ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(8) 4月10日(水) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(8)

Can I get some vegan ramen? -Sure.

Welcome, welcome. Step right up!


Are you calling me a lier?


Oh, you are back.

Yes. Thanks for the great ramen.

You're welcome. Would you like to order again?

Ummm, not today, thanks. I just wanted to check on something

Check on something?

The other day you said you had never seen a alien here.

But I know that an alien did come here.
Are you calling me a liar?

Please don't get upset.

Sir, you can leave now. I don't need your business.


  • I know that an alien did come here.
  • You can leave now. * can =許可 => 命令・指示のニュアンス(ここでは)
  • Are you calling me a liar?

me + a liar

Are you calling me a liar?


She calls me Meg. / me+ Meg

I prefer your hair short. / your hair + short

I want my book back. / my book+ back

I saw him in the living room. / him + in the living room


Okay everyone. It's time to practice. As always emember to connect the words as you say them and pay attention to which words is being stressed.

Okay, for first let's begin with 目的h語 and 説明語句. Alright. Let's begin. Repeat after me.


Unlock your potential. Repitition is the key. Great work!


  • My parents call me Kattchan.
  • I'll make my visit short. I don't have much time. / since time is limited.
  • I dyed my hair brown. What do you think?
*dye-dyed dyed <> die


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(7)

Let's have another great lesson. -If we junp right into the lesson, I'll give you a kiss. - Please don't...

  • I'll give you a kiss.
Doug, look. Our neighbor, the farmer gave us some sweet potatoes.
Wow. That's nice of him. 
Yes, these are purple sweet potatoes called murasakiimo.
I love sweet potatoes. I cam make a pie with them.
Sweet potato pie?
Yes. It's a treat in my home state of Texas. Southern cooking at its finest.
Hmmm, I'm getting hungry already. 
I'll make it tonight. My sister sent me a good recipe recently.
If you do, I'll give you a kiss. Maybe.
  • I'm getting hungry already. 
  • If you do, I'll give you a kiss.
  • I'll give you a kiss.
give + you + a kiss
sent me a good recipe
My sister sent me a good recipe recently.
And let's add "recent" lightly at the end.
wite him a thank you letter
I'll write him a thank you letter.
tell you my secret  ... all together
I'll tell you my ssecret.
Okay, it's time for today's practice. Let's focus on keeping the verb and the object together in one unit.
give you a kiss... Think as one unit when you practice, okay? -Let's go.
  • I'll give you a hint. The first letter is C.
  • My mother gave me a blanket that she made. I'll show you.
  • She cooked me dinner. She made pasta with pesto sauce.
* pesto sauce => sauce made from basil
Hey, David. You're born in Texas. You should like sweet potato pie. 
I should, but I don't.


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(6)

Let's be nice and not roast him.


  • Jonas is in a meeting now.


Marketing department.

Hello? May I speak to Jonas?

I'm sorry, but Jonas is in a meeting now. May I ask who's calling?

This is Raj.

Raj? It's Yayoi. 

Oh, Yayoi. How are you? Your voice sounds different.

Does it? I'm fine. Thanks. 

Where are you working now, Raj?

I'm in the IT department of an insurance company in Munbai.
Oh, that's great.

Actually, I'm coming to Tokyo next month.

Really? Let's get together for drink then.

Sounds like a plan.


  • May I speak to Jonas?
  • Your voice sounds different.


  • Jonas is in a meeting now.

She's a doctor. 


Now say it in one flow. She's a doctor.


He's a gentleman.


And speed it up. He's a gentleman.


You're smart.


I'm at the station.


And smooth it out. I'm at the station.


Okay, today we'll practice using the B verb in sentences. Now like Sensei said, we don't need to stress is, are, am. So let's focus on the first and the last part.


  • Dereck's a musician. He's very famous.
  • My wallet's in my bagl. I'll get it. 持ってくる
  • Her ramen is the best I've ever tasted. It's really good.


You're smart. .. I know..You're smart. Uh, this again.

Hey guys. Today, lunch's on me. My wallet's in my bag.... Oh that's so great.

I'm just practicing. .. Not you tooooo.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(5)

Welcome to Friday's review. Are you ready to have some fun?

That's right. Friday is the day of the review. So let's get ready!


Which of the follwing is true?

The woman painted a white house.

The woman won second place in a contest.

The woman didn't do her best.



the one with the white horse

win second place


What does Takuma want to do?

A live stream ramen videos online.

Eat ramen in Japan.

Make real ramen.


It's time for bed.

check out

Is that what you are watching?


know good places in Japan



Who is Carolyn?

She is a restaurant owner.

She is Tyler's sister.

She is a well-known runner.


go back next year

run a vegan ramen restaurant

spend time with...



What do the two people want to do?

Visit Niko.

Go to Mitsumune shrine again.

Leave Chichibu.


same here.

feels like Niko

you can say that again

write a hike about it


in three mitutes

run faster, or ..



My English is terrible. I make a lot of mistakes in just one sentence.

-Don't worry. To make mistakes is natural. The important thing is to try to speak English as much as possible. And to speakis English is a lot of fun. Don't you think?

* To make mistakes is natural.


What are you looking for?

-I'm looking for my wallet. It was in my bag, but it disappeared. Maybe I left it on the train. What should I do?



When we speak a foreign language, to make mistakes is so natural, isn't it?

You have to make mistakes to get better.

And actually, even native speakers can make mistakes. Perfection is not necessary for communication.
Even monkeys fall from trees.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(4)

We better start faster or we'll be late. How do you feel about self-driving cars?

  • Run faster, or we'll be late.

I can't believe I've never been here before.

Same here. I didn't know about Thithibu. This place feels like Nikkou.

You can say that again. There are some really beautiful shrines here.

I want to go back to Mitsumine Shrine again.

Me too. I wanted to write a hike about it.

Yikes, Mr. Emori, the tour bus is leaving in three minutes.

Oh, no. Let's go.

Run faster, or we'll be late.

Don't worry. They won't leave without us.


  • You can say that again.
  • The tour bus is leaving in three minutes.


Run faster, or we'll be late.


Run + faster 


The train departed.

I work in Yokohama.

I looked for my watch.

We're waiting for a bus.


Okay, everyone. Are you ready to practice? In today's practice, just focus on the rhythm.


The train

The train departed.


I work.

I work in Hokohama.


I looked.

I looked for my watch.


We're waiting.

We're waiting for the bus.


Unlock your portential. Repetition is the key. Great work.


  • The water is boiling. Turn off the stove.
  • I live on fourth floor. Come visit aytime.
    *come visit = come and visit
  • I'm looking for my dog. He ran away.


Hey, Rosa. You got a dog recently, right?

I did! I got a puppy. It's a lot of work, but the most important thing to do when you get an animal is to microchip them.
Oh... - So you can track it automatically.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(3)

Practice... and you guessed it, practice.


  • She runs a vegan ramen restaurant in Tokyo.

Jennifer, how was your trip to Japan?

Oh, it was wonderful, Tyler.

I want to go back next year.

Did you do a lot of sightseeing?

Not so much this time. I was spending time with my sister Carolyn.

Your sister lives in Japan, right?

Yeah, she runs a vegan ramen restaurant in Tokyo.

That's right. When did she start that?

She opened the shop in 2012.

Wow, that's a long time ago.

She's doing well.


  • I was spending time with my sister Carolyn.
  • Your sister lives in Japan, right?


She runs a vegan ramen restaurant in Tokyo.


She runs +a vegan ramen restaurant + in Tokyo.


Open the door.

Sam open the door.


Trust him
I trust him.


Has a guitar

Ben has a guitar.


Wear glasses

I wear glasses.


Okay everyone. In today's practice we were forcusing on the location of the object, okay. So keep the word of the object connected. Alright. Let's get started.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key. Great work!


  • Jhon writes music. He's a composer.
  • Takeo makes complex origami. He's very talented.
  • I love the stories you tell. They are very exciting.

Hey guys, the example today were pretty easy, but most of the conversation goes like this, right?
That's right. Most conbversations are made from some simple structures put together.

Yeah, you can have a great conversation in short simple sentences. As long as they float/flow?, they sound perfectly natural.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(2)

Let's have another great lesson today. That's right. Let's go!


  • Watching videos for long hours isn't good for your eyes.

Takuma, It's time for bed. We have an early flight tomorrow.

Okay, give me a few minutes. 

Aren't you sleepy? Watching videos for long hours isn't good for your eyes.

I know, but I want to check out more ramen shops.

Is that what you're watching?
Yes, I'm looking forward to eating real ramen in Japan.

Mee too. Ramen is too expensive here in the states.

Exactly. Man, all the foreign tourists making these videos know good places in Japan.


  • It's time for bed.
  • Give me a few minutes


Watching videos for long hours isn't good for your eyes.


Watching videos for long hours + isn't ...


Waiting is difficult.

Swimming is fun.

Making friends is not easy.



Okay. Tody we'll practice ING form as the subject. 

The key is the plane form plus "ing". 
Okay, so let's jump in and practice.

Listen to the rhythm and connect all the words as you say them. Okay, guys? Ready, let's go.



  • Jogging is good for your health
  • Making Onigiri is simple/easy. I'll teach you.
  • Eating rice with a fork is tough. May I use a spoon?


Do you like jogging? I prefer going to the gym. Working out is better for my health.

Really? I'm not a big fun of Jim culture so I prefer to get outside.

I don't really like jogging or the gym. I prefer to ride horses.




ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(1)


Hi everyone. This is Akino Rosa. To our new listners, Welcome. To those joining us from last year,  welcome back. This is going to be anothere exciting year of Rajio-Eikaiwa. Are you ready?

Hi everyone. I'm David Evans. It's so great to have you all here. I can't wait to see what we have in store. Let's do our best.


  • To do your best is important.

Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?

The one with the white horse?

Yes, I entered it in an art contest. And won second place.

Really? Congratulations. I knew it was special when I saw it.

To tell you the truth, I wasn't very confidnet. But I did my best.

I know you did. To do your best is important and other people can see that.

I want to keep painting more.

You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.



Grammar and vocabulary

  • Do you remember that watercolor I painted?
  • and other people can see that.

Target forms

  • To do your best is important.


To do your best ..


To do your best is important.


To relax is important.

To forgive is difficult.

To learn a new skill is challenging.



Okay everyone. It's time to practice. Today we practice two infinitives. The key is to make them nice and short. Don't stress "to". So for exaple, to relax. Let's try to relax. Keep that in mind.


Let's put it together.
Great rhythm.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


Grammar in action

  • To prepar is essential.  > very important
  • To make mistakes is natural.
  • To take noteduring meetings is normal.


We hope you guys had a fun first lesson! We're going to have a fanstastic time guys. Practice makes perfect. Don't give up, keep at it. And let's have a great year.