ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 三菱重工業MSJ撤退後の戦略 4月18日(木) | amnn1のブログ




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 三菱重工業MSJ撤退後の戦略



The government has compiled a new strategy for the aircraft industry, taking lessons from the recent failure of a project to develop the first Japan-made passenger jet. The goal is to commercialize a next-generation, low-carbon airplane with hybrid or hydrogen-fueled engines as early as 2035.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries last year withdrew from a 15-year project to develop a passenger aircraft.

Japan's industry ministry examined the shortcomings in the project. It concluded the company lacked the experience to obtain safety certificates and to deal with overseas parts makers. This led to ballooning costs and delays in what was a very high-risk project for a private sector company.

The new strategy stresses diversifying risk through international as well as public-private cooperation. It also calls for collaboration between businesses and research organizations to improve aircraft development expertise.




This led to ballooning costs and delays in what was a very high-risk project for a private sector company.

=> in what was a ...

That part is a bit complicated gramatically, but the pattern makes the sentence more nuanced. You could simply say in a vey high risk project, but in what was a very high risk procect emphasized that the project is in the past. And in this case that the project ended in failure.



Today's Takeaways


low-carbon 「低炭素の」

low-carbon vehicle 「低炭素の乗り物」

hydrogen-fueled 「水素を燃料とする」


ballooning costs 「膨れ上がる経費」

snowballing 「(雪だるま式に)増えていく、膨らんでいく」

mounting costs 「増加していく経費」


safety certificate 「安全証明」

diversify risk 「リスクを分散する」



Today's story had a lot of hyphenated words like “next-generation” and “low-carbon.” In many cases, these sets of two hyphenated words describe nouns. The two that I want to look at today are “Japan-made” and “hydrogen-fueled.”

For “Japan-made passenger jet,” your first instinct might be to say “passenger jet made in Japan,” but that's slightly longer. The same goes for “hydrogen-fueled engines,” which you might want to phrase as “engines fueled by hydrogen.” That also adds an extra word. 


But the versions from today's story are shorter because they get rid of prepositions like “in” and “by.” In that sense, the hyphenated versions are actually easier to use and understand.


I think the new strategy is right in stressing the need to diversify the risk. As the work on the failed project showed it can be very dangerouns to put all your eggs in one basket




ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 タイ下院 同性婚を承認


Thailand could soon become the first country in Southeast Asia to allow same-sex marriage. A bill to amend the civil code breezed through the lower house on Wednesday.

Just 10 out of 415 lawmakers voted against the bill, which still requires both Senate and royal approval.

It calls for changing the legal wording for wedded couples from “man and woman” to “individuals.” The term “husband and wife” would become “marriage partners.”

Same-sex spouses would also gain rights to inheritance and be allowed to adopt children.


“Lots of people around me are LGBTQ. They all want this bill to pass because they want to be able to marry, just like everyone else.”

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin says the legislation's approval is a proud moment in Thailand's transition to a more equal and respectful society.



civil codeは「民法」

be wedded to …

inheritance「相続権」 = inheritance right(s)



= lesbian「女性同性愛者」、gay「男性同性愛者」、bisexual「バイセクシャル、両性愛者」、transgender「トランスジェンダー」、queer/questioningの略


asexual 性別のない, 無性の, 性とは無関係の

pansexual パンセクシュアル;全性愛



動詞pass: 自動詞としては「通過する」、他動詞としては「通過させる、通す(可決する)」

pass a bil「法案を通過させる」

a bill passesなら「法案が通過する」



Today's Takeaways


same-sex marriage 「同性カップルの婚姻」

same-sex spouse 「同性の配偶者」

wedded 「結婚している、婚姻関係にある」



railroad a bill 「法案を強行採決する」

bulldoze a bill through the Diet 「国会で法案を強引に押し通す」

right to inheritance 「相続権」

adopt a child 「養子をとる」

power to give medical treatment consent 「パートナーの医療行為に対する同意権」

legalize same-sex marriage 「同性婚を合法化する」

third gender 「第三の性」

partnership certificate「パートナーシップ証明」



I have a word that I want to talk about, too.

My pick for today is the verb “breeze.” In the story, the sentence was “A bill to amend the civil code breezed through the lower house on Wednesday.”

We usually use the word “breeze” as a noun to mean a “gentle, pleasant wind.” When you say “A breezes through B,” then, the idea is A moving through B in a nice, quick, easy way without any trouble.

例: The team breezed through the tournament, winning every match by at least three goals.


railroad the bill

bulldoze the bill through the Diet.



-To rush or push (something) through quickly in order to prevent careful consideration and possible criticism or obstruction: 


gender equality act

gender-based discrimination

Power to give medical treatment consent

third gender

partnership certificates











Today's news is relevant to our daily lives.



An overtime cap for truck drivers in Japan took effect with the start of the new fiscal year on April 1. The move is aimed at improving working conditions for truckers. It's prompting businesses to find more efficient ways to transport their goods.

One private think tank estimates that if no measures are taken, the overtime cap could reduce haulage capacity by about 35 percent by 2030.

Major convenience store chain Lawson cut deliveries of boxed meals to some of its stores from three times a day to two, starting in December. Rival FamilyMart has been tapping the logistics network of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan since February to supply some of its stores near Tokyo.

Other businesses are switching from road to rail. One cattle feed producer in the northern dairy region of Hokkaido now uses trains to ship feed for part of the journey to a storage facility.



haulage=> haul「(トラックなどで品物・荷物を)運ぶ」の名詞形

haulage capacityは「運送・運搬能力」


Yes, Haul has quite a few uses. For example, today's haul is a popular title for social media posts or videos. People show what they bought in a day's shopping or received from someone else.

=>SNSなどでtoday's haul” =「本日の買い物、本日の収穫」

Another example is long haul, which refers to the amount of time.

For example, I must take a long-haul flight back to America.




What a great idea using trains instead of trucks could greatly reduce the workload and hours needed for the drivers.


An overtime cap for truck drivers in Japan took effect with the start of the new fiscal year on April 1. 


An overtime cap for truck drivers in Japan 

took effect with the start of the new fiscal year 

on April 1.



What are the takeaways from the meeting?


Ture. But with the start of the new fiscal year on April 1, we are super powered up and I already presented the title of today's takeaways so nicely.


Maybe we could create a new segment to answer questions from the listners.

How about something like listen to the listeners.

We look forward to your questions and comments. Keep up the good work. See you next time!


Today, we will be covering a news story that has many people concrned even overseas.



A Japanese drugmaker has apologized after its supplements led to widespread health concerns. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical says several people died after using products that contain the ingredient known as “beni-koji.”

(Kobayashi Akihiro / President and Chief Operating Officer, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical)
“I pray for the deceased and offer my deepest condolences to the bereaved families. We offer our most sincere apologies.”

He said that as of Thursday, five people who used the supplements died after developing kidney problems. He said there were also more than 100 hospitalizations. The supplements contain “beni-koji,” or rice fermented with red yeast.

A health ministry official said the company found “puberulic acid” in some samples. It can be produced by blue mold. But authorities said it's not clear whether it's the cause.





beni-koji, or rice fermented with red yeast.

That's interesting. Beni Koji and red yast. I've never heard of them before.


puberulic acid プベルル酸

Yeah, it really is but the word acid is used in the names of various chemicals. 

For example, citric acid is used to make food taste sour or lactic acid.



I pray for the deceased and offer my deepest condolences to the bereaved families.


I pray for the deceased 

and offer my deepest condolences 

to the bereaved families.




I'm so sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss.

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.




I'm so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.

My condolences.


・My condolences (to you and your family).

・Please accept my deepest condolences for you and your family's loss.
・I offer my deepest condolences to the families.
・You have my sincerest condolences regarding your recent loss.


I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of life in this story. I hope everyone can learn from mistakes and make things safer for the future.
