ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」“ドクターイエロー”運行終了へ 7月5日(金) | amnn1のブログ





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 G7 首脳宣言を採択


In today's lesson, let's learn about some similarities between the G7 and mountain chlimbing.




The leaders of the Group of Seven nations have wrapped up their two-day meeting. Their final day of sessions was on economic security and issues in the Indo-Pacific region.

The leaders have long raised concerns around China's overproduction of electric vehicles and solar panels. In the communique, they called on the country to refrain from adopting export control measures on critical minerals.

The leaders expressed “serious concerns” about Beijing's maritime advances in the South and East China Seas. They strongly oppose its attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by force or coercion.

The first day of the summit saw the leaders promise Ukraine about 50 billion dollars in loans backed by interest from frozen Russian assets. And they say they'll continue taking measures against what they call actors in China and third parties that materially support Russia's war machine. They say they're ready to impose restrictive measures against them.

  • economic securityは「経済安全保障」
  • overproductionは「過剰生産」
  • electric vehicleは「電気自動車」で、EV
  • communique「コミュニケ」公式の「報告、声明」
    the communique「そのコミュニケ」は、今回のG7首脳宣言を指しています。
  • export control(s)「輸出管理、輸出規制」
    <>「輸入管理、輸入規制」import control(s)
  • critical mineralは「重要鉱物」
  • maritime advanceは「海洋進出」
  • the South and East China Seas
    -> the South China Sea and the East China Sea「南シナ海と東シナ海」
  • unilaterallyは「一方的に」<> bilaterallyなら「相互に、双方で」
  • status quo「そのままの状態、現状(維持)、現在の体制」
    -> maintain the status quo「現状を維持する」
    challenge the status quo「現状を打破しようとする」
  • by force or coercion <- by force or (by) coercion
    by forceは「力ずくで」 / by force of armsなら「武力で」
    coercionは「強制(力)、無理強い」/ by coercionは「強制的に、強制力によって」


  • summitは「頂上、山頂」-> はsummit meeting「首脳会議」
    the summit「そのサミット」は今回のG7サミット
  • about 50 billion dollars in loans backed by interest from …
    -> about 50 billion dollars in loans (that are) backed by interest from frozen Russian assets. 
  • billionは「10億」なので、50 billionは「500億」です。
  • loanは「貸付金、融資、ローン」で、in loansは「融資として」
  • materiallyは「物質面で、物理的に、大いに、実質的に」
  • war machineは「(戦争を遂行するために複雑な機械のように動く)軍事組織(団体)」
The first day of the summit saw the leaders promise Ukraine about 50 billion dollars in loans.
The first day of the summit 
saw the leaders promise Ukraine 
about 50 billion dollars in loans.


Group of Seven(G7)
-> the Group of Seven industrialized democracies「先進工業国である民主主義国家7か国によるグループ」
-> rotating presidency(順番に各国が議長国を務める仕組み)で運営されています。

The G7 summit members include the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Italy.






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 思いの丈を叫ぶ ちゃぶ台返し大会

Today, let's learn about an interesting event in Iwate and do some shouting ourselves.


shout ourselves?

-> shout oneself hoarse: to make one's voice hoarse by shouting




A common scene in Japanese comics and TV shows is a character so angry they flip over a table. People in northern Japan have vented their frustrations by turning the practice into a competition.


“I gotta lose weight!”


No more homework!”

Young members of a local commerce group in Iwate Prefecture organized the annual event in the hopes of revitalizing the region. This year's event drew about 30 competitors, aged 2 to 74. They were judged based on costumes, what they yelled when they flipped the table, and how far a toy on the table flew.

The winner was a father who came with his young child.


“I don't wanna go to work 'cause my two-year-old is just too cute!!”

The winner says it was his first time taking part in the competition and the event is a good opportunity for people to get together and enjoy themselves.


Actually, I use the word, vent quite a bit with my friends or family. For example, if I need to complain about a bad day, I'd ask, Are you free to talk? I need to vent.


*shout -> yell


Actually I saw the news clip. The table was very small with practice food on it. I thought it was especially cute seeing the children yell and flip over the table.



*fly flew flown


Wow. The winner did an amazing job flipping the table's content super far. I'd love to try this event, too.


“I gotta lose weight!” “No more homework!” “I don't wanna go to work!!”


“I gotta lose weight!”
No more homework!”
I don't wanna go to work!!” + 'cause my two-year-old is just too cute!!”



gotta / have got to …は「~しなくちゃ」というニュアンス


I gotta lose waight. => I have got to lose weght!



gotta「~しなくちゃいけない」-> 緊急性、個人的、今回だけ、強調などのニュアンス
-> have got to …「~しなければならない」


Yes, for example, I often use, 

It's getting late, I gotta go home. or

10 p.m. already? I gotta go home.


When I think of gotta, it's quite informal, so I'd only use it around people I know. 


That's great. I'd happy to read the message.
I am a listner from India and I have been learning English with the program since the first broadcast in April 2022. Especially I love Sam-sensen's voice which shows justice, warm and intelligent. Therefore, I think I can grasp basic concepts of the language by his clear precise explanations.
What a wonderful message!

Everyone, please feel free to send us more messages in Egnlish,





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 男女平等調査 日本は118位




A survey shows Japan's standing in global gender equality rankings still trails behind most of the world. The result highlights the country's slow pace of progress for women in both the political and economic spheres.

The World Economic Forum released its annual Global Gender Gap Report on Wednesday. Japan ranks 118th among 146 nations. Its ranking rose seven places, from 125th last year. Iceland tops the list for the 15th year in a row.

The rankings cover four areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. Women in Japan were almost equal to men in education and healthcare. But as in past surveys, they scored poorly in the other categories.

The report also warns it would take 134 years to achieve equality worldwide at the current pace.


  • standingは「位置、立ち位置、順位、評価」
    social standing「社会的地位」、economic standing「経済的地位」、international standing「国際的地位」
  • gender equalityは「男女間の平等、ジェンダー平等」
  • sphere「分野、活動範囲、領域」
    field「活動範囲、分野」/ realm「領域、分野」
    -> area「分野、領域」
    -> category「分野、カテゴリー」
  • 動詞riseは、rise-rose-risen
  • place「順位」 -> come in first place
    top the list
    -> take first place
  • for the 15th year in a row
    for the Xth year in a row「X年連続で」
    X years in a row / for X consecutive years
  • economic participation and opportunity 「経済参画」
  • educational attainmentは「教育的な達成度、学歴」
  • health and survivalは「健康と生存」
  • empowerment「力や権限を持たせること」
    political empowerment「政治的な権限を与えること」->「政治参画、政治への参加促進」や「政治的権限付与」など
  • But as in past surveys, they scored poorly in the other categories.
    as in …~と同様に
    score poorlyは「かんばしくない成績(点数)を取る」
  • achieve equalityは「平等を実現する、達成する」

highlight 「浮き彫りにする、強調する、目立たせる」


A survey shows Japan's standing in global gender equality rankings still trails behind most of the world.


standing 「立ち位置、順位、地位」
social standing 「社会的地位」
economic standing 「経済的地位」
international standing 「国際的地位」


  • trail behind …「~に後れを取る」
    lag「遅れる、後れを取る」lagもbehindを付けて使えます-> lag behind ?

Think of a mountain “trail.” Someone or something makes the original path. People then follow it — they go after or behind the original maker — and it becomes a trail. So, when you hear the word “trail,” just think of something following behind a leader.

Here's an example:

The company, trailing behind its competitors, decided to launch a new marketing campaign.


And when you use “trail” as a verb, you can use it with or without “behind.” Either way works.

Do you have an idea of how to use the verb trail now? 

Yes, I think so.

How about we try to make a sentence with it?

Okay. Sounds great.

So, today, the three words that I want you to use are students, trail and math.

This is a hard one. Here's a hint. Compare two groups of students. Good luck.


Wow, that's pretty impressive. I would make very small chage. I would say,


-> Lazy students trail behind enthusiastic students in math.


You got the important parts, right? But the little word there was in math instead of at math. That's the only change.


So what did you say then?


disparity 「格差、不均衡」

Japan's gender disparity in senior roles reamis significant.

quota 「割り当て、割り当て数」

Quota comes form the Latin expression for how much. Basically it suggests a fixed amount of something that you're allowed to have or need to do.

-> I've set a reading quota for myself three books a month.



sphere 「分野、活動範囲、領域」
Apparently, "sphere” didn't originally mean a “ball-type object.” Researchers say it comes from a word for the “hollow, round dome” of space around the world. From those roots, “sphere” came to mean both a solid “ball” shape and a kind of 3D “range” or “field” extending from a certain point.
And we use “sphere” to mean an area of activity or interest. There's a person's “social sphere.” Things can have a “sphere of influence.”



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 手術支援ロボットの開発進む




Japanese tech firms are making big inroads into the market for robotic surgery. They're working on innovations that could enhance medical care and ease the nationwide doctor shortage.

Sony Group recently unveiled a prototype of a microsurgery assistance robot. The arms can reproduce human hand movements with greater stability and precision. That's essential in delicate procedures, such as when stitching blood vessels under a microscope.

A robot developed by Japanese startup Medicaroid is already in use. The machine has assisted in more than 5,000 laparoscopic keyhole surgeries since being commercialized in 2020. Medicaroid's backers include Kawasaki Heavy Industries, which has invested heavily in robotic surgery.

The Da Vinci robotic surgical system, designed by a U.S. firm, has dominated the market for many years. But since its patents started expiring a few years ago, competition has been intensifying.



  • tech firmはtechnology firm「テクノロジー企業、技術系企業」
    -> tech company
  • inroads 通例は複数形で「参入、進出、食い込み」
    make inroads into …は「~に参入する、進出する、食い込む」や「~にうまく取り組む」
  • laparoscopic 「腹腔鏡の、腹腔鏡による」
  • precisionは「正確さ、精密さ」
  • vessel


They're working on innovations that could enhance medical care and ease the nationwide doctor shortage.

ease 「緩める、和らげる、緩和する」
doctor shortage 「医師不足」


But since its patents started expiring a few years ago, competition has been intensifying.


One of today's keywords is “microscope,” which also showed up in the phrase “under a microscope.” In English, we sometimes use a very similar phrase — "under the microscope” — to mean something slightly different. 


When you look at something with a microscope, you examine it very closely. You see every little detail. So listen to this:

  •  “After the scandal, all of the company’s operations were put under the microscope.” 

This isn't talking about an actual scientific microscope, of course — it's about people inspecting the company very, very closely to find possible problems.


reproduce 「再び生み出す、再現する」

precision 「正確さ、精密さ」
-> precision machine 「精密機械」 



Today, I'd like to share a message from Globe-san.

Here it is. I really enjoiyed the discussion by the commentators and Tom-san and occasionally Naomi-san. The exchange of personal views can deepen my understanding and it helps me lean how to respond to what others are saying and to continue talking. Thank you for the brilliant program.

Well, isn't that nice?

You know, whenever say something on air, I'm always a little nervous about my comments being under the microscope, so to speak. I'm glad that they're helping some listners at least.







Fans of Japan's shinkansen bullet trains are getting ready to bid farewell to a colorful icon of the tracks. Railway operators say they will phase out the so-called “Doctor Yellow” inspection cars.

The eye-catching seven-car vehicle was created based on the shinkansen. It's off-limits to ordinary passengers and operates only once about every 10 days. Seeing it is said to bring happiness, and it has become popular among railway fans.

The cars are used on tracks between Tokyo Station and Hakata Station in Fukuoka Prefecture. Central Japan Railway plans to retire theirs in January. West Japan Railway will do the same in 2027 or later.

Going forward, inspections will be carried out with devices installed on regularly operating shinkansen trains.


  • the end of the line(タイトルでは最初のtheは省略されています)


  • icon「人々の憧れや崇拝の対象」
    He was an icon of the fight against racism.
  • railway operators「鉄道運行会社」
  • phase out「徐々に、段階的に廃止する」
    <>「段階的に少しずつ導入する」phase in -> phase in new technologies
  • eye-catching「人目を引く、目立つ」
    -> catch one's eye「~(人)の目を引く」
    A notice pinned to the wall caught my eye.
  • 1つ1つの「車両」をcar -> seven-car「7両編成の」


  • passenger「乗客」
    「客」-> 仕事上の「客」ならclient、店に買い物に来る「客」customer、ホテルや家の「客」guestvisitor
  • 「~に~回」once + every ....
     once every 10 days「10日に1度、10日に1回」
    「3か月に1度」once every three months
    「1年に2度」ならtwice every year
  • A is said to …は「Aは~すると言われている」
    -> It is said that seeing it brings happiness.= Seeing it is said to bring happiness
  • railway fan -> railfan、train enthusiast、train buff、train geek
  • track「列車の線路」
    <- The cars are used on tracks between Tokyo Station and Hakata Station
    (be) on track for …「(~に向けて)軌道に乗っている」
    The economy is on track for recovery.「経済は回復に向かっている」
    <> (be) off (the) track「(列車が)脱線して」ですが、比喩的には「(話などが)本題から外れて」
  • retire : 自動詞「引退する、退職する」
    -> plans to retire theirs 他動詞「引退させる、退役させる」
  • do the sameは「同じことをする」
  • going forwardは「将来的には、今後は」

bullet train 「弾丸列車、新幹線」
bid farewell to … 「~に別れを告げる」
icon 「人々が崇拝する対象、アイコン」
(be) off-limits to … 「~は立ち入り禁止、~は入ることを許されていない」


  • Fans of Japan's shinkansen bullet trains are getting ready to bid farewell to a colorful icon of the tracks.

bid farewell to …「~に別れを告げる」
-> ここでのbidは「~を言う、(挨拶などを)述べる」という意味の動詞 =say
->> 目的語も大抵決まっていて、 farewellのほかには、goodbye「さようなら」やgood night「おやすみ」、good morning「おはよう」など挨拶
-> bid … good night 「(誰かに)おやすみなさいと言う」


The word “bid” means basically the same thing as “say,” but it sounds a little older, more formal, and more sophisticated. We almost always use it with “farewell,” “goodbye,” or “good luck.”
So, since it feels kind of deep, important, and serious, “bid” is a good option to use when you want to sound cool and dramatic in a presentation, for example. “It's time to bid farewell to the past. The future, everyone, is now.”


  • It's off-limits to ordinary passengers and operates only once about every 10 days.

off-limits to …

(be) off-limits to the public「一般人の立ち入り禁止」
off-limits to children under 14
-> That word is off-limits.

Off” means “away from” or “outside.” The basic idea is that something “off-limits” is “outside the limits of what you’re allowed to do.
 So when someone says “The construction site is off-limits to the public,” you're saying that it's not a place that normal people are allowed to go.
You can also say things like “Don’t talk about religion — that topic is off-limits.”

Naomi:     Have you ever seen Doctor Yellow?
Tom:     Dr. Yellow? Yeah, I actually saw him once for my lower back pain. 

- I think you're talking about other Doctor Yellow...

-Thanks. But, you know, explaining a joke kind of ruins it.

Naomi:  So let me ask you one more time.  Have you ever seen Doctor Yellow?

Tom:     I want to say yes, but my memory is a little fuzzy. Chances are I haven't. How about you, Sayuri?
Daimon:     No. I've never seen Doctor Yellow. I guess that's because they ran only once about every 10 days. 

(they are working when we are asleep.) 

You said you probably haven't seen Doctor Yellow, but have you taken the shinkansen, Tom?
Tom:     Yep. Having grown up in a place where we never rode trains at all, I could hardly contain my amazement on my first shinkansen trip. And when my wife pushed that foot pedal and flipped around the seats to face each other, I was, like, “OK, stop. This is incredible. What's next?” I'll always remember that.
Naomi, do you have any good memories of shinkansen?

-I used take shinkansens eery weekend since whan I was in high shcool I had to come to Tokyo from my hometown Kyoto to work for my job. My work as a model. So shinkansei is like my buddy. 

-Did you see Doctor Yellow?

-Yes, once. I was shoked ... There's Doctor Yellow... So, Sayuri, do you have any good memories of shinkansen?
Daimon:  In my case, I miss the shinkansen dining car. The Tokaido shinkansen trains no longer have in-train sales services, except for in the Green Cars, which makes the trip less enjoyable. I used to enjoy buying a bento box lunch and a coffee.
Tom:     Yeah, it's a shame they phased that out.
Daimon:     It's good that the shinkansen is much faster now and the travel times have shortened, but many services have changed or ended, so I will surely miss them in the future.
Tom:     I know what you mean. As they say,You don't know what you've got till it’s gone.


  • You don't know what you've got till it’s gone.
  • I could hardly contain my amazement on my first shinkansen trip.
    - I couldn't contain my excitement listening to today's discussion.



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 オッペンハイマーの孫が来日会見

In today's lesson, let's learn about some differences between a and the.




The grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the development of the atomic bomb in the U.S., is raising the alarm about nuclear weapons just as his grandfather did. Charles Oppenheimer spoke to Japanese media in Tokyo on Monday.

(Charles Oppenheimer / Grandson of J. Robert Oppenheimer)

My main message is to listen to Robert Oppenheimer: we could have avoided the arms race and not been under the terrible danger that we are today from nuclear weapons.”

His grandfather opposed the development of the hydrogen bomb and the spread of nuclear warheads in response to the catastrophic consequences of the bombings on Japan in World War II.

Oppenheimer met with atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and reflected on the impact.

(Charles Oppenheimer / Grandson of J. Robert Oppenheimer)

“My personal observation is that I hope it shows the world that we should never use the bombs again.”



  • physicistは「物理学者」
  • atomic bombは「原子爆弾」= A-bomb
    nuclear weaponは「核兵器」
  • raise the alarm about …は「~について警告を発する、警鐘を鳴らす」
    = sound the alarm about 
  • just as …は「~と全く同じように」
  • armsは「兵器、武器」
    arms raceは「兵器開発競争、軍備(拡張)競争」
  • could have+過去分詞は「~をするという選択もあった、~をすることもできたはず」
  • be under/in danger from …は「~の危険にさらされている、直面している」
  • hydrogen bombは「水素爆弾」= H-bomb
    nuclear warheadは「核弾頭」
  • in response to …は「~を受けて、~に対応して」
  • catastrophicは「壊滅的な、悲惨な」
  • consequenceは「結果、結論、もたらされたもの」


The grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer is raising the alarm about nuclear weapons just as his grandfather did.


The grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer 

is raising the alarm about nuclear weapons 

just as his grandfather did.



★the grandsonとa grandsonのニュアンスの違い


-> When I hear the grandson in this sentence, I feel like we are talking about this specific person. He is the grandson of physicist J Robert, Oppenhieimer and there is only one of him.


The grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the development of the atomic bomb in the U.S., is raising the alarm about nuclear weapons just as his grandfather did.


●the = the onlyが省略されたもの


the grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer = the (only) grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer



●a = one of many「たくさんあるうちの(どれか)1つ」


-> In this case, it sounds like he's one of several grandsons of physicist, J, Robert Oppenheime.


a grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer
one of the grandsons of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer


●孫息子が複数いる場合に、それでもtheが使われているとき the grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer = the (publicly known) grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer


-> Now, it soulds like that grandson of physicist J, Robert Oppenheimer is a famous or well-known person.


a grandson of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer

孫息子が1人しかいない場合には、the grandsonと言うのが具体的で正確な表現になります。しかし、a grandsonも間違いというわけではありません。


I learned a lot form today's lesson. I usually use the and a without thinking. So when I 'm asked why I used one of the other, I have to really think about it. It's actually quite difficult. 




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 合計特殊出生率 1.20で過去最低


合計特殊出生率 1.20で過去最低


We start with some worrying figures from Japan's government. The latest data shows the country's total fertility rate has been on the decline for eight straight years.

The number of children a woman is expected to have during her lifetime fell to 1.20 in 2023. It's the lowest it's been since records began in 1947.

The total fertility rate dropped in all prefectures. Tokyo posted the lowest figure of 0.99, and Okinawa had the highest rate of 1.60.

The number of Japanese babies born last year was the lowest since records began in 1899.

Health ministry officials said the declining birth rate is critical. They pointed out that the period before 2030 will be the last opportunity to reverse the trend, as the young population is expected to drop sharply after that.


According to the US govenment in 2003 the birth rate dropped to 2.62 nationwide. That's a two percent decrease from 2022. It seems many countries are decreasing by various degrees






IN 2023








= Japan's total fertility rate hit a record low in 2023.


A good headline should be short and to the point. It needs to catch the readers or listners attention.




= Japan's total fertility rate is (going) to hit a record low.


= Japan's (declining) total fertility rate is (widely) said to be “critical.”



I used to work as a preschool teacher and I really love being around children. I hope the birth rate can somehow increase and we can enjoy a future surrounded by young smilling faces.