ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(28) 5月23日(木) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(28)

Point to check_無理を言って申し訳ない。


Subject: Entertainments for ABC's president.

Hi Rie,

Thank you for making arrangements for Dominic Dubo, ABC's president. Actually, his secretary mentioned that he'd like to purchase traditional Japanese tableware during his visit. It seems that he's been given a shopping list by his wife. I know the schedule is quite tight but do you know of any stores in Tokyo where he could stop by
Many thanks.


Do you know of any stores in Tokyo where he could stop by? 

* know of ...


  • We'll push back the dinner start time by an hour.
    * push back ... by .... 時間を遅らせる => delay
       <> bring forward / move up
    * dinner start time

  • We'll delay the dinner start time by an hour.
Hi Pierre,
I'm pleased to hear that they're interested in Japanese tableware. I would recommend the area called Kappa Bashi. It's a wholesale district near Asakusa where there are lots of stores selling a variety of things such asu tableware, kitchen utensils and food samples. I'm sure Mr. Dubor would love the area. Looking at his itinerary, I think we could make time in the afternoon on Monday, the 27th. We'll push back the dinner start time by an hour. For your reference, here's a link to a guide about KapPa bashi in French. 
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.



Subject: Mt. Fuji.

Hi Pedro,

Climing Mt. Fuji sounds like a great idea. Personally, I've only been to the fifthe station by bus. So I asked my colleague, Toyama Noboru who loves mountain climbing. He said the weekend of July 13th would be a great timing if the whe weather is favorable and he'd be happy to climb togethere. What do you think?




Regarding the key point of this email, how is Rie communicationg Noboru's intentions to Pedro?

- Rie's telling Pedoro that Noboru would be happy to climbtogether. 

-It seems Rie is leaving the decision to Pedro. 


  • It's reassuring to have someone who knows Mt. Fuji well.
    * It's reassuring to ... 心強い
  • It's a relief to be accompanied by someone experienced with Mt. Fuji.
    * It's a relief to ... ~でほっとしています

It's also possible to say ...



Thank you for your kind offer. I really appreciate it. It's reassuring to have someone who knows Mt. Fuji well. Could you please introduce me to Noboru so that we can communicate directly? 
Many thanks,



Whad do you think is the underlining emotion in the sentence?

- The word "reassuring" encapsulates Pedoro's sense fo comfort. When such words are used effectively, you can express feelings with just a single word.
-Yes, it's truly clear and concise.



To express in a brief summary; epitomize


  • I would like to see a Kabuki performance. But is it okay if I don't understand the language?
  • I want to visit Kouya-san, but is it possible to go there and back in a day?
  • I know places where you can casually experience tea ceremony. 


ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(27)

A few days lataer, Kaoru and Daniel exchange information about recent developments. The focus of the conversation seems to be on how to respond to the upcoming shareholders meeting.


What did Kaoru hit at regarding the external audit?

-She hinted at the possibility of restructuring the semiconductor department.


Daniel, I notice you've been busy. I've heard rumors that executive support for salvaging the SC department is at 50 percent now.

-Yes, thank you for delaying the board meeting. those three days were crucial. Our boss has flown to Tokyo to convince more board members to offer their support. 

-I spoke to the external audi team today and hinted at the possibility of restructureing the semiconductor departiment. They indicated that would be a smart move

-How should we explain it at the shareholders meating? I'm concerned sharholders might raise questions about the losses. Should we conbine the numbers with a better performing operations to smooth things out?

-I mean, transparency is the key. Let's look for evidence to persuade them that the semiconductor business could make a recovery. 



external <> internal


hint at



be concerned 心配している

smooth out



be concerned + that / about ...

  • I'm concerned (that) sharholders might raise questions about the losses.
  • The manager's concerned about the lack of communication within the department.
  • I'm concerd about the team's productivity.


be worried that..

I'm worried that sharholders might raise questions about the losses.


fear that ..

I fear that sharholders might inquire about the losses.



What's wrong with combining the numbers? Honestly doesn't pay. As long as it's legal, it should be okay.


It's not just about being legal. Even if you try to conceal the fact that the business is in the red, savvy investors will notice and might think we were trying to hide something. It's better to be upfront. I belive honesty does pay.


* savvy

* upfront




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(26)

Daniel asks Kaoru for advice on whether there is any way to salvage the situation. Kaoru explains the circumstances to Daniel and provides a hint.


What would happen if the semiconductor department were placed inside a well-performing division? 

-It would lose autonomy but the ongoing projects could continue.


Fujita-san, tell me farnkly. Do you think there's a way to salvage the semiconductor department?

Okay Daniel. the outlook may be bleak. However, if we could place the departoment inside a well-performing division in Kuala Lumpur, the losses would be less noticeable. The semiconductor department would lose autonomy, but the ongoing projects could continue.

-How much support can we get?

-Don't tell anyone I said this, and this is not my idea. But right now, four out of then board members seem to support salvaging the business. You need to convince two more people to get a majority. A problem happening at another subsidiary, means that I could suggest delaying the meeting by three days maximum. 

-Thank you, Fujita-san. I owe you for this.



bleak 見通しなどが暗い



on going


I owe you.



offering little hope or excitement; dismal -> a bleak future.

gloomy and somber
cold and raw


  • The outlook may be bleak.
  • Following the natural disaster, the survivors faced a bleak reality.
  • The job market becomes bleak during recessions.
    *job market 雇用市場
    *recession 不景気
The future may appear grim.
not promising
The prospects may not look promising.

The outlook may be bleak.

-The semiconductor department would lose autonomy, but the ongoing projects could continue.
Losing autonomy may be humiliating for the semiconductor sector, but this type of move can by time. I don't think it's a bad strategy to handle ongoing project while considering the next move
Losing autonomy is still much better than not being rescued at all.
If you put all efforts into customer acquisition, performance could improve. This is a crucial moment where perseverance is key.


  • The job market becomes bleak during recessions.
  • The future may appear grim.
  • The prospects may not look promising.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(25)

In a process of exchanging financial figures, a new challenge has emerged for the subsidialy in Kuala Lumpur. Kaori is engaging in a candid discussion with Daniel, the local head of finance. 


What is the problem with the subsidiary in Kuala Lumpur?

-The semiconductor department's final numbers are in the red agaain.


Fujita-san, have I submitted something wrong?

- Relax, Daniel. No discrepancies this year. It's just that the semiconductor department's final numbers are in the red again.

-Does that mean Tokyo wants to dissolve the department?

-There's nothing personal in this, but the company guideline state that if an operation loses money three years in a row, it will not be pursued further.

-Fujita-san, this business is important for us to maintain political connections in Malaysia. If we pull out, the authorities may not be so cooprerative in the future.

-I know, but how will shareholders see? Between you and me, it's on the agenda for the board meeting next Monday. You should discess things internally and seek support from Mr. Sato, the managing director beforehand. Good luck!




in a red

dissolve 解体解散する

in a row


pull out 撤退する



pull out -> pull out of ...

  • If we pull out, the authorities may not be so cooperative in the future.
  • The government's decision to pull out of the treaty surprised the world.
    * the treaty 条約
  • The CEO decided to pull out of the merger negotiations.

If we withdraw, cooperation from the authorities may diminish in the future.

If we opt to discontinue the authorities may not maintain the same level of cooperation in the future.
  • Does that mean Tokyo wants to dissolve the department?
From Tokyo's perspective, they see this issue not as specific to Kuala Lumpur alone, but rather as a concern for the entire semiconductor operation. So the fate of Kuala Lumpur may depend on the process of restructuring the business.
Personally I don't want that to happen. However, there are voices expressing concerns about allowing exceptions in dealing with three-year deficits. It's unclear what decision will be made
marge 縁、端
merger 合併, 合同




ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-6)

亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏
Lekh Raj Juneja




What should we be happy when we're offered a new job or position?

-Because we're getting paid to learn something new.


My background was, I started with basic science and went to microbiology, then went to a faculty of engineering in Osaka and then later what I was doing is all like related to pharma area, medicine, you know, all clinical trials, you know. So, multi-type of background helped me to build up my carrier. 

-I see. You have had a very interesting and varied career. People in Japan sometimes hesitate to chage their jobs. Could you please give them some advice?

-My message is it's not changing the job. You can do within the same company, too, and the same place too. It's a challenge. Challenge towards your career. You know I tell my people when they're, you know, the fresh employeers join the office, till yesterday you are paying tuition fee and learning in the school and the university. From today you get paid and then learn. If you think you are learning on the job, and you'r learning new things in the job, your attitude becomes so different. So when we offer some new position, a new area to work with, I say they should be happy, you know. Now we are getting paid for something that..to learn something new. So I became CEO, I need to do A to Z, right. If you want to.. build up to go, rise to the job you want to achieve finally, it's up to you. Me of couse I've challenged too, you know. So you should learn enything. My one word advice today is that never hesitate to take challenges. Never hesitate to learn something new. That makes you grow. It grows your career as a human being. That you know.. So job rotation is very important. Of course you need to specialize yourself, too, you know, in some area, you know. That's important. Never hesitate to take new challenges.

Broaden your experience and enhonce your skills by taking on challenges



Microbiology is the scientific field of microorganisms or microscopic organisms. This includes studying things like viruses to bacteria and parasites to name a few. Dr. Juneda's background is in microbiology. So he has experience in the pharmaceutical field. 


clinical trial

Clinical trials are research studies that determine the efficacy and safety of medic, medical treatments devices procedures and so on. They are done with actual people in a very carefully conrotolled and regulated environment.


A to Z

From first to last and everything in between. Everything. Specifically everything in a particular order or organized fashion. Dr. Juneda said that he needs to do A to Z as a CEO. Meaning he's responsible for everything in a thorough and detailed way


pharma (area)

-(Biochemistry) pharmaceutical companies when considered together as an industry


exceed expectations

I always strive to exceed the expectations of my supervisors.



I think recognizing everyone's efforts motivates the whole team.



maintain a balance

While work is important, so is taking care of yourself. It's about maintaining a balance.


open to change 変化に対してオープンになる-> 変化を受け入れる

We should become more adaptable and open to change.



基本-> fundamental

Meeting deadlines is fundamental to building trust in relationships.


* meet a deadline

* be fundamental to noun? -> building


Never hesitate to take challenges. Never hesitate to learn something new. That makes you grow.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(24)



Subject: Next year's budget for marketing.

Hi all,

I'm sending you the application form for the marketing expenses budget for overseas entities. Could you fill in the relevant sections and return it to me by Friday, the 17th? As the recent increase in procurement costs has impacted our profits, the management decided on a uniform 10 percent cut across all entities and departments. We know this is tough, but we kindly ask you to review and adjust your individual budgets accordingly.

Best regards,



  • relevant
    the sections relevant to you 
  • We know this is tough, but we kindly ask you to
  • Pleae check for any omissions or errors.
  • Please check that the form is complete.
It's honestly difficult to accept a uniform cut considering the overseas marketing bussiness has been performing well. However it's not fair to blame you. I've filled in all the details for the Vancouver Branch. Please check for any omissions or errors.
Many thanks,
What does it mean that the accounting department does not accept any supplementary budgets. We need to keep an eye on the market and stay ahead of the game. Now is the time to negotiate with the client in person.
Rie, any cool ideas to get some extra cash for travel expenses?

Any cool ideas to... -> Do you have any cool ideas to ..


Any other expressions typically used for chat?

Cool ideas would probably be expressed as good ideas in any email.

やってみる give it a try

  • It's not that simple but I'll give it a try
Could you provide us with an alternative sentence?
It's also possible to say,
  • It's not easy but I'll give it a go.
That's a good one, too.

Andrew, point taken. It's not that simple but I'll give it a try. You're talking about a business trips to Sydney for three people, right? I'll negotiate to see if we can allocate an unused portion of the advertising budget.

Fingers crosssed.


  • I undrstand your point. = Point taken.
  • Fingers crossed. = Keep your fingers crossed.

Jenny, where does this expression come from?

-It comes from the gesture of crossing the middle and index fingers to pray for good luck.

-Right. It's a charm that will make your with come true.


charm = magic spell, magical spell, spell



  • Let's budget with some extra cushion, just to be on the safe side.
  • Is it possible to carry over the remaining budget to the next fiscal year?
  • I expect to be grilled on details during the budget hearing.



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(23)

The story of the missing inventory continues.

Kaoru gets Giorgio to help her uncover the facts.


Why did Giorgio wait to inform Kaoru until the situation became clear?

-Because he understood the gravity of the situation.


It would have been helpful if you had informed us sooner. 

-I understand. I recognize the gravity of the situation. That's exactly why I chose to wait until the stiation became clear. 

-Do you have any idea about the cause of this incident?

-I wish I did. You mentioned the case at another overseas location where seasonal employees stole some parts for resale. We can't rule out that kind of possibility. I'm hopeful it might just be a miscalculation.

-We hope so, too. Girogio, you've succesfully resolved many challenging issues in the past. And I have complete confidence in your abilities.

-That's very kind, Kaoru. I'll keep you updated on the developments.




seasonal employees

rule out



keep .. updated


rule out ...

  • We can't rule out that kind of possibility.
  • We should rule out biases when choosing candidates?
  • We ruled out the idea that this was a human error.
  • We can't dismiss that kind of senario.
    dismiss 考えなどを捨て去る
  • We can't exlude the possibility of this happneing
    exclude <> include
  • I have compleate confidence in your abilities.
  • This is indeed a sericous problem. Okay, first please submit your investigation report by the end of today. I'll then report it to Mr. Kaneko,  our chief financial officer, first thing tomorrow morning, Tokyo time.
  • Giorgio, this is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively working closely with your team. There's always a solution to every problem. Let's overcome this together.
There hasn't been a single world of apology from Giorgia. What are your thoughts on that?
-That's right. He used, I understand instead of saying he was sorry. Perhaps he thought an apology would make Kaoru doubt his abilities or even view it as an admission of guilt. Using, I understand shows that he's listening. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(22)

The financial statement from the subsidiary in Italy have been sent to the Tokyo headquarters. Kaoru discovers a potentially problematic fact and asks Giorgio about it. 


What was lost in warhouse 8?

-Several dozen batteris was lost.


Thank you for sending us your financials. You've provided us wiht the overall numbers, but we do need the details as well. Is there any reason you've omitted the detaileds surrounding current assets on the balance sheet?

-Well, if I'm honest, our inventory isn't adding up. The logistics team is reporting a loss of several dozen batteries in wearhouse 8. We're cheking for damage reports, but there aren't any.

-Didn't you check your stock at the end of the third quarter?

-Of course we did. At that time the stock was still there.

-This could develop into a problem. Our inventory must be disposed of by a certified entity under the correct procedurs. If we can't prove that it was, we may be at risk of losing our ISO certification.


financials 決算書


current assets 流動資産

balance sheet

add up 合計の数字が合う

dozen 12

thierd quater

dispose (be disposed of)


ISO = international starndardization


add up 合計の数字が合う
-> not add up 数字が合わない

  • Our inventory isn't adding up.
  • The numbers just don't add up. Could you please double check each item?
  • The budget and accual expences are not add up.
  • There's a discrepancy in our inventory figures.
  • There's a mismatch between our recorded inventory and the actual stock.
It's not my faul that the batteries are missing. I've been fulfilling my responsibilities. So, why blame me?
-Don't take it personally. I'm not blaming you. However this is something that happened within your company and impact could ripple throughout the entire group. 
There's nothing wrong with you personally. I just wanted you to be aware that there could be serious consequences for the group as a whole



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(21)

The deadline for subminting financial documents are approaching. Kaoru calls Giorgia the financial manager of the subsidiary in Italy. 


What was the purpose of Kaoru's phone call to Giorgio?

-The purpose was to remind Giorgio of the submission deadline.


Hello Giorgio. How are you? Is the family well too?

-Ciao. Kaoru. All good here. My daugter Maria had a sleepover this weekend. She invited three friends. So I was pretty busy with cooking. 

-You're a good farther. How old is Maria now?

-She turned eight last month. Time flies. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't call me just to inquire about my family. What's the matter?

-Well, there's no problem as of now.

-I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday. Is everything on schedule?

-Yeah..Yeah.. No problem. 

-You sound a bit apprehensive. If there are any issues, please let me know. The earlier, the better.

-Don't worry. If anything comes up, I'll keep you posted.


sleep over

time flies



submission deadline

apprehensive-> worry / nervous 気づかって, 懸念して

keep .. posted



-Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy: 


remind ( remind ... of ... / remind ... to ... / remind ... that ...)

  • I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday.
  • I'd like to remind you of the upcoming team meeting on Friday.
  • Could you remind me to call the dlient at 3 p.m?


  • Just let you know this Friday is the submission deadline.
  • I just want to bring your attention to the submission deadline, which is this Friday. 


  • There seems to be a heat wave in southern Italy. How about MIlan?
  • Has your mother discharged from the hospital yet?
  • I recently started watching an Italian language program on NHK.
  • Watching a special feature on the Uffizi.. Gallery on TV made me want to visit Florence.

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-5)

亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏
Lekh Raj Juneja


How is the marketing strategy changing to attract the younger generation?

-It's shifting more towards social media. 


Regarding the domestic market, you mentioned that the rice cracker market remais stagnat while sales of cookies and chocolate have been growing and that your main customer domographic is in their 50s and 60s. What is your strategy for attracting the younger generation to rice crucker?

-That's a very good question, you know, I think, you know most of the copanies are struggling with like there'll be a lot less younger people, more people of the aging society, you know. So this is a critical issue for us, you know, that how to keep our shares in the market, how to grow our business, you know. So now we need to attract younger generaton, you know, so we are trying to shift our marketing strategies. We changed like..you know, commercial ambassador, CMs, you know, we're doing SNS. We're doing everything, and also developing the products which are good for younger generation that they like it. So marketing stratey of course we are changing, you know. It's more shifting, more on SNS and, you know, the young people can read, and all that, you know, but also making palate, you know, the food tasting which are good for younger generation. So this is our very very important part of our business, how we can attract younger people. And what we can serve them. What we can bring the market, and of course, you know, I mean whatever we do is the.. you know we cannot keep on growing forever, you know. That's the reason we are going absolutely to take this beautiful food to all of the world, you know. So go every country and spread how good Japanese are, how good Japanese technologies are, how good Japanese foods is. That sort of thing's going everywherewherever we're building factories, making all those alliances and partnerships, you know.



Unchanging, lacking growth or development. Dull and lacking activity. Stagnat is ofte used for wate. If water is not moving, it creates a bad smell, and become hazardrous to drink. Using the same image. 

Stagnat has a negative connotation. However, something that is steady or stable can be nutral or positive. 


demographic 人口動態・人口統計

The details or specifics about a group of people. 

A demographic is also a part of a population based on a shared characteristic. This could be something like age income nationality and so on. For example, young voters are a key demopraphic for his political campaign.

Generally speaking, a share is a portion of something that belongs to someone or an organization. Dr. Juneja mentioned keeping his company's shares in the market. Otherwise know as market shares. Market shares refer to the portion of sales of the company or pruduct has in a given market.

For example, if there are 100 products sold in a cretain industry, and 10 of those produts are from my company, then my company would have a 10 percent of the market.


palate 味覚

Your palate is the roof of your mouth. But we use palette to refer to our sense of taste and how we perceive flavor. An example would be,

The spicy food had to be adjusted for my child's sensitive palate.


target audience

Understanding your target audience is the first step for a successful marketing campaign.



Consistant branding helps to establish a strong brand identity.


engage with

Social media platforms provide an avenue for engaging with potential customers.


incentivize 奨励する

Offering exclusive promotions can incentivize customer loyalty.

<- incentive


provide an avenue + for...

a situation in which something serves as a means of access or opportunity for something else.


  • Word of mouth through social media is a powerful weapon in marketing.


commercial ambassador?
A brand ambassador is a person engaged by an organization or company to represent its brand