ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(209) 2月15日(木) | amnn1のブログ




 I’m glad you are able to work out the kinks.


Why bother?


Shiho! I'm back. I got the origami paper. Is this the right kind?

That's perfect, Doug. Thank you.

This paper is kind of expensive. Are you sure you need 100 sheets?

Yes, I want to make at least 100 origami cranes for Eco tour guests.

Why bother? It's not worth the effort.

It's not that hard, Doug. People will love it.

Well, I wish I could help you, Shiho, but I'm no good at that kind of stuff.

That's okay. I enjoy it.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Are you sure you need 100 sheets?
  • I wish I could help you.

---Typical Expressions

Why bother?


--- PRACTICE        

Okay, everyone. It’s time for today’s practice . Now, normally I don’t encourage people to talk this way. But it’s important to understand how and then learn when it’s okay to use them. -Let’s go. -Here’s our first one.


Why bother dressing up? 

Why bother to dress up?


Let’s try another one.

I can’t be bothered to clean my room.


Let’s continue.

It’s too much work. 

It’s too much trouble. 

I don’t see the value in it.


It's not worth the effort.

It's not worth it.
It's not worth watching.
I don't see the value in it.


Good work so far. Keep it up.

Why even worry about that? 

What’s in it for me?

Great. Let’s do the last few.


Great work, everyone.-Excellent!


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • Why bother making a reservation? That restaurant is never full.
  • It’s too much trouble. Why wrap a present when I can just put it in a gift bag?
  • It’s not worth watching. The acting is really bad, and the CG is poorly done.


Hey, guys. Radio-eikaiwa is worth listening to, right?

Oh, yeah! The cost performance can’t be beat.

Yeah. The jokes are really bad, but you’ll learn a lot.




It’s the opposite for me. My reactions are in Japanese.


Things are still up in the air, though.



Hi Cynthia, it'd Derek. Sorry to call you so out of the blue.

No problem, Derek. How have you been?

Fine, but I've been bored. I was thinking about returning to the band.

Um.. I have to tell you something. I'm no longer the manager for the Desperate Rats. 

What happended?

I quit. I've decided to become a teacher.
Wow, I had no idea.

That's what Bill said too.Things are still up in the air, though.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I’ve decided to become a teacher.
  • That’s what Bill said.


---Typical Expressions

Things are still up in the air, though. 

Up in the air = はっきりしない・未決定で => 様子見したい


Okay, everyone. It’s time to practice. These phrases are not very long. So try to memorize them in chunks, okay?

All right. Here’s our first.


Things are still in motion. 


Let’s go one more time. Things are still in motion.

Continuing on.


Let’s wait for the dust to settle. 

Try again after things calm down a bit. 

Give it time for things to settle down.


Great work so far. And here’s one more.

Let’s wait a bit. 

Let’s go again. 


Is it already the end of practice? -Hmm. Give it time.

You guys were excellent. -Fantastic work.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I may need to move next year, but things are still up in the air.
  • I’m sorry Holly snaped at you. She’s under a lot of stress. Please talk to her after things calm down a bit.
  • Let’s wait a bit. The problem might go away naturally


Hey, guys. I tend to think problems might go away naturally. I think that’s my weakness.

You know, I’m always waiting. But you never go away, sensei.

I am your problem, right?

Oh! That was good.




Get a grip.
Get a hold of yourself. 


Let’s chill.


It’s a huge weight off my shoulders. 


So Deepak, you ware worried about your taxes. Did you go to the city office?

Yes, I did. I found out I don't have to pay much.

That's good news.

Yes, it's a huge weight off my sholders. I though I would have to pay more.

You should hire an accountant.

I've been thinking about that for a while. Do you know anybody good?

I can ask around.

You're always so helpful, Barbara.

Well, I do what I can.


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I found out I don’t have to pay much.
    have to => need to => don't have to する必要がない
  • I’ve been thinking about that for a while.

---Typical Expressions

It’s a huge weight off my shoulders.



Okay, everyone. Ready to Practice? Today’s sentences are pretty short.

So, be sure to memorize them as much as you can.

All right. Here we go.


That’s a load off my mind. 肩の荷が下りました 

I feel so much lighter now.


Let’s continue.

What a relief! 

I can finally relax.


All right. Let’s keep going.

Calm down. 

Settle down. 

Chill out. 


Easy, easy.


All right. And let’s do our last couple.

Get a grip.
Get a hold of yourself. 


Fantastic work everyone! How'd you do?

What a relief. I was worried but as usual, you guys were excellent.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • You’ll talk to Andy for me? That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. Thank you so much.
  • The meeting was cancelled? What a relief! I wasn’t ready for it at all.
  • Chill out, Kyle. It’s just a video game. There’s no need to get angry.


Hey, guys. That’s all for today. Let’s chill.

Yeah, man. Let it chill.

Ahhh. I think I’m cold enough already.




David, what’s your sign? -I’m a Leo.


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today! Okay!


I’m ashamed of myself for falling for that trick.


Casper, what do you think of this bad? Give me your honest opinion of it.

Honestly, it looks kind of dheap.

Exactly. But look at the picture of it on their website.

That picture makes it look expensive.

I bought it online froom these guys.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

I agree. I'm ashamed of myself for falling for that trick.

What don't you ask for a refund?

They are very sneaky. It says they don't do refunds. All sales are final.



---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Give me your honest opinion of it.
    Read me a story
    Write me a letter
  • It says they don’t do refunds.

---Typical Expressions

I’m ashamed of myself for falling for that trick.


All right. It’s time for today’s practice. So, let’s talk about shame and embarrassment. It’s a feeling we all have every once in a while. Let’s practice these phrases and master them together. Here we go.


I’m ashamed of my mistake. 

I’m ashamed of what I did. 

I’m ashamed to be seen here.


Continuing on. 

Shame on you! 

Have you no shame? 

You have no sense of shame!


All right. Here’s our last few.

I’m embarrassed. 

That’s embarrassing. 

It embarrasses me to admit I was wrong.


Fantastic work! Great job!


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • I’m ashamed of how I behaved last night. I said things I now regret.
  • Shame of you! Those cookies were for your little brother. How could you eat them?
  • I had something in between my teeth this whole time? I’m so embarrassed!


Shane, come back!





What surprised Masami at first?

Zeytox's way of walking.

Zeytox's voice.

Zeytox's appearance.


be bored

a mascot of some kind

kind of looks like one

could hardly believe


play against ... online


Why is the woman surprised?

Because Mr. Smith is in a good mood.

Becouse Mr. Smith entered a song in a contest.

Because Mr. Smith got a tichet to Vienna.


Aren't you in a good mode today?

have got to be kidding me. No way.

no excuse not to go

all that's left is to ....



Which of the following is true?

A team of new players is at number three.

Ivan doesn't think the world chmpion will lose.

Abby is a vegan.


They're going to reach rumber one soon.

That can't be right.

whoever they are 


What is the downside of life on an island for the two people?

There are no huge shopping center.

There are big insects.

They always have to race against time.



the insects on this island can get very large

they are venomous

my heart is still racing

there are a lot of pluses

We take the good with the bad.



What's happning?
-I'm okay now. I'm so afraid of spiders, you know. I thought I found a huge spider in the bathroom. But it turned out to be your sock.


Listen to this. I went shopping in Shibuya yesterday. And I saw Ken walking down the street.

- Are you saying you saw your boyfriend, the one who died 10 years ago? That can't be. Don't tell me you followed him. You're scaring me.


Hey guys. Have you ever had a scary spider experience?
Oh, actually, recently I had one. So I looked in my genkan and I saw huge huntsman spider.アシダカグモ科  I was terrified becasue it was so big. Bigger than my hand. I thought why is this spider here in Tokyo in this city. And then I realized it must have come in the box that I had shipped from the coutry side.

-Well, I had a dream that I was a spider once. But it wasn't bad. I looked in the mirror, I said so I'm a spider so what?




 There’s lots to do today. So, let’s get started.


Dug, what's wrong?

Oh, I just saw a huge centipede on the floor. It scared me.

Yes, the insects here on this island can get very large.

I've never seen a centipede that big in my life.

You have to be careful, Dug. Sometimes they're venomous.有毒の

My heart is still racing. Bugs creep me out.

That's the downside of life on an island, but there are a lot of pluses too.

I know. We take the good with the bad.


venomous (毒で攻撃する)<> poisonous


centi 100

pede 足


---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • I just saw a huge centipede on the floor.  
  • The insects here on this island can get very large.

---Typical Expressions

It scared me.


Okay, everyone. For today’s practice session, I want you guys to really act scary while you’re practicing these lines, okay? -All right. Let’s get to it.


I’m scared

That’s scary. 


Let’s continue.


frighten => 一過性の驚き?

The story frightened me. 

I’m frightened

That’s frightening.


Let’s keep going.

I’m afraid of spiders. 

I’m terrified of spiders. 

I’m scared of spiders. 

I’m afraid of failing


I’m terrified of failing. I’m scared of failing.

Excellent work so far. Let’s do a few more.


I was paralyzed with fear. 

I was frozen with fear. 

Bugs creep me out.       


Great job, everyone. Excellent!


ーーーTypical Expressions in Action

  • Eek! You scared me! Don’t sneak up on me like that!
  • I was frightened by the sound of the rice cooker. I forgot it was turned on.
  • I’m afraid of swimming in the sea. Anything could be in the water, you know?


Hey, guys. What are you most afraid of?

Clowns, clowns. Nothing is scarier than clowns. I’m terrified of clowns.

Well, now I know what I’ll be for Halloween next year.

What about you, sensei?



ラジオ英会話~ハートでつかめ!英語の極意~(203) 2月7日(水)

Rosa, what’s your sign?

I’m a Libraてんびん座

Let’s have fun today! Okay!



Ivan, can you come here for a second?

Sure. Abby. What's up?

Look at this. There's some new player who is beating everyone in the world.

Wow, they're good. They're at number three right now.

And they're going to reach number one soon.

That can't be right. Nobody can beat the world champion. Who is this guy?
The avatar name is Vegan one. He could be a she too. 
Oh, that's an interesting name. Whoeverh they are I guess they don't eat meat.

Yeah, maybe.



---Grammar and Vocabulary

  • There’s some new player who is beating everyone in the world.
  • He could be a she too. 


---Typical Expressions

That can’t be right.


Okay! For today’s practice, I have a special challenge for you. I want you to practice either in front of a mirror or record yourself speaking. The reason for this is simple. Your facial expression will convey if you’re surprised or angry and we want you to just be surprised.

And we want

Let’s jump in.


That can’t be possible. 

That can’t be.


Continuing on.

There’s no way that’s true. 

There’s no way that’s possible. 

There’s no way that happened.


All right. Let’s try two quick questions.

How can that be?  

> How can that be true? How can that be possible?


How on earth did you do that?

And our last one.

This meat is actually tofu. I’m sorry, what?


All right, good job. Excellent work, guys.


---Typical Expressions in Action

  • That can’t be right. We had record sales last quarter. How are we losing money?
  • There’s no way you made this cake all by yourself. Who helped you?
  • You saw a dodo bird? How can that be? They’re supposed to be extinct.


Hey, guys. I’ve seen an illustration of a dodo bird. Got a cute, isn’t it?

You know the dodo bird and I have a lot in common.

Oh, like what?