ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 プリツカー賞授賞式に山本理顕さん 6月7日(金) | amnn1のブログ





In today's lesson, we'll answer a question from one of our listners and learn about a special day in baseball.


ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 ロサンゼルス市 “大谷翔平の日”制定


Los Angeles city officials have designated May 17 as “Shohei Ohtani Day” in honor of the Japanese Major League Baseball superstar. Ohtani attended a ceremony that day at City Hall with the Los Angeles Dodgers' team manager and other executives.

(Paul Krekorian / Los Angeles City Council President)

Please welcome the greatest baseball player in America, Shohei Ohtani.”

Council members were not told in advance that Ohtani would be visiting. Many looked excited to see him. One official who saw the Dodgers game the day before had an Ohtani bobblehead. He said a player like Ohtani appears only once every 100 years.

On April 21, the two-way star surpassed the record for the most home runs by a Japanese player. Ohtani has earned multiple distinctions since making his Major League debut in March 2018. He was named the American League's MVP in 2021 and 2023.




  • (Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month)
  • Please welcome with a round of applause.
  • 大谷選手を指して使われるスラングのGOAT
    greatest of all time
  • bobblehead「首振り人形、ボブルヘッド人形」
    Yeah, bubbleheads are small plastic figures made to look like a crtain person with an oversized head. The head is attached by a metal spring so that it bounces around in a cute and random way. 
  • once every 100 years
  • two-way「(交通・通信などが)双方向の」
    野球でtwo-way player「(投手としても打者としても活躍する)二刀流の選手」
  • surpass a record
  • distinction 「名誉、栄誉(の印)」
    earn a distinction「栄誉ある賞を獲得する、受ける」
  • make one's debut「~がデビューを飾る、初めて出場する」
  • MVP、most valuable player「最優秀選手」
  • He was named the American League's MVP

distinction 名誉
Recognition of achievement or superiority; honor
An award or honor given to someone for outstanding achievement




Los Angeles city officials have designated May 17 as “Shohei Ohtani Day” in honor of the Japanese Major League Baseball superstar.


Los Angeles city officials 

have designated May 17 as “Shohei Ohtani Day” 

in honor of the Japanese Major League Baseball superstar.




British lawmakers have approved a contentious bill to send undocumented migrants to Rwanda. 承認しました


  • Los Angeles city officials have designated May 17 as “Shohei Ohtani Day.”
  • Los Angeles city officials designated May 17 as “Shohei Ohtani Day.”


からです。have approvedの場合だと、「approveした(承認した)という状態を現在持っている」



British lawmakers have approved a contentious bill. 

British lawmakers approved a contentious bill.




●経験 「現在までに~したことがある」
●継続 「現在までずっと~している」
●完了 「ちょうど現在~したばかりだ」  






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 離婚後の“共同親権”導入

In today's lesson, let's learn about a possible big change to child care.



One of the biggest questions when marriages fail and parents divorce may be, “Who takes the kids?” Japan is one of the few G20 nations where divorced couples are legally prevented from sharing custody of their children. But this is set to change, as the Diet has enacted legislation to revise the current law.

Members of the Upper House on Friday approved a bill to reform the Civil Code. It comes one month after the lower chamber passed it.

Under the new legislation, parents will discuss whether to seek joint or sole custody of their children after they divorce. If they fail to agree, a family court will decide. If the court recognizes domestic violence or child abuse, it'll grant custody to just one parent.

Joint custody would encourage divorced couples to cooperate on decisions affecting their children. But opinion is divided among divorced parents. Officials say they'll study the details of the new system before the legislation takes effect by 2026.



  • (be) set to …「~しそうである、~することになっている、~する見込みである」
  • enactは「(法律として)制定する、成立させる」
  • 日本の国会
    the Upper House「参議院」
    the Lower Houseと言えば「衆議院」
  • 日本の「国会」 the Diet => parliament
  • the Civil Codeは「民法」
  • It comes one month after
  • custody [ˈkʌsdi]
  • fail to …「~できない、~しない、~に失敗する」
    if they fail to agree「彼らが合意できなければ」
    family court「家庭裁判所」
    custody battle 「親権争い」


Under the new legislation, parents will discuss whether to seek joint or sole custody of their children after they divorce.  


Under the new legislation,
parents will discuss whether to seek joint or sole custody
of their children after they divorce.  



★意味を捉えにくい言葉: custodyとlegislation





Custody is taking care of or the guardianship of children or someone or something. Usually it is used for children but it can be used for prisoners as well.


protective custody





For example, the man was taken into police custody.



●legislationは「法律というもの」が立法のプロセスの中で流れていくイメージ。「法律案」も「法律そのもの」-> 「法案」でも「法律」でもある

-> 「立法」「法律」「法案」「条例」「条例案」
-> 1つであっても複数であっても、法律はlegislation (抽象的)


Legislation is like an umbrella containing all things related to the law including making or changing laws. 


Wow, thank you so much for the kind compliment. I'm very happy to hear it. I hope all our listners can easily understand and enjoy my voice.









ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 イラン ライシ大統領死亡


People across Iran have gathered to remember President Ebrahim Raisi and other passengers who were killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

Mourners packed into ceremony venues on Monday. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared five days of national mourning.

The late president was considered a leading candidate to succeed Khamenei. He was known as a hard-line conservative on domestic policies and was highly critical of the West.

The helicopter went down in the country's northwest. All eight people on board were killed, including Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian. State-run media have cited bad weather as the cause.

Elections for a new president will be held on June 28. Iran backs Hamas, which is fighting Israel in Gaza. It remains to be seen how changes to the government lineup will affect the country's diplomatic policy in the Middle East.



  • remember「(亡くなった人などのために)祈る、追悼する」
  • crash
    「暴落」stock market crash
    => つづりは違いますが似た単語
  • pack「(人が場所に)詰めかける」「(人や物を)詰め込む」
  • Ayatollah(アヤトラ)はイスラム教シーア派の高位の聖職者を意味する称号で、よく「尊師、師」と訳されます
  • succeed「後を継ぐ、後任となる」<- to succeed Khamenei.
  • hard-line「強硬派の、強硬路線の」
    hard-line conservative「(保守派の中でも特に)強硬な保守派、保守強硬派」
    take a hard-line stance against …「~に対して強硬路線をとる」
  • go down「(飛行機が)墜落する」
  • state-run「国営の」
  • cite A as Bは「AをB(何かの例、理由、証拠など)として挙げる」
    The scientists cited extreme weather as proof of the effects of climate change.
  • Iran backs Hamas, which is fighting Israel in Gaza


  • gather 「集まる」<- 何かの目的のために集まる

People across Iran have gathered to remember President Ebrahim Raisi and other passengers who were killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday.


That's right. You also see the noun form of gather or gathering used for a group of people who have come together for something.


political gathering


  • mourner 「追悼者、悲しむ人」
    -> 動詞mourn「追悼する」

go into mourning「喪に服する」
in mourning「喪に服して、喪中で」


Right and in the US, I think when a prominent political leader passes away, a lot of places will fly their flags half-mast


fly a flag at half-staff  / [half-mast]


But when a relative passes away, there's a funeral, of course, but there's normally no special mourning period after that.



The late president was considered a leading candidate to succeed Khamenei.


  • It remains to be seen
    the mystery remains to be solved「その謎はまだ解決されていない」
    much remains to be done「まだやるべきことがたくさんある」
It remains to be seen
It's a good set phrase to remember. In most cases, it follows this pattern:
It remains to be seen + “if,” “whether,” or a question word.
When you use this phrase, you suggest that, at the current moment, no one knows what will happen — but it sounds more sophisticated than just saying “no one knows.” It also adds a sense of anticipation.
Instead of “No one knows who the next president will be,” you could say “It remains to be seen who the next president will be.”  
Before we finish I just wanted to add one thing about the name of the country today's story was about. In English, there are actually three common ways that people pronunce Iran.
There's that one, Iran [ɪˈrɑn], wich is the most accepted way.
Then there's Iran [ɪˈrɑːn], which is slightly less popular. 
And finally in the US, you'll occasionally hear people say, Iran.[ˌˈræn]




remember 「(亡くなった人などのために)祈る、追悼する」

contender 「競争者、候補者」
strong contender 「有力視されている候補者」

hard-liner 「強硬主義者、(宗教の)原理主義者」




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 台湾 新総統が就任



Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te, has taken the oath of office and delivered a speech laying out his vision for the next four years. Taiwan's international standing was a prominent theme, with an emphasis on cross-strait relations.

(Lai Ching-te / Taiwanese President)

“I hope that China will respect the choice of the people of Taiwan, show sincerity, and hold to dialogue with the Taiwanese government, which is democratically and legally elected, based on the principle of equality and dignity, instead of confrontation.”

Referring to ties with China, Lai said his government will neither yield nor provoke, and he intends to maintain the status quo.

He added people should understand that China won't abandon its plot to annex Taiwan. And he said he will strengthen Taiwan's defense capabilities. He also says he hopes China will promote dialogue and exchanges in good faith.




  • 句動詞lay outは「配列する、提示する、説明する」
    -> 何かをよく見えるように広げて、きちんと並べて明らかにする
  • dignity「尊厳、威厳、品格」
  • neither A nor B「AもBも~ない」
  • yieldは「譲歩する、(戦いなどで)降伏する、(外圧や誘惑などに)屈する、負ける」
  • abandon「断念する、諦める、捨て去る、放棄する」
    <> abundant
  • annex「(領土などを)併合する」
  • in good faith「誠実に、誠意を持って、信用して」
    反対に、in bad faithなら「悪意をもって」


Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te, has taken the oath of office and delivered a speech laying out his vision for the next four years.


  • take the oath of office
    take the oath of officeは「就任の宣誓をする」「正式に就任する」
    He will take the oath of office as president of the United States.
    -> be sworn into office
  • cross-strait 「海峡を隔てた」
    cross-strait relations 「(台湾)海峡を隔てた関係」


    ここでのcross-strait relationsは「(台湾)海峡を隔てた関係」で、中国と台湾の関係(中台関係)を指しています。

    Cross-strait dialogue
  • I hope that China will respect the choice of the people of Taiwan,
  • Referring to ties with China, Lai said his government will neither yield nor provoke and he intends to maintain the status quo.

    That's right. Here's an example. The Beatles challenged the status quo of pop music.
  • in good faith
    The word “faith” normally means something like “belief,” but it can also mean “honesty.” That's the idea in the phrase “in good faith” — in other words, “in a good, honest, sincere way.” For example, the companies promised to negotiate in good faith.

    The phrase “in good faith,” which comes directly from Latin, is often used in legal settings (contexts) and sounds pretty formal.

    The opposite is “in bad faith,” which means “in a dishonest way, intending to deceive someone.” Here's an example:
    I'm going to sue them. They were acting in bad faith when they sold me that stolen car!
  • geopolitical tension 「地政学的緊張」

    Taiwan needs the world, just as the world needs Taiwan.




oath 「宣誓」
office 「(責任ある)要職、政府の官職」
take an oath of office 「就任の宣誓をする」
be sworn into office 「就任する」
cross-strait 「海峡を隔てた」
cross-strait relations 「(台湾)海峡を隔てた関係」
yield 「譲歩する、(戦いなどで相手に)降伏する、屈服する」
provoke 「挑発する、怒らせる」
status quo 「現状、(現在の)体制」
geopolitical tension 「地政学的緊張」





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 プリツカー賞授賞式に山本理顕さん


Japanese architect Yamamoto Riken received the Pritzker Architecture Prize at a ceremony in Chicago on Saturday. The award is known as the Nobel Prize for architects. Yamamoto said he's very happy and proud to be a “member of the Pritzker family.”

Yamamoto's buildings include the Yokosuka Museum of Art in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, and “The Circle” complex in Zurich. Yamamoto uses glass for the outer walls to make the interiors visible and incorporate open space.

The foundation that sponsors the award said his buildings attract people and increase opportunities for them to meet spontaneously. Yamamoto said he was almost moved to tears by the recognition of his designs.

(Yamamoto Riken / Architect)

“I am very happy my work is so highly evaluated.”

He added that he wants to continue designing buildings and the environments surrounding them.





  • architectは「建築家」
    architect of Middle East peaceは「中東和平の立役者」
    -> 類似語にはmastermind「立案者」一方で、そのニュアンスは「黒幕」や「陰の首謀者」に近い
  • Pritzker Architecture Prizeは「プリツカー賞」「建築界のノーベル賞」
  • ceremony「式典、儀式」
  • aka、a.k.a.、AKA - also known as …
  • (be) proud to …
    proud American「誇り高きアメリカ人」
    proud to be an American「アメリカ人であることを誇りに思う」
    I'm the proud father of two wonderful girls. 自慢の娘が2人のニュアンス
  • building -> structure
  • Yokosuka Museum of Art「横須賀美術館」-> south of Tokyo「東京の南」
  • The Circle「ザ・サークル」スイスのZurich「チューリヒ」にある複合施設
  • glass -> glasses めがね
  • outer wall「外壁」
    outer 外側 <> inner 内側
    東京の山手線の外回り 内回り -> outer loopinner loop
  • incorporate「取り入れる、組み込む」
    -> ビジネス英語では「法人組織にする、法人化する」
  • 建築や都市計画におけるopen spaceは「広々とした空間」や「建物が建っていない土地」
    -> 文脈によっては「空き地」「緑地」
  • foundationは「財団」
    「土台、基礎、基本」foundation of peace and prosperity
  • sponsor
  • spontaneously「自然に、自発的に」
    We had a spontaneous gathering of friends at my house last night.
  • (be) moved to tears by …は「~に感動して涙が出る」
  • so highly evaluated
    so … that …He was so sad that he could cry.
  • evaluateは「評価する」
    be evaluated「評価される」
    =>teacher evaluation「教員評価、先生に対する(生徒の)評価」
  • surroundは「周りを囲む」
    The international conference discussed issues surrounding climate change.
visible 「目に見える、可視の」<> invisible
Yamamoto uses glass for the outer walls to make the interiors visible and incorporate open space.

interior 「内部、内側、内装」
exterior 「外部、外側、外装」

incorporate 「取り入れる」
incorporate open space.
My teacher incorporates music and movies into her classes.

five-story pagoda 「五重
act on … 「~に働きかける」
the artificial 「人工」
the natural 「自然」



Daimon: So, Tom, are you interested in architecture?
Tom:   I love it. In fact, I used to dream of being an architect. When I was a kid, I got a book on buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright, and it was mesmerizing (— I lost myself in that world. )
Along the way, I found that he designed buildings in Japan, which got me interested in Japanese architecture, too.
(That was another fascinating rabbit hole to explore.)
Daimon:   There was a famous hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Tokyo called The Wright Imperial. He incorporated many design elements that were inspired by Japanese culture and nature into both interiors and exteriors.
-Oh really? That's interesting.
It's not cirtain but, 
Some say he might have gotten inspiration from the historical Byodoin Temple in Kyoto, although it's not certain.
I feel a great thing about Japanese architecture is its historical buildings.
Tom:    Absolutely. They're amazing.
Daimon:   That includes the skills of the ancient carpenters who built temples and other structures such as a five-story pagoda that can stand over periods of hundreds of years.
Are Japanese buildings and their designs attracting attention abroad?
Tom:   Well, nine Japanese architects have taken home the Pritzker, so the answer to that question is pretty clear!
Naomi: What do you think makes it so interesting to people overseas?
Tom: I'm sure there are many reasons. One is that, historically, Western architecture was designed to dominate nature, but I think Japanese architecture — particularly in the modern category — incorporates nature and blures the line (blends) with it. People appreciate that balance between the artificial and the natural.
Daimon:  I also think Japanese buildings are in harmony with nature. 


*blure the line with ...


rabbit hole
Something that is intricate or convoluted like a labyrinth and often has no outlet or resolution

To spellbind; enthrall
To hypnotize.


How do you feel about message?
- Wonderful! I like doing discussions and sentence makeing practice too since they give us a chance to use the kind of English that you won't necessarily hear in new stories.