ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85) 3月11日(月) | amnn1のブログ



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85)3月11日(月)
ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(85)9月11日(月)


centralizing < centralize

put ... in jeopardy => *jeopardy[ˈʤɛpərdi]

without foruther ado 面倒なことはなしにして、前置きはこのくらいにして

=> ado 面倒 

* GM foods = genetically modified food


the old guard
The established, longtime members of a country, organization, or ideological position, who are resistant to any change within that arena.



How was it received when WCS began importing Bordeaux wine to England in the 14th century?

-It was regarded as innovative.


What does WCS want to lead?

-WCS will lead the charge to promote sustainabale natural wines.



Hello everyone. My name is Ron, Ishikawa, marketing direcor of WCS, Tokyo. Thank you for joining our tasting session for our latest chices of Kiwi natural wine. Now some of you may be surprised to hear WCS has started trading Kiwi natural wines. We've been seen as the old guard for a long time. The truth is we've always been a pioneer in wine trading. When we started importing Bordeaux wine to England in the 14th centrry, it was regarded as innovative. Today, climate change is putting the future of many traditional wine region in jeopardy. WCS will lead the charge to promote sustainabale natural wines. Next to me is Ogawa Lisa, global marketing officer. Today, she will take you on a journey to New Zealand. Without further ado, I passed the baton to Lisa.



put .. in jeopardy


without foruther ado => ado 面倒 


--- put ... in jeopardy / jeopardy[ˈʤɛpərdi]

  • Climate dange is putting the future of many traditional wine regions in jeopardy.
  • Speculative trading could put the financial system in jeopardy. 
  • The relocation of the production plant put many jobs in jeopardy.

put ... at risk

Sophisticated hacking tactics put personal data at risk.

=> put ... at risk = put ... in danger.


pose a threat to...

Some experts say genetically modified food pose a threat to human health.

* GM foods = genetically modified food


It is my great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker today, Murphy Akiko, an aword-winning consultant specializing in strategic accounting for global companies. She's going to talk about global accounting platforms. This is a topic which we are all interested. Because centralizing the accounting system is vital for a global firm. Although she's currently based in Dublin, she was born and raised in Yokohama. So please join me in welcoming home Murphy Akiko. 



ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(90)9月19日(火
bear[bɛr] => bore[bɔr]
invaluable. 非常に貴重な


get one's money's worth
The trio played three encores. So we got our money's worth. 
encores [ˈɑnˌkɔrz]


How did Emily describe the characteristics of Japanese cuisine?

-Japanese food is seasonal and the tastes are subtle to halp you understand Japanese food culture properly.


When will they start marketing to Europe?

- From the moment you get back to your desk after this meeting.


As I explained, it's a long-term project. Learning about Jpaanese food and wine will prepare you for the next steps. With that in mind, try to understand what Lisa's talking about and get it all in your head

-And develop your sense of taste. Japanese food is seasonal and the tastes are subtle to halp you understand Japanese food culture properly. We actually ordered special catering today. 

-Oh... wow. 

-Not for now. Later... Please take this session as seriously as you can.

-Exactly. We hope our huge investment today will eventually pay off.

-Do you have any questions so far? Kate?

-Yes. When will we start markeding to our European clients?

- A good question. From the moment you get back to your desk after this meeting. Any other questions?

- Good. Lisa. The floor is all yours.


get it in one's head


pay off 実を結ぶ・報われる

the floor is all yours


We hope our huge investment will eventually pay off.

  • There were ups and downs, but the collaboration paid off at the end.
  • Our commitment in this region will evetually pay off.

bear fruit

We can proudly say that tough negotiantions finally bore fruit.


get one's money's worth

The trio played three encores. So we got our money's worth. 
*encores [ˈɑnˌkɔrz]

What does Tokyo do with the questionnaire?


It's a waste of time answering all these detailed questions. 

-It's true that the questions are somewhat detailed. The purpose of the questionnaire is to highlight communication issues and help improve relations between expatriate and national staff. In that sense, your opinions is invaluable. 非常に貴重な


You know, I'm in charge of sales, not market research. I think this task is beyound my job description. At first glance, baybe, but that's this feasibility study could give you the latest information on the country you're convering. So it's included in your job description in a broader sense. I'm sure this will expand your horizons.



----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(89)9月18日(月)

follow [ˈloʊ]

It's time wine followed suit.
follow suit 後に習う・ 先例に従う
It's time ... followed suit.  *followed 
=> まだ行われていないことに対してもう~してもいい頃だ。followed suit


It may be better to simply jump on the bandwagon this time.

-To join, follow, or support someone or something only after they or it is successful or popular.


follow in the footsteps of ...


Why did Emily think that it was time to sell Japanese wine in Europe?

-Because Japanese food is being recognized worldwild and Japanese whiskey is winning prestigious award, she thought it's time wine followed suit.


What should they do in the first phase of the salese strategy?

-To market Japanese wines to our affluent customers in Europe.



Today, we have Lisa from Tokyo here to give us a lecture on Japanese food and drink. 

-We're in an age when Japanese food is being recognized worldwild and Japanese whiskey is winning prestigious award. It's time wine followed suit, isn't it?

-Exactlly. Now, what's our plan going forward? We have a three step strategy. Phase one, market Japanese wines to our affluent customers in Europe. Phase two, sell Japanese wiens to fine Wenstern restaurants in Europe. Phase there, distribute our favorite traditional European wines to upscale Japanese restarurants in Japan.

-Excuse me. Why don't we try to sell Japanese wines to Japanese restarurants in Europe? Japanese wines are perfect for Japanese food, aren't they?

-Yes, they are. But Japanese restaurants here have their own connections. So they probably don't need us.

-I see. That makes senese.



fine 高級な・洗練された => fine wine




It's time wine followed suit.


follow suit 後に習う・ 先例に従う

It's time ... followed suit.  *followed 

=> まだ行われていないことに対してもう~してもいい頃だ。


If we expand our network in Africa, our competitors will probably follow suit.

When major companies decided to raise wages, others followed suit.


follow in the footsteps of ...
Mayuko followed in the footsteps of her mother and became a flight attendant.

*a flight attendant / cabin crew


jump on the bandwagon 

It may be better to simply jump on the bandwagon this time.

-To join, follow, or support someone or something only after they or it is successful or popular.


We are considering a two-step approach to entering the African market. First, we will aim to secure a ceertain market share in Nigeria, Africa's largest economy. We want to raise our profile in the county and then take the next step to epand into other countries, such as South Africa. 


So, here's my suggestion for improving work efficiency in the warehouse. First review movement lanes for a smoother workflow. Second, relocate the stored goods. It's more efficient to bring frequently shipped products near the exit instead of arranging items by product number or category.


---ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(3-6)9月15日(金)

I admire journalists who are curious, are thorough in their pursuit of facts and tell stories in a compelling way.

put out 発信する: broadcast 

put to ? 送る, 行かせる, 載せる

rapport [ræˈpɔr] (一致・調和を特徴とした)関係


How can a student become a journalist?

- They can become a journalist by starting their own blog bugs or putting out their message in different ways.


What does Mss. Kaguchi keep in mind to open up a conversation in an interview?

-She tries to know something abougt that person and to make a very good rapport.


What advice would you give to students or business people who are considering journalism as a potential career path? 
- You know it's.. journalizem has changed so much. I think as .. is.. uh students also can be journalists. You know they can start their own blogs or they can put out their message in different ways. But I think my advice would be not to forget the very foundation of journalism which is to be able, to be curious to be able to check facts, to be able to tell us story. You are not be able to put some information in a attractive but serious way to your audience. So that's skill is very important. 

-What do you think is the best way to devlop your questioning skills? 

-Usually before I go for an interview I do my own research on that person as an individual and then on the topic, what has he written, or what's the latest on that topic? So I have some good background before I go for an interview. The reasaon why you're asking questions to this is to get good information. So I think your question should not just be like a manual style. You should be able to listen to what that person is saying and to be able to make him talk. So I usually try to know something about that person, which makes a very good rapport to open up the conversation. So I ask the questions according to what he or she knows. And then open up the stage. The relashionship to asking more deeper questions and that makes it quite easy to get the information. 


put out 発信する

To broadcast, to release infrormation or other content. 


A base or basis for something for a house. The foundationis the ground or surface that the house is buit on. It has to be strong in order to support the house. Using the same idea. A foundation provides support for something much bigger. 

Manual style. The standard way. Ms Kaguchi say question should not just be manual style or just in style of textbooks or stereotpical questions.  


rapport [ræˈpɔr] (一致・調和を特徴とした)関係


- I admire journalists who are curious, are thorough in their pursuit of facts and tell stories in a compelling way.

-Which journalists have had the greatest impact on your career? 


---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(88)9月14日(木)

pastures new 新しい環境や機会
-A new job or place to live that offers new experiences or opportunities. 


"After working at the same company for 10 years, she decided it was time to explore pastures new and find a job in a different industry."

応じる accomodate 

We are able to accomodate the volume you orderd.

We are able to fulfill the quantities ordered.


It's an honor and pleasure to receive an order from


Subject: Thank you.
Dear all,

Thank you for attending our New Zealand tasting event yesterday. We thank you for your continued support for and patience with WCS. As we experiment with new wines and venture into pastures new to plant the seeds for the coming centry, in thes new uncharted territory New Zealand natural wine is just the start. We'll make full use of our resorces to ought to offer you continued excellence and help you grow your business. We'd like to walk alongside you every step of the way. I've attached an order form for you to consider. If you have any questions, please contact your sales representative.

Many thanks,



Hi Lisa,

It was good to see you the other day. I had the restaurant chefs at our hotel taste the wines you gave me. They were quite well received. I was asked to order some by the Italian restaurant Giovanni's kichen, and top tapas bar, Barcelona. Please have a look at the attached order sheet.
Hope it works.



応じる accomodate 

We are able to accomodate the volume you orderd.

We are able to fulfill the quantities ordered.


Hi Luke,

Thank you for sending your order form. It'a an honor and pleasure to receive an order from Terrence Hotel. We are able to accomodate the volume you ordered. I'd love to hear the feedback from your hotel guests both positive and negatimve. As always, thank you.
See you soon.







ーーーラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(87)9月13日(水)

go(ing) public 株式を公開する、公にする


the load on the lower back


Why does the wine from Golden Blenheim have scarcity value ?
Why is Golden Blenheim wine so rare?

- Because there are just a handful of Maori producers of natural wine.


What was the outcome of the negotiation between WCS and the wineries?

- Both wineries are happy to allocate most of their limited supplies to WCS. 


May I have your attention, please? Thank you. Now that you know the taste of the wines, allow me to tell you more about the owners. Chateau Hamilton is owned by a local couple, Oliver and Sarah Brown. They have an academic background in agriculture and experience working for an organic farm in Italy. We could sense their environmental awareness in every aspect of their living. As for Golden Blenheim, the owner is Nicole Kauti, an indigenous Maori. I actually met Niclole whien I was working in a winery during my stay in New Zealand almost a decade ago. Considering that there are just a handful of Maori producers of natural wine, they're wines have scarcity value. After a series of negotiations, both wineries are happy to allocate most of their limited supplies to us. Don't you think it's worth adding these wines to your portfolio? Thank you.



a handful of


a series of 

worth .. ing


worth ... ing

Don't you think it's worth adding these wines to your portfolio?

worth watching

worth going

worth cheking

It's woth introducing a global HR platform to optimize our human resorces.

I think it's worth visiting the distribution center.


worthwhile to ... = it's worth in ...

I think it's worthwhile to explore the possibility of going public.
= It's worth exploring  the possibility of going public.


There's value in ...

Do you think there's value in entering the space travel business?



How did you feel when you actually tried the game? Soem of you may have thought it was just for children. But it's surprisingly fun, isn't it? Most of our prototype testers said that the whole family enjoyed it. Why not take this chance to create a fun time with your family?


How do you feel when you actually wear the assistive suit and lift a 10 kilogram cardboard box? The suit itself is lighweight and thin. So you've probably noticed that the load on the lower back is light. Why not consider buying suits for your workers' safety?


--ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(86)9月12日(火)
New Zealand [nu] [ˈzilənd]
capacity [kəˈsəti]

against [əˈɡɛnst][əˈɡeɪnst]


  • Against this background, we believe now is the right time to acquire the company. * against ~を背景に
  • So let's get to it!
  • I can sense


Where wines are made in New Zealand?

- Winemaking stretches all over New Zealand 


What are the two New Zealand wineries interested in?

-Both wineries have a strong interest in expanding their sales channels throgh WCS.


Thank you, Ron. Hellow everyone. I'm Lisa. Firstly, I presume the main concern for all of you joining us today is how the wine tastes. But I think you're also wondering why we chose New Zealand and not Europe. Winemaking stretches all over New Zealand so we deliver a variety of tastes from differnet climates and soils. Also some wineries offer a variety of flavors since the taste of natural wine can vary grately year to year. Against this background, we've shortlisted two wineries in New Zealand. Today we have wines from different harvest years from wineries in Hamilton and Bleheim. Both wineries have a strong interest in expanding their sales channels throgh us. I can sense you're all excited to taste the wine. So let's get to it! Enjoy the tasting.





against this background 

shortlist verb


against = を背景に

against this background => against this backdrop

  • Against this background, we've shortlisted two wineries in New Zealand.
  • Against this backdrop, I think it's premature to increase the production capacity.
  • Against this background, we believe now is the right time to acquire the company.
in light of ...
In light of the component shortage, we postponed the product launch until later this year. 


in this context このような事情で

In this context we decided to go ahead with plan B.


Why has our company, which has made VR for games, embarked on the devlopment of healt and fithness equipment. We make pruducts that enrich people's live in a fun way. It was this company philosophy that led us to take up a challenge in a new field.


How can we survive in the hyper competitive food delivery industry? After a series of discussions, we've come to the conclusion that reducing delivery times during peak hours is crucial. With this new system, we can reduce peak delivery times by as much as 20%.




It is my great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker today, Murphy Akiko, an aword-winning consultant specializing in strategic accounting for global companies. She's going to talk about global accounting platforms. This is a topic which we are all interested. Because centralizing the accounting system is vital for a global firm. Although she's currently based in Dublin, she was born and raised in Yokohama. So please join me in welcoming home Murphy Akiko. 


win the hearts and minds of => win one's heart

The president is struggling to win the hearts and minds of the public.

strike a chord < *chord (楽器の)弦

The managers sincere message struck a chord with her team.


win (one's) heart
To gain the love, affection, or admiration of someone.

strike a chord - create an emotional response
