ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 トランプ氏 刑事裁判の初公判 4月30日(火) | amnn1のブログ




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 トランプ氏 刑事裁判の初公判

Today's news story takes us to the Unitede States where historic trial is taking place in New York.



Lawyers have gathered in a New York courtroom for the first-ever criminal trial of someone to have served in the Oval Office. They're debating allegations against former President Donald Trump related to payments of hush money to an adult film star.

Prosecutors say Trump's former lawyer paid the actor 130,000 dollars ahead of the 2016 election to keep her relationship with Trump secret. They say Trump reimbursed him then recorded the payment as a legal fee. He faces 34 charges of falsifying business records.

Trump has pleaded not guilty and says this is “political persecution.

(Anti-Trump protestor)

“We, individually and collectively, are glad to see that Trump is finally being brought in front of a judge in a criminal case.”

(Trump supporter)

“It's not gonna be fair. And, like I said, if the man steps on a roach, they're gonna try to convict him for murder.”

Trump also faces charges in three other criminal cases.



  • 形容詞ovalは「卵型の、楕円形の」

=> the Oval Officeはアメリカの「大統領執務室」

  • allegation=> allegedly 申し立てによると、伝えられるところによれば
  • hush money => hush moneyは「口止め料」“Hush!”は「静かに!しっ!」
  • reimburseは「払い戻す、返金する」
    「従業員たちに(立て替え分の)交通費を払い戻す」reimburse travel expenses to employee
  • falsify「改ざんする、偽造する」/名詞形は、falsification「改ざん、偽造」

  • persecution「迫害」/ persecute「迫害する」
  • We, individually and collectively, are glad to see that
  • roachはcockroach「ゴキブリ」の口語
  • convict 動詞で「有罪判決を出す、有罪にする」: convict ... for ....


If the man steps on a roach, they're gonna try to convict him for murder.  


If the man steps on a roach,
they're gonna try
to convict him for murder.  



★会話ではgonnaでも文字ではgoing toと書きましょう
>> want toがwanna


実際の発音: It's not gonna be fair. And, like I said, if the man steps on a roach, they're gonna try to convict him for murder.

表記: It's not going to be fair. And, like I said, if the man steps on a roach, they're going to try to convict him for murder.  


You can do this with other words, too. 

want to becomes wanna.  For exampe,

I want to go to the store later.


●be going toはwillよりもニュアンスが強い





I knew it was going to be an interesting lesson and it was! They will be even more news coming out until the presidential election in November. So let's work hard and study together.





ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 イラン イスラエルに大規模攻撃


We start this hour in the Middle East, where Israel is debating how to respond to a recent drone and missile attack from Iran.

The assault began late Saturday night. Israel says it intercepted most of the projectiles with the help of other countries, including the United States. It is believed to be the first direct attack on Israel launched from Iran. Tehran says it was responding to a strike on an Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his war cabinet Sunday to discuss a possible response. Reuters quoted Israeli officials as saying the war cabinet favored retaliation. However, it is reportedly divided over the timing and the scale of such a response.

But some international actors are trying to de-escalate the situation. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on both sides to exercise restraint.

(Antonio Guterres / UN Secretary-General)

“It's vital to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East.”



In today's lesson, let's focus on expressions that often appear on TV and radio news.


quote ... as saying

For example, the police quoted the father as saying his child's innocent of the crime. 


  • convene「招集する」
  • (be) divided over …「~をめぐって意見が割れる、分かれる」=(be) split over …
  • exercise restraint
  • projectiles
    [prəˈʤɛktaɪlz] / 
  • missile

We start this hour in the Middle East, where Israel is debating how to respond to a recent drone and missile attack from Iran.


We start this hour in the Middle East, 

where Israel is debating how to respond 

to a recent drone and missile attack from Iran.




  • We start (this hour) in …, where
  • We start (this hour's program with news) in …, where …  
  • We begin in …, where …
    We begin in the Middle East where Israel is debating 
  • We start with … / We begin with …
    We start with urgent news from Tokyo.
  • Our first story takes us to …「本日最初のニュースは~でのものです」
    Our first story takes us to Tokyo where NHK is now broadcasting a new hit English radio show.
  • Good morning, everyone! We start with page 25 of the textbook.



ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 東京・恵比寿で36年ぶりビール醸造


One of Japan's biggest beer makers has opened a new brewery in central Tokyo. The launch marks the first time in about 36 years for Sapporo Breweries to make beer in Ebisu.

Officials held a ceremony for the facility's grand opening. It's located not far from the popular Shibuya shopping and entertainment district.

Sapporo invested over 11 million dollars in the site. The new brewery can produce 130 kiloliters of beer annually. Visitors can get a firsthand look at how it's made. There's also a bar where people can taste just-brewed beer and limited-edition varieties only available on-site.

Sapporo's predecessor company started brewing beer in Ebisu in 1890. The nearby train station and areas were named after the Yebisu brand. The company closed the brewery in 1988 due to difficulties expanding the facility.




brewery /ˈbrʊəri「(ビールなどの)醸造所」

「日本酒の醸造所」sake brewery




grand「華やかな、華々しい、壮大な」=> grand opening




annually「毎年」=> per year/each year



just brewed「ちょうど醸造したところ」=>「いれたて」




name A after Bは「BにちなんでAに名前を付ける」


close down「(店や会社などを)閉鎖する、廃業する」というニュアンスが強


difficulty …ingは「~するうえでの難題、課題」

difficulty => problemやchallenge


---Today's Takeaways

firsthand 「直接体験によって得た、直接の、じかに」

Visitors can get a firsthand look at how it's made.

firsthand experience 「じかに得られる経験」
firsthand account 「(現場にいた人の)目撃談、体験談」


  • I got the information firsthand.


There's also the orld secondhand, which means indirect or used.

  • You might say, I got this information secondhand.
  • These are secondhand clothes
  • I don't know if I should believe this. It's secondhand new.

get a firsthand look at …「~を直接見る、この目で見る」

<> secondhand「間接の、また聞きの」/「中古の」




sober curious 「ソバーキュリアス」
=> questioning your relationship with alcohol and thinking about trying sobriety, even if you are not ready to commit to it.

sober 「お酒を飲んでいない、しらふの」
curious 「好奇心を持った」



Tom, do you like to drink?

-I do. I'm a regular at the nearby liquor store. I've been sober curious a few times, but I guess the curiosity doen't last that long for me. How about you? Do you drink?

-I love wine especially Japanese natural wine. However, I've been practicing sober curious lifestyle since last september, and only drink on special occasions. What do you think about sober curious lifestyle?

-Well, I can imagine that going sober curious would lead to so many health benefits. But I also think it might be stressful especially if you like to spend time with your friends who drink.

-I understand your point but I see things differently. Many major beer brands are tapping into non-alcoholic drinks and selling sober versions of well-known beer and jin products. They still taste good and this is creating a new business opportunity.


tap (one) into (something)
1. To connect one to some network or community.


  • -I understand your point but I see things differently.


I want to focus on “nearby,” which came up in the story and the conversation we just had. In the story, the phrase with “nearby” was “The nearby train station.”

  • Ebisu Station was close to the brewing facility.

When you talk about something being a short distance away, you can use “close” and “near
— but almost never before a noun like “station.” In that case, nearby” is the best fit.
It's also convenient because you can use it as an adverb, too. 


You can say,
“My kids like to play in a nearby park,”
but you can’t say, “My kids like to play in a near park.”
You'd have to say “My kids like to play in a park near here.” 



Well, those types of drinks with no alcohol or low alcohol content have a special name now in the United States. They're called No/Low drinks.


I did some digging into that question actually. And I found a good one. It's name, hot coffee Mississippi. Now this is secondhand information but someone there a long time ago apparently hand out cups of a special coffee blend to visitors. The hot coffee became famous and in the end became the name of the community itself.




---ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 デジタル通貨で中央銀行間の国際取引実験



The Bank of Japan is joining six other central banks to test what could be the future of money. The group is trying to smooth banking transactions by using digital currencies.

The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements announced the test on Wednesday. It will involve the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as well as private institutions.

The group will test digital currencies backed by central banks, known as CBDCs. The aim is to use them for transactions between central banks and private financial institutions. The program will also examine cross-border payments between banks.

Currently, payments for trades mainly use the international settlement network called SWIFT. But transactions on the system take time and come with high fees. CBDCs are seen as a way of speeding up cross-border settlements while lowering costs. They could also help prevent money laundering.

The test comes as China is believed to be one step ahead with its digital yuan.



CBDCは、Central Bank Digital Currency

SWIFT「スウィフト」は、Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial 


come with …「~と共にやってくる、~が付随する」

fee「料金、手数料」=> charge a feeなら「料金を請求する」、pay a feeなら「料金を支払う」school feesやtuition (fees)





Today's Takeaways


the future of money 「お金の未来」

The Bank of Japan is joining six other central banks to test what could be the future of money.

the future of transportation 「移動手段や物流の未来」
the future of work 「仕事(働き方)の未来」


Oh definitely. And onother place you'll find the phrase is advertising because it sounds cool and catchy. A hotel commercial might say,

Welcome to the future of hospitality.


money laundering 「マネーロンダリング、資金洗浄」

=> laundry / launder


remittance / money transfer 「送金」


Mine is closs-border. 
The story mentioned that the program will also examine cross-border payments between banks.

“cross-” means moving across something — in this case, a border — to the other side. In other words, cross-border means international


Words that follow the same pattern include cross-country, cross-cultural, and cross-examination.
And there's actually another word in today's story that starts with a different part meaning “across”: transaction — an “action” that crosses from one side to another. Other words in that group include transcend, translation, and transmit. 


Yeah, the digital wave is not slowing down, isn't it? You know before long when my kids say, hey Dad, can we have some money to go to the movies? I'll probably be sending them some yen onmy iPhone in stead of handing them cash.






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 東京で“ライドシェア”始まる


Let's take a ride into another interesting lesson.


hail「呼ぶ、呼び止める」=> hail a taxi「(タクシーを路上で)呼ぶ、呼び止める」

ride-sharing 少し前は「自動車の相乗り」=> 最近ではride-hailingと同じ意味


… in their 20s to 50s


self-employed people(self-employed workerなど)「自営業者」


housewife「(専業)主婦」/ househusband「(専業)主夫」


lift a ban on …「~の禁止を解く、解禁する」
on (the) condition that …「~するという条件で」



=> fareは「乗り物などの料金、(公共交通機関の)運賃」
=> feeは「何かをするための費用、サービスに対して支払われる料金」
entrance fee「入場料」、membership feeなら「会費」


=> That's right. That's why we use fee in the phrases entrance fee and membership fee. But far for bus fare, train fare.


limit A to B「AをBに限定する、制限する」

> are limited to areas … and during certain days and hours


in short supplyは「不足して」


bet set to …「~する予定である、~することになっている、~する見通しである」




Japan launched its first ride-hailing services on Monday amid a growing taxi shortage, with Tokyo taking the lead.

Nine vehicles headed out. An industry group says the drivers are in their 20s to 50s, including self-employed people and a homemaker. All are driving their own cars. Customers use a smartphone app to book their journeys.

The government lifted a ban on ride-hailing services on condition that taxi companies supervise the drivers. The fees are the same as taxi fares.

The services are limited to areas where taxis are in short supply and during certain days and hours. Operations are also set to start in parts of Kyoto, Aichi, and Kanagawa prefectures later this month.




Today's Takeaways


launch 「打ち上げる」 

Japan launched its first ride-hailing services on Monday


And you can use launch as a noun. Here's an example,

Comsumers are looking forward to the launch of the new phone.


launch a new product 「(新商品を)売り出す」 


in short supply 「不足して」 

The services are limited to areas where taxis are in short supply

Young workers are in short supply.


disrupt 「破壊する」+ Uber

Uber disrupted the taxi industry.



I have a good phrase to remember, too! It's “be set to.” 

It's a common phrase in lots of areas, including business. 

Here's an example,

She is set to be become the company's first female president.



One thing to note is the pronunciation of the phrase. Instead of saying “is/are set / to,” I recommend connecting the “t” sounds of “set” and “to” like this: “is/are set to.”


Have you ever used ride sharing services?

-I actually haven't believe it or not. But my friends back home are always doing it. It's their go-to option whenever they need a lift.

-I'm a big fan of ride-sharing services. Whenever I travel abroad I always use them. I once met a driver who had a different daily job, but used to spare time to pick up tourists and customers. It is a great way to become friends with the locals. It would be an excellent way for Japanese people to welcome oversea's tourists. What do you think, Tom?


I think that, in Japan, these services could really help people get around in areas with low taxi numbers. On top of that, they'd definitely make it easier for the growing numbers of tourists to see more parts of the country and ease the burden on public transportation.

-Absolutely. I could not agree more. If more people become drivers of ride-share services, there would be more tourguide to promote Japanese culture.


I could not agree more.

I'm with you on that. 
I can't argue with that.


It'll be interesting to see how the launch of the ride-hailing service plays out. I remember several stressful times that my family could not find a taxi to take us from our house to the station. So it's nice to know that we might soon have another weay to get there.






ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 ダライ・ラマ14世の長寿願う法要

In today's lesson, we will learn another meaning for the ord, institution. A meaning you may not be familiar with yet.




the seat of …




tradition has it that 「伝統では~ということになっている

has it that「~によれば」

legend has it that …「言い伝えによれば~」

rumor has it that …「うわさによれば~」


Yes, has it that can be used in other ways, too. For example,

Letend has is that a monster lives in a lake in Scotland.





More than 5,000 Tibetan Buddhist worshippers have gathered at a temple in northern India to pray for the Dalai Lama's longevity.

The Tibetan spiritual leader appeared at the temple on Wednesday, walking with assistance from his followers. He turns 89 in July. The service was held in Dharamshala, which is the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

The process to select the next Dalai Lama is the focus of growing attention. In Tibetan Buddhism, tradition has it that senior monks are reincarnated upon their death. The Dalai Lama has said he'll hold talks to decide on whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will continue after him when he's about 90 years old.

But the Chinese Communist Party says it has the authority to choose a successor, which has provoked the objections of the Tibetan government-in-exile. The current Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959 after China's suppression of an uprising in Tibet. Beijing has branded him as a separatist who seeks Tibetan independence.



The Dalai Lama will hold talks to decide on whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will continue after him.


The Dalai Lama will hold talks to decide 

on whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will continue 

after him.


★the institution of the Dalai Lama



<= institute「設立する」

<< institution「人間社会が設立してきたこと(制度)、あるいはもの(組織)」

financial institution「金融機関

democratic institutions「(各種の)民主主義的な制度や組織




It was really great digging deeper into the meaning of institution. I hope that this program can become an isstituioun too. May be we'll get there someday!