ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(53) 7月8日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(53)

Mr. Naka and Helen are looking at what services are possible for non-Japanese companies. 


What would take place at a warehouse in Hong Kong?

-Logistics processing including inspection and tagging wourld take place.




What kind of transactions do you have in mind?

-Well, for example, consider a company in Thailand that imports car components from various suppliers in South China. We can optimize their logistics using our buyers onsolidation services

-Consolidate components to a single location and transport them to their respective destinations. How would that work in this case?

-The components would be transported from multiple suppliers in China to our warehouse in Hong Kong, where logistics processing including inspection and tagging woud take place. The parts could then be packaged according to the deliver destination such as Bangkok, Ayutthaya or Ryon and seamlessly transported by sea or air. 

-I see we should bear in mind that our competitors also offer similar services.



buyers consolidation service

-> Consolidate components to a single location and transport them to their respective destinations. 




bear in mind


bear in mind

  • We should bear in mind that our competitors also offer similar services.
  • We should bear in mind that this is a sensitive matter.
  • We should bear in mind the budget constraints.

    * constraint 強制, 圧 迫, 束縛, 制約 
keep in mind + that ...
We should keep in mind that similar services are offered by our comppetitors as well.
Remember, our competitors also have similar services on offer.


What if the dlient is already using buyers consolidation services? If so, what do you think are the benefits for them in using us? 


*what if <- What would you do , if ...



We think that our meticulous work is our selling point, but it may not renonate as much wtih them. Among the three factors of speed, accuracy and attention to detail, what do non-Japanese companies prioritize?





ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-5)
7月5日(金) Kailene Falls


What are three factors that Kailene has been able to combine into one?

-Her passions, hobbies and work.


So you have drawn more than 300 or ...

-400. I counted, I was counting the other day, yes. 

How much do you spend working on each, uh, illustraton or each piece?

-It really depends on how difficult the illustration is. The very fastest I can do is maybe three to four hours whereas the very most difficult ones can top 20 hours.  

-20 hours.

-Correct. And so, that was one thing that was a little bit tricky in terms of marketing yourself as an illustrator because the amount of detail that I paint is not something that can be done very fast. And so if a project has a very fast turnaround, my type of illustrations isn't suited for it as well as something that has a very low budget because it can easily take a few days to work on a single illustration. But that being said, I said three hours to 20 hours, that's only the drawing and the painting aspect of it.  But if you count the time it takes to research a restaurant, travel to the restraurant, and then I'm paying to eat the food. I'm taking photos of the food. Then I'm bringign it back and then I'm painting it. It ends up being longer than that as well. So it's not a fast process.

-Humm. Wow. A lot of work..

-A lot of work.. but it's also something that I find very enjoyable.


-So I think again, landing in a career like this is really fortunate for me because I say that I have difficulty doing things I don't enjoy and so if I was to become someone that was working just a regular office job, I don't think I could maintain my career long term. But because I have that aspect of my personality. It means that I was able to find or I was very fortunate to be able to find something that I like to do so much. But it doesn't feel like I'm working. So it's.. I've been able to combine my passions and hobbies and my work into one and while there's things like deadlines and there's aspects of I don't like, like invoices or sending emails and communications and tax stuff and visa stuff. There's definitely not fun aspect of it. But the majority of my time is still spent doing something that I would be doing in my free time even if it wasn't my job. So, it's excellent.  

-Sounds excellent. 


To go over a limit, to exceed, to pass. Kayleen said that her most diffiult illustrations top 20 hours. Meaning that they take more than 20 hours to complete. Another example would be, I'm trying to top my record. This means that the person wants to beat their record or score higher record.


turnaround 納期・所要時間

Turn arond is the time spent on a task from begining to end. Also know as turnaround time. Kailene said that her illustrations are not suited for projects with fast turnaround. This means she requires more time and prefers not to work with tight deadlines or fast turnaround. Another example would be, Our company has a 24-hour turnaround on most orders. This means that the order will be fulfilled or shipped within 24 hours or accepting the order. 


That being said,

That being said, is a transition between topics. It's a way to connect two or more concepts often to show how they are different or to give context. We can also say, Having said that, / Nevertheless, / or With that in mind, 
Here's an example, : We met our target for last quater. That being said, our target for the next quarter will be much higher. So we need everyone to help out. 


combine .. into..




be immersed in 

When I'm immersed in my work, I tend to lose track of time.


be interconnected 

I find it more meaningful when work and life are interconnected rather than separate from each other.


fulfillment <- fulfill

I find a great sense of fulfillment when I know my work is making a positive difference to others.



I work mainly remotely, so I consciously tried to create opportunities to interact with people.


* make a consicious effort to...

-> I make a conscious effor to create opportunities.


The majority of my time is still spent doing something that I would be doing in my free time even if it wasn't my job.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(52)



Subject: Apology for missing web meeting.

Hi Anna, I apologize for my absence during the web meeting earlier today. Due to unforseen circumstances, I was unable to join the meeting at the appointed time. I'm available to catch up on any missed discussions or action items to ensure we stay on track with our project goals. Thank you for your consideration




*the appointed time


  • I'm available to catch up on any missed discussions or action items to ensure we stay on track with our project goals.
*catach up on ...
*stay on track + with...

action item(s?

-> やるべき課題、宿題



  • Let's catch up to keep the project on track.
  • Let's schedule a quick update session to keep the project on course.
    *schedule : verb
Hi Ken,
Thank you for your email. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise and we appreciate your commitment to addressing any missed discussions or action items. Let's catch up to keep the project on track. How about this Thursday or Friday? 
Best regards,
Subject: Apologies for missing the 50th anniversary celebration.
Hi Ken, 
Thank you for inviting me to join in the celebration of your company's 50th anniversary. Unfortunatelly, I'm unable to attend the event due to a prior commitment that conflicts with the celebration date. I feel regretf;ul for missing such a momentous occasion. I extend my warmest congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone. I look forward to continuing our patnership for may years to come. 
Why is the expression, "I apologize" not used here?
-It's a preset schedule regardless of Rober's availability. So saying, I'm sorry, I can't attend. is sufficient. Rather expressing the feeling of regret is more importnat. Here, Robert is expressing it as I feel regretful for missing such a momentous occasion
-Right. Showing regreat rather than apology. 
  • 恐縮です
    I appreciate your warm congratulations on our milestone.
*milestone 節目
What other forms of expression are possible?
- You can say, 
  • I'm greatful for the kind words of celebration on our achievement.
I'm grateful for
  • .. is a phrase that acknowledges words of celebration.
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your thoughtful message. I completely understand your prior commitment. I appreciate your warm congratulations on our milestone. We look forward to our continued partnership and many more years of collaboration ahead.
Warm regards,
I deeply apologize.
  • I regret not being able to attend the meeting because a family emergency arose.
  • I'm afrain I couldn't make it to the meeting as I encountered trasportation issues.


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(51)

Mr. Naka and Helen talk about the growing demand for third country transport.


What Mr. Naka thinks about his compay's logistic network?

-He thinks it's now comparable to those of global logistics companies.
<-Our logistics network is now comparable to those who global logistic companies, but


How does the know-how regarding third country transport for Japanese companies lead to transactions with non-Japanese businesses?

-For much longer than our peers, we've invested in warehouses and computer systems to meet Japanese cusomers needs for transport between foreign countries. This places us in a position to compete globally and we should leverage this advantage to attract non-Japanese firms. 

-I see your point. Our logistics network is now comparable to those who global logistic companies, but that alone is not sufficient to attract big corporations. We need something more. What sets us apart from our competitors?

-By meeting the demanding requirements of Jpanese customers, we've become capable of providing high level servies. I believe we can use these strengths to address the growing needs of global enterprises.

-That makes sense.




comparable < compare +  able

set ...apart from ...

capable of...


set ... apart from 

  • What sets us apart from our competitors?
  • The quality of our craftsmanship sets us apart from other brands.
  • What sets Victoria apart from others is her talent in music.
distinguish .. from ..
What distinguishes us from our rivals?

stand out 

How do we stand out compared to our rivals?



We basically follow the manual, but there may be cases where a different approach is necessary. We'll always prioritize what's best for the customer and offer flexible solutions.


You can experience the quality of our service when we deal with problems. When contacting the service center, you won't be passed around to different departments. The person you contact is responsible for assisting you right through to the end.


Jenny, have you ever been to other Asian countries besides Japan? Which countries would you like to visit?

-Usually, my taravels are limited to places within Japan or going to visit family back in the United States, but if I got a chance, I'd love to see as many countries as possilbe. I'd love to see histrical sites, like Angkor Wat and try all different kinds of food especially Vietnamese food. How about you? Do you have any recommendations?

- In Asia, every country or region has plenty of attractions. But if I have to narrow down to one, it will probably be Taiwan. I enjoy walking through the back streets of cities to feel the history and the sense of daily life. And I love interacting with locals. So, I found cities such as Taipei, Tainan or Kaohsiung very appealing

-Oh, nice. I'll add that to my bucket list.






ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(50)

delve -To search deeply and laboriously.

The meeting between Mr. Naka and Helen gets down to business. 

Helen has initiated the topic herself. 


What has Helen been witnessing?

-She's been witnessing a rise in the number of third country shipments.


Naka-san, today I'd like to discuss the possibility of expanding our services to non-Japanese companies in Asia. I believe there's aignificant opportunity for us to offer our services to large corporations in the region.

-Mmm. An interesting proposition. I'm all ears. 

-Traditionally Japanese trade has revolved around importing materials and components from overseas, manufacturing them in Japan and exporting the finished products. 

-That's true. But component parts are now procured worldwide, manufactured at production sites abread and then partly sold directoly to thierd countries.

- Exactly. We've been witnessing a rise in the number of third country shipments that exclude Japan from the process. It seems likely that this trend will gather pace in the future. 


proposition < propose

I'm all ears.



production site



third country shipments

eclude <> include

gather pace 加速する



gather pace

  • It seems likely that this trend will gather pace in the future. 
  • Global warming has gathered pace.
  • Demand for automatic translation tools will gather pace.
    *automatic translation tool -> automatic translation machine
gather momentum -> gain momentum

It seems that this trend will gather momentum in the times ahead.


accelerate << accelerator

There are signs that this trend will accelerate in the coming years.



An interesting propositon. I'm all ears.



That's quite an intriguing idea. I'm definitely interested in learning more about your vision.


I appreciate your initiative in exploring new avenues for our services. I'm eager to hear more about your thoughts.


I'm impressed your forward thinking approach. I'm keen to delve deeper into the possibilities. 

*delve into ... を掘り下げる


Thank you for bringing this project to the table. I'm curious to hear more about your strategy.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(49)

Mr. Naka, general manager of the overseas marketing devision as ta major Japanese Logistics company in Tokyo is about to start a meeting with Helen from the Hong Kong office.


How was the market research in Cambodia going?

-It's been progressing well.


Hi Helen, it's been a while since we last spoken in person

-Good morning, Mr. Naka. Yes, how time flies. Well, we've kept in tough online thogh. 

-Yes, through web meetings. We live in a convenient age where we can work from anywhere in the world. Having said that, it's nice to see each other face to face somethimes. So how are things going in Honk Kong?

-Great. Thank you. As you know the K project keeps us busy and the market research in Cambodia has been progressing well. We already see some business opportunities there. It's a bit premature to say, but perhaps we can include them in the next midterm management plan

-Umm.. sounds promising. Let's see if we can get our management on board.



It's been a while since...

time flies


midterm management plan


get on board


get ... on board

  • Let's see if we can get our management on board.
  • We need to get the finace department on board with our budget proposal.
  • We managed to get the largest sharholder on board with the merger.
win over 
Let's see if we can win over our management.
get the green light
Let's try to get the green light from our management.

Hi Helen, it's been a while since we last spoken in person. 


I've been following your recent projects and I must say you've been doing some impressive work. I'd love to hear more about it and catch up on everything that's been happeing since we last spoke.


Remember that project we collaborated on a while back? I still think back on it sometimes. I'm excited to hear about your recent experiences and share some updates from my end as well. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview

Kailene Falls