英会話タイムトライアル「5月DAY13」 5月22日(水) | amnn1のブログ







semi-express train


The semi-express train doesn't stop at SPR station.




commuter express train


The commuter express trains run from 7 a.m to 9 p.m.




Track number 4


The express train leaves from track number 2.






The platform is crowded.


The platform isn't crowded today.


vending machine


There is a vending machine on the platform.




The announcement said the trains are running late.






電車の運行情報 etc.




Is this train runing on time?

Is this train on time?


For 定刻通り, you can say, be on time or running on time.

But running is useful when you talk about trains.



This train is running on time.

This train is running late.


土砂崩れ, How do you say that in English?





There was a landslide, so the trains are not runing now.

The trains aren't runing yet.



start running


The trains start runing at 6 a.m..



stop runing


The trains stop runing at 11 p.m.


-> desn't stop ... / pass by 


This train doesn't stop at the next station. 
* station ---> stop


pass by 


This train is passing by a beautiful park.


This train is passing by the Mt. Fuji. It's on the right.


You're getting beter and better practicing each day. And we have a few more lessons to go this month. 

So everyone, get on board, and let's practice speaking together!





We have a new week of Eikaiwa time trial for you.

I'm Catherine and I'll meet with you on the train. We can seee some beautiful views from the window. Join me on Friday. 


So let's get ready to go for a train in New Zealand.




Just transfer at the next stop. <- next station?


Ginza statin isn't the next stop.


How many stops are there from here?


Ginza station is four stops from here.


I'd like to go to New Market station.

New Market staion is five stops from here.


the last stop


Christ Church station is the last stop.

Just take this train to the  lasat stop.
<- take がride よりも自然 
<- Just take .. が please take ...よりも自然


Just get off at the last stop, and transfer to the blue train line.






And here's your conversation partner from New Zealand.

Hi everyone. I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words. Okay, here we go!


Today, you're taking a trip across New Zealand by train. 

I work on the train and I'll take you to your seat.

The train has nice big scenic Windows. You can see the natural beauty of New Zealand.

Are you ready to have a conversation with me now.

So , try to have a seven turn conversation as you get on board Kiwi rali, New Zealand's train.


Now I'll have the conversation with Catherine on the train in New Zealand.


Welcome to the Northern Explore.

-Thanks. I'm happy to be here.

May I see your train ticket?

-Sure. Here you are.

Sorry, you are in the next car in seat 7C. Follow me. Okay?

-7C, okay. I'll follow you. 

All seats are reserved seats and I say that you have a rail pass, right? 

-Yes, I won a rail pass playing Bingo actually. 

Good on ya. A rail pass can take you around New Zealand by train or even ferry. Oh, whoops what was your seat number again?
-My seat number is 7C. 
7C is here. We have lovely views of New Zealand from this big train window.

-It's a very big train window. I'm so excited to see the views of New Zealand.

Alright. enjoy your journey aorud my homeland, New Zealand, Kiora.



New Zealand -> Kiwi

Of course, the bird, Kiwi is important.

Of course, so the Kiwi is actually Zew Zealand's national bird.  

Do you see those birds in Zew Zealand often?

Actually they're nocturnal, which meas they only come out at night, and I've heard that they're very shy. So it can be hard to find them in nature. But if you go to the zoo, there's usually a Kiwi exhibit.

National bird of New Zealand is the Kiwi and they're nocturnal. But most people know the word Kiwi from the fruit. I heard that Zew Zealand change the name of that fruit.

Actually, it used to have a differnt name. But kiwi fruit looks so much like the bird that we gave it the name, Kiwi fruit.

And what's the name of the railroad in New Zealand?

Kiwi rail.





Where should I transfer?

Just trasfer here.

Let's sit towards the fron of the train.

Is this a reserved seat?

That car has non-reserved seats.

The biggest city in New Zealand is Auckland

The capital is Wellington.



My seat number is ...

My seat number is 16C.


We need transfer at ..

We need trasfer at Tokyo station.


What's .. famous for?

What's Nagoya famous for?



May I see your train ticket?

-Sure. Here you are.

-Of course. This is my train ticket.


Do you have a rail pass?

-Yes. This rail pass is so useful for traveling around New Zealand.



Okay, just try to reply with as many sentences as you can.


We have lovely views of New Zealand fron this big train window.

-It's a very big train window. I'm so excited to see the views of New Zealand from the train.


It's a big train window.

I'm so excited  + to see the views of New Zealand  + from the train.







May I see your train ticket?

Sure. Here you are.




car / carriage



Your seat is in the next car/ carriage.




car number seven


Is this car number seven?




reserved seat


Is this a reserved seat?




All seats are reserved seats.



non-reserved seats


That car has non-reserved seats.



seat number



What is your seat number?

-My seat number is 24A.




aisle seat


It's in car number 4. It's an aisle seat.









Change trains? -> 反対側のホームの電車に乗り換えるimage


=> transfer 乗り換える


Let's transfer here.


Where should I transfer?


We need to transfer at Kingsland station.
You need to ...


Just transfer here.


You don't need to transfer. Just get off at newmarket station.


Let's move near the door.


towards the front

towards the back


Let's sit towards the front of the train.


line -> train line

station -> train station


Let's transfer to the purple train line.

To transfer to the purple train line, we need to go through that ticket gate.

* to ... , we need to


First take the red train line, then transfer to the yellow train line.
* first ..., then...


Well, how did you do?

Today, we mastered the use of this verb, trasfer ( transfer to... transfer at ..).





Hi everyone. Catherine here.

This week, I'm working on the train in New Zealand, and I'kk check your ticket and show you your seat


A train in New Zealand. That's sounds fun!



What's New Zealand famous for?

-New Zealand is famous for its rugby.


Kiwii is the name of bird. It's also the name of the fruit.



National bird


New Zealand's national bird is a Kiwi.



the South Pacific (ocean)


New Zealand is located in the South Pacific (Ocean).


The biggest city in New Zealand is Auckland.




the capital


The capital is Wellington.



Which part of New Zealand are you from?


What does "kiaora" mean?






Hi, I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.

And we'll talk about trains in New Zealand.-Of course.


Imagine this...

It's Bingo night on the cruise. You're so lucky. You'll win the grand prize. A luxury cross-country train trip. The MC of the Bingo event is me.

Did you imagine the situation?

So try to have a seven-turn convasation as you enjoy the Bingo event.


Everyone, if you have Bingo, say Bingo.

Next. B as in boy, B24.

-Bingo. I think I have Bingo.

Oh let me chack that. Um, yep, congratulations.

-Thanks. Did I win something?

You won the grand prize, a trip from New Zealand's biggest city, Aukland to the Capitol Wellington. You'll take a luxury cross-country train.

-Thanks. How long does it take?

It takes about 12 hours and you'll use a rail pass. Do you know what the rail pass is?

-Yeah, I used a rail pass in Europe a long time ago.

You can get on and off at any station. So may I have your name?

-Sure. I'm Shiraishi Ken.

And where do you call home?

- I'm from Japan, from Yokohama.

In Japan do you take cross-country trains often?

-Yes. I take cross-country trains once or twice a year. They're called Shinkansen or bullet trains. Last year I went back to my parents' house for New Year's.



How many times did you reply?

Steve will show you one way to complete the conversation with me.


Did you understand our conversation?

-And Catherine, did you take the train often in New Zealand?

-Acucually, when I was in university.

-Which city was your university in?

-I went to university in Wellington.

-In wellington. And your hometown is ...


-Oh, so did you take the train in Wellington?

-Yeah, and I took the train back to my hometown. 

-How long does it take form Wellington to your hometown?

-It takes about 11 hours. 

-11 hours!






Let's take the train to Aukland.

How long does it take?

It takes about two hours.

I'd like a round trip ticket.

The ticket gate for the cross country train is that way.


I took the train from .. to ..

I took the train from New York to Boston.

I took the train from Tokyo to Shibuya.


It took ...

It took about four hours.

It took about one hour and a half.


We'll get off at ...

We'll get off at Shnjuku station.

We'll get off at Ueno station.



Where do you call home?

- I'm from Japan from Yokohama.
I'm from Japan from Sendai.


*rail pass

Do you know what a rail pass is?

- Yeah, I can get on and off at any station.


what a ... is?


Okay, so now just try to reply with as many sentences as you can. Are you ready?


In Japan do you take cross country trains often?

- Yes, I take cross country trains once or twice a year. They're called Shinkansen or bulltet trais. Last year I went back to my parents house for New Year's.


It's Bingo night on the cruise ship.You might get a big prize.





bullet train


rail pass


How much is a rail pass?

How many days can I use it?



one way ticket

round trip ticket


How much is a one way ticket?

I'd like a round trip ticket?

I'd like ...

May I have ...


Cross country train

-> Japan's cross country train



The cross country train stops in my hometown.

Just take the cross country train. It's faster.



ticket gate


The ticket gate for the cross country train is that way.


The cross country trains in New Zealand have big windows.





Today's sentences have,


plane / train

get on

get off



get in

get out


Let's get on a plane now.

Let's get on a train.


*plane <> plain



We can't get on the plane yet.

They are still cleaning it.


Let's get off at Shinjuku station.

We don't get off here.

We'll get off at Sibuya station.


We're leaving now. Let's get in the car.

-> get on the car => 車の上に乗る!


*leave => depart 


It's cold. So let's get in the car.


I'll get out here.


車から降りる -> get out



If possible..

If possible I'd like to get out in fron of the station.





This month we are going to New Zealand!


Have you ever been to New Zealand? I've never been there.

So let's experience it together virtually!


Let's talk about transportation.


He everyone. I'm your conversation partner, Catherine. On Friday, you play bingo and get the grand prize, a ticket to travel around New Zealand by train. See you Friday!







Let's take the train to Auckland.



*ride -> bike, bicycle / roller coaster, ferris wheel



How long does it take?

-> About how long does it take?


- It takes about two hours.


I took the train from Paris to London.

How lond did it take?


Two and half hours



It took about two and half hours.


Just don't take this train.

Let's take the next train. It's faster.







And here's your conversation partner around the Pacific. 

Hi everyone! I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.

It's going to be fun!


Imagine this.. You and I will meet up near the train station.
After we meet, let's go to the station and let's talk about trains in Hawaii and Japan.

We go through the ticket gate to get on the new Hawaian train.

Did you imagine the situation?


So try to have a seven turn conversation with me. Let's get on the new Hawaiian train.


How are you doing?

-Good thanks. How are you?

Good. Well, the train station is this way.

-This way. Got it.

Do you take the train often in Japan?

-I use the train almost everyday. I take the train to work.

Well, here's the ticket gate. Just tap your smart card here, like this. Go ahead.

-Like this. Got it. Okay.

For the trains in Japan, do you use smart cards like this one?

-There are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app. So I use my smarphone for the trains in Japan. 

Oh, here's the train now. It's a driverless train. Aafter you.

-Oh thanks. This is a nice train. 

Oh, it's not crowded. Shall we sit towards the front or towards the back?

-Let's sit in the very front. What a nice view of Hawaii!


How many times did you reply?

Steve will show you one way to complete the conversation with me. Listen carefully.


Did you understand our conversation?

By the way Catherine. I have a question for you.
-Okay Steve.

Did you have a train in your hometown in New Zealand?

-Well, we have a train but you can only take it twice a day.

So you're from a small town in New Zealand?

-Well, it's not very big. It's called Hamilton, New Zealand.

So how do you get around Hamiliton?

-Well, I usually walk but most people use a car or they take the bus.


We are going to New Zealand next month!

I'll introduce New Zealand to you!






Long time no see.

What a coincidence!

How have you been?

I've been busy. How have you been?

The bus leaves at 2:30.

2:30 Got it.

Is this present for me? I'm speachless.



Do you ... often?

Do you come downtown often?


... is that way.

The post office is that way.


.. was a priceless experience.

Swimming with Dolphins was a priceless experience.



How are you doing?

-Good thanks. How are you?


Shall we sit towards the front, or towards the back?

-Let's sit towards the front.


towards the front

towards the back


Do you use smart cards like this one in Japan?

-Yes. There are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app. So I use my smartphone for the trains and shopping in Japan.






XX + less



The apprication is paperless.




Hawaii's new train is driverless.



His questions were endless.



There are countless examples.



Surfing in Hawaii was a priceless experience.



Is this present for me? I'm speachless.







This is such a good technique.

It's an easy and useful technique.


Steve, I'll see you at the fifth floor after the show.

-The fifth floor. Got it.



The bus stop is that way.

- That way. Got it.


It's that way.

The bus stop is that way.


two thirty 2:30


The bus leaves at 2:30.

-2:30. Got it.


The bus leaves at 5:30.

-5:30 Got it.


The bus is on the left. It's number 24.

-Number 24. Got it.

-On the let. Number 24. Got it.


The cruise ship leaves at 5 p.m.

-5 p.m. Got it.


Just tap your card here like this.

-Like thins. Got it.


Confirming information is really useful in conversations.

Great job today.






Hi everyone. It's Catherine. Your a conversation partner. On Friday, we get on a train in Hawaii. It's brand new. So let's check it out. Bye for now.

-Thanks. Catherine. We'll see you on Friday.


Long time no see.

-Yeah, long time no see.


What a coincidence.

- Yeah, what a coincidence.


How are you (+doing)?

- Good thanks. How about you?


How have you been?

-I've been busy. How have you been?


Do you come here often?

-Yeah, I come here every Friday.


Do you take the train in Japan often?

-Yes. I take the train almost everyday.








Our conversation partner is...

Hi everyone. I'm Catherine Leland. I'll be your conversation partner as we go around Hawaii.
Let's all welcome Catherine to eikaiwa-time-trial. Great to see you!

-Thank you.

-Now everyone, my accent is American, Catherin's accent is not British and not Australian. 

-Not asutralian.. the answer is...

I'm a Kiwi. I'm from New Zealand.

- I'm not a bird.

Kiwi is a bird and a fruit, right?

-Indeed. A kiwi fruit.

-And that one symbol of New Zealand.


Taiwa karaoke around the Pacific.


Imagine this. You've just arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii. I'll welcome you there as a guide. And I'll give you a guidebook with coupons and a special Hawaian gift.


And when we talk, tell me your plans for enjoying Hawaii.


Aloha, welcome to Hawaii.
-Aloha. Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.

This is a Hawaiian lei for you. Here you are.

-Oh thanks. Mahalo. These flowers are beautiful.

And here's a gudebook with coupons for shopping. 

-Thanks. Do you have a map?

Here's a map.

What would you like to do in Hawaii?

-I'd like to go to Waikiki beach. And I'd like to try surfing or some water sports. I love the ocean.

Would you like to rent a car?

-No. I don't have a drivr's license actually.

The buses are really convenient. Here's the shedule for the buses.

And the schedule for the new train in Hawaii. 

-Thanks. If I have a time, I'd like to ride the new train in Hawaii.


You're doing great.


So Steve will show you one way to reaply.


Thanks. + sentence


You did much better the second time. Good on you!

Nex week, we have one more conversation together in Hawaii. I'm looking forward to it.





So try to repeat each phrase after me.


What's the name of this flower?

I think it's orchid.

Where would you like to go in Hawaii?

I'd like to go to Waikiki Beach.

Here's a guidebook.

THanks. Do you have any recommendations?


Did you express all those phrases quickly and smoothly?



What would you like to do in...?

What would you like to do in New York City?


So now try to create one more sentence with the phrase, what would you like to do in...?


I'd like to ...

I'd like to see a Broadway show.


Here's ...

Here's a list of shows on Broadway now.



Aloha, welcome to Hawai.

-Aloha. Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.


This is a Hawaiian lei for you. Here you are.

-Oh thanks. Mahalo. These flowers are beautiful.


So now try to reply with as many sentences as yoiu can. Here's the question.

What would you like to do in Hawaii?

- I'd like to go to Waikiki Beach and try surfing. If I have time, I'd like to ride the new train in Hawaii.





So just learn and use some local phrases.

It's time for your first try!

SPR training


Do you know how to say hello/ goodbye in Hawaii?




Aloha, here's my passport.

Aloha, is this store open now?



Mahalo = Thank you.


This map of Honolulu is so useful. Mahalo!





The flowers on this lei are beautiful. Mahalo.
This lay smells nice, especially the white flowers.

*smell nice => have nice smell


What are the common flowers used for lei?


Orchid 蘭
Plumeria プルメリア




What's the name of this flower?

I think it's an orchid.


How was your second try? Was it a little easier that time?

Now, you're ready to arrive in Hawaii. Be sure to use those phrases is no Friday.