ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 愛媛 八幡浜でマーマレードの大会 5月31日(金)30日(木) | amnn1のブログ





Today let's take a look at a Japanese masterpiee film coming to life on the stage.


*and not ever get tired.  


舞台「千と千尋の神隠し」 イギリス公演開幕


London theatergoers are getting a taste of the magic of Japanese animator Miyazaki Hayao.

Curtains rose Tuesday on the West End adaptation of “Spirited Away.” The show is in Japanese with English surtitles.

The 2001 cinematic megahit tells the story of a girl who stumbles into a mysterious spirit world. The stage play based on it opened in Japan two years ago.

The audience at the Coliseum theater was mesmerized by dazzling performances and costumes. At curtain call, a standing ovation.


“It's absolutely amazing. I think I could watch it multiple times and not ever get tired.

Production company Toho expects some 300,000 people to watch the show over the next four months.



  • on the West End adaptation of “Spirited Away.”
    West End
    That's right. West End in London is synonymous with the theater and musicals just like Broadway in New Yourk.

  • get a taste of …は「~を味わう、~を体験してみる」
  • animator
    動詞animate「生命を吹き込む、アニメ化する」+ -or「人」
    英語で「アニメ(アニメーション)」animated series/animated film
  • 動詞rise「上がる、上る」は、rise-rose-risen
  • adaptation「適合、適応、翻案、脚色」
    on the West End adaptation of …は「~のウエストエンド(流に舞台化した)版で」
    TV adaptationなら「テレビ化、テレビ化作品」
    movie adaptationなら「映画化、映画版」
  • “Spirited Away”「千と千尋の神隠し」
    -> 句動詞spirit awayは「人をひそかに連れ去る、神隠しにあわせる」
  • surtitle「舞台字幕」舞台上のスクリーンに表示される
    supertitleとも言います。-> 映画や動画などの「字幕」subtitle
  • cinematic「映画の」名詞形はcinema「映画、映画館」特にイギリス英語で
  • stumble「よろめく、つまずく、ふらふら歩く」
    句動詞stumble into 「~によろめきながら入る、~に巻き込まれる、~に偶然関わるようになる」
    -> I stumbled into teaching after graduating college.
  • spirit world「霊の世界、精神世界」
  • stage playは「舞台演劇」
  • The movie opened to rave reviews. 絶賛の批評を受けた
  • Coliseum「大劇場」
  • the Coliseum theater「コロシアム(という)劇場」
    => 正式名はLondon Coliseum「ロンドン・コロシアム」
  • mesmerized by …「~に心を奪われる、~にうっとりする、~に魅了される」
  • dazzling「(目がくらむほど)まぶしい、輝かしい、見事な」
  • ovation「拍手喝采、大喝采」
    standing ovation「総立ちの大喝采、スタンディングオベーション」
I think I could watch it multiple times and not ever get tired.  
I think
I could watch it multiple times
and not ever get tired.  
★“Spirited Away”

spirit -> 人間のbody「肉体」と対比しての「心」や「精神」

When I think of spirit, it is the non-physical part of what mekes me a person.  Whether you call it a spirit, sole or self, it is what makes me me.


verb spirit -> 「(幽霊などがこっそりと)持っていく」

“be spirited away”「(幽霊などに)こっそりと持ち去られる、(物が)こつ然となくなる、(人がどこかへ)秘密に連れ去られる」

-> つまり「神隠しにあって」


spirit ->




A girl has been spirited away by a spirit to a mysterious world.




A princess confronts her frozen kingdom and her frozen emotional state.



Today's lesson was great. Even as a child in America, I loved wathing Jiburi films, especially Kiki's delivery service. Thinking about the deepr meanings of movie titles is always interesting as well.




・Unbroken「不屈の男 アンブロークン」(2014)  






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 去年の落とし物 過去最多
In today's lesson, we learn about the huge number of items just waiting to be found!

去年の落とし物 過去最多


If you've ever lost something in Japan, you're not alone. Police say nearly 30 million lost items were turned in last year nationwide, a new record.

The National Police Agency says that's the most it's ever seen since data began in 1971. That's a 3 million item increase compared to 2022. The agency says increased foot traffic post-pandemic is likely the cause. COVID-19 restrictions were lifted nationwide in May last year.

The most commonly lost items include wireless earphones and mobile mini-fans. Reusable shopping bags and portable chargers are also increasingly forgotten. The agency believes that as electronic devices get smaller, they're getting easier to misplace.

Police still encourage people to file a report as soon as they realize something's been lost.



  • lose-lost-lost
  • lost item「紛失物、落とし物」
  • turn in「(警察など行政機関に)届ける、届け出る」

    That's right. When someone goes to the police station and says I did it. They are turing in themselves.
    For example, He turned himself in after stealing the money. Although I mostly used turn in for school work. 
    For example, I need to turn in my homework to my teacher.

  • foot traffic post-pandemic 
  • post-「~後の」
  • ear phones(earphones)-> 片方のイヤホンを指すとき以外は複数形
    ear buds(earbuds)
  • reusable「再利用できる」=> reusable shopping bag
  • 置き忘れた => forgetよりleaveを使う
  • misplace「置き忘れる、無くす」
  • electronic devices
Aimals? Oh no. As apet owner myself, that is so sad to hear. I really hope they can find the animals's owners again quickly.
If you have ever lost something in Japan, you are not alone.
If you have ever lost something
in Japan, 
you are not alone.




Police say nearly 30 million lost items were turned in last year nationwide, a new record.

-> Police say nearly 30 million lost items were turned in last year nationwide, (which is) a new record.

->> That's a new record.


The National Police Agency says that's the most it's ever seen since data began in 1971.

->The National Police Agency says that's the most it's ever seen since data (keeping) began in 1971.


The agency says increased foot traffic post-pandemic is likely the cause.

->The agency says increased foot traffic (that occurred) post-pandemic is likely the cause.

post-pandemic => adj?  
後置形容詞(postpositive adjectives)
the president elect 大統領当選者

postmaster general 郵政公社総裁

attorney general 司法長官

accounts payable 支払い(買掛)勘定
accounts receivable 売掛金債権


After today's lesson. I have so many questions. Where do they keep all of these lost things? How long do they keep them? How do they take care of the animals? I could ask many many more but it would take all day. 




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 ロシア ショイグ国防相を交代

ロシア ショイグ国防相を交代


Russian President Vladimir Putin is replacing his defense minister for the first time in 12 years. Sergei Shoigu will make way for an official vastly more experienced at fiscal policy than fighting wars.

Shoigu is known to be one of Putin's close aides. He commanded Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, as well as the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. But on Sunday, the Kremlin said Shoigu will now serve as the secretary of Russia's Security Council.

Putin's new defense minister is Andrei Belousov, the current first deputy prime minister. He's overseen economic policies at a time when many countries are stepping up sanctions against Moscow.

A Japanese defense expert says the appointment suggests Russia wants to bring economic and military matters closer together. And he says that could mean Putin is preparing for an even longer war with Ukraine.



  • replaceは「交代させる、取り替える、交換する」
    replace A with Bは「AをBに替える」
    -> ... be replaced with ....
  • defense minister「国防相」
  • make way for …「~に道を譲る、~と替わる」
    The old house will be torn down to make way for a new apartment complex.
  • vastly more experienced at fiscal policy than fighting wars
  • command「指揮する、統率する」
    commanderやcommanding officer「(軍などの)指揮官、司令官」、commander-in-chiefなら「最高司令官」
  • Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 「クリミア併合」
  • Kremlin「クレムリン」
  • secretaryは「書記」で、secretary of (the) Security Councilは「(ロシアの)安全保障会議の書記」
  • sanction「制裁(措置)」
Today's Takeaways
make way for ...
Well, whatever the case, Shoigu like the story said is making way for a new defense minister. Make way for is a good phrase to know. In this phrase "way" generally means, either space or an opportunity for a replacement.
There are lots of ways to use the phrase.
For example, you could say
“They're tearing down this building to make way for a new highway.”

It can also mean “to move away to give an opportunity to something else.”
Take this one, for example: “He should resign to make way for a younger leader.”  
That's it. Shoigu made way for his replacement and that led to the appointment of  Andrei Belousov. 
appointment 「任命」
Now most people are familiar with appointment as a word meaning an  arrangement to meet someone. 
But if you look at the parts of the word, you can see why it's also a word putting someone in charge of something. 
The first part "a" means "to" and the next part is "point." So if you think about it, it's like pointing or directing someone at the job or assigning them to it.
suspicion of bribery 「収賄容疑」
dismissal 「更迭」
military assistance / military aid 「軍事支援」
I'm kind of interested in how the rest of the world sees Putin's decision. I was reading up on the new appointment and one former US defense secretary said that the move could mean Russia is moving more toward a war economy.
read up on (someone or something)
To increase one's knowledge of a person or topic by reading about them or it.



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 デング熱対策で日本企業が駆除剤を共同開発



Two rival companies in Japan have joined hands to develop a mosquito spray to fight the growing spread of dengue fever in Southeast Asia and elsewhere.

Kao Corporation teamed up with Earth Corporation to combine expertise and shorten the development period for the product.

The companies say the spray uses a fine mist to saturate the wings and bodies of mosquitoes to prevent them from flying. It does this by using a solution in the spray with low surface tension that reduces the ability of the insect's body to repel water.

The companies say the spray does not contain any chemical insecticides. They plan to start selling it in Thailand from July.

The World Health Organization says global dengue fever infections last year hit a record high of more than 6.5 million. The surge came amid concerns global warming will expand the mosquito's habitats.


[dɛnɡ] -> gi?

  • fineの「細かい、繊細な」
    fine mistは「微細な霧、ミスト」
    fine line「微妙な境界、微妙な違い」
    there is a fine line between love and hate「愛と憎しみは紙一重」
  • saturate(液体で)ぬらす、(液体に)浸す」
    saturate the market「市場を飽和させる」
  • solution「溶けること、溶解」-> ここでは物質が溶け込んだ「溶液」
    by using a solution in the spray
  • surface tension「表面張力」
    <> 「界面活性剤」surface-active agent/surfactant
    with low surface tension that reduces the ability of the insect's body to repel water.
  • repel「はじく」
  • insecticides -> insecticide「殺虫剤」
    household pesticides and repellents「家庭用殺虫剤防虫剤
  • The World Health Organization 
  • mosquito's habitats

Yeah, I hear, Naomi. I had a tough time understanding the Egnlish, too.


It does this by using a solution in the spray with low surface tension that reduces the ability of the insect's body to repel water.


Two rival companies in Japan have joined hands to develop a mosquito spray

  • join hands 「手を組む、手を取り合う」
    -> join forces
  • team up 「チームを組む」
    = cooperate / collabrate

Join” comes from the Latin word for “putting two things together.
When you “join a club,” for example, you're “putting yourself together” with that club. When you “join hands,” you're simply putting your hand together with someone else's hand.  


That's right. I think people are starting to shift away from some substances that actually kill insects or insecticides


When you break that word “insecticides” down, it's easy to see the meaning. It's the word “insect” joined with “cide,” a part that meanskilling.”

I know it's unpleasant, but English has lots of words ending with “cide.” 

Two that you'll often see in news stories are “homicide” and “genocide.” 


mosquito-borne infectious disease 「蚊が媒介する感染症」

I never really saw mosquitoes as much of a threat. Because there are so common back home in Minnesota that some people jokingly say that our state bird which should be a beautiful symbol of our state is the mosquito. But hearing about dengue fever and remembering all the othr diseases that mosquitoes can carry, I think it's time I was a little more cusious.




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 愛媛 八幡浜でマーマレードの大会

愛媛 八幡浜でマーマレードの大会


And finally, when life gives you lemons or other citrus fruit, have a marmalade competition. One of Japan's leading citrus production areas, Ehime Prefecture in the west of the country, is doing just that.

This is the sixth annual competition held in Yawatahama City to determine the best marmalades. A record 2,110 submissions were received from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States.

Thirteen judges, including chefs and patissiers from Japan and abroad — though not Paddington Bear — are tasting the entries. They'll be rated on their appearance, texture, aroma, and flavor.

There are two categories in the contest: professional and amateur. The winners of the professional division will be entitled to market their products with the contest logo. The winner of the amateur grand prize will have their marmalade sold in a top store in London.

Competitors have to wait until May 14 to find out if they won or are toast.




  • A record 2,110 submissions were received from
  • are tasting the entries
    entryは「(コンテストの)応募作品、エントリー作品」= submission
  • Paddington Bear 
    And Paddington always carries one emergency mamalade sandwich under his hat.
  • They'll be rated on their appearance, texture, aroma, and flavor.
    rate A on B「AをBに基づいて評価する、ランク付け(格付け)する」
  • The winners of the professional division will be entitled to market their products with the contest logo.
    be entitled to …「~する資格・権利がある」
  • The winner of the amateur grand prize will have their marmalade sold in a top store in London.
    -> their :この時点では最優秀賞の受賞者の性別が分からないので、性別や単数・複数を問わずに使うtheyの所有格theirを仮の代名詞として使っています。theyは複数形ですが、ここで指しているのは単数のwinnerです。
  • find out if 




citrus fruit 「かんきつ類の果物」
marmalade 「マーマレード」
be toast 「負ける、駄目になる」
fruit preserve 「果物の保存食」
peel 「(果物や野菜の)皮」  



And finally, when life gives you lemons or other citrus fruit, have a marmalade competition.

when life gives you lemons or other citrus fruit,
は、When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

It actually comes from a famous saying,
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


But it doesn't really have any special meaing in today's news story. I think the writer was just having fun with a familiar phrase.





Competitors have to wait until May 14 to find out if they won or are toast.
動詞 toast「(パンなどの食べ物が)こんがり焼ける」->「焼かれた、焦げた、全滅した」
You're toast.「(あなたは)終わってるね、もう駄目だね」

be had on toast「だまされる、食い物にされる」
have … on toastで「(人を)思うままに扱う」


There are several different theories on where the phrase comes from, but it essentially has to do with “toasting bread” — heating it so that it's done, or finished, or, in some cases, burned badly so that it's unusable. 


You might hear people say “You're toast,” which basically means “It’s hopeless for you — you're finished.” 

おわった。 Well, Toast is the same way at least in my opinion.


“Toast” has other meanings, too: as a noun, it refers to the short speech someone gives at a gathering before saying “Cheers!”



Remember when the story talked about how the marmalades are rated? One of the items was “aroma,” which means a strong, pleasant smell that usually comes from food or drink. 

And in addition to “aroma,” there are so many other words for different types of smells. Here are three more: “fragrance,” “scent,” and “odor.”


So Naomi, Which one of these words do you think would be the most popular word for the smell of grass?

-Then I would say scent of grass.



“fragrance” 香水など作られた
“scent” natural な

 “odor” いやなにおい




Where I grew up, there was not much marmalade on breakfast tables. We normally had toast with jam or jelly, which doesn't have pieces of fruit in it. And you know, all this talk about bread and jelly is making me think of my favorite food … peanut butter. 

-Do you have peanut butter at breakfast too?

-No, no. Peanut butter is for lunchtime and snacktime — and it makes an awesome pairing with jelly. You've probably heard of an American classic called the “peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” 

Marmalade, jam, jelly, toast, peanut butter … they all make the world more delicious, and I'm all for that. Every time I spread some peanut butter on a piece of bread, I'll remind myself to keep spreading my love for my smooth, salty, sweet, favorite food wherever I can.