ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(47) 6月26日(水) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(47)

Following the succcessful conclusion of all the events. Hiroshi, Amanda and Iris gather at a cafe in Kuala Lumpur to reflect on the tasting.  


On what points did they receive constructive feedback?

-On taste, texture and packaging.


Three cities in a week. Thank you for your support all the way through. Now it's time to reflect on the tasting events. 

-Overall, it was encouraging to get a lot of positive responses. However, we received some constructive feedback on taste, texture and packaging. These insights will help us refine our products.

-Indeed. I want to highlight the engagement of our local staff on social media. We received numerous inquiries about our produts. It might be worth putting more emphasis on online sales. 

-Both of you have raised important points. The events were a fantastic opportunity to investigate high-end consumer preferences. We've learned valuable lessons that will contribute to developing products for the region. Our journey has just begun.


  • all the way through...
    I read the book all the way through
  • reflect on
  • overall
  • encouraging


reflect on

  • It's time to reflect on the tasting events.
  • Meditation provides a quiet space to reflect on the present moment.
  • Let's relfect on the impact of componet supply shortages.


ponder -To think about (something) with thoroughness and care.

It's a good moment to ponder the tasting events.


contemplate -To look at attentively and thoughtfully

Let's take a moment to contemplate the tasting events.



So, the next step to narrow down the flavors. Up to now, the emphasis has been on customization for each country. From an efficiency standpoint, the key is to identify a taste that universally well received across Southeast Asia. 


It would be even better if we could create a flavor that also appeals to westerners. We could then explore the possibility of exporting the products to the US and Europe. This approach could help engage the accounting department. 



This month's business scene features a story about the confectionary manufacturer. Could you share your story or memory about chocolate with us?

- I visited Italy and my brother suggested I try some hot cocoa. I couldn't believe how different it was from American or Japanese hot cocoa. It was so thick. I have a strong sweet tooth but that was almost too much for me. It's always interesting to see reginal interpretations of sweets.

- Oh, yes. Chocolate. It stands out for its thick, rick and creamy texture. Italians drink it when the weather turns cold to warm their bodies. It goes well with a biscotti or a biscuit.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(46)

After the successful events in Bangkok and Ho Chi Min, the three have come to Kuala Lumpur, their final destination. Hiroshi speaks to one of the participants at the tasting event.


What alternative ingredient does the participant suggest of durian?

-She recommends pandan as an alternative ingredient.


May I ask how you like the taste?

-The durian infused chocolate is bold and authentic. It captures the essence of Malaysian flavors.

-Great to hear. Any areas where we can improve?

-Well, I appreciate the boldness, but the durian flavor might be too intensive for some. Perhaps a milder version or a pandan infused chocolate could cater to a broader audience.

-Interesting. Pandan is widely used in Malaysian cuisine. Do you think it pairs well with sweets?

-It could be a perfect blend of sweetness and the aromatic tougch of malaysian herbs. We have pandan on cakes for example. Compared to durian, it's much milder, isn't it?

-You make a valid point. We'll explre options for momre balanced flavor. Thank you for your valuable feedback.






cater to 要望などに応じる

pair well with



pair well with..

  • Do you think it pairs well with sweets?
  • Is it true that certain cheeses pair well with fruity jams?
  • Fresh herbs pair well with pasta dishes.
go well with / go with...
Would it go well with something sweet?
be a good match with..

Is it a good match with desserts?




Durian emits a stron odor. So, we've considered it carefully. We discovered that there are durian-based chocolates and cakes in Southeast Asia. So, we thought just adding a subtle flavor would be acceptable.


As for pandan, we were aware that it's a common ingredient in dishes throughout Southeast Asia. But we weren't convinced that it would match with matcha flavor. It cuould enhance the aroma and taste of our chocolate. 


We'll explore options for a more balanced flavor. Thank you for your valuable feedback.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(45)

Hiroshi, Amanda and Iris are going on a business trip to Southeast Asia. At a sophisticated restaurant  in Bangkok, they're hosting a tasting event for their matcha and fruit flavored chocolate.


How will Hiroshi address the feedback on areas for improvement?

-He'll look into refining the texture and enhancing the packaging.


Thank you for coming to this event. We're excited to hear your thoughts on your chocolates. How do you like them?

-The conbination of matcha mango is surprisingly harmonious. It captures the ssence of Thai Tropical fruits. It's a delighful twist. I'm glad to hear that. Our product development team spent three months crafting these flavors. Any areas for improvemen?

-Well, while the Thai inspired flavors shine, texture of the chocolate could be smoother. It felt a bit grainy. Also the packating could be more eye-chatching. I don't think it converys the premium quality of the chocolate. 

-We'll look into refining the texture and enhancing the packaging. Thank you for your input. Please enjoy the rest of the tasting.

twist ひねり 工夫



grainy ざらざらした



look into を検討する

  • We'll look into refining the texture and enhancing the packaging.
  • Let's look into streamlining the process for better efficiency.
  • We're looking into investing in a renewable energy startup.
explore wayt to ...

We'll explore ways to impropve the texture and upgrade the packaging.


examine ...

We'll examine options for refining the texture and improving the packaging.



Coconut is a familiar flavor for Thai people. And to capture the essence of coconut, we introduced a distinctive grainy texture. Would it be preferable to retain some of the graininess or should we eliminate it entirely?


We learned that warm colors such as yellow, red and orange are preferred in Thailand. However we made a point of using green to evoke the image of matcha. What colors do you think are appropriate for a luxury feel?


*for a luxury feel 高級感を出す
*make a point of 






ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(2-3)

What surprised Kayleen about food culture in Tokyo?

-The fact that food is quite affordable and extremely accessible.


Now, you're covering  Japanese foods.


-Well, regarding your passion for Japanese food culture, how did it all begin and how has it evolved?

-Yes, so when I was in the US, I enjoyed food and I enjoyed tying new things, but I don't think I would have called myself a foodie at that point. And then I came to Tokyo, which has a very vibrant beautiful food culture and it's quite affordable, which was something that was surprising and extremely accessible. Where I come form you can find beautiful and delicious foods but you need to travel quite a ways. You have to, you know, a 30 minute car ride, an hour long car ride. Whereas coming to Tokyo, just within like a 10 miunte walk, there was beautiful and delicious foods pretty much anywhere you go. So I became more and more passionate and my interest in food grew more and more. When I became freelance, I made that choice specifically because I wanted to increase the amont of illustration work I did. I'd like drawing pictures and I realized when I created designs that used illustrations those are my favorite designs becuase I like the process of acutally creating the artwork. I always say that there's two types of artist. There's the artist that are painting because they want to express their emotions on a page and then there's the artist that is a little bit more technical, a little bit more logical and that's where I fall. And so when I became freelance, I thought it is much easier to hire somebody who has a specific, uh.. specialty in illustration. I need to find my own specific specialty to be able to market myself to potential designers wanting to hire me for a project. So I looked at scenery, I looked at people and I look at characters and  I realized I like food and food is fun to paint and Japan has abundance of beautiful food to paint. And there's a need for tit on the market because Japan has a strong food cultre meaning that there is a lot of magazines, books, advertisements, packaging. Um.. there's a big.. uh... range of projects that food illustration could be worked on. It could be used for. And so that kind of sparked my choice to pursure food illustration to kind of combined my personal interests and market had a need for it. Um.. and it just kind of was a match made in heaven and now I'm fortunate becuase I get to eat delicious food and call it my job. 




A foody is someone who has a keen interest in food, particularly different types of food. A gourmet. Foodies are also usually quite knowledgeable about the latest food trends. The qualifications for being a foodie are unclear as Kayleen said she wouldn't have called herself a foody. in the begining.





an abundance of

Abundnace is having more than enough resources available. A large quantity. Plenty. Maybe even too much in some cases. Kayleen said that Japan has abundance of beautiful food to paint. meaning that there are many many options when it comes to beautiful food to paint. 




a match made in heaven

A perfect relatioship or a perfect combination. An ideal mutually beneficial situation. Kayleen said that the combination of her pursuing food illustration with the market having a need for it was a match made in heaven. Or Win-win senario.





This piece captures the effects of light and fleeting moments of landscapes with rich colors.


*fleeting moment
-> fleeting つかの間の, はかない


Moving swiftly and nimbly. =>  fast1.
Fleeting; evanescent



perspective 遠近法

I'm struck by the clever use of perspective. It adds depth and dimension to the work.


perspective 遠近法
The technique of representing three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface.


brush work

This work's vibrnat colors and bold brush work vividly convey inner emotions.



The composition of the piece is unconventional, yet compelling.


構図 composition

型破り unconventional / untraditiona <> traditional 

作品 piece


  • and it just kind of was a match made in heaven



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview

Kailene Falls