CNN10, 2024 Mar26 | amnn1のブログ







tough to go unnoticed



has a solid grip on 


the good old board game monopoly


take notice of apple


weeding out  its competitors


weed out - to separate out, remove, or eliminate (anything unwanted)


exclusionary conduct these days



antitrust law(s


has put it squarely in the crosshairs 十字線 of the US justic department


crosshairs - a center of interest

in (one's) cross hairs

- visible in one's gunsight.
-By extension, in a position in which other people are eager to criticize or attack.


file a sweeping antitrust lawsuit against 

unfair practice(s alleged by the justic department

degrade the text 


picture set from an android to an iphone could be of lesser quality?

look grainier =>

grainy 写りの悪い

-(Photography) photog having poor definition because of large grain size




external interference

disclosure os stete secrets


sedition 扇動, 治安妨害


end up to life in prison for treason insurrection, sabotage and mutiny officials 


could have deeep ramifications for the city's status


eliminate dissent trough the fear of arrest and detention


dissent 異議を唱える

-to differ in sentiment or opinion; disapproval; disagreement:


a descendant 子孫

descent 降下 - downward incline or passage




vehemently denies any link to the attack


熱烈に, 熱情的に, 猛烈に, 激しく

Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid 燃えるような, 熱烈な:




that gets thrown away

rummaging => rummage , 捜索する






pliers A variously shaped hand tool having a pair of pivoted jaws, used for holding, bending, or cutting.

ply (one's) trade
To go about one's normal business or employment.




a whopping 82 million tons of E-waste in 2030


the rare Earth elements


leave the world highly dependent on just a few countied where rare earths are,


grassroots level


how can we get it going


at a total cost of more than ...

hold the record for ...


get those wheels turning 


the wheels are turning
Things have begun developing, unfolding, or progressing.



get the imagination sort


undisciplined dog


get busted for doing belly flops in the family pool

belly flop 腹打ち飛び込み


not a rambunctious crazy dog except for 








scaled Everest

scale < scale a mountain

To climb up or over; ascend: scaled the peak.


on Monday, April 8th, many of us will witness a celestial phenomenon, a total solar eclipse. That`s when the moon`s shadow completely blocks out the sun.



even if you don`t see the total eclipse, you will probably see a partial eclipse. 



back then only 12 million people lived in the direct path of the eclipse. 


you`ve got a much better chance to see it


 If you are, and you plan on peeking up at it,


check out this report we prepped for you earlier this week.


A total solar eclipse, it happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun,


It`s also going to be the last one for quite some time


That should be visible in all 48 contiguous U.S. states.


regular sunglasses not strong enough to protect your eyes, 

otherwise severe eye damage can occur.


A solar retina burn can permanently injure your eyes, and you might not even feel it until it`s too late.


we`ve been highlighting some seminal women who`ve transformed the world in profound ways, 


 let nothing get in her way.


This trek, located in the Himalayan mountain range on the border between Nepal and Tibet, is notoriously dangerous. Adventure stats.


she even conquered what`s known as the Seven Summits, becoming the first woman to ascend the highest mountains on all seven continents.



Fearless, bold



leaving his sport in his prime to chase a dream and inspire others.


in one's prime 全盛期の


 I`m ready to show everyone what I`m capable of.


she twice defied warnings from the US government


the fly half just fake the pass to ...

To climb up or over; ascend: scaled the peak.







go for it


what in the world are you thinking?





brewing between



-To concoct 作る, 作りあげる devise

- To be imminent; impend:


issue deportation orders

made their way to the supreme court 


placed this measure back on hold while their hearing gets underway



that's quite the rigm roll lengthy complicated procedure


rigmarole くだらない長話, くだらない長々としたやり方

-something (such as a procedure or an explanation) that is long, complicated, and tedious


need reconsideration



white supremacy


be adjudicated in county

裁定を下す, 判決する


clog our courts


- An obstruction or hindrance.

-To obstruct movement on or in; block up:


unfunded mandate 

when a state, local, or tribal government must perform certain actions or offer certain programs but doesn't get any federal funds to make it happen.


will shift away from the country negative interest rate policy


in comparison to the United States, the UK


It's seen a lot of stagnant growth


for the month to come


a stronder Yen

the price of the Yen fall

in the month to come riding on the back of higher interest rates


ride on the back of (something)
To use the popularity or success of an existing thing (typically something that one is not associated with) to achieve success with something new.


spring officially sprung this week


experienced this dip in temperatures making it feel like we were still full throttle winter time





burlap バーラップ, 黄麻布


cheesecloth 荒目薄地の綿布, 寒冷紗


closed the loop on a stolen collector's 



close the loop

 business cliché To follow up on some outstanding task, activity, or issue to ensure that it is completed, resolved, or on track.



shimmery shoes were swiped from 


sting operation  おとり捜査



pay some homage to 







are dismissing these results because 

were banned exiled or even jailed since  1999


try to frighten us, whoever tries to suppress us, 


descent effectively outlawed


defiance with 反抗


swarm polling station


penal colony


in a prisoner swap


backlash not just from the US and its allies, Ukrainian ...

called a sham 見せかけ, ごまかし, いんちき


be credited with coining 



measles the incredibly contagious disease is on the rise in the US


pneumonia or swelling in the brain 


how best to protect yourself


if people haven't been vaccinated 


it's a airbourne


9 out of 10 susceptible people will get infected with the virus if they are exposed 


among kindergartener(s


health officials are worried that ..


vactination is the safest and best way to be protected from this virus


was not much more than a vague concept



voice cloning and motion capture


it's gamechanging 


working with record labels


record label
-音楽会社が所有するCDやビデオの商標=> この商標を管理・運営する音楽会社


integrate with AI helps to bridge the gap between technology and people


they have the ability to be multilungual 


alongside I think there is this fear of ... skills replacement


can embrace meditation even if their mind at times seems like a cacophony of thoughts and sounds



Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance:
a harsh mixture of sounds


like a bicep 二頭筋 curl for your brain 


getting distracted is not proof that you're failing, it's proof that you're doing it correctly


get more familiar with the wildness of your mind so that it doesn't own you as much








the most powerful of recent seismic activity


be well prepared for ...

unti-lava barriers and other....




orange plume lighting up the night sky


be estimated to be roughly 3 km long




the reawakening of a valcanic system

*reawaken もう一度覚醒する


which had been dormant for nearly 800 years.

demolished a hot water pipeline

cut off heat to more than 20,000 people




have their presumptive nominees for


election integrity


dealing with the finacial fallout caused by conspiracy theories regarding their paper ballots back in the 2020 presidential election


inserted fraudulent paper ballots


add more security features such as water marks and ...


took longer than expected  and deadlines were missed 

the result

this expensive mishap


supposedly fraud proof ballot pater



kind of went from there and people started questioning ...


go from there

-" go from there " (そこから行く) => 考え直す、再検討・再協議する



interjecting them into




election skeptics delayed certification of 


it's an uphill battle



state grant 


other bureaucratic snafus has put a halt to the socalled secure


make way for 


four paw animal 


allowing folks to make picks on the hibernation schedules of a slew of sleeping







complacency si the constant enemy

hail the size of a baseball 

tonados touched down in the states of Indiana and Ohio


doesn't more were injured as thousands went without power

as many residents had their homes and businessed destroyed by the tornadoes

half of the buildings appear to be dameaged from 


blanketed parts of...


had the dubious distinction as one of 


a thick layer of smog covering the city of chagai

haze is onece again obscuring the view


Changai ranks as one of the worlds's 


the smog isn't just unsightly.  it's unhealty 


allergic rash


it has explored Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


be in communication 


acting a bit wonky よろよろする, 信頼できない, あてにならない


they poked it


decoded by


before the problem arose < arise


how would you feel about being away from your phone for ...


what would be your reasoning for the objection?




what the outcome has been


tight-knit community


be glued to their screens


discreetly looking under their desk as something


it was more like no access to social media all the time in ...


the change of pace brought on by the smartphone ban


overrate 過大評価する


be swarmed by what seems like a bazillion bees


get rid of them


hives じんましん

hive ミツバチの巣箱





Saint Patty's day


over the course of three days

who's essentially been in power for the entirety of 

be reliably pro Kremlin meaning ....


were barred from running by the central Election Commission

the most likely outcome of ...


be buried 

Aarctic penal colony amid  流刑地, 犯罪者植民地

*penal 刑罰の, 刑事上の, 刑法の


repression 抑制, 制止

oppression 圧迫, 圧制, 抑圧


against the backdrop of a brutal war


gaining the upperhand amid ...

shortages of weapons and ammunition


recent dates have seen ....


in a bid to cause economic damage


the mission reached several milestones including making it ..


make it further into this test flight than every before...


started promisingly but ended prematurely


be to assist ...



as early as September of ...


advocating for the prtection of the environment and empowering Africa's most impoverished people mthod


knowledge in physics changed the world 


nuclear fission in a scientific paper


<> fusion 


Jewish ancestry later


groggy doggy


feeling not caught up on our sleep 




inablility to wake up


really resonated with folks on the night shift


a lump of dough