ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-8) 3月29日(金) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-8)3月29日(金)

ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-8)9月29日(金)

We live in an age in which..


-What I felt in the interview with Miss Kakuchi is that the rise of social media is forcing change in the world of traditional journalism. She mentioned that the media industry is moving in the direction of collaboration between social media and mainstream journalism. 

-That's right. Just as articles from newspapers and weekly magazines are published online, the respective media use in coexist with each other. I think it's not just a question of transmission tools, print or online. We live in an age in which anyone can communicate facts and submit opinions through the internet. 

-Exactly. With more and more extreme opinions based on biased infromation, professional journalists are now required more than ever to be more professional about the facts they investigate. As Miss Kakuchi put it, the very basics of journalism become more importatnt. To be curious, to be able to check facts, to be able to tell a story. 

-Back to the basics, right? In addition to what genre of articles you read, I think it's also about whose articles you read. As far as I know many Western media websites allow you to follow specific journalists and themes that match your interests. 

-You are right. I have a habit of checking who writes the articles. I like journalists who highlight problems through deep coverage of the issues and then offer possible solutions rather than simply criticizing them as if they were someone else's problem. 

- I see. In that's sense I admire Miss Kaguchi. It must have taken a strong will and determination for her to cover politics as a woman in those days. In a country, in the middle of a civil war. I prefer journalists to get to the bottme of things. They somethimes inspire me to take action. 
-Raise the issue, offer solutions or encourage the reader and listner to take action. That's the mission of journalism, isn't it? Miss Kakuchi has observed and analyzed Japan from different angles over a long period of time. I bet she could provide us with insights into what we should do for brighter future in Japan in Asia. 



Related to the separate categories previously mentioned.



Transmission is a noun form of the verb transimit, which means to convey or send something. Particularly information. 



Onesided, skewed 曲がった , based on unfair preconceived notions or opinions that have already been formed. Not giving something a fair chance. Not providing all necessary information or omitting important information.



coverage 取材・取材範囲



Will, desire to succeed. Having a strong sense of purpose. Strong intentions. Forcusted on achieving a goal or set of goals.


get to the bottom of things/this

Working to discover or uncover the truth of the matter. Finding out what really happened. Solving a mistery. For example, we need to collect more clues and information so we can get to the bottom of things and figure out what happened. You can also say, get to the bottom of this. as in, we need to get more clues and information so we can get to the bottom of this. 



In this case, encourage means to steer someone in a direction.  To persuade and motivate. To give a gentle push. Mr. Shibata mentioned that journalist can encourage people to take action. This means that journalists can spark or motivate people to take action will providing support with things like information.


Negotiation is a bit like an interview in journalism where it's essential to do through research on the other person in advance. What they want to know. What their concerns are. 

And what kind of proposal will make sense to them? Who will make the dicisions and when, etc. If the other party thinks that you haven't even looked into these basic things you've lost.


Let's raise a glass of fine natural wine, and cheer to you for a job well done. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you enjoy the program as much as I enjoy being a part of it. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed and we love to see your progress. You can do it! Keep that motivation up and I hope our paths will cross again very soon.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(96)3月28日(木)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(96)9月28日(木)

be humbled by に謙虚な気持ちでいる(身の引き締まる思いだ)

You have a thirst for knowledge of history.

I hope I can contribute all the more.
I would like to be able to contribute even more.


Subject:New assignment.

Hi Daniel,
I've now been officially named head of private sales at the Tokyo branch. I'm humbled by the huge responsibility. Looking back, the three years since I joined WCS have gone by very quickly. I've been blessed to have such wonderful colleagues in Tokyo and I never thought that I'd be able to be involeved in milestone projects at London HQ. This has made me feel like a true part of the WCS family. The new responsibility is a big challenge for me. I want to grow not only professionally but also as a person so that I earn the rewpect of my team. I'm excited to work for Emily who knows our customer base well. I'd like to thank you for giving me such wouderful opportunities.



Hi Lisa, I'm actually relieved to hear that you're happy. Private customers are an important asset for WCS. Handling private accounts goes beyond the wine relationship. You have a thirst for knowledge of history and culture and the drive to cmplete projects. You deserve the responsibility of the position. Looking at all this from London, it really feels like a new dawn, a shift in WCS and Emily's grand design. I think she has big plans in London and it seems to me that you and hopefully I myself are a part of it.

All the best,

p.s. Call Emily when you have time. She wanted to talk to you.


  • I hope I can contribute all the more.
  • I would like to be able to contribute even more.


Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your encouraging words. I've just called Emily and I was asked to join a private sales meeting in Hong Kong early next month. I'm glad my work is appreciated. I hope I can contribute all the more. And I hope I can contribute working with you, Daniel.





ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(95)3月27日(水)
ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(95)9月27日(水)

be indebted to you > I'm truly indebted to you for realizing this project.



High net worth individuals 富裕層

along those lines そのせんで

be reffered to を紹介される> you could be reffered to their regular customers.

through referrals

We are grateful for your kind offer to dinner.


Looking back, it was a lot of fun. I hope you're as happy with the outcome as we are.

And faced with challenges, she stayed calm and looked for viable solutions.

Now the deals is concluded.

There were times when it seemed like the deal could break down at anymoment.


corporate accounts <> private accounts 

private customers


Why was Lisa confused when asked about private customers?

- She's buit a good relationship with her corporate accounts

What are the characteristics of personal trading?
- Relationships with private customers could last for generations. 


Lisa, do you remember saying in your job interview how you could expand your customer base of high net worth individuals through referrals?

-Yes, I probably said something along those lines.

-Good. We're wondering if you'd be interested in taking on private accounts

-Private accounts? Um... that's kind of out of the blue. I've buit a good relationship with my corporate accounts. 

-Exactly, that means you could be reffered to their regular customers.

-Only a handful of restaurants survive along. Relationships with private customers could last for generations

-Daniel and I believe that you've got outstanding skills for building trust with your clients. We'd like to see expand how our individual customer base further as head of private sales in Tokyo. 

-Head of private sales? Really?

-I respectfully accept your kind offer. I'm grateful for the trust you've placed in me.


High net worth individuals 富裕層

along those lines そのせんで

out of the blue

be reffered to を紹介される



be grateful to someone

be grateful for something

  • I'm grateful for the trust you've placed in me.
  • We are grateful for your kind offer to dinner.
  • I'm grateful to everyone here.



I appreciate your financial support for this activity.


be indebted to you 

I'm truly indebted to you for realizing this project.


Now the deals is concluded. Thank you for being so professional throughout our negotiations. There were times when it seemed like the deal could break down at anymoment but with your drive and enthusiasm we've come this far. All of us at ABC can't wait to start working with you on this project.
-We feel the same way. These kinds of discussions are always a challenge. No matter how tough the discussions were, you try to keep them calm and positive. Looking back, it was a lot of fun. I hope you're as happy with the outcome as we are.


I think Lisa trusted herself and her skills from the begining, which paid off well. She gained the trust of those she worked with, including Daniel. And Emily seems to have more confience in her company's legacy. I like that Lisa was never afraid to ask questions. And when faced with challenges, she stayed calm and looked for viable solutions.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(94)3月26日(火)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(94)9月26日(火)


go best with < go with >>  pair well with


For yakitori graced with sauce, this fragrant red would probably be an ideal partner.


What more could you want? (= ask for?) 最高だ
A breathtaking view. What more could you ask for?
絶景 =>息をのむような => A breathtaking view


What does Lisa say Roze goes with?

-It might go with specific sorts of sushi. You might try this rose for salmon or shrimp.
What kind of wine does Lisa say go best with yakitori graced with cauce?

-For yakitori graced with sauce, this fragrant red would probably be an ideal partner. 


All right everyone. Sushi, tempura, yakitori, grilled meat and fish. It's the real deal. What more could you want? 
-Wow, what shall I begin with? Okay let's start with sushi and grilled fish.

-The pure fresh flavors of fish pair well with this crisp clean white wine with high acidity.

-Doesn't Rose go with fish?

-It does. Yes. With specific sorts of sushi. You might try this Rose for salmon or shrimp.

- How about grilled or fried meat? To enrich the flavors and textures of the meat, I would go with this fine red wine.

-Mmm. This Yakitori tastes excellent.

-For yakitori graced with sauce, this fragrant red would probably be an ideal partner. For salted yakitori, refreshing white is an excellent alternative to red. Now I'd like some feedback.



> To enrich the flavors and textures of the meat, I would go with this fine red wine.
fragrant[ˈfrɡrənt] 芳醇な・香り高い

< this fragrant red would probably be an ideal partner. 


What more could you want? これ以上求めるものはない=>最高だ

What more could you ask for?

  • You just got a new car. What more could you want?
  • A breathtaking view. What more could you ask for?
    絶景 =>息をのむような => A breathtaking view

nothing to wish for
Sunset on the horizon, the soud of waves and the sea breeze. There's nothing more to with for.


nothing to ask for

The facility of this hotel is perfect. There's nothing else to ask for.



You  are saying soba-yu is hot water that soba was boild in. Isn't that dirty?

- No. Don't worry. Unlike when boiling pasta, we don't put oil in the water. So it's drinkable. It contains rutin and vitamin B. So it's quite healthy actually.


Unlike making things in an oven, barbecuing often overcooks, undercooks or even burns food. What's the secret behind the kakitori being so perfectly cooked?

-Yakitori meat is cooked in bite-sized pieces. So the surface is evenly cooked.




ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(93)3月25日(月)

ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(93)9月25日(月)

Going forward, please make use of this wealth of creativity in your product development.


pair with


get to grips with を理解する・使いこなす
=> come to grips with...

I need some time to ge to grips with the challenges of my new job.

come to grips with (someone or something)
-To begin to or make an effort to understand, accept, and deal with a difficult or problematic person, thing, or situation.


How did Lisa react to hear comment from the perticipant?

-She said they all have picked up the characteristics very well.

Why was the  arrival of the cartering the best timing for Lisa?

-She was just going to talk about pairing with food.


So let's move on to the next topic. Japanese wines. Can someone share their impressions from when they tasted the wines we recently sent you? 

-I would say delicate and fruity. Overall they have a natural gentle taste. Nothing too strong

-Thank you George. Delicate, fruity, gentle. The wortds describe the character very well. Enything else?

- I forgot the region, but we tasted a white wine with the good balance between refreshing citrus acidity and smooth sweetness. The one you're talking about is probably a Yamanashi Koshu wine. Well, you all have picked up the characteristics very well.

-Sorry to interupt, but the catering has just arrived. Shall we move to dining area in the basement? 

-Great! Perfect timing! I was just going to talk about pairing with food.







pick up

  • You all have picked up the characteristics very well.
  • Were you able to pick up any tips from the seminar?
  • I was able to pick up a few phrases of Portuguese.


have a grasp of

We need to have a good grasp of the concept first.
=> We need to grasp the concept first.


get to grips with を理解する・使いこなす

I need some time to ge to grips with the challenges of my new job.

=> come to grips with...


I was surprised at how familiar you all are with Japanese business practices. If you feel uncomfortable with something in your daily work, don't hesitate to aske your colleagues aroud you.


To be honest, I didn't expect to see such a diverse range of product ideas from everyone. Going forward, please make use of this wealth of creativity in your product development.