ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(220) 3月1日(金) | amnn1のブログ




It's Friday. You know what that means?

That's right. It's time for the review!


Which of the following is true?

Jessica and Professor Peacock met lats week.

Professor Peacock has been to the Great pyramid before.

Jessica needs to go to the head office.



How did you like ... in my lecture.

I just can't get my head around the size of it.





What did Derek not want Doris to tell Bill?

That he had coffee with Doris.

That he wants to bo back to the band.

That he called Bill.


bumped into

that was uncalled for. You shouldn't have said that to him.



What does Kelly think about Bill?

His music is wonderful.

His band is oldfashioned.

He always looks hungry.


It's my presure to...

have wanted to...

I appreciate you saying that




What will the two people do?

They'll reserve seats for the movie.

They'll go to a movie theater.

Thet'll read peacock's book.


pretty thrilled

so excited about

archeology professor




Why do you love your boyfriend so much?

-Oh I have many reasons. For one thing, I admire the way he works. He's not ncecessarily successful but he always gives a hundred percent to his work. For another, he always makes me feel heard. I was so lucky to find him.


You look so happy. 

-As you know, I'm a big fan of red from Hiroto 48. I finally got a ticket to their concert tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait.


Hey, sensei.  So, who in your life makes you feel heard?

Who really listens to you and accepts you for who you are.
-And understands you.

Probably, my medaka. 









I’m stoked for the concert tomorrow. 

I’m so stoked to go to the concert.


There’s never a dull moment


screen door


I'd be your friend if you need.


I’m so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.


Gary, did you get our tickets already?

Yes, of course. I reserved them online. I got good seats for us.

Thanks. I'm so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.

I'm pretty thrilled too, actually.

I mean the script wat written by Brendan Peacock.

The archeology professor?

I know he's written a lot of books. But a script? Wow!

I wonder if there really was a civilization called Atlantis.

Who knows? Maybe there was.

Anyway, it's going to be a lot of fun.

I can't wait. 



---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • The script was written by Brendan Peacock.
  • I wonder if there really was a civilization called Atlantis.


---Typical Expressions

I’m so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.


* excite 興奮させる => excited 興奮させる


Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. Now the best way to practice sentences that talk about being excited are to be excited. So, let’s practice.

All right. Let’s jump right in.


The movie was so exciting


Let’s continue.

That’s thrilling

I’m thrilled.


Okay. Let’s continue.

It’s going to be a lot of fun. 

I can’t wait. 

Can’t wait. 

I’m looking forward to the concert. 

I’m looking forward to meeting you.


And our last few.

There’s never a dull moment

I can’t contain my excitement. 

I’m stoked for the concert tomorrow. 

燃料を補給された >エネルギッシュな興奮


Well, I hope this was an exciting practice session. It was for us.

It was so exciting.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I’m excited about our trip to Hawaii. I still can’t believe we get to go!
  • I’m so stoked to go to the concert. HIROTO 48’s live shows are absolutely incredible.



Amigo -So, something is wrong with your screen door?



I love Hiroshi so much. He always makes me feel heard.

I appreciate you saying that.



Stay foolish. Stay hungry.

Hey, everyone. 

I can do something about being hungry. But foolish… I can’t change.


I really admire your music.


Today, we have a very special guest.

It's my pleasure to welcome Bill Bungalow of the Desperate Rats!

Thank you for inviting me Kelly.

I've wanted to meet you for a long time. I really admire your music.

Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.

Bill, the band started back in the 80s. How have you kept it going for so long?

Well, someone once said stay hungry, stay foolish. That's the secret, I think.

That's a great motto.


I appreciate you saying that.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I appreciate you saying that.
    appreciate 評価する + もの(やってくれたこと・言ってくれたこと)
  • Stay hungry.

---Typical Expressions

I really admire your music.



Okay, let’s jump into today’s practice. Our phrases today talk about appreciation and looking up to people. So, let’s master them together.

Let’s go. -All right, here’s our first.


I appreciate the beauty of Japan. 

I appreciate the importance of English education.


Continuing on.

I value your time. 

I value your input

I value your opinion.


These sentences are good to know because it's important to let people know how much they mean to you.


Here’s our next.

Helen looks up to her mother. 尊敬

Helen worships her mother. 

Helen idolizes her mother.


And a few more.

I want to be more like Hiroshi. 

He is my role model

She makes me feel heard. 

She makes me feel understood.


Great work, everyone.

We value the time you put into these practice sessions. Excellent job!


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I really admire this painting. It captures the essence of life during that time period.
  • I love Hiroshi so much. He always makes me feel heard.


I’m hungry. -You just ate… -Oh! You never make me feel heard!




 I was in a marching band once.

That was uncalled for.

uncalled for

Inappropriate, unfair, or undeserved.

downright offensive

- frank or straightforward; blunt: Forthright; candid.

-Thoroughgoing; unequivocal 明白な, 率直な


most certainly

-“without a doubt” “absolutely” “there is no question”


Take that back. I most certainly do not favor your sister over you. I love you both equally.


Derek, I forgot to tell you. I bumped into Bill and we had coffee together.

Oh, really? How was he doing?

Fine. We talked a bit about your wanting to return to the band.

What? You told him that?

Yes. It's the truth, isn't it?

Doris, that was uncalled for. You shouldn't have said that to him.

Sorry, but I was just being honest.

What did Bill say about that idea?


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I bumped into Bill.
  • I was just being honest.  

---Typical Expressions

That was uncalled for.

Okay. It’s time to practice. You may not use these phrases often inBut they are a frag. But they are a frag.But they are a frag. If you hear someone use these, you know, they’re upset.
Okay. Let’s jump in.

There’s no need for that. 

There’s no need for that kind of language.
That type of language is inappropriate.
You can’t say things like that.
Take that back.

Continuing on.
Watch your mouth. 

Watch your language.

Let’s keep going.
That’s a bit rude. 

How rude. 

How rude of you. 

That’s downright offensive

And our last two.
You will speak to me with the proper respect.
Be respectful.

You did great. Fantastic work, everyone.

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • That was uncalled for. You had no right to bring up his past like that.
  • Take that back. I most certainly do not favor your sister over you. I love you both equally.
  • That’s a bit rude. You can criticize his management style without saying he’s a bad person.

That was uncalled for.
I’m sorry. What did I do?
That was uncalled for.
Oh, oh. - Practicing!
You can’t say things like that.
Sensei. We’re working in the studio. You practicing is uncalled for.




get (one's) head around (something)
To understand something that is challenging or confusing.
-> If you get your head around a fact or an idea, you succeed in understanding it or accepting it.

That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.

hieroglyphics 象形文字 [ˌhaɪroʊˈɡlɪfɪks]



I just can't get my head around the size of it.


That opeing was amazing. There's a lot to do today. So let's get started.


Professor peacock, that was a fascinating lecture.

Oh, hi Jessica. Thank you.

I haven't seen you recently.

Yes, it has been a while. You've been busy. I know. 

Not really. How did you like the videos in my lecture?

The one of the Great Pyramid was amazing.

Thank you. I never tired of visiting it.

I just can't get my head around the size of it.

Yes. That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.

It really is....


tired of ... 飽きる


---Grammar and vocabulary

  • it has been a while. You've been busy.
  • That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.

---Typical expressions

I just can't get my head around the size of it.
*can't get / run my head around


Okay, it's time for today's practice. The emotion being captured by today's phrases is.. wow... almost a speechless kind of feeling. So capture that emotion when we practice today. Great expranation, David. Let's get started.

  • It's overwhelming.
  • I'm overwelmed.
  • It's mind-boggling.
    Great work! Don't get overwelmed.
  • It's too much for me to take in.
  • I'm having a hard time taking it all in.
  • This is more than I can handle.
  • This is beyound me.

Well guys. I hope it wasn't too much for you to take in because you did great.

Just remember if you're feeling overwhelmed, go slow, go one at a time and you'll master it in no time.


---Typical Expressions in Actions

  • I can't get my head around how many people live in Tokyo. My hometown only has 1200 people.
  • I though I was good at math, but this.This is beyound me. It looks like hieroglyphics.

hieroglyphics 象形文字 [ˌhaɪroʊˈɡlɪfɪks]
Hey guys. What subject were you best at when you were in high school?
I was good at science.
Well, I was good at languages and expecially Japanese language.



indecisive 優柔不断な

It was always me that decided where to go and what to eat.

bad joke

I always get so nervous in front of a microphone that bad jokes are all that come out of my mouth


Welcome back. It’s time to review. It’s review time, yeah!


Which of the following is true?

A The woman has a Viennese accent.

B The man wants to go to the theater.

C The two people work for the same school.


What made dad angry?

A People who post fake news online.

B An alien walking around in Tokyo.

C People who don’t like social media.


keep seeing this stuff


anger(s me when...

can't tell lies from the truth



staff <> stuff


What is the problem?

A Derek wants to go back to his hometown.

B Bill’s apartment has only one room.

C The band can’t have two bassists.


feel nervous about that

rattled (be rattled) ガタガタ鳴る


why can't you ...?

there's only room for one bassist in ...


What does Hiroki need to do?

A Find a shortcut to his company.

B Brighten up his room.

Pay for his new condo every month.


my pay's getting cut by 10 percent.

frustrating to deal with

be fed up with 


I have monthly payment to make on my condo.

Things may seem tough now, but ..

have faith


---Say it in English

Why did you break up?

- Well, he was a good guy, but indicisive. It was always me that decided where to go and what to eat. That was so frustrating. I'm glad we broke up.



bad joke

Hey, you look down.

-As you know, I always get so nervous in front of a microphone that bad jokes are all that come out of my mouth. I'm so stressed out with this job.



Hey, Rosa. What do you think of an indecisive guy?

Well, I think we would have a lot of trouble figuring out what to eat because I’m really bad at deciding things too sometimes.

How about you?

Ah, I mean, I’m no sure, I mean I could, I mean sometimes they’re okay, sometimes they’re not...

David is an indecisive guy, apparently. -Oh, yeah.




*make on 

make (an amount of money) on (something)
To earn some varying, typically vague amount of money on some thing or transaction.


make money on something
to make a certain amount of profit on something


My pay is getting cut by ten percent!




Im with you on that one, sensei.
Can you believe it? My pay is getting cut by 10 percent.

These things do happen in companies.

Yes, but it's so frustrating to deal with. I'm fed up with my company.

Listen Hiroki. I see a brighter future for you.

Brighter? I have monthly payments to make on my new condo.

Things may seem tough now, but everything will work out later.

How do you know?

I just know. Have faith.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • My pay is getting cut by ten percent! 未来の予定
  • Things may seem tough now, but everything will work out later.

---Typical Expressions
It’s so frustrating to deal with.

All right, everyone. It’s time for the practice. Frustration is something that we all experience. So let’s master these phrases and put them in your pocket.
Let’s get started.

It’s frustrating to talk to him. 

It’s frustrating talking to him.

The frustration is endless.

Continuing on.
I’m so frustrated

One more time. 

I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall.

Let’s keep going.
This job is stressing me out. 

I’m stressed out

He’s under so much stress.

And one more.
I’m fed up with my company.

Excellent job. Good work.

---Typical Expressions in Action

  • It’s frustrating trying to change his mind. I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall.
  • I’m stressed out at work. The tasks are piling up, and they just keep coming.
  • I’m fed up with the office politics. I’m thinking of changing jobs.

Hey, guys. I was so frustrated but not anymore.Nice choice.




rattled (be rattled) ガタガタ鳴る
=> thrown into a state of agitated confusion



[ˈæntsi] - Restless 落ち着かない,or impatient いらいらした, せっかちな, fidgety そわそわする, 落ち着きのない


 Not even close.


So, Doris, how is Derek doing? He keeps talking about reteruning to the band.

I feel a bit nervous about that. It was his decision to quit, right?

I know, but now he feels like he made a mistake.

Now we have a new bass player and he's great. He'd be rattled if Derek came back. 

Why can't you have two bass players?

No way! There's only room for one bassist in the desparate rats.

Anyway you should talk to him about it.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • He’d be rattled if Derek came back.
  • There’s only room for one bassist in the Desperate Rats.


---Typical Expressions

I feel a bit nervous about that.



Okay, everyone. Are you ready to practice?

I’m a bit nervous.

Well actually I was just going to tell our listeners that they should loosen up a bit before they start practicing. Okay? Let’s begin. Here we go.


I get nervous before interviews.

He was very nervous about the exam.

What’s making you so nervous?


Continuing on.

He was a bit tense

He was a bit rattled

He was a bit antsyそわそわして, いらいらして

He was a bit shaky.

Shake it off

All right. Let’s keep going.

You look nervous. Loosen up a bit!


You did a wonderful job!

Great work!


Typical Expressions in Action

  • I feel nervous about my evaluation next week. I haven’t been at my best this quarter.
  • I got nervous when she started asking about my work history. I didn’t want to explain that I got fired from my last job.
  • You look nervous. Take a few slow, deep breaths.


Hey, so, David. When do you get nervous?

Me? I never get nervous. I never get worried.

These hands never shake.

Really? By the way, we need to talk.

Oh! Ah, ah. -You’re shaking, David. -Ah, I am fine.