ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 茨城 “嫁入り舟”に祝福 6月17日(月) | amnn1のブログ






茨ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 茨城 “嫁入り舟”に祝福

Today, let's learn about a Japanese tradition that appears to come right out of a fairy tale.



Visitors to a riverside garden near Tokyo enjoyed an old-fashioned wedding ceremony procession on a boat amid irises in full bloom.
The Suigo Itako Iris Festival is being held in Itako City in Ibaraki Prefecture. The revived tradition has become a highlight of the annual festival. On Saturday, a boat carrying a bride set out as visitors watching from the riverside applauded.
The area is surrounded by lakes and rivers where boats were once used as a daily form of transportation. Until the 1960s, brides in white wedding kimonos could be seen in rowboats heading to meet their bridegrooms.

“The ceremony was so beautiful. I was moved to tears.”

(Miyamoto Michiko / Bride)
“It was a valuable experience that so many people congratulated us. It was a very happy day.”


I was amazed to see such a wonderful festival. Floating down the river with the irises in full bloom in a beautiful whilte kimono for all to see. What a magical signt. 


  • move to

    Yeah,  to be moved meand to be greatly affected with emotion. For example, I was moved by the man's kindness. Something that affected your emotions can be moving as well. The film about true love was deeply moving. 

  • processionは「行列」ですが、特に式典などで人や車両が整然と進む「行進」
  • iris「あやめ、アイリス(あやめ科の植物)」
  • in full bloomは「満開の」単にin bloomとすることもあり
    come into bloom「咲く」Some cherry trees came into bloom last week.
  • revive「復活させる、よみがえらせる」revived tradition「復活された伝統」
  • highlightは「呼び物、目玉」
    -> 「(論点などを)強調する、(蛍光ペンで)マークする、(イベントや旅行などの)見どころとなる」
  • set out「(旅などに)出発する、出かける」
  • form of transportation「輸送形態(形式)、交通手段」
    -> こうした場合の「交通」には、trafficではなくtransportation
    traffic「交通量、往来」 -> heavy traffic「交通混雑」

    -> Yes, transportation is the action of people or vehicles moving between locations. A simillar word is trafic. Trafic refers to the movemient or flow of thowse in transportation.
  • bridegroom「花婿、新郎」groom
    「新郎新婦」英語ではbride and groomという順番
  • (be) in a suit and tie、「眼鏡をかけている」なら(be) in glasses
  • congratulate A on …「~についてA(人)を祝う」という形
“The ceremony was so beautiful. I was moved to tears.”

“The ceremony was so beautiful. 

I was moved 

to tears.”


One of the visitors said
the ceremony was so beautiful
(that) he was moved to tears.






・The ceremony was very beautiful.
・The ceremony was so beautiful.


●so … that …のthat以下が省略されている
soとしか言っていなくても、so … that …「とても~なので~だ、あまりに~なので~だ」というニュアンスが込められている

The ceremony was so beautiful (that) I was moved to tears.



・The ceremony was so beautiful! のように感嘆符を付けたり、
・The ceremony was so beautiful (that) I was moved to tears.



It's so great to see our listners commnents after the lessons that I hope everyone continue listening and asking questions. I'm very proud of everyone's hard work.