CNN10, 2024 Feb27 | amnn1のブログ






get our energy up

make this a terrific Tueseday

triumph with the nearly 60 percent of the vote

he has now swept every 2024 for GOP noination contest so far

after this series og decisive wins

as it is right now

four resounding primay wins

on the horizon 起こりかけて, 切迫して


pivot 要点, かなめ, 中心人物

his pivot

his messaging 

be aware of the candidate that they have 


I'm going to put forward a very important caveat which was talking 


caveat 手続き差し止め通告, 警告, 注意

- A warning or caution




he is a very polarizing figure


come up with a game plan to take on 


serving as the impetus to this ongoing war


call on .. to help them further


has been resistant to sending further aid


more thoroughly


what life looks like in 

as this war drags on 




tome 大きな本


looted and destroyed libraries


ever present 


-existing or occurring at all times; always there.


spring up all over


in a state of absolute despair




who fallen defending this country


just shy of his 30th birthday

shy of (something)
Slightly less than some amount.


his sacrifice is worth a lot


leave it up to volunteers

need to be a call up to mobilize

they are heavily outmanned


tangled up in Washingtion's political gridlock 



sea squirt



first caught the attention of a researcher in 

blood vessel(s

run horizontally









the odys is lunar lander nicknamed ...

it was a bit of a nailbiter though

intuitive machines




abort its landing attempt 

make a giant leaps to the Moon as well

resources exploration and politics

be home to ... many resources like 

rare Earth minerals and elements like the isotope helium 3

that could prove useful to mine 

theoretically viatl towards nuclear fusion

a possible game-changing clean energy source


water in ice form maybe available in large quantities

mining could provide water and oxygen

further exploration

it needs some updating 

it outlines that

the moon should be the provice of all mankind and should be 

should be used exclusively for peaceful purpose(s

it lacks any means of enforcement which could prove diplomatically dangerouns if it's exploited 

now in recent years,

there are more than 30 signatory Nations

but notably China and Russia have not participated


be put into use in 1950


... members spanning major cities acreoss the U.S.


it's not necessarily a bad thing citing...

pay down their debts


stash some money away in their savings accounts


having conversations about ... can be tough like if ...


is headed out to get a bite to eat

don't have the dough to go 


Slang Money.


be on a budget 

with a restricted amount of money.


take the shame out of being frugal, saving money


loud budgeting


in an online world where opulence is King 


quiet luxury

quiet luxury is new-age minimalism, with a larger focus on investment pieces and thoughtful shopping habits.


new terminology for people to use when they don't want to spend money

a term


this is like a concept that's been around


gen Z and milennials

feel the burden of inflation, expensive housing and student loan payments


on a budget


be resonationg with...


hungriest for information


social media fication of society


give myself that leg up


leg up
 An advantage in a situation or over another person.




persevering the challenges of growing up as a black girl in that era


ended segregated child care facilities and race-based Assignments of probation officers


become an outspoken critic of racism and 

be portrayed in the media 






paramilitary group 軍補助的な, 準軍事的な


disputed those claims


the agony of 激しい苦痛


has raged


lead to catastrophic cases of malnutrition


be out of everything even wheat.

now we just get insignificant amounts of food to make it through the day

apart form ...

displacement crisis

be abandoned 


lethal combination of displacement and hunger and disease outbreaks


arguably the biggest humanitarian crisis today


everything is in short spply 


the ceasefire appears unlikely


some people are not on board with this proposal


tackle climate change


carbon pollution


there's a lot standing in their way

using certain types of fertilizers

don't phase out combustion engine cars quite as quickly as the Europian Union does


get rid of combustion engine cars

that's too soon


another sticking point is defense

be notorious for 


get legistlation finalized

this is going to be up to a year of talks to...


designated nine areas of its country as national parks


frigid lake


survival training on what to do if they ever fall through the ice from one of the many lakes in the country as you see students with big backpacks strapped on learn how to use ice spikes to help pull themselves out of the icy waters





graciously offer some tips


negate it








I settle for the fact that I have hair 


seize numerous items

conterfeit merchandice

illegal food as well as precursors


roll out 




secure checkpoints

fentanyl was seized in the mail

deadly drug feny

conceal fentanyl in order to evade detection

get a grade 


one looming question

well funded drug cartels known to adopt advanced technology of their own 

cuttingedge advantage to ...

stay ahead of the threat


waterway alos need focus too


get a rare inside look at how...


starboard beam 右舷(の)



become increasingly deadly


reckless with their lives


incidents .. along the ...coast is up threefold 


undr fog 

don't always meke it


there really are no egos amongst the different organizations


on the same frequency

at the same frequency


nautical miles


towards the shoreline


exponential increase in ...




the callous nature of their operations and how they 




fill in

I'm otherwise qualified to be here

let's get to it




give Israel some wiggle room


wiggle room
Flexibility, as of options or interpretation


US vetoed that plan arguing ...

as soon as practicable

remaining hostages


ground incursion into ...


make a fiery re-enty 

be expected to ...









spatula in space

novel => seems quaint now




it it the time we pay attention to the issue



interisting metric is that ...


three times as much into space as we 


they're a long way from flying garbage trucks



funded by

snared with anet 

remnant(s 残物, くず


deorbit it 

a meteoroid -流星体, 隕星体
A solid body, moving in space, that is smaller than an asteroid and at least as large as a speck of dust.


meteorite(s 隕石


alter earth's climate

biodegradable satellite




stingray tank アカエイ

sourly hook you


let them caress 愛撫 her 

ray tinder

pareno genesis


parthenogenesis 単性 生殖


female's egg becomes an embryo without fertilization


far less likely theory


shark stingray hookup would be anatomically impossilbe


may not yet know


immaculate 欠点のない, 完全な conception is


compunction 良心のかしゃく, 悔恨

-distress of mind over an anticipated action or result






sub in
To act as a substitute


get those final yawns out  


fell unconsicious

his cause of death

there's been an outpouring of grief across the world

the act of mourning <> morning




unsanctioned gathering(s


attend rallies and vigils and thia marks 


give you more of a sense of ...who ...


crooks and thieves


1: a curved or hooked thing

2:  informal a dishonest person, esp a swindler or thief


was convicted on embezzlement charges


guilty of misappropriating about 


To appropriate dishonestly for one's own use; embezzle.

trailblazing black American who ...


perfomr aerial stunts and parrchute jumps


gender stereotypes


be found guilty


just from text prompt(s 



realistic vieo(s
