ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(20) 4月26日(金) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(20)

Welcome back. It's time for the review. That's right, everyone. It's time to bring it together with the review.


Why do Aki and Brendan always avoid meat on Fridays?

Because they can buy fish cheaper on Fridays.

Because vinegar cures the weak's fatigue.

Because Brendan's parents used to do so.


Try a little vinegar on it. 
It adds a kick. => have a kick to it.

Is it becasue of religious reasons?



Which of the following is true?

Dr. Stein asked Jeannie to make breakfast.

Dr. Stein likes sunny side up eggs.

Jeannie is crying because Dr. Stein is said.


feel great

buttered toast and eggs. Sunny side up.

Are they to your liking?


What did the woman give to Mr. Emori?


The restaurant menu

The survey form


I'm a little carsick

mortion sickness

What do you have there.

I couldn't agree more.

That's good to hear.


What does the man want Helen to do?

Read a Russian novel.

Give him back his Desperate Rats CD.

Listen to live at Melonkan again.



on your tablet

in a music listening phase

in your opinion


  • offlimits 立ち入り禁止の

Hi. Can we go this way?

-Hi there. You may not enter here. This area is offlimints. If you lost, please go to the building over there. You can get a map. 


  • keep on ...ing
  • improve
  • before you know it

Can you recomend a good English learning program?

-Have you ever heard of Rajio-Eikaiwa? That's the best program I've ever tried. Keep on practicing as you listen to it, and your English will improve before you know it.


Are you sure that Rajio-Eikaiwa will improve our listners' English? -Yes.


---ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(19)

You know, David. I'm in a dog training phase. Are you into anything?

Yeah, actually, I'm in a cooking phase right now.


  • Can you give me back the CD you borrowed?


Hey, Helen. Are you reading another long Russian novel?

No, I'm listening to music.

Oh, I thought you liked to read books on your tablet.

I do. But now I'm in a listening music phase.

Yeah, I get those too. By the way, can you give me back the CD you borrowed?

Oh, you mean the desperate rats one?

Yeah, live at melonkan. It's their best album.

In your opinion.

In many people's opinion. 


  • I'm listening to music.
    He won't lisetn to my advice.
  • I thought you liked to read books on your tablet.


  • Can you give me back the CD you borrowed?
the CD + you borrowed 
The girl you like
The flowers you gave me
The key I'm looking for
The man I'm waiting for
Okay everyone. Are you ready to practice? So first, we'll focus on the thing in the begining. And then explain what it is we're talking about. Are you ready to go? Repeat after us.

Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Do you like the gift I gave you. It's from my home country.
  • Did you make the cookies you broght? They are delicious.
  • The animal I'm thinking of has a very long neck. What is it?



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(18)

Nice one!


  • What do you have there?


Mr. Emori, are you okay?

I think I'm a little carsick.

Here. Try this. 

What do you have there?

It's medicine for motion sickness. Take it with some water.

Thank you, Cindy. You're very kind.

No problem. So, did you complete the survey form? What did you chose as your favorite place on the tour?

I chose the restaurant where we had lunch. The food was delicious.

I chose Mitsumine Shrine. I want to see it.

I couldn't agree more. Oh, this medicine is great. I feel better already.

That's good to hear.


  • Are you okay?
  • I chose the restaurant where we had lunch.


  • What do you have there?
    > You have + ....  +there.

Who does she like? > She like ...

When can you start? > I can start + at seven/ tomorrow.

Where do you work? > I work + in Tokyo.


Okay everyone. It's time for today's practice. 
WH questons ask for missing information. We chose our WH question word based on the type of information we want. So let's practice and master them together. Let's start.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Who did you speak to? Do you remember their names?
  • Where do you work out? I'm looking for a new gym.
  • What does your shirt say? I can't read the kanji.

Where do you work out?
I work out at home. I do push-ups on a mat, sometimes I do squats.

How about you?

I work out outside with my dog and cutting down bamboo...



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(17)

Your eyes make for the perfect nest for Kabutomushi.
Oh what bigeyes you have.


  • Are you hungry?


Good morning, Dr. Stein, how are you feeling today?

Good morning, Jeannie. I feel great.

That's good to hear. Are you hungry?

I have brought you breakfast.

Did you make that breakfast yourself?

Yes. Buttered toast and eggs, sunny side up. Are they to your liking?

Oh, Genie. Yes, they are. I think I'm going to cry.

Don't cry Docor. Aren't you happy?

Yes. I'm so happy, I want to cry.

Humans cry when they are happy? * when.. のばあいには

We do indeed


to (one's) liking
In a way that one likes, accepts, or approves of.


  • I have brought you breakfast.
  • I'm so happy (that) I want to cry.


  • Are you hungry?
    >>> Am I hungry?

Is he tired?

Can you drive?

Does he know you?

Did you see that?


Okay guys, as Onishi-sensei said, feel the question, feel the curiosity as your practicing.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • Are you alright? That was some chocking news.
  • Is she angry? She left suddenly.
  • Can you hear me? Hello? Helloooo?

How do you like your eggs?

-Oh, I like them all kinds of ways. Deviled eggs and poached eggs scrambled eggs...

-I'm a raw egg type of girl.
I'm sorry. What?




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(16)

a clean sheet of paper


I was expecting that you say ”imamowakai wayo."

He's fishing ffor compliments.

fish for

-To pursue something indirectly, often compliments, as by saying negative things about oneself.


  • I don't eat meat on Fridays.


.. So, Aki, this is my classic fish and hips. Enjoy!

Wow, it looks amazing

Try a little vinegar on it. It adds a kick.

Hmm.. Oh this is the best fish and chips I've ever had.

I'm happy you like it. It's wonderful. You know, Brandon. I've noticed something.

What's that?

We always eat fish on Fridays. 

Ah, true. I don't eat meat on Fraidays.

Is it because of religious reasons? Well, I'm not religious but my parents had that tradition.


have a kick to it/them
To taste particularly spicy. In both definitions, the boldness of flavor is often unexpected or surprising.

  • This is the best fish and chips I've ever had.
  • I've noticed something.

I don't eat meat on Fridays.


I don't + eat...


She isn't a doctor.

You can't eat here.

You musn't remove the cover.


Okay everyone. Today let's practice our 否定文. The important part here is the 否定 comes first. What I'd like you to do is shake your head to the side. Just like no for the first part.

It's very, very important to use your entire body when you practice speaing out loud. 


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • I didn't take the train. I walked here.
  • He isn't my boyfriend. He's my brother.
  • You can't erase that ink. Use a clean sheet of paper.


I drink on Mondays.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(15)

Welcome to another fun-filled Friday.


Which of the following is true?

Cynthia is an English teacher.

Ryan wants to write a book.

Cynthia and Ryan went to the same high schoo.


now and then

quite a while ago

long time dream of mine


How was Renji's Japanese history test?

It was hard.

He got a perfect score on it.

His classmates prepared well for it.


Seriously, ...

got lower scores

you always have to be prepared


Which of the following do the two people taste?

Soup that the woman made.

Soup that takes an hour to make.

Soup that is not made from pork bones.


suprisingly rich

It's hard to believe ...



a trade secret


Who will go to the hair salon and for what?

Adam will go there for a haircut.

Roxy will go there for a haircut.

Adam's wife will go there before going shopping.


I was wondering + if I could + make an appointment for 

Could you come in at 4:15?



Hi, nice to meet you.

-Hi, nice to meet you, too. I heard that you like roses. I like them as well. After a couple of drinks, I'll take you to my garden. You may be interested.


Do you have this?

-An acrylic stand of Hiroto 48? Unfortunately that item is so popular, and we're out of stock right now. Could you wait until the next delivery? It's next Wednesday I believe.

*acylic stand


You know we should make an acrylic stand of Hiroto. -No thanks.

Really? I think you would sell pretty well to be honest...

You know what? Let's make one of David.

-Oh me oh ...




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(14)

It's time for the salon no maki ..


  • I may be a little late.


Hi Maki. It's Adam Gordon.

Oh, hi Adam. It's been a long time. How are you?

Good. Hey, listen, Maki. I was wondering if I could make an appointment for tomorrow at 4:30.

Just a haircut for yourself?

Yeah, it's not Roxy or my wife this time.

Let's see. Could you come in at 4:15?

I'll try. I may be a little late. I have to do some shopping first.

Sure, no problem. See you tomorrow.


  • It's Adam Gordon.
  • I was wondering if I could make an appointment for tomorrow at 4:30.


  • I may be a little late.

You must wear a helmet.

You should use a clean towel.

She will like your gift.

This train can be crowded in the morning.


Okay everyone. Are you ready to practice? 

Focus practice and make it your own.

Let's begin!


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • You must show your ID. The sfaff check everyone.
  • I may need some help. Are you free later?
  • This room can get a little hot. There're no windows.
You look good with them....



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(13)

Okay everyone. Let's get started.


  • It's surprisingly rich like real Tonkotsu soup.


Finally. Okay. Let me taste the soup of this vegan Tonkotsu ramen.

How is it?

It's surprisingly rich like real Tonkotsu soup.

Yeah, it's hard to believe it's not made from pork bones.

So was is worth the wait?

I think it was worth the hour long wait.

That's normal for a popular place apparantly.

I wonder if we can ask the owner for the recipe.

It's probably a trade secret.

* a trade secret 秘密情報


  • Let me taste the soup of this vegan Tonkotsu ramen.
  • It's hard to believe it's not made from pork bones.


  • It's surprisingly rich like real Tonkotsu soup.

Ken is very rich.

Your dog is so freindly.

The view is absolutely amazing.

He's really outgoing.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • My cat is very shay. He always hides from new people.
  • This Goya is extremely bitter. I don't think I can finish it.
  • These cokies are so soft and delicious. I can't stop eating them.

These cokies are so soft and delicious. I can't stop eating them.

Those cokies were for David! -My cookies... my cookies...

David's become the Cookie Monster...



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(12)

  • Seriously? It was a hard test.

So, Renji, how did you do on the Jpanese history test?

I got 95 percent of the answers correct.

Wow, that's your highest score in that subject so far.

Seriously, it was a hard test.

But you did very well.

Thanks to your help. I studied hard for it. Most of the other students got lower scores.


Yeah, they said they didn't study for it.

You always have to be prepared.



  • I got 95 percent of the answers correct.
  • You always have to be prepared.


  • Seriously? It was a hard test.

Frankly, I don't like this plan.

Unfortunately, we're sold out.

As far as I know, this is the only option.


Okay, everyone. Today, let's practice and we'll set the stage then present the information. As always be bure to connect your words. And listen to the rhythm.

Alright. Here we go. 



  • Frankly, it's a bad idea. It won't work.
  • As far as I know, I'm free next week. I'll double check my schedule.
  • Seriously, I had a great time. Thank you for tonight.


As far as I know, we have another lessson tomorrow.

Frankly, I think we should end it here.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(11)

You are at it again.

at it again

Repeating a certain action or behavior.


  • I heard that you quite as manager of the band.

Cynthia, hi. Fancy meeting you here. 

Ryan. Wow. What a surprise!

What are you doing here.

I like to read a good book now and then.

That's news to me.

Anyway I heard that you quite as manager of the band.

Yes, that was quite a while ago.

What are you doing now?

I'm teaching English at a high school.

You are a teacher?

Yes, it was a long time dream of mine.

That's really gerat, Cynthia.


  • What a surprise!
  • You're a teacher.


  • I heard that you quite as manager of the band.

I heard that you like roses.

I think that we're lost.

I know that you lied.

He told me that you need help.


Okay everyone today's practice is about verb plus explanation verb plus explanation. Okay, let's jump into it. 


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


  • I heard that you bought a car. Congraturations.
  • I thinks that we need two hotel rooms. I snore at night.
  • He said that the restaurant is full. Let's go somewhere else.

Do you snore?

I don't think I do, but I used a sleep app on my phone to test it. It turns out I sore a little.

So basically the answer is yes. 



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(10)

Hey everyone. It's Friday. You know what that means? It's time for the review.

That's right, folds. It's Friday's review. Let's get into it.


What will Yayoi and Raj probably do?

They will call Jonas.

They will go to Mumbai.

They will meet in Tokyo.


I'm in the IT department of an insurance company in Mumbai.

Let's get togerther for drinks, then.


What will Doug do?

He will buy sweet potatoes.

He will call his sister.

He will make a sweet potato pie.


our neighbor, the farmer 

Southern cooking at its finest


Which of the following is true. 

The man enjoyed his ramen.

The woman thinks that the man is an alien.

The man is interested in the ramen business.


check on something

the other day,

did come here

are you calling me a liar?


Which of the following is true about Nate?

He's the man's former colleagure.

He was a university student in the 1990s.

He's in the man's family.


go way back

really nice guy, that Nate



take a while


Hi, where's Kana?

-She's in the kitchen cooking dinner for you. Smells wonderful, right? Why don't you have a beer? It'll take a while.


Can you recommend a good place?

-How about Nara? There are so many sightseeing spots there. I'll show you the photos I took when I went there last spring. Awesome place. 


Have you ever been to Nara?

I've been to Kyoto many times but never Nara.

Really? I love Nara especially Nara-Koen. At sunrise, it's one of the most beautiful places ever.

Aha, famous for many deer? -Yeah.