CNN10 20240523 | amnn1のブログ



More than 140 U.N. nations already recognize Palestinian statehood, but


ripped through

So far this year,


a beast; a brutal person; savage; cruel




, now has a black curtain drawn.

to block the view and deter tourists,

is something with brute force

, numbers have swelled to record levels, well beyond control,

 in a bid to address over-tourism starting this season.

 it`s put a strain on resources and local communities.

local tourist spots have resorted to taking matters into their own hands. Even if it means curtains for an Instagram hotspot.



She says that voice sounds eerily similar to hers.

I was shocked, angered, and in disbelief.

We cast the voice actor behind Sky`s voice before any outreach to Ms. Johansson.

isn't buying that.

we believe that A.I. voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity`s distinctive voice.

, saying not only did Altman reach out last September with an offer to have her voice ChatGPT 4.0

split on whether...


stay tuned






turn it all around

-> something has been bad for a long time and then it goes good?


at the heg

arrest warrants for..

the subsequent war in..

at times 時々, たまに

do collaborate

make arrests

would risk ...getting arrested



making it onto the battlefield

dusk begins a race to hide before dark

like so much in the fast changing war,

their task was unimaginable

those lights twinkling over there on the 

battles raging nearby may help.. them go unnoticed

could also ignite the two mines 

Russian jamming kicks in 

mine drop both payloads and head back

have only courage and ingenuity to hold back


the largest invertebrate on Earth

giant squid can grow up to 60 ft long

it's the world's largest invertebrate which is an animal with no backbone


penultimate story of the day

get glimpse of 



Next to last.

Linguistics Of or relating to the penult of a word: penultimate stress.


penult 語尾から第 2 番目の音節

The next to the last item in a series.

The next to the last syllable in a word.


flashed bioluminescent lights on two of its arms and sank the camera

photofors are the lagestt known for 


used to startle prey



my route to work

put a lot of research into it ...

a lot of trial an error

get the magnets as close to the ground as possible

on the bicycle trailer リアカー

put these rows in this configuration to make it easier 

to go over bumps

never ceases to amaze me 

any bit of free time I have 





what's next for the country
crw members
frantic hours
rescuers searched
no disruption in
hilhly polarized reactions to
a face of repression
interm president
pave the way for elections to b held wihin 50 days
manage troppy waters
but in the longer run, it's a system that is idologically
pouring in from longtime allies like Syria
sworn enemy 憎くてたまらない敵、目の敵
*sworn - Avowed 公然と認める
sworn enemy
A person, group, or organization for whom one holds a particularly intense, deep-seated hatred.
few tears likely to be shed by ...
long simmering shadow war exploded into direct tit-fortat long range 
tit-fortat しっぺい返し, 議論
or tit for tat n
an equivalent given in return or retaliation; blow for blow
lies with supreme leader Ali who ...
calling all the shots
Call the shots 「采配を振る」「采配をとる」
call (all) the shots
To dictate how a situation or agenda proceeds, as from a position of authority.
succession for 
cargo ship collided with the ... bridge causing it to collapse killing ...
dragged away from the crash site
docked at ..marine terminal in
ever since it crashed
demoliton work
stuck under the wreckage of ...
the hull was never damaged at all 
- Nautical The frame or body of a ship, exclusive of masts, engines, or superstructure.
The dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut; a husk.
without the propeller turning, the rudder was less effetive
confiscated crew members cell phones 
feel disconnected from family
double in size
contained so far it has scorched more than 12,000 acres of ...
get ... under control
pleading with drone operators
interfere with firefighting efforts and could cause mid-air collision
sea critters
bluefin tuna
it's on the endangered list
filed for bankruptcy
outer regions of our stmosphere
came knocking
come knocking at the door
To present (itself) as a possibility or (usually desirable) opportunity in the near future, especially temporarily.
let's make the most of these last five episodes of the season
delivered a commencement speech
lagging -> lag
restated a call for an immediate ceasfire
working around the clock 
we have that magnitude and ..
US imperialism
amplify his armed support fro the war in Gaza
overlooking their concerns as black men
completely dismissed 
no in no way shape or form are any of us unti-semitic
with was part of my calculus that he would say yes to ...
give Biden an honorary degree
is not the best shape
subtract the total expenditure
a surplus
anytime soon
it's not one of those clip events
more of a corrosive on the economy results in...
mortgage loan
get a loan to purchase
be more costly to do it
starting to crowd out 
crowd out
(…を)押し出す, (…に)締め出しをくわせる
- To push or force someone or something out of a certain thing or area by taking up space
-To cause someone or something to no longer be successful or viable in a certain environment due to an overabundance or oversaturation of similar people or things. 
who gets the blame here
bipartisan problem 
be guilty of in rising deficit in debt 


 Way to crank out another week.



who I think is more pessimistic than any other generation about even the chance that they`ll ever be homeowners.


Now, young Americans have been battling a one-two punch of high home prices and painful mortgage rates.


one-two puch
two bad events that happen close together


 how these two things work

High prices are fairly straightforward.

it`s likely the most expensive purchase you`ll ever make,

A mortgage rate is how much you`ll have to pay to borrow money to make that purchase

 the wet blanket of spring right now.



wet blanket

One that discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm.


Home ownership, which has traditionally been a vehicle of wealth accumulation for the typical American household, is just unavailable to a large segment of the population. 


A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished:

we really have a kind of a tale of two Americas that`s emerged.



but inflation has been really stubborn



will set the tone for the final months of the 2024 campaign.


televised presidential debates have provided us with extraordinary, decisive moments, which often changed the tenor of the race.


 used humor to deftly deflect concerns about his age in a debate with Walter Mondale.


deftly-> deft

-Quick and skillful; adroit. => dexterous.


I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent`s youth and inexperience.


, which teed up his opponent, Lloyd Bentsen, perfectly.


tee up

-To put someone or something into a position of readiness for some imminent action. 


There were the wordless missteps, the body language gaffes.


gaffe 失言
a social blunder; faux pas


looking out of touch by glancing at his watch when an audience member spoke about the lagging economy



, simply won`t move the needle as much.




 annual Space-Out Competition, where contestants have to zone out for 90 minutes








We`ve got a lot to get to today

 is pushing into northeastern Ukraine

 just over a week after entering a new term in office. 

He has now extended his autocratic rule until 2030, 

as they`ve been suffering some setbacks on the battlefield

Ukrainians are acknowledging that the Russians have gained some ground there, 

press that offensive

 the U.S. is back to stay

some of the U.S. weapons that have been pledged have already arrived on the battlefield and others are on the way.

they`re quite short on ammunition and on weapons, 


one of the biggest issues for Ukraine`s forces fighting in the northeast of the country is Russian air power and the ability of the Russian Air Force to be much more effective than before


Household waste

Let`s dive into the pros and cons of this technology and examine how these facilities could change the game for waste treatment and energy production

it`s hard to imagine that anything here could be of further use,

It`s a tried and tested method that has existed for over a century.


We operate at a 34% efficiency of producing electricity, which is much higher than it would normally be expected from an energy-front waste plant. 


Landfills are piling up and there`s an urgent need for a way out.


At Warsan, besides the energy produced, waste metal is recycled and leftover ash is used for building roads.


Sulfur and heavy metal contaminants are filtered and taken away.


Only the 200 tons of flue gas residue is the net waste at the end of 5,500 tons of waste going in per day.


*flue gas 煙道, 熱気送管


 a holistic solution


 If we look at things from a circular economy standpoint, turning that plastic bottle back into a plastic bottle is by far going to have the least amount of energy consumption. And first, of course, would be just minimizing waste from the get-go. For example, less packaging or no packaging.




plaque and bacteria in your mouth can damage it.

Ever wonder why we brush with a toothbrush? It should be called a teeth brush.


 one dentist who provides care to an underserved population and dedicates himself to a mission much greater than himself.


He`s so much more than a dentist.


I do what I do because this is what God put me on this earth for.

ensuring dental care was given to people who were most in need. 


 If I can be courteous and kind and respectful and do my job and treat you good, regardless of who you are, where you are, that`s my goal.


 We have kids in the foster care system and we have kids in the juvenile justice system.


serves an underserved population.


So that`s mind-blowing to know that if I can plant a seed in somebody, unknowingly, but just doing my job, doing the way that I do it,
it will influence them to make good decisions and be a more productive citizen.



She`s a miniature poodle who just pranced her way to best in show.

on the podium

and that deserves a round of "a-paws." -> a round of applause



 treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor.









let's get this show on the road

delivered his commencement address

Muslim valedictorian

I barely had a graduation

substantial risks relating to security and ... disruption at commnecement

without any apparent disruption

but it still wasn't what many hped for or expected

the dean of students 

did leave voluntearily

from Wendnesday all the way up until Saturday


solar flares 太陽フレア

happen on the surface of the sun when what is released?


stored magnetic energy 

go on and bask in a sunny glow 


The Aurora Borealis = The northern lights

they're named after the ... Roman goddess of dawn

coronal mass ejection

those highly charged particles have been barreling towards Earth at 500 



-drive or move in a way that is so fast as to almost be out of control.

gazillions of protons

-Informal An indefinitely large number:

mitigation effort have been taken


orbiting outpost

a general trist into outer space

astronomical event