ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(46) 6月10日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(46)

Alright, let's be the last man standing.


  • You look so happy here.


Wow, Alaxis. I haven't been camping in years.

When was the last time you went?

Oh, when I was a teenager.

You look so happy here, Capser.

Yeah, I love the smell of the woods. I feel so relaxed.

Are we going to make a campfire tonight?

That's sounds great. We can roast marshmallows.

On a stick?

Yes. There is nothing like roasted marshmallows.

Sounds really sweet.

I think Umi heard us. She must be hungry. You brought the cat food, right?

* brought -> bring <> take
   => come <> go


Sounds really sweet.

So here the sweet is actually used as a double meaning. It's talking about a sweet mashmallows, but also we say when something is a good situation, we like it, we say, Oh that's so sweet, that's a great thing.


  • When was the last time you went?
  • She must be hungry.
    *must -> 圧力 違いない


  • You look so happy here.

you = so happy
You (= look) so happy + here


That sounds great.

That bread smells delicious.

I feel so relaxed.


Alright. Let's get started today's practice. Our forms today are similar to be-verb construcions. A equals B. However , the verb in these sentences shows how A and B are equal. Alright. Let's practice.

-Repeat after us.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • This recipe looks easy. Why don't we try making it?
  • Your voice sounds strange. Have you come down with something?
    *come down with 病気にかかる
    *have come down with 現在にフォーカス

American people like marshmallows, right?
Oh yeah, it's part of our culture, roasting marshmallows on a campfire. There's nothing more American than raasted marshmallows. 
No marshmallows, no life.
weird <> strange



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(45)

It's Friday. You know what that mean? It's time to review.
That's right, folks. It's review time. Let's get ready.



What did Jeannie give to Dr. Stein?

Some oil paint.

A portrait of Dr. Stein.

Painting by Bob.


Was this painted by an artist?

It is one started by a man named Bob.



What does the man think about Hong Kong?

There are too many families named Lee.

It is too cold.

Things are expensive.


Bruce Lee

the problem is that it's too expensive

pay too much for things

I can relate to that..


Which of the following is ture?

The announcement surprised Tom.

The governor wants to run with Tom.

Tom doesn't support reducing taxes.


I'd like to welcome to the show

Congressman Sakamoto

run for governor

My worry was whether... or not

whether it was best to run for 

the issue is if doing that will really help economy

surprise with the announcement

be against ....



Last up is Thursday's dialogue.

What is Dallas famous for?

People wearing cowboy hats.

Signs just for cowboys.

A piano competition.


such an interesting city

most people only think of cowboys when they think of Dallas

*think of -> imagine

some people do, but most don't.

a sign -> It says something about ...

Dallas is famous for its internationa piano competition

2013 is when it was started

it's fairly recent 


  • Hi, what's up?
    - Actually, I need to catch an eight o'clock flight to Atlanta tomorrow. But the problem is that there is no bus service because it's so early in the morning. Can you give me a ride to the airport?

*catch a ... o'clock flight


  • I'm really looking forward to your birthday party.
    -Thanks. My only worry is whether Mari will come to the party. True. We broke up, but I want to stay friends with her. Have you heard anything from her?

*stay friends with ...


Hey guys, if you had to catch a really eary flight, what would you do to get there?

-Oh, like a 5 a.m., 6 a.m. flights?

-I just stay at an airport hotel. 

-Oh, I would call you. 




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(44)

I gain waite.

  • 2013 is when it was started.
Dog, I didn't know Dallas was such an interesting city.
Yes, most people only think of cowboys when they think of Dallas.
Some people are wearing cowboyhat. 
Right, some people do. But most don't. Hey, Shiho, this is the hospital where I was born.
It's reallly big and look at that sign over there. It says something about a piano competition
Dallas is famous for its international piano competition. 
I didn't know that.
Well, 2013 is when it was started. So it's fairly recent.
* think of ... -> imagine ...
* fairly recent
  • This is the hospital where I was born.
  • It says something about a piano competition
  • 2013 is when it was started.

2013 is +

when is was started


Here's what I think.

Mio is who I spoke to.

This house is where I used to live.


Alright, today's practice is about WH節 and guess what, Just like That節 and IF/Whether, we can use WH節 to describe the subject. So just the same. Let's practice and master them. -Okay guys, let's begin.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Three o'clock is when the move starts. Can you make it?
  • This isn't what I ordered. I asked for a Caesar salad.
    *a Caesar salad
  • Atlanta is where my parents are from. I grew up in Tampa.

Tampa is a beautiful city in Florida, right? I've actually stayed there for a couple of months. 
I spent a couple of summer there when I was a little kid. It's really beautiful place, Tampa.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(43)

Don't lose heart. You'll be okay. -Thanks.


  • My worry was whether it was best to run for governor or not.
I'd like to welcome to the show, our special guest, Congressman, Tom Sakamoto.
Thank you for having me, Kelly.
Congressman Sakamoto...
Please call me Tom.
Okay, Tom. You're running for governor.
Yes. I know I surprised a lot of people with the announcement. 
You certainly did.
My worry is whether it was best to run for governor or not.
Now, you say you're against reducing taxes. 
Well, the issue is if doing that will really help the economy. 
I see. 
  • I know I surprised a lot of people with the announcement. 
  • The issue is if doing that will really help the economy. 
  • My worry was whether it was best to run for governor or not.
My worry was +
whether is was bes to run for governor or not.
My issue is if this plan will work.
The question is whether we have time. ( whether + or not 省略可
The problem is if Mom will say yes or not.
Okay everyone. Today's practice is using the if / whether 節. If is a bit softer and more casual than weather. But you can use them interchangeably.
-Alright everyone. ready to practice? Let's go.

Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • My worry is whether there's a place to sit. I don't want to stand all day.
  • The problem is whethere my suitcase will fit in th trunk or not. It's pretty bulky.
The problem is whethere I can lose weight or not.
I don't know. You're pretty bulky. -I know.
The question is if you have a plan.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(42)

  • The problem is that it's too expensive.

So your name is Stacy Lee. Any relation to Bruce Lee?

No, there are lots of Chinese families in America named Lee.

Oh, you are Chinese American.

Yes, my grandparents came here from Hong Kong. 

We've played in Hong Kong. It's a cool city.

The problem is that it's too expensive.

But you ware rock star. You don't need to worry about money, do you?

The thing is that I don't like paying too much for things.

Well, I can relate to that.


*any => 何でもいい・選択の自由


  • We've played in Hong Kong.
  • You don't need to worry about money, do you?


  • The problem is that it's too expensive.
That it's too expensive.
The problem is that + it's too expensive.
The thing is that +
The issue is that +
The trouble is that +
Okay everyone. It's time for today's practice. Here are some set phrases that we usually use in conbination with "that clauses." Alright. Let's master the rhythm and the feel. Let's begin!


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • The problem is that we don't have enough information.
  • The thing is that the deadline is tomorrow. Can you finish it by then?
  • The issue is that I don't know him. Can I trust him?
Hey guys, the problem is and the issue is.
They share the same translation sometimes, right?
What's the difference? 
-Ah, good question. See, issues and problems can both be big or somall, but problems feel more serious. Issues require discussion and problems require sloving.
Also, if you use the word problem, it does have a more negative feeling. So you can say the same kind of feeling but if you don't want to say anything negative you can use the word issue.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(41)

Hey everyone. How are you doing today? 
Welcome to June's episode. Let's have a great time.

  • Was this painted by an artist?



Dr. Stein, how are you today?

Fine. Thank you, Genie. What do you have there?
This is a present for you. 
Wow. It's big. Can I open it?

Yes, please. 

It's an oil painting of me. Was this painted by an artist?

No. I painted it. I didn't know you could paint. 
I went to an art studio and learned how.

Which art studio?

It is one started by a man named Bob. 


  • This is a present for you. 
  • I went to an art studio and learned how.


  • Was this painted by an artist?

painted by an artist -> byanartist


This photo was taken by my father.

The roof was covered with snow.

We weren't seen by anyone.


Alright, it's time for today's practice. These sentences use the passive voice. But it's easy to use. It's similar to using any regular adjective. So treated this at the same way. -Okay, guys. Repeat after us.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • We were introduced by a friend. He thought we'd get along.
    *  get along
  • Was this picture drawn by hand? It looks like a photograph.
  • I wans't born in Aichi, but I lived there for many years.


Wow, what a beautiful photo of me! Was this photo taken by .. oh by me.

Oh and retouched by... Me!





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(40)

You know what day is it? It's Friday. And you know what? That means everyone, it's time for the review.


What does Gennie want to do?

Buy some of the pictures by Bob.

Learn how to paint pictures.

Meet many kinds of students.


I run a studio

any kind of ..students



Which of the following is true?

The cat has talked before.

Alexis will start editing today's video soon.

Casper prefers to say ohayo rather than good morning.


talkiging to me

be behind the sofa

prefer to ... + rather than


What is Omega3?

It's a code name for Anton Kerr.

It's the name of a spaceship heading to Mars.

It's the name of the mission.


I'd welcome to the show astronaut,...

Thank you for having me.

What is the ship called?

the third mission to Mars

My main goal is to ....


Where are the two people?

On Earth.

On Mars.

On the Omega3.


having a good time

car sick

after all

I'm in a rocket ship on my way to Mars.

are having a TV interview

put on makesup

look good for the camera



When should we be here?

-You're all to be here by 6:30 a.m. tomorrow. The bus leaves at 6:45, so don't be late. Don't spend on more than 500 yen on sanacks. Get a good nigh sleep tonight. Got it?



get a good night sleep



If you don't want a dog, then I can't be with you.

- What are you talking about? Are you saying you want to break up with me because you want to have a dog? Are you serious?


I haven't finished my question.

-Oh, go ahead.

Would you risk your relasionship to have a pet?

Yes. I told you. It's always a yes.

How about you, David?

I don't know about that. If I already had a pet, I would risk it to stay with my pet but ...




all right 

without fail; certainly


cut ... some slack

To give someone more time or more of a chance, to ease up on someone
To allow one more latitude or freedom than usual; to be more lenient with one.

If you cut someone some slack, you are less critical of their behaviour or performance than usual because you know they are in a difficult situation.