Unfortunately, I don't speak Chinese.


Why don't we ..?

Why don't we get a table outside?

Why don't we talk about other subject?


That sounds nice, but ...

Why don't we get a table outside?

-That sounds nice, but it looks like it might rain.


That sounds nice, but is it possible?



Shall I draw a portrait of you?

-No thanks. Maybe some other time.

-No thanks. I need to go.

-No thanks. I'm in a furry.


Have a nice day!

-Thanks. You too!

-You too!


What's your native language if I may ask?

-Sure. My nataive language is Japanese. Enlish is my second languate, but I'm still lerning.

* if I may ask







Shall I ... ?



Shall I open the window for you?


Should I opne the window?


-No, thanks. -> thanks 温かみのある表現
* No thank you. きっぱり強く断るときに使われる。


-I'm fine. / I'm good.

-Yes, please.


Shall I take a picture for you?

-No thanks. But thanks anyway.



draw a portrait


Shall I draw a portrait of you?

-No thanks. Maybe some other time.




Why don't we watch the baceball match on TV?

-Sounds nice. But maybe some other time.


I need to go home soon.






First, let's master three wasy to use "Excuse me."


Excuse me.


あの... すみません。

-> E...x cuse me. E...を長めにためらう感じで発音



-> exCUSE me.   exは弱く、cuse me みたいな感じで早く発音。



-> Ex + Cuse + me ↑ 区切った感じで(ちょっと強い)

= Sorry? ↑



Excuse me. 呼び止める E..xcuse 

- Yes. 


Excuse me. 道を空けてほしい、ちょぅとt失礼。。 exCUSE

- Sure. Go ahead.


Excuse me.

-Nothing. Never mind.


Excuse me.

-I said May I have a bag?


Excuse me.

-I said Have a nice day.


Have a nice day.

- Thanks, you too.


Okay, time's up. 

Well, how was your second try?
Good job, practicing these short but very usuful phrases today.





Hi everyone, Catherine here. We're in Tahiti and this week we need to say no on the go. And so let's say no in a gentle friendly way. See you Friday!


on the go

- while travelling or not at home

- busy and active


Do you speak French?


Unfortunatelly, I don't speak French.


The only French that I know is Bonjour.


People speaks French as an official langulage in Tahiti.



Bonjour. May I have a strawberry crepe?





What is your native language?


native language

native speaker


Japanese is my native language.

How about you?


Do you know what do you say ありがとう in Tahich?



I'll get out here. Māuruuru.




get out

get off


get in

get on


Do you speak any other languages?

-You mean other than Japanese?

-That's right. You speak English and Japanese.

-Do you speak other languages?

-When I was in high shcool, I studied a little bit of German. I only remember how to say where is the bathroom?

-Where is the bathroom in German... Ready to start!

-... I think is how to say it. 


-It could be wrong. How about you, Steve? I know you speak another language.

-Yes, Jenny. Actually my father is Italian, he came to the U.S when he was three years old. So I speak a little Itarian. And I'm a very loving person so I speak the lauguage of love. 

-That's a good answer.






Hi everyone. I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete conversation with me today in your own words. 

Welcome back to Eikaiwa-Time-Tryal, Catherine. We're going to Tahiti.

I'm excited.

When person from New Zealand hears the word, Tahiti, what do they imagine?

I think Thahitian dance. 

Of course. That is so popular, not only in Tahiti, but also in Hawaii and around the Pacific.


Let's have a conversation in Tahiti. 


Imagine this...

You arrieved in Tahiti and you go to a market. Pineapples are in season, so fresh, so sweet and juicy. So go to a fresh fruit stand at the market. 


You want to taste fresh pineapple from Tahiti. So order a pineapple smoothie. And then someone sees your drink and asks, Do you know where I can get a smoothie like that? 

Did you imagine the situation?

So try to have a seven turn conversation at a market in Tahiti.



Steve will show you one way to reply. Listen carefully!


Fresh fruit! We have fresh fruit and vegetables.

-Excuse me. Which fruits are in season now?

-These pineapples are in season. Gueen Tahiti pineapples. Have a taste!

-Um.. It's good. It's juicy and so sweet

-Woud you like a pineapple smoothie?

-Yes, please. That sounds great.

-Here you are! Enjoy!

-Thanks. It looks so good.

-Hi there! 


-Do you know where I can get a smoothie like that?

-Yeah, I got this at a little fruit and vegetable stand over there. It's on the left. It's not far from here.

-Okay, thanks.




So, pineapples are in season in Tahiti. Catherine, which fruits are in season now in New Zealand?

-Well, in New Zealand, it's winter. So that means apples and kiwi fruit are in season now.

-That's right. You might wonder why winter... becasue it's summer here, but down on the other side of the world, it's the opposite season.



It's good. -> It'd delicious.  + 

Thanks. + It looks good.