CNN10, 2024 Mar20 | amnn1のブログ






are dismissing these results because 

were banned exiled or even jailed since  1999


try to frighten us, whoever tries to suppress us, 


descent effectively outlawed


defiance with 反抗


swarm polling station


penal colony


in a prisoner swap


backlash not just from the US and its allies, Ukrainian ...

called a sham 見せかけ, ごまかし, いんちき


be credited with coining 



measles the incredibly contagious disease is on the rise in the US


pneumonia or swelling in the brain 


how best to protect yourself


if people haven't been vaccinated 


it's a airbourne


9 out of 10 susceptible people will get infected with the virus if they are exposed 


among kindergartener(s


health officials are worried that ..


vactination is the safest and best way to be protected from this virus


was not much more than a vague concept



voice cloning and motion capture


it's gamechanging 


working with record labels


record label
-音楽会社が所有するCDやビデオの商標=> この商標を管理・運営する音楽会社


integrate with AI helps to bridge the gap between technology and people


they have the ability to be multilungual 


alongside I think there is this fear of ... skills replacement


can embrace meditation even if their mind at times seems like a cacophony of thoughts and sounds



Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance:
a harsh mixture of sounds


like a bicep 二頭筋 curl for your brain 


getting distracted is not proof that you're failing, it's proof that you're doing it correctly


get more familiar with the wildness of your mind so that it doesn't own you as much








the most powerful of recent seismic activity


be well prepared for ...

unti-lava barriers and other....




orange plume lighting up the night sky


be estimated to be roughly 3 km long




the reawakening of a valcanic system

*reawaken もう一度覚醒する


which had been dormant for nearly 800 years.

demolished a hot water pipeline

cut off heat to more than 20,000 people




have their presumptive nominees for


election integrity


dealing with the finacial fallout caused by conspiracy theories regarding their paper ballots back in the 2020 presidential election


inserted fraudulent paper ballots


add more security features such as water marks and ...


took longer than expected  and deadlines were missed 

the result

this expensive mishap


supposedly fraud proof ballot pater



kind of went from there and people started questioning ...


go from there

-" go from there " (そこから行く) => 考え直す、再検討・再協議する



interjecting them into




election skeptics delayed certification of 


it's an uphill battle



state grant 


other bureaucratic snafus has put a halt to the socalled secure


make way for 


four paw animal 


allowing folks to make picks on the hibernation schedules of a slew of sleeping







complacency si the constant enemy

hail the size of a baseball 

tonados touched down in the states of Indiana and Ohio


doesn't more were injured as thousands went without power

as many residents had their homes and businessed destroyed by the tornadoes

half of the buildings appear to be dameaged from 


blanketed parts of...


had the dubious distinction as one of 


a thick layer of smog covering the city of chagai

haze is onece again obscuring the view


Changai ranks as one of the worlds's 


the smog isn't just unsightly.  it's unhealty 


allergic rash


it has explored Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


be in communication 


acting a bit wonky よろよろする, 信頼できない, あてにならない


they poked it


decoded by


before the problem arose < arise


how would you feel about being away from your phone for ...


what would be your reasoning for the objection?




what the outcome has been


tight-knit community


be glued to their screens


discreetly looking under their desk as something


it was more like no access to social media all the time in ...


the change of pace brought on by the smartphone ban


overrate 過大評価する


be swarmed by what seems like a bazillion bees


get rid of them


hives じんましん

hive ミツバチの巣箱





Saint Patty's day


over the course of three days

who's essentially been in power for the entirety of 

be reliably pro Kremlin meaning ....


were barred from running by the central Election Commission

the most likely outcome of ...


be buried 

Aarctic penal colony amid  流刑地, 犯罪者植民地

*penal 刑罰の, 刑事上の, 刑法の


repression 抑制, 制止

oppression 圧迫, 圧制, 抑圧


against the backdrop of a brutal war


gaining the upperhand amid ...

shortages of weapons and ammunition


recent dates have seen ....


in a bid to cause economic damage


the mission reached several milestones including making it ..


make it further into this test flight than every before...


started promisingly but ended prematurely


be to assist ...



as early as September of ...


advocating for the prtection of the environment and empowering Africa's most impoverished people mthod


knowledge in physics changed the world 


nuclear fission in a scientific paper


<> fusion 


Jewish ancestry later


groggy doggy


feeling not caught up on our sleep 




inablility to wake up


really resonated with folks on the night shift


a lump of dough








relinquish their power 


marauding ganngs prevented prime minister ...


marauding 略奪する
 reach a breaking point


terrorizing his baguer




impending resignation 



bump price up




introdue it to your customers

if now and you had to booset revenue how else would you do it?


so much so that 


proper workplace etiquette refresher might be needed


the most workplace behavior fopas


the way we do dress attire today is derss for your day


at leisure 



some of these issues have been around a long time


not rigth move



there's been an uproar online over the cost of 


uproar-騒ぎ, 騒動, 騒音


it's becoming an increasing trend on social media to see users sharing a look at their fast food meals and questioning the cost as prices skyrocket in the US.








all but

-very nearly.


made it into today's show

populous like India, Sounth Africa, Mexico..

leaning towards

persuade and even mislead voters with misinformation 

clinch their party's nomination

resentment revenge in retribution 

will be being put to the test

while some elections are all but guaranteed, others will be a genuine 

amplify the potential impact of ...

be coinciding with a boom in artificial intelligence

showing jus how far technology has come in


distinguish the fake videos from real ones

what's coming down the line 全部, 徹底的に, 将来において

there are literally no guard rails in place 

trustworthy information

providence of that information

concede the task ahead won't be easy


level of sophistication is growing fueled by advances in artificial intellingence

scholastic aptitude test


in a matter of days instead of weeks





move ahead on legislation

this measure is looking to prohibit Tik Tock from US app stores unless the app is no longer connected to bite dance


anable the Chinese government to have too much information about ...


if the bill eventually does make its way to ...


if this proposed bill is put into law, it would allow Tik Tock about 

if ties were not bo be cut, this measure would prohibit ... to be downloaded


the house plowing ahead and trying to take up legislation to essentially ban Tik Tok if...


be interfering with that information and could exploit 

furiously denied 


50 to nothing that is something that is rarely seen on Capital Hill


put the bill on the floor very quickly


be flooded away calls


the most sacred months is the nith moth or Ramadan

holy month of fasting where Muslims may not consume food or drinks

it based on clerics seeing a crescent or New Moon as the Islamic calendar follows the lunar cycle


continue to grapple 

have dide as a resul of acute malnutrition and dehydration


enclave 飛び領土, 包領

 A country or part of a country lying wholly within the boundaries of another.


one step away from famine 


have no access to ...


a rise in the rhinoceros population


the tranquilizer wears off


their numbers plummeted to below 400


poachers hunteed them for their precious horns


overcrowding in sanctuaries has become a problem for the solitary animal




foul play 反則





how many times I fell down and got back up again


is should come as no surprise that as tthe nominee he will..




bolding others to do what they wish to do us harm


bolde to?

notably did so whithout mentioning ...



on the brink


history will be tested anew

sequel between 


these promaries have shown the vulnerabilities


Which country was the first to enact daylight saving time?

as it looked to conserve electricity, weeks later the United Kingdom followed suit.


spring ahead or move our clocks forward by one hour and ...

fall back or move them back an hour again


devices might do it for us


take a lot of pride in


spring forward or fall back 

parliamentary estate


predate this palace


be darned  極端な; 突拍子もなく; 途方もないない


aquarium's aerial unit 





liquor prohibition




be accused of violating the city's ..

segregation rules

petitioned to clear her record

remained an unsung hero of


unsung - Not honored or praised; uncelebrated:


... union which advocated for women's suffrage as a way 



The right or privilege of voting; franchise. 参政権, 選挙権



wearing corset 



I don't take lightly

[ˈnʊrəl] [ˈnjʊrəl]
groundbreaking technology


it takes concentration


this has all been pretty sudden
be diagnosed with


it's all the brainchild of this man...


got paralysis

motor impairment 運動障害


put a device in


electrode sensors 


it doesn't require...


travel through the body's natural network of veins

sit in a major vein


brains have billions of neurons firing electrical impulses that control our movements


each and every one of those actions


the first to call his....




stand for


became official


definitely right



other political news worth touching on today ...


the oldest dead Galaxy ever obsereved 

it was spotted ...




disappear or dissipate are...




an elaborate sled from cardboard


easier said than done


Sci-Fi comedy

get hit by lightning