CNN10 20240401 | amnn1のブログ





Inside Taiwan’s secretive microchip factory that powers the world economy




at the very same time



secretive tech compnany


epicenter of 

where precision meets innovation

understatement of the year 

the go-to blobal manufacturer

a far cry from its humble beginnings


far cry

-a long distance


arguably おそらく(間違いなく)
 as can be supported or shown by persuasive argument: 



government subsidies

months long waits for new phones, laptops

prone to earthquake, typhoons

scramble to catch up with ...

pave the way for enhanced processing power and energy efficiency

pushing the boundaries of what's possible


batter up



saseball was ripe for some change

peeled back what they called the boring bites

on stilts

backflip catches


have exploded in popularity since their inception in 2016


on the wait list


guns blazing


fun quirks


it's like the cherry  on top of the cake


the cherry on the cake
An additional benefit or positive aspect to something that is already considered positive or beneficial.


is a blast


not evern close


busting out the dance moves I see you buddy


bust out 










I'm getting dressed.

my health checkup results weren't too good.

I'm going to go walking on my days off.


This will be different



I wish she wouldn't  treat me like a child.

It's actually more fun than I thought.


fresh backe bread

I think I will.

he isn't answering.

I'm fit.

Thers so much I don't know about ...


I'm killing two birds with one stone.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(1)

Hi everyone. I'm Jenny Silver and I was born in New Jersey in the US. I've also lived in California, Illinois, Michigan and Florida. After graduating from university where I majored in English and Asian studies, I worked at a video game retail company in California. I'm looking wordard to hosting the show with Mr. Shibata.

We want to aim for a program that is both enjoyable and helpful.


Yuna, a trainee from the Tokyo headquaters of a general trading company arrives at a Silicon Valley office to meet her local contact, Harish from the startup investment department. After brief selfintroductions, they engay in a wide-raning conversation about Silicon Valley.


What area does Silicon Valley refer to?




So, Yuna. What are your first impressions of Silicon valley?

-Well, my first impression is that it's more of a suburban town than a futuristic city. It's a bit early to judge, but I was imagining a more urban atmosphere with high-rise buildings. There's a resort like ambience to the place with the abundant greenery and offices scaattered arond.

-A surburban field, I see. You may already know this, but Silicon Valley doesn't refer to a specific city, but an extensive region in the southern part of the San Francisco bay area. In total, It's about the same size as Shikoku.

-Really? But the population is about three million right? That's similar to Osaka city in Japan. No wonder it gives a spacious impression.


It refers to an extensive region in the southern part of the San Francisco bay area.




high rise building



scattered around => 点在して

refer to

no wonder


---No wonder + ...

  • No wonder it gives a spacious impression.
    =It's no wonder that it gives a spacious impression.
  • No wonder the final presentation was excellent.
    < Practice makes perfest.
  • No wonder  she became fulent in Spanish in a short time.


It comes as no suprise that it feels open and spacious.

=> It's not surprising...


It's understanble why it comes off as expansive.
* come off ..のように見える



more of a suburban town than a futuristic city.


I was impressed by the breathtaking view with tall skyscrapers filling the skyline. I like an attractive mix of various architechural designes from diferent eras.









【始めたばかり】startup, newbie, inexperienced, embark


=> Start up 起動する・立ち上げる
How do startups get funding?



I'm still a newbie so I've got lots to learn.

経験のない・経験の浅い <>experienced

Sasaki, he has enormorous potentioal but he's still inexperienced.


I decided to move to Brazil and embark on a new life.


embark on...


Yep, it's a startup. Here's my card.

You know, I'm still pretty unexperienced so I think it's ummm.. 






We're heading towords Hawaii first.

Hawaii is a great place to visit and have English conversations.




Whould you like some tea?



Yes, please.



Would you like some coffee?



No thanks. <= No thank you.



I'll have ...
May I have...?


I'll have that cake.
May I have
that cake?



I'll have the same.

I'll also have that ...



for now


I'lll have some coffe for now.


I'll have some water for now.



So everyone. Get on board. And let's practice speaking together!





ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(1)


Hi everyone. This is Akino Rosa. To our new listners, Welcome. To those joining us from last year,  welcome back. This is going to be anothere exciting year of Rajio-Eikaiwa. Are you ready?

Hi everyone. I'm David Evans. It's so great to have you all here. I can't wait to see what we have in store. Let's do our best.


  • To do your best is important.

Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?

The one with the white horse?

Yes, I entered it in an art contest. And won second place.

Really? Congratulations. I knew it was special when I saw it.

To tell you the truth, I wasn't very confidnet. But I did my best.

I know you did. To do your best is important and other people can see that.

I want to keep painting more.

You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.



Grammar and vocabulary

  • Do you remember that watercolor I painted?
  • and other people can see that.

Target forms

  • To do your best is important.


To do your best ..


To do your best is important.


To relax is important.

To forgive is difficult.

To learn a new skill is challenging.



Okay everyone. It's time to practice. Today we practice two infinitives. The key is to make them nice and short. Don't stress "to". So for exaple, to relax. Let's try to relax. Keep that in mind.


Let's put it together.
Great rhythm.


Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.


Grammar in action

  • To prepar is essential.  > very important
  • To make mistakes is natural.
  • To take noteduring meetings is normal.


We hope you guys had a fun first lesson! We're going to have a fanstastic time guys. Practice makes perfect. Don't give up, keep at it. And let's have a great year.