ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(231) 3月18日(月) | amnn1のブログ




I did it my way♪ -Hey, everyone. - Let’s get ready to go.

If I could finish...

「If I could」=> 「Can I ~?(~してもいい?)」の丁寧ver
If I could just finish…


Today, we have a very special guest. I'd welcome to the show, astronaut Kuze Akira. 

Thank you, Kelly. It's great to be here.

I'm sure you mean here on Earth. 

Exactly.You know where I've just come from.

I do. Akira, you survived on Mars longer than any human being in history.

Yes. It was a very difficult experience, but I..

And as a Japanese astronaut ...

If I could finish...

Oh, sorry. Go ahead.

It was difficult, but I did it my way.

Grammar and Vocabulary

  • You know where I’ve just come from.
  • You survived on Mars longer than any human being in history.

Typical Expressions

  • If I could just finish…

All right, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. Natural conversations can be messy things. Sometimes it’s necessary to take back the right to speak. So, let’s practice these phrases just in case you need to do that. -Let’s begin. -Here we go.

Just hear me out

Hang on. 

Hang on a minute. 

Juist a minute. 

Wait a minute.

Let’s continue.
Listen. Let’s try that one more time.  Listen.

Okay, here’s our next.

Do you mind? I haven’t finished.

<= Do you mind not interrupting me?

Let’s try that one more time.  Do you mind? I haven’t finished.

And our last two are a little long but let’s keep going.
Could I ask you to hold any questions until I’ve finished?
I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.

Hey, Rosa. Do you think we should tell them how good a job they did?
I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.
Excellent work, everyone.-Great work!

Typical Expressions in Action

  • Just hear me out. I think you’ll agree with me once you see the whole picture.
  • Could I ask you to hold any questions until I’ve finished? The presentation may cover what your question is about.