ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(31) 5月20日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(31)

Okay everyone. Let's get started.


  • Look at all these cool choes!


Look at all these cool choes!

Wlcome cir. W have a wide selection.

I like these ones.

Would you like to try them on?

Sure. That would be great.

I'm looking for a pair of size 33 shoes.

Did you say 33?


I'm very sorry, sir, but the largest size we carry is 30.

For all of them?

Yes, 30 is the largest size for all shoes in this shop.

Oh, that's a pitty.


  • That would be great.
  • the largest size we carry is 30.
    *carry 取り扱う



  • Look at all these cool choes!

look at + all these ...


I'm looking for a pair of size 33 shoes.

I can look after your plants.

Please look over the contract.


Alright, here we at the practice. So today's target froms are again, 自動型. 
Let's begin.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • I looked over your homework. There are a few mistake but overall you did well.
  • I'm looking for my phone. I can't finde it anywhere. Could you call it?
  • Please look after yourself. It still very cold these days.
Hey David. What size shoes do you wear?
Well, I'm certainly not a 33, but my shose size is bigger than most stores in Japan.
Well, my feet are pretty small, so actually I can wear all the antique geta I want.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(30)

Thanks for joining us for Friday's review.

Let's enjoy today's review.


What will Frankie probably do?

Look for a mouse with a long tail.

Take a photo of the world's first computer.

Record the mouse with his sensors.


all these computers

from the 1950s

take a photo of ...

visual sensors

That is so. = That's right.


Which of the followings true?

Hiroki is the woman's son.

The woman often gives Hiroki advice.

Barbara heard bad news from the woman.


your love life

a blonde woman

She's bad news.


Who found what?

Someone found a time capsle.

The girl found uncle Brendan's cap.

Uncle Brendan found a message from the girl.


news about

time capsule


put ... in it

What is so special about that?

They hope ...


What did Mr. Vinsky give to Wane.

Amy's lesson plan.

A chocolate cake.

A pack of Vienna sausages.


I can't wait to hear her play later. -> hear + her play

has imploved a lot

you don't have to do that

you really like it there. -> being in ...

How very nice.



*dog statute

Wow so many people!

-Hey, look at that! What a cute dog statute! I think I've seen it before on a website. Let's stand right next to it and ask someone to take our photo.



I finally replaced my laptop. I've been wanting this model for a long time.

Good for you. You can work more efficiently now, can't you? By the way, can you explain what's so special about that model?


* explain 他動型 (前置詞無しで目的語をとる)


Hey guys, have you ever taken the photo with Hachiko?

-Well, not the actual dob but the stature in Shibuya? Yes, I have maybe 20 years ago.

-I actually don't remember if I've ever take a photo with Hachiko. Maybe not.








ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(29)

Are you guys talking about winkers? -Nope... Oh, my bad.


  • I go to Viena every year.


Hi Mr. Vinsky, how was the lesson with Eimy today?

She played very well. She's learning some new techniques.

I can't wati to hear her play later.

You may be surprised. She has improved a lot.

Oh, before you go, Wayne, I have a present for you.

Another present? You don't have to do that.
It is a chocolate cake from Viena again.
Thank you so much Mr. Vinsky. You really like it there.

Yes, I go to Viena every year.

How very nice!


  • You really like it there.

Could you explain the nuance of this sentence?

- You like it there. is a liitle different from You like it Viena. It means she likes to be in Viena. 

-That's right. So the situation is you really like it where in Viena. So there.

  • How nice! -> How very nice!


  • She has improved a lot.
  • You don't have to do that.
    * have to 【客観的】: need to  <> must しなくてはだめ【主観的】
    * don't have to ...する必要はない <> must not  してはいけない


  • I go to Viena every year.

Don't run here.

Luna didn't come to my party.

They all agreed with me.

Apologize to her right now.


Okay everyone. It's time to practice. Today we will be practicing simple actions. So as you say the action, then explain how or where, or with who. So ready to go. Repeat after us.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Are you coming to our party? We need to know the total number of people.
  • I will not appologize. The accident wasn't my fault. I did nothing wrong.

Hey David. Apologize to her right now.

No. I will not apologize. She started it. 

What did I start? 
You started everything.

What didn't you start?



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(28)

Let's jumn right in!


  • Can you explain it to me?

Uncle Brendan, uncle Brendan, did you hear today's new about Oxford?

What news?

They found a timecapsule at a school in Oxford.

Whoa, very interesting. 
Unle Brendan, what is a time capsule? Can you explain it to me?

Of course. A time capsule is just a container and people put things and messages in it. 

So what is so special about that?

Well, then they bury it in the ground.

Why do they do that?

They hope people in the future will find it.


  • Oh, very interesting. <- interest / be interested in
  • People put things and messages in it


  • Can you explain it to me?

    -> explain it 


We'll discuss it.

Takeshi married an American. * marry 

Don't tell me.


Okay everyone. Our target today is 他動型. So let's practice them together and master them.

For the practice, really just try to connect the feeling of the verb.
That's right. Let jump right in.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Please explain your decision. I want to know the logic behind it.
  • I'd like to discuss our strategy. Can you make time this afternoon?
  • Diden married a musician. Their house has a recording studio just for her.
The singing in the shower count?



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(27)

Your English will improve. Trust me.

How did you know that?

I normally don't trust you and I, but this one I believe.


  • Why do you like her?


Welcome back Hiroki. I feel like you're my son now.

Because I come to see you so often?

Yes. You became one of my best client.

Well, I need your advice again.

About your love life..

Yes. How did you know that?

I know. Is there someone you're interested in?

Yes. Her name is Barbara

A blond woman.


Why do you like her? She's bad news. *bad news 厄介者・危険な人物

But she's always so nice to me.

Stay away, Hiroki. Trust me. I know.


  • Is there someone you're interested in?
    someone/no one /anyone + 説明
    * interest 興味を抱かせる -> interested 興味を抱いて


  • Why do you like her?
    * Oに代名詞 -> her 目的格 : me you him her it us them


like her > Why do you like her?


I'll take him to the airport.

I know her from work.

Thank you for having me. 


Okay guys. It's time to practice. Her him me, these words have a strong sense of pointing. So as you practice today, I want you to use your finger to pint. 

Alright everyone. Let's try our first few.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • I like him. He wears funny clothes, but he has a kind heart.
    *clothe verb /  clothes noun
  • Wait a minute. I know her. She's my frined's older sister.
  • My friends saw us yesterday. He was on the same train as us.


Hey, David. You are dressed up today. Are you going to go somewhere after this?

-Yeah... we have a video recording. Sensei, you're going too, aren't you?

-Oh really? 

-Well, I guess he wasn't ready. 




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(26)


  • You can't take phtoes here.


Frankie, look at all these computers.

Yeah, some of them are from the 1950s

Here's the world's first computer mouse.

I wonder why it is called a mouse.

It's kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?

Perhaps. I want to take a photo of it.

You can't take photos here, Frankie.

Is that correct? Regardless my visual sensors can record it. *regardless とにかく

Right. You're just acting like a human.

That is so. *= That's right.


  • I wonder why it is called a mouse.
  • It's kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?
  • You can't take phtoes here.
take photoes
I watch the news everymorning.
He made a pizza for dinner.
She took my sheat.
Okay everyone. Tody, let's practice thinking about the verb and the noun as a chanck. Alright? -That's right folks. It's 他動詞 time. Let's get to it. -Let's go!

Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Keith lost his wallet again. That's the second time this month.
  • You're wearing a necklace. Was it a gift from your partner?
    -> Why is the past tense used here?
    With gifts and like souvenirs, お土産, they stop being gifts when you received them.
  • I'll download Hiroto-no-Nittuki. We can watch it during our flight.


Have you ever lost your wallet or purse?

-Uh, I did onece a long time ago. That's why I have all of my card on my phone now. I went all digital.

-How about you, Rosa?

-I haven't, but I'm always afraid of losing it. So that's why I really don't carry cash. 



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(25)

Everyone, it's Friday. You know what that mean? It's time to review.

It's review time. Let's go.....


What will Maya do this summer?

She will visit her cousin.

She will clean her rom.

She will meet some guests.


We have lots of room in our house.
* room uncountable


Why did ROxy wake up early even though it's Saturday.

Because she likes to take walk on Saturday mornings.

To work at a hotel.

Because she is a firefighter.


I wonder where she gets that from.

I'm a slacker.

gets it from me


Which of the followings is true.

Jonas will catch the woman this afternoon.

There is an important meeting from 4 p.m.

Jonas is looking for some ketchup.


don't look so well

caught something

catch up later


What did Tyler find?

A ramen shop.

A train station.

An add.


to show me around

That's the price you pay for success.

that add says..

Does that happen a lot here, too?



I have no one to talk to.

- The big guy in front of the door wearing a leather jacket is Kenjiro. He practices Karate. Why don't you talk to him? You'll make good frineds.

* practices 現在形=> 広く一般的-> 習慣


What does that sign say?

-It says you should be carful of deer and other animals when driving. We may be able to see them from our hotel room. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

*deer 複数も deer



Hey guys. I saw a traffic sign with a Tanuki on a highway in Tokushima.

Oh, that's cool. Up in Hokkaido they have similar signs with other animals like deer and thins, too. 

Oh, dear!





all right 

without fail; certainly


cut ... some slack

To give someone more time or more of a chance, to ease up on someone
To allow one more latitude or freedom than usual; to be more lenient with one.

If you cut someone some slack, you are less critical of their behaviour or performance than usual because you know they are in a difficult situation.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(24)

  • That add says,

Carolyn, thanks for taking the day off to show me around.

My pleasure, Tyler. I needed a break, anyway.

You work so hard at your ramen shop every day.

Well, that's the price you pary for success. Okay, let's get on the train.

It's not so crowded now. Oh, I like these unusual ads. What does this one say?

That add says, don't walk while looking at your phone.

Does that happen a lot here, too?

Yes, it does unfortunately.


  • You work so hard at your ramen shop every day.
    *語順 You work so hard + at  + every day
  • That's the price you pary for success.


  • That add says,
What does this sign says?
The news made us happy.
This road takes you to the coast.
Alright everyone, today's practice has subjects that are 無生物. Ah, inanimate. It's a tough word. But it's easy to use. So let's practice and get confortable. Okay? -Repeat after us! Let's begin.

Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Seatbelts prevent injury. Be sure to always wear one
    -> injury : uncountable? 
    -> be sure to + always wear ... : to の後、動詞の前に always
  • Tha machine ate my money. Why does this always happen to me?
  • The ATM will ask for your PIN. Enter it using the number pad.
Hey guys, isn't it dangerouns to look at your phone while you're walking?
Absolutely. One hundred percent. -Yes.
  • Okay, let's get on the train.
*get on / get in 




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(23)

Let's open the door to today's lesson.


  • The phone behind your computer is yours, right?


Jonas, are you okay? You don't look so well.

I think I caught something. I'm going to take the afternoon off.

But we have two meetings this afternoon.

I know. Are they important?

The meeting form 4 pm is very important.

Well, unfortunately, I'll have to catch up later.

I'm going. But wait, where's my phone?

The phone behind your computer is yours, right?

Oh yeah, thanks. See you later, Yayoi.

Take care, Jonas!


  • I think I caught something.
  • Unfortunately, I'll have to catch up later.


  • The phone behind your computer is yours, right?


The meeting form 4 pm is very important.

The bag on the left is mine.

The clothes in this basket are clean.


Okay everyone. The subject for these sentences is a little long. But it's important to think of these as one big chunk. Don't get lost in the middle. Keep them together as one unit. Okay, let's practice and master them. Here we go!


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • The tables around here are all full. Let's find another place to sit.
  • My neighbors above me are so noisy. It sounds like they're tap dancing.
These two bas look the same. Which bag is mine?
Oh, it's the one on the left.
The bag on the left is mine. ...
Hey guys., you are so noisy.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(22)

  • I'm a slacker.


Where's Roxy today?

She left early to go to her part-time job.

She's working on a Saturday morning?

She works at a hotel. They especially need her on Weekends.

Waking up early on a Saturday is tough. She's a fighter all right.

That she is. I wonder where she gets that from.

Not from me. I'm a slacker.

Yeah, you were. So that means she gets it from me.

I'd say so.


She's a fighter all right.


Well another way to say it would be that's for sure.

all right 

without fail; certainly


  • She left early to go to her part-time job.
  • Waking up on a Saturday is tough.
  • I'm a slacker.
*slacker 怠け者


She's a fighter.

He's a fighter.

Roxy's a fighter.


You're great.

You guys are great.


We're friends.

They're friends.

Tom and Mary are friends.


Alright. We're back to the practice. Today, let's practice making contractions with the B verb. The forms will always be the same. So instead of thinking about it, let's just practice and develop that muscle memory, okay? 

-Alright everyone. Let's begin.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • I'm an athlete. I can't eat junk food all the time.
  • We're musicians. We play a mixed of Rock and Jazz.
  • People are friendly here. If you need directions, just ask someone.
Hey, now the lesson's over. Let's cut ourselves some slack.
It's nice to relax a bit.

cut ... some slack

To give someone more time or more of a chance, to ease up on someone
To allow one more latitude or freedom than usual; to be more lenient with one.

If you cut someone some slack, you are less critical of their behaviour or performance than usual because you know they are in a difficult situation.





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(21)

Oh David. What a surprise!

Uh? It's just me. Let's start working on the solid foundation for your English.


  • She speaks a little Japanese.
Whoa, what a surprise! 

What happened, Doug?

I just got an email from my cousin Maya.


She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Oh, what did she say?

She wants to come to Japan and visit us this summer.

Sure. Why not? We have lots of room in our house.

Maya is very friendly and talks a lot. She speaks a little Japanese. 

That's gerat. I'm looking forward to having more guests here.



  • What happened? * what = S => S + V
  • We have lots of room in our house.
    lots of + 複数? -> room = 空間 ->uncountable


  • She speaks a little Japanese.
She speaks + ....
S + V + O
Maya lives in Portland.
She wants to come to Japan.
Paul drives a nice car.
Okay everyone. It's time for practice. Today let's focus on keeping the subject and the verb together. -Ready to go? Let's begin.

Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Rena plays the piano. She takes lessons every Tuesday.
  • Tyler lives in a big house. He desiged most of it himself.
  • Melissa eats here every day. All of the staff know her usual order by heart.
    *know ... by heart 暗記している・~をそらで覚えている

Hey guys. Let's go to my favorite restaurant. I'm a regular there.

All the stuff know my usual order by heart.



all of + the stuff が文法的には正しい、が、 ofを落としても問題ないらしい。

大西先生of 落としてますよね?わざとかな、自然とかな・・・。




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(20)

ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(20)

Welcome back. It's time for the review. That's right, everyone. It's time to bring it together with the review.


Why do Aki and Brendan always avoid meat on Fridays?

Because they can buy fish cheaper on Fridays.

Because vinegar cures the weak's fatigue.

Because Brendan's parents used to do so.


Try a little vinegar on it. 
It adds a kick. => have a kick to it.

Is it becasue of religious reasons?



Which of the following is true?

Dr. Stein asked Jeannie to make breakfast.

Dr. Stein likes sunny side up eggs.

Jeannie is crying because Dr. Stein is sad.


feel great

buttered toast and eggs. Sunny side up eggs.

Are they to your liking?


What did the woman give to Mr. Emori?


The restaurant menu

The survey form


I'm a little carsick

mortion sickness

What do you have there.

I couldn't agree more.

That's good to hear.


What does the man want Helen to do?

Read a Russian novel.

Give him back his Desperate Rats CD.

Listen to live at Melonkan again.


on your tablet

in a music listening phase

in your opinion


  • offlimits 立ち入り禁止の
  • be lost
  • you may not <= may 許可

Hi. Can we go this way?

-Hi there. You may not enter here. This area is offlimints. If you're lost, please go to the building over there. You can get a map. 


  • keep on ...ing
  • improve
  • before you know it

Can you recomend a good English learning program?

-Have you ever heard of Rajio-Eikaiwa? That's the best program I've ever tried. Keep on practicing as you listen to it, and your English will improve before you know it.


Are you sure that Rajio-Eikaiwa will improve our listners' English? -Yes.