ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 生成AI使った世論操作の危険性 6月21日(金) | amnn1のブログ




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 生成AI使った世論操作の危険性


U.S. firm OpenAI says it's identified five online campaigns based overseas that used its generative artificial intelligence technologies in an attempt to manipulate public opinion. OpenAI developed the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT. It said in a report the latest campaigns were run by groups based in Russia, China, Iran, and Israel. The groups used generative AI for a number of tasks, such as making up names and biographies for social media accounts, creating comments, and translating texts. The content posted by the groups focused on a wide range of issues, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, and politics in the United States. OpenAI said a group based in China criticized Japan's release of treated and diluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the ocean. The comments were posted on online platforms in English, Japanese, and other languages.


  • dilutedは「(液体が)薄められた、希釈された」


U.S. firm OpenAI says it's identified five online campaigns based overseas that used its generative artificial intelligence technologies in an attempt to manipulate public opinion.


  • online campaign 「オンラインの(組織的な)活動

-> Right. That's the sense of the word in phrased like election campaign or a cmpaign to end world hunger.


  • run 「実行する」


  • manipulate 「操作する、操る」
  • public opinion 「世論」

-> When you say someone manipulates something, you're suggesting that they're influencing it unfairly or dishonestly



making up names and biographies for social media accounts, creating comments, and translating texts.


firehose of falsehood 「虚偽の消防ホース」



Takeshita: So Tom, do you use ChatGPT?
Tom: I have, yeah. It's pretty fascinating.
Takeshita: And overseas actors are using ChatGPT to manipulate public opinion. AI can generate comments that look like a human wrote them.
Tom: Right. If you showed me something ChatGPT wrote and told me a human did it, I wouldn't doubt it for a second. It's disturbingly natural, even. Takeshita: But there are many positive uses. For example, businesses can use AI to generate customer-service responses or help with content creation. It can save a lot of time and resources.
Tom: True. But technology sounding exactly like a person can be a double-edged sword, right?
Takeshita: Absolutely. One concern is that people might use AI to spread misinformation, disinformation or fake news. Also, if we can't tell whether a comment is from a human or an AI, it can be unsettling. I think there should be a rule  regulations to label AI-generated content. 

Tom: Definetely. Absolutely. Right now, AI is playing catch-up with humans — but at some point, it could easily go past us. We'll be playing catch-up with AI. Who knows what'll happen then. I hope we can find a way to control the technology we've created in a helpful way. 

Takeshita: I agree. It's a fascinating field — and a challenging one — with a lot of potential. Thanks for the chat, Tom. It's always interesting to hear your thoughts on these topics. Talking to a real human being is always great!


  • ture absolutely definitely I agree.


  • can be a double-edged sword
    -Something that can be both beneficial and problematic.

It's always great to get messages, isn't it? And listners, feel free to send your messages in English too.




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」“晴海フラッグ” 2割近く賃貸や転売に



Officials in Tokyo had big plans for the athletes' village built for the 2020 Olympics. They wanted to convert the village after the Games into affordable housing. But an NHK investigation has found corporations have bought up some of the units, putting them beyond reach for families. NHK looked into register records of the waterfront housing district called Harumi Flag. It found companies bought nearly 500 of the some 2,700 units for investment and other purposes. Resale units were offered at one-and-a-half to two times the original price. One priced at about 700,000 dollars was purchased for more than double that figure. An expert says precious land set aside for Tokyoites has been used to make money.

(Nozawa Chie / Professor, Meiji University) “It's a serious problem the residential towers are too pricey for ordinary people who want to live there.”


  • put … beyond reach
  • look into …「~を調べる」「中をのぞき込む」
  • register recordは文脈から「(不動産)登記簿」
    register book / registry「登記簿」
  • nearly 500 of the some 2,700 units <-nearly 500 of the (some 2,700) units
  • Resale units were offered at one-and-a-half to two times the original price
    at … price「~の価格で」
    X times …「~のX倍」
  • One priced at about 700,000 dollars was purchased for more than double that figure.
  • Tokyoite「東京都民、東京人」
    New Yorker「ニューヨーク人」、Muscovite「モスクワ人」、Londoner「ロンドン人」、Osakan「大阪人」
They wanted to convert the village after the Games into affordable housing.
  • affordable 「(価格が)手の届く、手ごろな、無理のない」
  • housing 「住宅」

Well, if something is affordable, it's not expensive. But when you use affordable with housing, it normally means able to be bought or rented by people who don't make much money.

  • controversial 「物議を醸す、賛否が分かれる」
The new advertising campaign was controversial.
Alright, how about we try to make a sentence using controversial?
Here are the three words I want you to use.
You can use them in any order.

Just a little correction,
The topic of our class's play for the school festival was controversial.
I love the idea and I want to know what kind of idea was that?
class's play ... that's easier.

resale 「転売、再販」
reseller 「転売者」
scalper 「(転売して)利ざやを稼ぐ者、転売ヤー」


  • figure 「(価格、金額、数量などの)数字」

One priced at about 700,000 dollars was purchased for more than double that figure.


Figure” is a common word when you’re talking about money or statistics. You might hear something like “She makes six figures a year,” which means her yearly salary has six digits.
Sports is another area where “figure” shows up a lot. Here's a baseball example: “One of the pitcher's goals this season is to reach double figures in wins.”



The word I wanted to talk about today is ...

  • Tokyoite「東京の人、都民」-> ite アイト

The word I wanted to talk about today is “Tokyoite” — the word for a Tokyo resident. This pattern, where it's the city name plus “ite,” is pretty common. A person from Seoul is a “Seoulite.” Likewise, a person from Vancouver is a “Vancouverite.”
Another common pattern in English involves adding “-er” after the city name: New Yorker, Londoner, and Hamburger all follow that one.
Then there are very unusual ones. Someone living in Sydney, for example, is a “Sydneysider.A resident of Moscow is a “Muscovite.”

And resident of Osaka is an Osakan「大阪人」

Hamburger ? It's maybe not common, but if you look in the dictionary, it's there.


We can't wait to have you back!



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 メキシコに初の女性大統領
6月19日(水) Ready to get going to today's story?


Voters in Mexico have broken with the past. They've elected Claudia Sheinbaum as their first woman president in their 200-year history.
(Claudia Sheinbaum / Mexican President-elect)
“I didn't get here on my own. We all got here together: our female heroes who created the nation, our female ancestors, our mothers, our daughters, and our granddaughters.”
Sheinbaum is also the first Jewish person to be elected leader in a country that's overwhelmingly Catholic. She served as mayor of Mexico City. Sheinbaum has promised to carry on with the social welfare and security policies of the incumbent president, her mentor, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
Sheinbaum will inherit challenges that have plagued Mexican leaders for generations. She'll have to address widespread poverty and rampant violence among drug cartels. Local media outlets report that during the campaign more than 30 candidates were murdered.



Voters in Mexico have broken with the past.

  • break with …「捨てる、決別する、縁を切る」
    break with the past「過去と決別する、過去のしがらみを断つ」

  • get「たどり着く、至る、到着する」
    on my ownは「自分で、1人で」
    「独学で、自力で」誰の力も借りることなく自分自身で何かをするというニュアンスもあり=> aloneやby myself
  • Jewish person「ユダヤ人、ユダヤ系の人」
  • overwhelmingly「圧倒的に」
    overwhelmingly Catholicは「圧倒的にカトリック系である」
  • Keep Calm and Carry On「平静を保ち、普段の生活を続けよ」
  • social welfareは「社会保障、社会福祉」
  • securityは「安全保障、警備」<- ここでは「治安」
  • 形容詞incumbentは「現職の」
    the incumbent president「現職の大統領」
  • inheritは「受け継ぐ」
  • challengeは「(能力を試される)課題」
  • 動詞plagueは「悩ませる、苦しめる」
  • rampantは「横行する、はびこる、まん延する」
  • drug cartelは「麻薬組織」
  • media outletは「報道機関」
  • campaign=> election campaign「選挙運動」



“I didn't get here on my own. We all got here together: our female heroes who created the nation, our female ancestors, our mothers, our daughters, and our granddaughters.”


  • pave the way 「道を開く」
    Pave the way for gender equality

    It's also worth noting that pave the way doen't just mean to create a path for something or make it possible. It can also mean to make it easier for something to happen, like paving a dirt road make it smoother.

    泥, ほこり, ごみ
    -Earth or soil.
    - A squalid or filthy condition.

  • femicide 「女性であることを理由にした殺害」


Sheinbaum will inherit challenges that have plagued Mexican leaders for generations.



  • challenge 「(能力を試される)課題」

-> Challenge has lots of different meanings and uses but as a noun we often use it to refer to something that very hard, but many times new or stimulating to do.


  • rampant 「横行する、はびこる」

And there's one more word from today's story that I'd like to look at, rampant.


We normally use “rampant” for bad things that are uncontrolled and becoming more and more common — if you remember, the story mentioned “rampant violence among drug cartels.”
One good way to remember a tough word like “rampant” is by looking at its roots. In this case, the root is “ramp,” which means to “go up” or “climb.”
That’s why “rampant” means “increasing” or “growing.” And interestingly, “rampant” has also been used to describe an animal standing on its back legs, kind of looking like it’s going to attack. That might explain the “uncontrolled” or “threatening” connotations of the word.




->She served as mayor of Mexico City.


I actually read an article saying that she was part of a United Nations panel of climate scientists that won a Nobel Peace Prize.


IPCC 2007




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 中国 最先端技術兵器の演習を公開

In today's lesson, we learn about new military technology as well as answering a question form one of our listners.



China has shown off military weapons that look like they've been pulled out of an episode of “Black Mirror”: robot dogs and drones equipped with artificial intelligence. China Central Television reported on the joint drill with Cambodia that has been underway in the Southeast Asian country since May 16. CCTV says the remote-controlled robot dog can walk, jump, lie down, and send real-time reconnaissance footage. A larger one, weighing 50 kilograms, can fire a rifle mounted on its back. The U.S. military has also been deploying robot dogs and AI-capable drones in exercises. Concerns are growing in the international community about lethal autonomous weapons that can select and attack targets without human intervention. Discussions on restricting these weapons are continuing.



  • reconnaissance [riˈkɑnəsəns]
I've seen robot dogs in other videos dancing and playing. They were kind of cute, but it was a bit creepy to see them carrying and shooting guns in the news clip. 


lethal autonomous weapons

  • lethalは「致死性の、殺傷能力のある」
  • autonomousは「自律的な」
  • interventionは「介入、干渉」
The remote-controlled robot dog can walk, jump, and lie down.
The remote-controlled robot dog
walk, jump, and lie down.



★they are easy to misplace


The agency believes that as electronic devices get smaller, they're getting easier to misplace.



be forgottenやbe lost
=> misplaceが受け身になっていないのはどうして


This sentence sound very natural to me.




I misplaced my phone.

-> Phones are easy to misplace.



●文法的には間違っているが慣用表現である という場合です。
be easy to misplaceは「(~は)置き忘れ(られ)やすい、(~は)なくなりやすい」という意味の慣用表現


●何かが省略されているのでは? と考えて推測
Phones are easy (for people) to misplace (them).


-> misplaceは、辞書には「(~を)置き忘れる」という他動詞の意味でのみ。
->> 英語は語順によって単語の機能が決まる言語なので、他動詞であっても、自動詞としての語順で使われれば自動詞として機能します。-> 目的語がなければ(自らがその動作を行う)自動詞になります。
->> 他動詞であれば「(何かを)置き忘れる」
->> 自動詞なので「置き忘れられた状態になる」


Phones are easy to misplace. 慣用表現



茨ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 茨城 “嫁入り舟”に祝福

Today, let's learn about a Japanese tradition that appears to come right out of a fairy tale.



Visitors to a riverside garden near Tokyo enjoyed an old-fashioned wedding ceremony procession on a boat amid irises in full bloom.
The Suigo Itako Iris Festival is being held in Itako City in Ibaraki Prefecture. The revived tradition has become a highlight of the annual festival. On Saturday, a boat carrying a bride set out as visitors watching from the riverside applauded.
The area is surrounded by lakes and rivers where boats were once used as a daily form of transportation. Until the 1960s, brides in white wedding kimonos could be seen in rowboats heading to meet their bridegrooms.

“The ceremony was so beautiful. I was moved to tears.”

(Miyamoto Michiko / Bride)
“It was a valuable experience that so many people congratulated us. It was a very happy day.”


I was amazed to see such a wonderful festival. Floating down the river with the irises in full bloom in a beautiful whilte kimono for all to see. What a magical signt. 


  • move to

    Yeah,  to be moved meand to be greatly affected with emotion. For example, I was moved by the man's kindness. Something that affected your emotions can be moving as well. The film about true love was deeply moving. 

  • processionは「行列」ですが、特に式典などで人や車両が整然と進む「行進」
  • iris「あやめ、アイリス(あやめ科の植物)」
  • in full bloomは「満開の」単にin bloomとすることもあり
    come into bloom「咲く」Some cherry trees came into bloom last week.
  • revive「復活させる、よみがえらせる」revived tradition「復活された伝統」
  • highlightは「呼び物、目玉」
    -> 「(論点などを)強調する、(蛍光ペンで)マークする、(イベントや旅行などの)見どころとなる」
  • set out「(旅などに)出発する、出かける」
  • form of transportation「輸送形態(形式)、交通手段」
    -> こうした場合の「交通」には、trafficではなくtransportation
    traffic「交通量、往来」 -> heavy traffic「交通混雑」

    -> Yes, transportation is the action of people or vehicles moving between locations. A simillar word is trafic. Trafic refers to the movemient or flow of thowse in transportation.
  • bridegroom「花婿、新郎」groom
    「新郎新婦」英語ではbride and groomという順番
  • (be) in a suit and tie、「眼鏡をかけている」なら(be) in glasses
  • congratulate A on …「~についてA(人)を祝う」という形
“The ceremony was so beautiful. I was moved to tears.”

“The ceremony was so beautiful. 

I was moved 

to tears.”


One of the visitors said
the ceremony was so beautiful
(that) he was moved to tears.






・The ceremony was very beautiful.
・The ceremony was so beautiful.


●so … that …のthat以下が省略されている
soとしか言っていなくても、so … that …「とても~なので~だ、あまりに~なので~だ」というニュアンスが込められている

The ceremony was so beautiful (that) I was moved to tears.



・The ceremony was so beautiful! のように感嘆符を付けたり、
・The ceremony was so beautiful (that) I was moved to tears.



It's so great to see our listners commnents after the lessons that I hope everyone continue listening and asking questions. I'm very proud of everyone's hard work.