英会話タイムトライアル「3月DAY15」 3月22日(金) | amnn1のブログ




Let's finish up our journey to the Philippines with this.


It's the final stop on our journery across the globe.

Wow, time flies. Let's enjoy our trip to the Philippines today.


Imagine this... 

We are walking around Manila. It's a hot day in the Philippines. Let's get a cold dessert. Do you know that famous Filipino cold dessert? Let's enjoy that cold dessert and a fast food restaurant in the Philippines.
Did you imagine today's situation?


It's hot today. Let's get something cold. 

-Good idea. I'm getting thirsty.
There's a fast food restaurant over there. Shall we go?

-Sure. Let's go.

Let's get that Filipino dessert. Whatchamacallit? With shaved ice and syrup.

Oh, what was the name of that Filipino dessert?

-Ice and syrup and it's a dessert...

-Hellohello, I'll order.

Actually, that kind of dessert in Singapore is called Icekachan. And in Hawaii it's called shaved ice. In Japan it's... 

-Oh, kakigoori. Yeah, in most parts of the U.S, It's called a snow cone.

Kakigoori! Did you have kaigoori often when you were a kid?

-Yeah, I used to have it in a beach in Japan, called Syunpatu-hama. They had the best macha kakigoori in Japan.

Here's our hellohello. Would you like to sit inside or outside?

-Inside. It's much cooler.

Okay, let's try it. Mmmm it's so good. How do you like hellohello?

-It's wonderful. All the ingredients taste so good together.



Did you imagine a hot day and a cold dessert?

I know India can be very very hot, right?

It is absolutely. So what kind of cold dessets do you have there?

We have faludas and ice golas.

Faluda? What's in a faluda?
So faluda has ice cream, nuts and fruits..

Uh.. Okay. It looks like hellohello. 
Yes, it does.

But it's mixed with ice cream, not ice.
That's correct. For shaved ice we have something called this ice gola. It's crashed ice with syrop.

Oh, I see a picture now.

You can look it up on the internet.



Did you have fun?

Great job on your virtual journey across the globe.

Thank you so much for our journey across Asia, including your country India.

Thank you so much, Steve and thank you everybody for participating and having conversation with us. I hope you get the chance to visit my country India.






Do you have that thing?

What thing?

Do you mean this thing?

Did you bring the whatchamacallit

It's a popular Filipino dessert.



We'll use some phrases we practice this week.

Here's our first phrase.

... in on the tip of my tongue.


So, what is on the tip of your toungue?


Just think of something and let's create a sentence.


The name of the song is on the tip of my toungue.

That happens to me all the time.


Have you ever heard of ... ?


Have you ever heard of a cheese called burrata?

Burrata? Is that right?

That's right. It's a great cheese. I love it in salads.



... reminds me of ...


So, what do you see, hear or eat and what does it remind you of?


This cafe remainds me of my grandma's house.




Imagine you're walking around the Philippines with me.


It's hot today. Let's get something cold

- Good idea. I'm getting thirsty.


Now imagine you're having a special Filipino dessert hellohello.

How do you like hellowhello. It could be good or bad or too sweet, not sweet enough. It's up to you.


How do you like hellohello?

-It's wonderful. All the ingredients taste so good together.



Did you have かき氷 often when you were a kid?

And you can share your memories of かき氷 and your childhood.



Did you have かき氷 often when you were a kid?

- Yeah, I used to have it at a beach in Japan called しゅんぱつ浜. They had the best matcha kakigori in Japan. It was so smooth.



And now you're ready for tomorrow. We finish our journey around the Philippines. So, do your best.





Today we practice this useful question.




Now, you might think it's " Do you know..?"

But there's another phrase is besides "Do you know...?" , and it's very important for communication.

We'll also practice the phrase, を思い出します。 




Have you ever heard of ...



Have you ever heard of a person named Kurosama Akira?


Do you know => 知り合いですか?

Have you ever heard of ... => ご存じですか?



He was a famous movie director.


I'm embarrassed to say I've never heard of that person.


Tell me about that person?




Have you ever heard of a food called なまやつはし?

I'll show you a picture on my phone.


Have you ever heard of a food called hellohello.

It's a popular Pilipino dessert.


That dessert reminds me of かき氷.


The first step is 思い出します。

You might think of "remember", but in this case, It's " reminds me".


It's made of shaved ice.

This reminds me of Japan.

This reminds me of my hometown.






on the tip of my tongue

=> whatchamacallit




It's on the tip of my tongue.


Her name is on the tip of my toungue.


Your friend's name is on the tip of my tongue.


What was your friend's name again?


The name of that Filipino dessert is on the tip of my tongue.


If you say "sweet", some people think of the adjective, sweet. So isnstead of sweets used dessert. It's easier to understand.


What was the name of that Philipino dessert again?

-It's hellow something.


... something


Do you know the dessert that I'm trying to remember?


What was the name of the capital of the Philippines again?


The name of the president of the Pilippines is on the tip of my tongue.





Do you remember our theme for this months?
Share momories in the Philippines.

That's right. We have phrases and conversations about memories.

This Friday we walk around Manila and find a place for something cool. It's hello, hello. A typical Filipino dessert. Let'e enjoy together on Friday.




Do you have that thing?


*あれ, That kind of language is universal. Not everyone can remember the name. In English, あれ is that thing



Who has that thing?

What thing? 何のことですか?



It's that thing for peeling carrots.

Do you mean this thing? これ


How do you say, あの、ほら、あれ in English?


<= What you may call it? : wathchamacallit


Did you bring the whatchamacallit?



I ate ice cream too fast. 勢いよく

My head hurts. It's uh/ a whatchamacallit...

I have a headacke.

=> Ice-cream headache



back pain



Do you have uh, whachamacallit for back pain?




a pain patch


Do you mean a pain patch?



We all have times where we can't think of the word we wanna say.

Oh, I can't think of that word.

Whatchamacallit is a really useful phrase.




And joining you in the Philippines is... Hi everyone. I'm Nelina Bobbin. Today, we are going to have dinner at a nice restaurant in Manila.

Here we go!


Imagine this... we decided to go out together for dinner in the Philippines. We found a nice restaurant which has a special musical theam. It's 80s music. So let's tlak about 80s music. 

Do you know how to use jukebox? Just put in a coin and choose a song.

Did you imagine today situation? So try to have a seven turn conversation as we enjoy the music from the 80s in a nice restarurant.



This looks like a good restaurant. Let's have dinner here. Okay?

-Good idea.

Wow, this is an 80s themed restaurant. Do you like '80s music?

-80s music? I'm not exactly sure what 80s music is.

Well, have you ever listen to Bon Jovi, Durant Van.. or David Bowie?

-Oh.. all those artists really bring back momories. They are still pretty popular in Japan.

Look! A jukebox. When's the last time you saw jukebos?

-It's been a while. Maybe in college.

Let's play some music. Do you have any coins?

-Yeah, I have bunch of coins in my pocket.

I'll put some coins in. You choose a song. Which song from the 80s do you want to hear?

-How about Jenny and Steve's song called Time Trial?

Good choice! Oh, this song brings back memories, doen't it?

-It sure does. This was the music from one fo my fovorite movies called back in the time trial. I saw it when I was in high school. When I think of 80s, I think of this song and that movie.



How was your first try?

We're talking aobut music from the 80s. Do you have a favorite artist or band from the 80s?

-I'm not sure if they are from the 80s, but I brew up listening to a lot of Abba and Bon Jovi. 

Well, Abba is a very popular band. I think they were at the end of the 70s. They were like a disco band with the song, Dancing Gueen?

-Yes, that's correct.

And of course Bon Jovi was popular in the 80s.

Do you have an favorite artist from the 80s?





This song really brings back memories.

I used to liten to their songs everyday.

Where was the last place you used your phone?

I'm not exactly sure.



When was the last time you... ?

When was the last time you saw a movie in the theater?


*So make a question about someone's first experience using this phrase, Do you remember your first... ?


Do you remember your first ... ?

-Do you remember your first live concert?


I used to love...

I used to love baking with my grandma.



Do you like 80's music? It's popular genre. It could be 80's music from Japan, the US, or Europe. If you're not exactlly sure, just say I'm not exactly sure about it.


Do you like 80's music?

-'80s music? I'm not exactly sure what 80s music is. 

*Or you could say, Yes, I love a band called ... It's up to you.


Which song from 80s do you want to hear?

-How about Jenny and Steve sone called Time Trial.

Alright. Of course that's a fictional song.



This song bring back memories, doen't it?

- It sure does. This was the music from one of my favorite movies called Back in the time trial. When I think of 80s, I think of this song.


Now, you're ready for a conversation over the radio. Have a great conversatio with Nelina tomorrow!




bring back memories

never used to ... 昔は全然~だった


the Beatles


Today we cover the phrase 懐かしい. To say it in English, 懐かしい requires a sentence. So today we'll learn to say 懐かしいです or 懐かしくないですか. 



That brings back memories.

=> nostalgic


Doesn't this bring back memories?


This TV show brings back memories.

This song really brings back momories.


This is my first baseball gloves. This really brings back memories.


I used to play volleyball.

I used to love the Beatles.=> really really like / love 

I used to listend to their songs every day.


I never used to...

I never used to paly games on my phone.

I never used to like English.



skip + class


I used to skip class sometimes.

Now I'm so into larning English.



be so into ...




Today, we'll talk about our experinece because we're talking about memories this month.


When was your first English lesson?

-> When was the first time that you had an English lesson?


I don't really remember. I think it was about 20 years ago.


Do you remember your first online English lesson?

My teacher was a Filipino woman. Her name was Lisa.


Do you remember your first part-time job?

-I used to babysit.

-I see. A lot of teenagers in the United States, do that part-time job.

-That's true.


My first part-time job was at a book store.


This is my first English textbook. I used this in junior high schooll.


What was the name of your first English textbook?

When was your first trip abroad?



It was 1999. I went to Singapore.




We have a new week of Eikaiwa Time trial.

Do you remember our theme for this month?

Here it it.
Share memories in the Philippines.

And speaking of memories, you have a conversation about music and memories on Friday. 


Hi everyone! It's ...here. We go to a restaurant with good music.

It brings back momories for most of you and we choose some music too.

Talk to you on Friday!



There will be an almost all English. 

So just challenge yourself a little. You can do it!


When was the last time (that) ... ?


When was the last time you went abrod?


=> The last time was...


The last time was 2018. I went to the Philippines.


Where is the last place you use your phone?

I don't really remember. Maybe the last place was in the taxi.


Alright. The next one is about a jukebox. It's a machine that plays music in a public place.


When was the last time you saw a jukebox?

-I'm not exactly sure.

You'd say, I'm not exactly sure. 


The last time I saw a jukebox was in college.


How do you say... 現在の?

the current ...

The current champion


Who is the current heavyweight boxying champion?

Is the current champion from the Philippines?



Was it easier to say the second time?




I'm so happy to meet all of you again. I'm from India and I'll joining you in the Philippines this month.

So, welcome back to Eikaiwa time trial Nilina. Thanks, Steve.

When you think of the Philippines, what do you think of?

When I think of the Philippines, a lot of natural beauty comes to mind

Oceans, mountains and a lot of greenery.

And there are so many beautiful islands in the Philipppines.

Nature => Natural beauty.

And are there many Filipinos in India?

I've never met a Filipino person in India. The first time I met a Filipino person I was in Japan.


Share memories in the Philippines.


Imagine this...

In the Philippines, you'll meet someone who is waiting for a special kind of taxi. It's called a Jeepney.
That's the person who wa your English teacher, me!

Let's imagine I taught you English.


Let's talk about Japan and your travels to the Philippines.

So, try to have a nine-turn conversation as we reunite in the Philippines.


Hi, do you dpeak English?

- Yes. Just a little.

Are you waiting for the Jeepney too?

- Yeah, I hope it comes soon.

Oh, here it is. After you.


You look a little familiar. Actually I teach English to people in Japan. I had lessons with you online, right?

- Oh, my gosh. Yes, you were my instructor.

Yeah, your face rang a bell. Your name was ... What was your name again?

-It's shiraishi Taro.

So we had our lessons online two or three years ago? How long has it been?

-Well, it's been a while. It's been about two years.

What are you doing  in the Philippines?

- I'm visiting my sister. She lives in Makati and while I'm in the Philippines, I'll enjoy the beautiful beaches.

So what do you do in Japan now?

- I work at a Radio station called SPR. I'm in charge of an educational show.

Oh, this is my sub. Maybe I'll see you around the Philippines.

-Yeah, maybe I'll see you around the Philippines or online again. Someday soon!









It's been a while.

How have you been?

When is his birthday party again?

Was it Saturday or Sunday?

Thanks for reminding me.

Doese her face ring a bell?

We used to to to the same hair salon.



Do you still...?

Do you still play golf?


I still...

I still go jogging every morning.


What was ... again?

What was  your sister's name again?



Do you speak English?

-Yeah, just a little. 


Imagine this... You're in the Philippines.

Are you waiting the jeepey?

-Yeah, I hope it comes soon.

-I hope it comes soon.


What are you doing in the Philippines?

-In the Philippins I'm practicing speaking English and enjoying the beautifil ocean and beaches. How about you? What are you doing in the Philippines?






Have we met before?


Have we worked together before?


I think we've met before, but I'm...


I think we met at soccer game.


used to ... 



We used to go to the same hair salon.

We used to go to the same swimming school.



ring a bell


Your name rings a bell.

His name doen's relly ring a bell.


Does his face ring a bell?


When I saw him, I thought his face rings a bell.





What was your name again?




Sorry, what was ...?


Sorry, what was your daughter's name again?


Sorry, what was your dad's drink order again?
Was it iced tea?


When was his birthday party again?

Was it on Saturday or Sunday.


Thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for telling me. 教えてくれたとき


Where was your hometown?

Was it Sebu island?


What time was the flight to Manila again?

What was tomorrow's weather forcast again?



You know communication isn't always perfect. -That's true.

These are really useful phrases when you need to confirm something. -Good point, Jenny.

For example ike something you didn't remember or hear correctly. I use these phrases all the time.




The Philippine.

Share memories in the Philippines.


Hi everyone. It's Nilina here. On Friday, we meet up by chance in the Philippines. Do you remember me? I remember you. Let's meet and talk on a Friday.


It's been a while.

Long time no see.


How long has it been?

- It's been about 10 years.



It's been too long.


How have you been?

<> How are you?


Do you still live in Manila?



Radio station


Do you still work at that Radio station?

Yes, I still work at that Radio station.



keep in touch with...

get in touch with


Did you get in touch with...?


contact with 


Do you still keep in touch with Taylor?


Yes, I still keep in touch with Taylor. She lives in Hawai now.